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Learning Phase, Chapter 4

  • Posted on February 25, 2021 at 3:02 pm

By Nuit du Loup

By the time they got back to the house, the girls had discovered a number of very interesting things. Notable among them was that there was a den of foxes nearby that came and stole Karin’s strawberries that she’d picked at the garden when she set them down for a moment and that Isana’s wondrous marvels did not include a portable toilet. The latter was discovered by all three girls at one point or another when they refused to go back early for a break.  Having done it many times before, Isana had no qualms about peeing in the woods, but the girls were city folk and found it quite embarrassing when they had to duck behind a tree for a moment. They also returned very hungry.

Dinner was a raucous meal of laughing girls and good food.  Isana wasn’t all that bad a cook, and she was more than a little proud when the girls deemed dinner-worthy.  They spent an entire hour reminiscing about things, and even quiet Sora had plenty to say. While the girls may not have been very close when they arrived, it was clear even now that they enjoyed each other’s company. It made Isana glad that she’d accepted them into her home.

When Isana left them to their happy conversations in order to wash up the dinner dishes, she was a little surprised when Ayaka came up to her side shortly after and started to dry things for her. When she raised an interrogative eyebrow, Ayaka smiled warmly.

“Sora and Karin washed and dried at breakfast, so it’s not right for me to skip out,” Ayaka explained smoothly. “Besides, Sora got Karin to tell her about the foxes again. That girl thinks they’re the cutest things on earth now.”

While Ayaka was waiting for another dish to dry, Isana noticed how she kept rubbing at her thighs. “A little sore?” she asked in concern.

“Yeah, I haven’t ever walked that much before at one time,” Ayaka smiled ruefully. “If anything else, living here is going to have me in much better shape. I just wish the process of getting there wasn’t so uncomfortable. My leg is so stiff that I know it’s going to hurt even more tomorrow.”

“Which is why we’ll take care of it tonight, with my secret room,” Isana replied teasingly, handing over another dish.

“You keep hinting about this great place of yours,” Ayaka said, willingly rising to the bait. “Is this also where you’re going to explain things to the other girls?”

“Yes, it’s an appropriate place for many things,” Isana replied cryptically.

“A place that lies beyond that mysterious door on the north side of the house?” Ayaka countered, enjoying the game.

“I see my subtlety was wasted on you,” Isana grinned, washing the last plate. “In the future, I’ll have to remember that quick mind of yours.”

“At least now you know about it,” Ayaka agreed loftily. She dried the dish and placed it neatly in the stack with the rest and put the lot of them back into their cupboards. “So when are you going to reveal this wonderful secret to us?”

Isana glanced toward the windows and saw that it was nicely dark outside. This deep into the forest, the sunset fairly early from the thick foliage. “We can go any time now,” she replied. “Assuming you can convince the other two to suspend their conversation.”

Ayaka gave a snort of amusement and shook her head. “Honestly, I really wish they had given us some warning that you had an odd sense of humor. Karin thinks I’ve already wormed it all out of you and she’s tried several times to get me to talk, and Sora somehow seemed to be conveniently close by to overhear each time. I don’t think it will take much convincing.”

Ayaka returned to the table and as promised, Sora and Karin were both more than eager to postpone Sora’s interrogation about the foxes for another time. She earned a darkly humorous smile from Ayaka when she dithered a bit and took her time walking back through the house to the door into her special room. She really liked Ayaka’s sense of humor and it seemed the girl was willing to put up with hers.

A tap on the wood and a tiny jolt of magic undid the lock she’d set, just in case one of the girls had gotten curious enough to try and sneak a peek. This earned her another amused snort from Ayaka, but she blithely ignored it. When she opened the door she led them into a very small chamber with another door at the end and blue tiled walls. One wall held several fluffy bathrobes on hooks, including a smaller girl-sized one Emi wore when she visited. The other side had a wicker rack with several white towels on top that were even fluffier than the robes, and several empty shelves below them. They all stood elevated slightly from the tile floor on wooden slats. Isana gently closed the door behind them.

“What are these for?” Sora asked, feeling the softness of a towel.

“You’ll see in just a second,” Isana said, then led them through the second door.

The large, spacious room they entered glowed hauntingly with the silver of moonlight and Isana felt a moment of pride at the silence from the girls. The octahedral walls were made entirely of slightly opaque glass and rose up to the crystal clear glass roof and the stars above. The moonlight seemed to flow down and accentuate the joining points of the structure until it seemed as if they stood inside a gleaming glass cage. The effect grew even greater when Isana made a gesture and the walls became clear as well, showing a nighttime forest.

The room was just over thirty feet across with the center taken up by a large octagonal pool of water. Vapor rose from the water and its warm humidity clung to their skin in the heated air. Around the pool were several comfortable benches, chairs and couches that she treated regularly to prevent mildew or fungus from growing. Small crystals like she’d made to light the girls’ rooms hung suspended over several of the pieces, but were currently quiescent.

“What is this place?” Sora asked quietly, eyes wide.

“I found the original plans for the house a few years back, but when they built the house they must have come up a little short on funds, so they left this room unfinished. All that was here were the glass walls and ceiling. The floor was left as bare dirt, of all things,” Isana smiled at the memory of how bad this place had looked originally. “I liked the original idea a lot better and decided to make a project out of it. What you see is the product of two years of my own planning, enchanting, and the hard work of a contractor friend I know from town. The blueprints call this room a solarium, but I have always found it to be even more enjoyable by moonlight.”

“You did all of this on your own?” Ayaka said in amazement, looking up into the night sky. “It’s beautiful, but it must have been a lot of work.”

“Oh, it was,” Isana assured her. “But stuff like this is what I like to do when I’m not on a job for the town. I fiddle around and make things. This was just one of my larger and more enjoyable projects. Others, like my truck or the garage door, were more practical.”

“What’s that pool?” Karin asked, moving further in to touch the water’s surface. “It’s hot!”

“That’s why they used to call something like that a hot tub,” Isana laughed. “Watch this.” She knelt down and tapped her finger on a small silver circle on one side of the tub and then the water erupted into a bubbling, seething, froth.

“Are you saying we can get into this ‘hot tub’ of yours?” Ayaka asked with a growing, excited smile. She had moved forward and was standing close by again.

“Of course I am,” Isana answered immediately. “I made it to be enjoyed.”

“What do we wear?” Karin asked, looking eager to try it out. “They never bought us bathing suits.”

“You’re not supposed to wear anything,” Isana answered casually as if that was obvious. “It would detract from the experience.”

“We have to be naked?” Sora asked shyly, but then she glanced at Isana in a thoughtful way.

“I suppose you could wear your underwear if you really have to, but it feels a lot better au naturel,” Isana shrugged. “I’ve had Emi and Claire over a few times, and they seem to like it.”

“I don’t mind,” Ayaka said calmly, drawing everyone’s attention. Even Isana was a little surprised. She had expected all three of them to insist on wearing something their first time. But Ayaka seemed fairly relaxed about the idea and when their eyes met, Isana realized Ayaka had been thinking about their discussion earlier. “I don’t see what’s so bad about it.”

“But you’d be naked,” Karin argued. “Na-ked.”

“So? You’ve already seen Isana nude and I know you had the same lack of privacy back at the orphanage that I did,” Ayaka argued back. “I’m getting in. Do we just put our clothes on the rack in the small room?”

“Yeah, as you probably already noticed, the humidity will have them fairly damp soon if they are in here,” Isana answered with a smile. “Karin, if you’re uncomfortable being naked, just wear your panties in.”

Ayaka was already headed towards the small buffer room, and it was plain that Sora and Karin were conflicted as to what they wanted to do. Both were eager to get in the water, but neither was sure they wanted the other part. Isana followed Ayaka and when they were alone in the smaller chamber, Ayaka let her own shyness show.

“I can’t believe I agreed to this so easily,” Ayaka admitted once she realized Sora and Karin hadn’t followed them in yet.

“It’ll be fine,” Isana assured her with a smile. “You’ll love it, and it’ll help with your sore legs too. Will it make you feel any better if I go first?”

“Yeah, that would help… maybe,” Ayaka laughed. “But I already said I’m doing this, so I will. I’m just nervous.”

“Good,” Isana said and grabbed the hem of her shirt. She drew the garment off in one smooth pull and calmly placed it, folded, onto the rack. Isana smiled amusedly when she saw Ayaka’s gaze settle onto her pink nipples. They were visibly hard already, but there was nothing she could do about that. Instead, she slipped both her shorts and panties off in one go, displaying her hairless womanhood to the girl. They joined her shirt on the rack.

“Does that attraction and desire you were talking about affect other people?” Ayaka asked, not moving her eyes away from Isana’s body. She looked a little flushed.

“I’m not sure,” Isana said gently, not hiding her nudity at all. Her tail was twitching from her amusement. “At least now I know you don’t think I’m ugly.”

“Heh, hardly,” Ayaka smiled widely again. “Karin was telling me earlier how nice you looked; now I understand why. It’s actually hard to look at you and not feel excited. It’s a weird feeling, but really nice too. Now it’s my turn.”

Ayaka took a deep breath and after locking her eyes onto Isana’s, she pulled off her tank top and laid it down next to Isana’s clothing. Not pausing to let nervousness stop her half way, Ayaka quickly popped the snap on her jeans and drew them down her smooth, pale legs. Last to go was a pair of low-cut, green panties. Once she had her clothes stacked, she stood nervously in front of Isana as if waiting for judgment.

Isana let her eyes roam, drinking the gorgeous girl in. She was naturally on the thin side with a lithe musculature and somewhat narrow hips. Her skin was silkily smooth except for the very fine hair on her arms and a small brown tuft of hair over the closed lips of her womanhood. Only a tiny peek of the inner lips could be seen. Ayaka’s growing breasts had proud, slightly upward pointing nipples that were cutely small with lightly tan areolas. They too were hard, and looked tasty. Isana also loved how Ayaka’s long hair hung down to the rounded bubble shape of her butt.

“Ayaka,” she said softly and a little lustily after the moment passed. “If you’re worried about how I think of your appearance, don’t. You are one of the most stunning girls I have ever seen, and that was before you even took your clothes off. Now you’re even more so. I know this will be hard to believe, but I do think you’re even more beautiful than me!”

“Thanks for that last part,” Ayaka said, grinning after barking out a surprised laugh. “I really look all right?”

Isana rolled her eyes. “Gods, Ayaka, I don’t think I can even look away from you right now. When I said stunning, I was entirely serious. I want to touch you so bad that it almost hurts.”

“So what do we do now?” Ayaka asked, her face turning a little red as she instinctively tried to hide her hardening nipples with an arm. She seemed very pleased and excited by the compliments.

“We go out there,” Isana said, pointing at the closed door to the room. “Then we walk to the tub and climb in. Once we’re enjoying ourselves we’ll wait for the other two and then we’ll all enjoy the water together.”

“Sounds like a genius plan,” Ayaka smiled, looking Isana over again. “Hard to believe you’re only a decade older than me.”

“It’s an important decade,” Isana agreed with a grin. “Are you still nervous?”

“Not really,” Ayaka said after a thoughtful moment. “I think I’m more excited now than anything else.”

“Even about the sex stuff?” Isana asked.

Ayaka gave her a very amused smirk. “Isana, I’m fourteen years old. I can assure you that I’ve seriously thought about sex long before your revelation and have become well acquainted with my right hand.  Before today I had just assumed I’d end up fooling around with a boy someday, but after having thought about it since this morning, I think I like the idea of this better. I mean, I’m looking at you right now and wondering what it would be like for you to touch me. All I want now is for Karin and Sora to be okay with it too. I am totally fine with this.”

“Wow,” Isana was impressed. She’d been a lot younger than Ayaka her first time, but she’d also had a lot more time to think about it when her adoptive mother explained things. Yet here Ayaka was, admitting freely that she wanted to have sex with her too. “I’m convinced. Now let’s head back out there before they wonder what’s going on in here.”

“Okay,” Ayaka agreed, taking a deep breath again. After a moment of indecision, she held out an asking hand. Isana smiled wider and took it before she opened the door and they re-entered the solarium.  Twin intakes of breath greeted them from one of the couches where Karin and Sora sat. It appeared they had been waiting to see what Ayaka did first.

“See, it’s not bad at all,” Ayaka told them confidently, even though her grip on Isana’s hand was tight from nerves. She stood next to Isana and neither of them made a move to hide the choicer bits. “There’s nothing to get freaked out about.”

“Wow, Ayaka,” Karin said slowly after a moment of silence. “Did you know that you look really pretty with no clothes on?” Sora nodded her silent agreement with the statement. “I knew Isana was already, but you’re nice too.”

“Thanks, Karin,” Ayaka said happily, and shared a knowing smile with Isana. “Now you two go in there and change too. No more excuses.”

Karin and Sora exchanged a long glance, but it was Sora who answered. “Okay.” They then stood, entered the other room, and closed the door.

“I thought you said you were fine,” Isana teased, leading Ayaka over to the hot tub. “Step down close to the wall, there’s a shelf there for sitting on.”

“I thought I was,” Ayaka shrugged, smiling ruefully. She gingerly stepped into the water. Isana hadn’t let go of her hand yet, and Ayaka didn’t seem to want to either. Ayaka let out a pleased sigh as she stepped down to the bottom which made the water level just over her shoulders. After a moment, she rose up a little again as she found the seat and moved onto it. “God, this is nice! You weren’t kidding at all.”

“Indeed, it is very nice,” Isana agreed. She got in too and sat very close to Ayaka on the next seat to her left. After a moment of silence, Ayaka scooched a little until their arms were touching. Then they both shared another smile and laid back to wait.

A few minutes later they heard the door to the undressing room open. Ayaka started to turn around to look, but Isana put a hand on the girl’s thigh and shook her head with a small smile. Ayaka got the hint and stopped. She also made no move to object about the placement of Isana’s hand. A second later the smacks of bare feet sounded and the two younger girls came into view together.

Isana’s eyes widened and her hand gave Ayaka’s leg a soft squeeze. Karin had a beautiful, darkly tanned skin tone and her body was at just the beginning of adolescence. She is very skinny with the small speckles of scale spots everywhere.  Her tiny breasts were like halves of mandarin oranges with big, darker colored nipples. Karin stopped in front of them, on the other side of the tub, with her legs slightly spread and with her arms crossed, so she and Ayaka had a good view of her smooth, tightly closed pussy. Ayaka also seemed to like the view as much as she did because she was breathing faster again and Isana could feel her muscles tensing and releasing.

Sora followed Karin and was no less appealing. Her skin was a lighter tan than Karin’s, but it went very well with her silky, dark hair. She had no breasts to speak of yet, but Isana liked Sora’s very tiny nipples. Her butt had a very nice round shape that Isana had already sampled this morning and when she turned a little, they saw her pretty, almost hidden slit.

“You’re not so bad either, Karin,” Ayaka said, speaking first. She smirked and then addressed Sora. “And you’re very cute looking, Sora.”

“Really?” Karin asked, looking over herself and then Sora. “I thought she was cute too, but she didn’t believe me.”

“I don’t know if I want to be cute, though,” Sora complained.

“There’s nothing wrong with being cute,” Isana assured her, knowing her arousal would be noticed soon if this kept up. “I think you both have no reason at all to be ashamed of how you look. Now join Ayaka and me over here and get in.”

“Careful, Sora,” Ayaka said in warning. Her hand had settled onto Isana’s and was rubbing on it slowly. “It’s pretty deep in the middle, but there are seats around the sides.”

They made their way over and with just a little assistance from Karin and Isana; Sora climbed in on Isana’s other side and was seated.  Her eyes were wide from the sensation of hot, churning water all around her, but she seemed to like it. Karin just grinned and got in next to Sora.

“Nice, huh?” Isana asked proudly.

“Yeah!” Karin answered emphatically. They had to sit up straight in the seats to keep their heads above the water, but neither seemed bothered by that. Karin wiggled to get comfortable and then closed her eyes. “I feel good.”

“I like it too,” Sora agreed quickly, a smile on her face. “Can we use it a lot?”

“I use it at least four or five times a week,” Isana answered. “Sometimes I just don’t have time to laze about in here, but I do so when I can, especially at night. If I work a really long and hard day, I like to come here first when I get home to relax and unwind. It also helps calm me down whenever I’m upset about something.”

“Well, my legs certainly feel a lot better,” Ayaka said, smiling and giving Isana’s hand a pointed rub. Isana returned the expression and started to slowly run that hand up and down Ayaka’s leg. Ayaka’s smile widened and she leaned closer into Isana and closed her eyes.

For a while they all just sat in the nighttime silence and heat of the hot tub and just enjoyed it. All three girls had their eyes closed and Isana made a mental note to warn them about the dangers of actually falling asleep in the water if they were alone. Isana though had her eyes open and instead of feeling calm, she was terribly excited and almost painfully aroused. Ayaka had lain fully against her and their skin contact was enticing her greatly. She removed her hand from Isana’s thigh and smiled when the girl made a soft whine of disapproval. Ignoring that, she instead put the arm around the girl’s back and held her. Ayaka apparently liked this much better and put her head onto Isana’s shoulder with another pleased sigh.

“I think I like this very much,” Ayaka whispered softly a little later. Isana felt a small hand touch hesitantly onto her own leg. Then it began to rub like Isana had done to her. “We are so lucky to end up here with you.”

“I’m glad you think so,” Isana replied, just as softly. Sora and Karin didn’t appear to have overheard. Karin was softly humming and Sora seemed to know the tune because her head was bobbing slightly in time to the song. “I’m very glad you girls are here too. Do you mind if I start things soon?”

“Sure,” Ayaka shrugged slowly. “Just let me know when it’s time. Till then, I just want to lie against you like this for a while because it feels just as good as the water, maybe even better.”

Isana was more than pleased to let Ayaka enjoy herself.  Until now, she hadn’t realized just how alone she had truly been these last few years. The arrival of these girls however slammed home the fact that she had been fighting her nature and that had left a hole in her life. Now she had three wonderful people in her home.  The girl in her arms amazed her especially because not only had she accepted Isana’s nature, but had embraced it fully and returned her feelings.

“Thank you, Ayaka,” Isana whispered, briefly rubbing their cheeks. Ayaka sighed and returned the gesture.

“Isana, you’re the nicest person I’ve known in a long time,” Ayaka said. “I liked you as soon as I met you, and so did the other girls. You’re giving me the opportunity to become important in your and their lives. I should be the one thanking you.”

“What are you guys whispering about?” Karin asked sleepily. She still had her eyes closed. At the question though, Sora opened hers in curiosity.

Isana met Ayaka’s gaze and they both decided at the same time that they may as well get things over with. “Sorry, we didn’t want to disturb you guys. We were just talking about something I need to discuss with the both of you. Ayaka knows already, because we talked about it while you guys were in the shower this morning.”

“Is it something bad?” Sora asked worriedly.

“No, not at all,” Isana answered reassuringly. “It just has to do with the three of us being witches. Ayaka will be directly involved too, because she lives here with the three of us.”

“I knew you were hiding something,” Karin smirked at Ayaka. “So, why did you wait until now?”

“Because our current location and situation might help you understand a little better,” Isana said. “Now let me explain. You can feel free to ask questions. Understand?”

Heads nodded.

“Okay,” Isana said, unconsciously shifting her body as she began. “When a girl is a witch and especially when their power is awakening or is about to, there are changes that occur in that person. They are usually fairly subtle at first, as they are right now in you Karin.” Karin blinked at being mentioned, but stayed quiet. “Specifically, I’m talking your sex drives and related desires.”

“Our what?!” Karin said, surprised. Sora’s eyes were very wide.

“Sex drives, Karin,” Isana said, unable to suppress an amused smile. “Witches’ bodies and minds are slightly different from a base human. One major difference is that we tend to want sex quite a bit more. We are very easily aroused too. In addition to this, witches are almost always attracted only to other women and especially other witches. Many centuries ago, it was why women in villages would sneak off into the woods to meet with their covens. They desired each other’s company so they met secretly for sex and companionship. It’s also why you two have been feeling different lately.”

“Different?” Karin asked.

“Yes, different,” Ayaka interjected. “Karin, think about it. Why have you been hugging us so much lately? Why were you so entranced when you saw Isana naked this morning? Why did you stare so much when we came out naked just a bit ago?”

“Sora,” Isana said gently as Karin frowned and thought over Ayaka’s question. “Do you understand what it is I’m talking about?”

“I do,” Sora nodded. “I kind of know what sex is. I heard other girls talk about it. I’ve always thought girls were pretty.”

“What about when you’re around me or the girls now? What is it you want to do?”

“I really want to be around you guys all the time,” Sora answered. “It feels really nice when I touch you and I get hot inside.”

“That just means you’re feeling aroused,” Isana informed her with a smile. “When a girl is very attracted to someone and wants to do sex related things, she feels hot. I bet you also get wet between your legs.”

“Yeah!” Karin said, perking up at the same time that Sora nodded. “I feel all warm and gooey sometimes, like this morning when I was hugging Ayaka.”

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” Isana said, nodding to them. “But this is only the beginning for both of you. Witches tend to form very tight knit relationships with those they live with over time, and it is very likely we will now too. I’m warning you about this because I don’t want you to freak out.”

“Are you the same then?” Karin asked.

“Definitely,” Isana laughed. “I have a very high sex drive, even for a witch.”

“Then how come you live alone?” Sora said.

“Well, kind of like you guys, I was adopted when I was very young. I was only two, I think. But my magic awoke very early when I was only seven. At that time, the focus on my sexual attention was on my adoptive mother. She recognized the signs and until she died in an accident in town, she was my sole partner. After that,” Isana shrugged. “I’m not sure. I just never approached anyone or tried to seek new relationships.  For the last four years I took care of things by masturbating at least twice every day, and that took a bit of the edge off. I don’t know why I secluded myself, but it was after you guys came that I realized that I really have been terribly lonely. We witches thrive in the close company of others, and I didn’t have that. But now I do.”

“Okay,” Karin said slowly. “So what you’re saying is that pretty soon I’m going to want badly to do sex things with everyone?”

“Yes, and you too, Sora,” Isana answered. “So if you see me naked and it excites you, that’s perfectly fine and normal. I know it’s weird, but I think you’ll find that it’s actually very nice.”

“But what about Ayaka?” Sora asked, worried about her new sister.

“Ayaka and I have already talked it over and she doesn’t mind at all that you two and I are going to want to have sex with her,” Isana smiled and pulled a happily smiling Ayaka close again. “Even if she doesn’t want me to make her a witch too, she’ll be willing.”

“Wait a minute!” Ayaka turned a little and gazed with wide eyes at her. “You can make me a witch?”

“Oh, yes,” Isana grinned. “Most people can learn magic to some degree, and women become witches when they do. Natural witches like Karin and Sora have natural talent and strength, and they’ll use magic whether they want to or not. So if you want, I’d be willing to try and teach you as well. If you do, you’ll have the same strong urges we do.”

“I’d like that,” Ayaka replied eagerly. Then she smiled at her sisters. “Isana’s right, I’m not going to shove you away just because you feel like hugging me or more.”

“So it’s a good thing I feel this way?” Sora asked. Karin nodded as if to second the question.

“Yes,” Isana answered. “I want you to enjoy it too. So just take things at a pace you’re comfortable with.”

“Hee hee, cool,” Karin said, blushing a little and smiling. “It is weird, but I think I understand what you mean about feeling and acting differently. I just never noticed it before. Thanks for explaining it.”

“No problem,” Isana responded warmly. “Are you going to be okay too, Sora?”

“I think so,” Sora said slowly.

“Sora, just think of it to mean that we’ll be very close sisters,” Ayaka said. “Plus, you don’t have to do anything right away. Just think it over tonight, and I think you’ll see it as a good thing.”

“Yes,” Isana agreed. “Sleep on it, both of you. It’s bedtime anyway, and we’ll be all wrinkly if we stay in here much longer. We’ll talk about it again in the morning or whenever.”

“Okay,” Karin agreed. “But can we use this tub whenever we want now?”

“Yeah,” Sora grinned. “I like it a lot.”

“Of course you can,” Isana laughed. “The only rule is that you can’t be in it alone. I don’t want one of you falling asleep and drowning.”

“I think we can work with that rule,” Ayaka said, wriggling a bit. “A bed does sound pretty good right now. Let’s head upstairs, you guys.”

Ayaka moved away from Isana, a move that saddened them both a little, and then pulled up into a sitting position on the clay tiles of the floor as water cascaded down off of her body. She was still stunning in the moonlight and Isana watched amusedly as Karin and Sora stared at her. Isana followed Ayaka out, which spurred the other two on as well.

Dripping wet, they all made their way to the smaller room. As they went, eyes roamed freely. Now that everyone knew what was going on, it was as if everyone was testing out new waters yet again.  Once inside, Isana snagged one of the towels and before Ayaka could grab one as well, Isana stopped her in place and started to dry. Isana made sure to be quick and efficient, but she could tell Ayaka was really enjoying the physical attention.

“Sora, Karin, why don’t you guys help dry each other too?” Isana suggested with a smile. “I think you’ll like it.”

“You want to?” Karin asked, looking at Sora. In answer Sora went over, picked up a towel, and smiled. Karin raised her arms, and Sora started drying her off. Isana slowed her own work on Ayaka to more fully appreciate the feel of the girl. Once she was dry, Isana handed her the towel and they switched places.

Ayaka was hesitant at first when the towel touched Isana, but as her hands moved, she grew bolder. Isana even gave her a very wide smile when Ayaka dried off her breasts. Across from them, Sora was getting toweled by Karin and from the looks on their faces, they liked it immensely.

Once they were all dry, Isana gave each girl a fresh towel to go upstairs in, since putting on clothes seemed like a hassle at the moment. Then Isana sent them on ahead as she shut down the tub.

When she too made her way up to her bedroom, she wasn’t all that surprised to find Ayaka waiting for her there. Ayaka was still wrapped in her white towel, but it rode high enough that the round curve of her butt was plain to see because she was bent over and checking out the big bed. When she heard Isana close the bedroom door, Ayaka turned towards her with a small, nervous smile on her face. Isana approached her without speaking and gently cupped Ayaka’s face in her hands. Ayaka smiled wider and her fear lessened.

“You don’t have to rush this,” Isana told her, ignoring the hot wetness she felt running down her leg. Her body knew what it wanted, but she would deny it if Ayaka truly wasn’t ready.

“I know that,” Ayaka answered. “But I want to. I’m nervous because I’ve never done this before, but I really want to spend the night with you. I want you to be my first, but I’m not sure what to do.”

“What about the others?” Isana asked, breathing a little heavier now that she knew that Ayaka was okay with this.

“Karin asked Sora to sleep with her this time,” Ayaka answered with an amused smile. “I don’t think Karin is going to be doing anything like this, though. I think they’ll just sleep together naked.”

Isana looked into the deep wells within Ayaka’s eyes and saw both a growing love and a mirror of the same sexual hunger that burned inside her own body. Very slowly she leaned in, tilted Ayaka’s face a little, and kissed her. Isana kept the kiss soft and loving, and felt Ayaka’s hand come up onto her face as well. They kissed for a long time and Isana gradually increased the intensity.

Ayaka’s soft moan of pleasure filled her with unparalleled joy when it drifted to her ears. Isana moved her free hand down and slowly loosened Ayaka’s towel. Ayaka made no move or sound of protest and it dropped to the floor. Then Isana undid hers, and they were once again naked. In response, Ayaka pressed herself closer and their skin was hot.

Isana shuffled them towards the bed, but didn’t break the kiss. She rested one hand on Ayaka’s firm behind and began to squeeze and caress it. This brought more moans from the girl, then Isana let out one of her own as she felt Ayaka grab onto her ass. Once she had Ayaka’s legs against the bed, she finally removed her lips.

“Climb on,” Isana said softly.

Ayaka complied, moving to the middle and lying back onto the cushioning pile of blankets and such. Isana followed, crawling towards the girl. Ayaka watched her with desire on her face, then a small tear started to roll down a flushed cheek.

“What’s wrong?” Isana said, up on all fours over the girl. She leaned down and kissed the tear before it could fall, then continued to place kisses on Ayaka’s neck and up near her ear.

“Nothing’s wrong,” Ayaka said with a happy smile. “This just feels perfect. You took me and the others into your house, and it feels as if I’ve waited my whole life to come here. You’re making us a part of your life and I can see in everything you say and do that you really care. I know it’s silly to say this since I’ve only known you for two days, but I think I love you.”

“You’re not silly,” Isana said, rising up to look Ayaka in the eyes. “I told you and the others in the solarium, you have, all three of you, filled a hole I didn’t know I had. From now on we’re a family, and you are an important part of it. We’ll all live and grow together here.”

Isana leaned in again and, starting from her mouth, she began kissing her way down Ayaka. First she spent a little time nuzzling and licking at her neck. Then she went a little lower, kissing very lightly over the young girls’s chest, just above her tantalizing breasts. Ayaka’s breathing increased and a reddish, excited flush suffused her skin. They were both starting to sweat a little, but Isana thought it just made Ayaka even more appealing.

She kept up the teasing kisses for a while, going up and around each of the firm, youthful mounds. As she treated one, her hand would trace slowly and lightly over the other. Ayaka was squirming with need beneath her, but Isana wanted Ayaka’s first time with her to be special. So when she finally gave one of Ayaka’s rock-hard nipples a teasing flick with her tongue, the girl gasped and arched up to her with a hiss. As soon as she did this, Isana switched back to the teasing kisses.

She let Ayaka relax, and then went for the other nipple and took it into her mouth. Ayaka mewled in pleasure and Isana felt a small shudder pass through her own body. She had always liked sucking on a girl’s breasts, and Ayaka’s were heavenly.

They were both sweating a great deal more by now and Isana could smell Ayaka’s arousal on the air. That female musk was exciting and it made her mouth water. Her own pussy was like a leaking faucet.

Ayaka was in a sexual fog when Isana slowly kissed down her smooth stomach. Muscles twitched as she descended and Isana knew Ayaka was feeling every touch with pleasure. A glance upward showed the girl’s face with eyes closed. Ayaka’s small hands were clenched tight to the bed sheets.

When she reached Ayaka’s sparse patch of juice-soaked pubes, Isana nuzzled her face into it and inhaled. This excited both of them, and Isana knew it was time to finish the girl off.

Ayaka’s pussy was inflamed with demanding arousal and it glistened slightly in the moonlight coming from the window. The outer lips had parted slightly from the girl’s excitement and Isana smiled when she saw a hard, very aroused clit peeking out. A small wet spot was forming on the bed, just below the crack of Ayaka’s butt.

She kissed down through Ayaka’s pubes, wetting her face and moved to the side. First she licked slowly and deliberately around the sides of Ayaka’s pussy. Ayaka moaned and wriggled with need, but Isana was patient. She cleaned up all the delicious wetness she found with her tongue and worked her way toward Ayaka’s creamy center. She got a particularly pleasant response when her tongue grazed the cute pucker of Ayaka’s asshole. Ayaka shivered and Isana thought she might have had a small preliminary orgasm.

With her fingers and her mouth, she cleaned Ayaka’s soft, lower lips even as they got wet again. She let one finger rub in circles around the entrance to Ayaka’s questing pussy, then slowly sank it in. After a very short distance she encountered the girl’s hymen and withdrew. She continued the shallow thrusts, and Ayaka twisted her body and groaned loudly with need.

Isana smiled inwardly, knowing just how badly Ayaka wanted her release. So she moved slightly and sucked the girl’s tiny clit into her mouth with a firm suction and clamped with her lips. Ayaka’s entire body arched into a bridge as she came hard and Isana’s finger was suddenly trapped by a tightly clenching pussy. Then Ayaka dropped hard to the bed and Isana moved up quickly to take the girl into her arms. Ayaka’s arms wrapped tightly around her and the girl shuddered several times before she relaxed and lay limp, panting hard.

Knowing she was a bit hypersensitive at the moment, Isana gently trailed her fingers over Ayaka’s stomach and breasts. It soothed the girl, and she saw life returning. Isana leaned in again and kissed her lightly on her lips. Ayaka’s lips opened and their tongues played together.

“How was it?” Isana said softly when she withdrew again.

“So good that I don’t think I can move,” Ayaka smiled and giggled softly as they gazed at each other. “My whole body is still tingling. I know I’m going to remember that for the rest of my life.”

“Then I’m glad you enjoyed your first time,” Isana smiled. Her own pussy was practically quivering and she couldn’t help gently rubbing it into the bed sheets. “I’d hoped it would be special for you.”

“It was,” Ayaka grinned. Then she noticed Isana’s movements and Isana saw excitement bloom in those young eyes again. Isana stopped her humping of the bed and turned on her side next to the girl a little so Ayaka could see all of her again. Then Ayaka touched the wetness around her mouth that had come from Isana’s face and tasted her fingers. “Is this from me?”

“It is,” Isana nodded and wiped her own face with a hand.

Ayaka appeared thoughtful for a moment, and then she wriggled down the bed until her face was even with Isana’s crotch. Ayaka reached out, grabbed her by her ass and pulled in. Isana involuntarily wrapped her legs around Ayaka and moaned like an animal. Ayaka was clumsy and inexperienced, but that didn’t make her tongue any less pleasant. Isana stayed silent and let Ayaka do what she wanted. When Ayaka found her clit, Isana cried out harshly and realizing that this was the right spot, Ayaka’s tongue was merciless.

The first orgasm took Isana by surprise. It ripped out of her like a force of nature and still Ayaka continued. She wanted to tell her to stop and let her rest, but her mouth wouldn’t work right. All that came out her were mumbled half-words and groans. Then her second orgasm slammed home and it was like having an eruption between her legs.

When she came to and found herself panting on her back with Ayaka gently sucking on her right breast, Isana felt like she must have died. Her muscles had a pleasant soreness and she could feel a nice throbbing from her clit. She could feel wetness under her ass, and the more than pleasant warmth of Ayaka lying against her as she suckled.

“Are you awake?” Ayaka asked, releasing the nipple with a soft pop. She moved up and they kissed again. Isana could taste a little of herself there, but she didn’t mind at all. She just enfolded Ayaka in her arms.

“Thanks for that,” she said after a while.

“I liked doing it,” Ayaka grinned. “I might have been nervous about having sex earlier, but it feels amazing and it was just as fun touching you as it was being touched by you.” She used a hand and gently squeezed Isana’s right breast. “I also found out that I like sucking on these and playing with them. Mine felt awesome when you did them, too.”

“Well, since you live here now, and you’ve found that sex is fun and exciting, you’ll have plenty of opportunities for more of both,” Isana said, caressing an ear with a finger. Ayaka smiled at the touch and they moved closer again.

“It was exciting,” Ayaka confirmed. “I’m still excited, but it feels like I’ve been running for hours.”

“There’s no hurry, Ayaka,” Isana chuckled. “Neither of us is going anywhere. I won’t disappear if we go to sleep. I’m pretty sleepy myself. So let’s get under the sheets before we get cold.”

Ayaka agreed, and Isana found a place for them to wriggle under.  Once they were in place, Isana pulled Ayaka into her body and they spooned together. Ayaka settled down onto her pillow, enjoying the embrace, and Isana did the same behind her. It didn’t take long for them to fall asleep.

On to Chapter Five!


Guilty Love

  • Posted on February 22, 2021 at 1:38 pm

by Xarth

{ This story was originally posted at Literotica in February 2012 }

Things should have changed after being away from home for the better part of a year, that’s what I thought anyway. My first year at university had been different certainly, but not in the sort of grand life-changing way I had hoped for. Returning home at the end of the school year I found everything pretty much the same. I may as well not have bothered.

As sisters, and only about a year and a half apart, I grew up sharing a room with Lindsay. That hadn’t changed either and even now as I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling I could hear her soft breathing from across the room. I turned my head to look at her but couldn’t make out much more than an undefined mound where her blanket covered her. To think one of the biggest problems in my life was sleeping in the same room as me.

It sounded terrible when I thought of it that way. It wasn’t like Lindsay had done anything to deserve being labeled as a problem, even just in my mind. She was as good a sister as I could have asked for and I wouldn’t have traded her for anything. I just wished I could fix whatever was wrong with me.

Sighing heavily, and knowing I was better off staying put, I swung my feet off the side of my bed and stood up. I had taken to sleeping naked while I was away, but in acknowledgment of my return home I settled for stripping down to my underwear. Clad in my bra and panties, I crossed the room to stand beside my little sister’s sleeping form.

Only her head was visible sticking out from under the blanket that covered the rest of her body. Now that I was closer I could make out the features on her face, or at least half of her face. In the months I’d been at university she had turned eighteen and, if anything, she looked even more adorable than when I left.

I didn’t know when my bizarre and frustrating obsession had started but it must have been related to us sleeping in the same room. The thing was that as cute as Lindsay could be during the day, the effect was somehow even stronger when she slept. The sheer look of tranquility and contentment that she held was enough to render me helpless.

“Perfect,” I whispered under my breath.

That was the only word I’d come up that came close to describing how she looked to me. Watching her now I saw that same face, the one that had driven me crazy. A little older perhaps but no less perfect than before.

I’d hoped that some distance between us would help, that not seeing her for so many months would make me realize that I didn’t really feel anything more than a love for my little sister. Unfortunately, the feelings were stronger now, and many of them were definitely unsisterly.

I reached down to grasp the top of Lindsay’s blanket and tugged it gently away from her shoulder before stopping myself. I’d always managed to keep from actually doing anything more than looking before and that’s how it needed to stay. She didn’t need to know how messed up I was, she didn’t deserve to have to deal with my issues. They were for me alone.

For several long moments, I stood there, blanket still in hand. Slowly I pulled it farther down her body until I reached her waist. I was losing the battle, or maybe winning. Always hard to keep score on internal struggles. I was still just looking, I told myself, I was just getting the blanket out of the way. It wasn’t really anything I hadn’t seen before.

Soon Lindsay’s blanket was piled up at the base of the mattress and her entire beautiful form lay before me. She was lying mostly on her stomach with her head turned toward me. She had on a t-shirt and pajama pants as usual, the same I always used to wear to bed too. I noticed that her shirt had pulled up a little as she slept, exposing maybe an inch or two of skin on her back.

It was weird how interesting skin could be at times. It was constantly visible on other people; their hands or arms or faces, yet sometimes it was different. In the right places or on the right people it turned from an everyday sight to something more fascinating than the greatest work of art. The small patch on my sister’s back wasn’t quite that amazing, but it was still enough to draw my attention.

My hand went to the gap between her shirt and pants without even bothering to ask permission from my brain. I let my palm lay flat on her back for a moment before jerking it away. Now I was going too far, crossing a line I had always managed to avoid in the past. And yet, it felt so good.

Feeling guilty even before I touched her again I returned my hand to Lindsay’s back, pushing the hem of her shirt up a little as I spread my fingers out. I slowly ran my hand up her spine to about the midpoint between her waist and neck before sliding it back to its starting position. Having pulled her shirt up some I wondered just how far I could get away with. It couldn’t come off, not without actually moving her, and I didn’t think she’d sleep through that.

Taking hold of the bottom of my sister’s shirt on either side of her body I carefully tugged it upward. It was caught between her stomach and the mattress where she lay on it but I still managed to get it up to almost the level of her breasts.

I paused as I considered the possibilities, then slipped my fingers under the bunched-up edge of Lindsay’s shirt. Only the side of her breast was available to me without rolling her over and it really wasn’t enough to get much of a feel, but it was more the idea of what I was doing anyway. It was so wrong in so many ways and so very, very exhilarating.

My heart was pounding and my hesitation was disappearing as my hormones took over. I’d still feel bad in the morning and I’d wish I hadn’t done any of this, but I couldn’t stop.

I turned my attention downward to the yet untouched pyjama pants that covered my little sister’s lower half. They were loose, meant for comfort, and I decided I could probably get away with a similar process as I’d done to her shirt. Her legs were lying apart slightly, spreading wide enough that I wouldn’t be able to get her waistband past her knees without pushing them together. That was okay though, I could still get it down far enough for my purposes.

I ended up only pulling Lindsay’s bottoms down to just below her butt where I stopped and just stared. I’d seen her in her underwear or swimsuit plenty of times, and I had a fair idea what she looked like anyway, but still. Like every part of her body, it seemed to fit, not too big or too small but just perfectly curved. Why did my sister have to be so goddamn amazing?

My level of arousal was getting too high and, despite knowing I should retreat to my bed first, I gave in and slipped a hand into my panties. My pussy was so wet already I could feel the moisture that had soaked into the front of panties against my knuckles. For a few minutes, I simply played with myself, trying to satisfy my urges enough to regain some control. My fingers sank easily into my sodden pussy and I wished momentarily for my vibrator but couldn’t force myself to move from where I was to get it.

Finally, I wrenched my hand away and took a couple of deep breaths trying to calm down. If all I wanted to do was masturbate I could do that from the relative safety of my bed. I should get my sister’s clothes straightened out and return to my side of the room.


I couldn’t resist. Lindsay’s bare butt was right there, begging to be touched. As far as I had gone already, I might as well go a little further.

With a slight tremble, I lowered my hand onto her perfectly smooth ass and almost immediately my instincts took over again. I couldn’t keep my already pussy-lubricated fingers from diving back in, this time with the addition of my palm mashing against my clit.

I was rubbing my sister’s butt dangerously hard and tried to reign myself in from giving her a full-on massage. That she still slept was probably using up my quota of luck for the year. Nevertheless, the sensation of actually feeling her this way was overriding most of my ability to form coherent thoughts. All I cared about was coming, and coming soon.

My wrist was going to hate me in the morning, but then I’d hate myself in the morning too so nothing special there. Somehow I continued to move my arm faster, plunge my fingers deeper and harder inside me until finally, that familiar feeling started building deep within me. I don’t think I’d ever been so glad to achieve orgasm in my life, and certainly, it had never felt so amazing.

Somehow I avoided making more than a small whimpering noise while I came. I wasn’t usually a screamer anyway but I certainly could have been this time.

I pulled my hand out of my panties finally, finding it as wet as I expected. Lacking anything at hand to wipe my fingers off with I resorted to sucking them clean as best I could. I really didn’t mind the taste but it wasn’t anything special enough that I went out of my way to lick myself off that way most of the time.

As soon as I finished with my hand I started on getting Lindsay re-clothed. Her shirt was easy enough but her bottoms took a little more effort to pull back, particularly with my sense of caution coming back. Lastly, I pulled her blanket back up and made sure she was tucked in snugly as memories came back to me of taking care of her like this in more innocent times. Back when I was the sister Lindsay deserved.

I sighed and stood up, not yet taking my eyes off of my sister. There were no easy options, no way to make sure she was happy. If she found out my secret, if I left, even if I tried to talk to her, it could all go so badly. I was stuck with simply trying to pretend things were normal and hope that I could control myself better in the future. I’d been doing so well until tonight.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered even though I knew she couldn’t hear me.

Since my panties were pretty much soaked and would become increasingly uncomfortable I slid them off before collapsing on my bed. I thought I would be up a while thinking and worrying but instead, I felt sleep claiming me almost as soon as I got settled in. That orgasm took more out of me than I thought.


“Andrea! Hey c’mon, time to get up!”

I grumbled and only cracked open one eye to see who was waking me up so early in the morning. Or maybe not so early, the sun had already brightened the room and I could hear the background noises of activity downstairs. It must have just felt earlier than it was due to my lack of sleep last night.

Lindsay was standing beside my bed, almost bouncing in frustration as I refused to move. After a few seconds, she jumped on my bed and started shaking my shoulder vigorously.

“What?” I croaked.

“Come on, Mom’s making pancakes and bacon and she says I can’t have any until I get you up,” Lindsay said.

As sleepy as I still was, I knew better than to stand between my sister and the prospect of her favorite breakfast.

“All right, all right,” I said. “I need to get dressed first, though.”

Maybe Lindsay had forgotten my choice of sleepwear these days, maybe it was something else. Either way, she only clued in what I meant when I sat up and let my blanket fall away from my chest to reveal my bra. In one swift motion, she was off my bed and digging through my shirt drawer.

“I forgot you don’t wear much to bed these days,” she said. “How about just a long shirt? You still have some, right?”

“There should be a blue one there that would do. On the left-hand side, I think.”

She really had no idea what happened last night, for her it was business as usual. A small pang of guilt hit me as I watched her from my bed and remembered what she looked like with her pajama pants pulled halfway down her legs. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected though, maybe because I wasn’t really focused yet.

Lindsay soon held her hand up in triumph and tossed me the balled-up shirt. It was one of the few night-shirts I still possessed since I didn’t wear them to bed anymore, but they still came in handy every now and then. I pulled it on while still sitting down and let the hem fall down past my waist when I stood up, thus hiding just how naked my lower half was.

With me following close behind my sister made her way happily down to the breakfast table. She was acting so normal, and that was a really good sign as far as I was concerned. It meant I hadn’t ruined anything yet.

I just had to make sure it stayed that way.


For a few days I actually managed to avoid any further ill-advised actions. The images of Lindsay’s body burned into my brain were enough to keep me reasonably happy and to keep my thoughts off of any more exploration. I was however masturbating more than usual, particularly throughout the daytime, in an attempt to keep my hormones in check. This tended to leave me less horny at night when I was most likely to slip up.

I didn’t completely stop getting myself off while in bed or anything. It was just such a convenient time, already lying down and relaxed as I was. I usually waited until I was sure Lindsay was asleep of course, not that she would necessarily mind if she knew what I was doing. The thing was that even if she was cool with knowing I masturbated, it could still lead to awkward areas of discussion between us that I would rather avoid. Safer just not to be caught.

Unfortunately, one night it just wasn’t working for me. It happened sometimes that I just couldn’t reach orgasm and, while not a huge problem in some ways, it did tend to leave me sexually frustrated. That was not really a state I wanted to be in given my current circumstances.

I’d tried various techniques from gently finger-fucking my pussy to frantically rubbing my clit until my wrist got tired. I even stumbled out of bed long enough to grab my vibrator which usually did the trick. All I got for my efforts was sore and increasingly annoyed.

The worst part was I knew exactly what I could do to get the stimulation I needed. My sister was snoring softly in her bed and definitely asleep enough for my purposes by now. It would kind of defeat the whole point of what I’d been doing, it seemed that my plan may in fact have backfired on me. I’d unintentionally worked myself up instead of calming down and I was left without many options. When I thought about it I really only had two choices; give in and take advantage of my sister again or restrain myself and suffer through a long and possibly sleepless night.

Maybe if I could just distract myself with something I would drift off. I could probably go down into the living room and put the TV on quiet enough that I wouldn’t wake anyone. It might mean falling asleep on the couch but that wasn’t really a bad trade-off compared to not sleeping at all.

I didn’t even make it off my bed before pausing, barely having thrown off my covers and swung my feet onto the floor. TV wasn’t what I wanted. What I wanted was lying directly across from me.

Almost in a trance I stood and walked over to Lindsay’s bed. I’d gotten away with it once, I probably could again. Even as I made the arguments in my head I knew I was in trouble. I was trying to rationalize and I wasn’t resisting very well either. Is this how it was going to be, easier every time until something finally went wrong?

Lindsay actually had a corner of her blanket tucked under her arm which took a little bit of prying loose but I soon had it piled up at her feet. I wondered if she had taken after me and started sleeping in her underwear whether that would have made things easier or harder on me. Idle musings weren’t getting me anywhere though, and as long as I was going to go through with this again I should probably be as quick as possible.

With my recently gained experience, I found it much easier getting my sister’s pajama pants partway down her legs than last time. Partly that was because I wasn’t quite as worried about her waking up since I was a little more familiar with her tolerances. If she had been on her back I might have gone for her shirt too, but it didn’t seem worth the effort with her lying on her stomach again.

As with last time the sight of my sister’s naked ass was enough to nearly hypnotize me. This was what I needed. I moved my hands simultaneously; one to my pussy and the other to Lindsay’s butt, stroking both of them eagerly. It was kind of like a sexy coordination test.

With all the futility of my efforts so far I was glad to feel the increased arousal provided by my unwitting sister and to sense that it was working. I wasn’t yet near orgasm but it would come, somehow I knew it would.

It wasn’t long before my exploring fingers tracing Lindsay’s skin led me to notice a change in her position. She was mostly lying the same she had been last time but with subtle differences. Notably I discovered that I had better access as I slid my hand farther down between her legs. I didn’t go too far at first but I started to wonder if I could actually get to her pussy.

I shouldn’t of course, I should just be happy with what I had. Already I had gone much too far and pushing more was just…

Actually, there really wasn’t any reason I could think of why it would be any worse. I was already completely fucked, figuratively speaking, if I got caught. How exactly were the consequences going to get any worse?

Slowly and very carefully I slid my hand between Lindsay’s legs. It took me a second or two to actually realize when I was touching her pussy since it seemed to be completely smooth. I kept my pussy shaved pretty much constantly just because I liked the feel when I was playing with myself, but I never even considered that my sister might do the same.

I ended up not being able to get entirely underneath her, but far enough at least that I could almost cup her pussy in my palm. It was such a high touching her where I was, more so even than her ass had provided. My long awaited orgasm was fast approaching and happily concentrated on achieving it as fast as I possibly could.

If I had been a little calmer I might have seen the warning signs of my sister waking up.


I heard my name spoken in a confused voice and for half a second I was just as confused where it had come from. Then I understood and I experienced a moment of absolute, pure terror.

“Lindsay?” I said, knowing full well it was even before my lips could move.

My mind was racing through possibilities but there really was no way to disguise what I was doing. Caught with my hand down my panties? That was doable. Caught with my other hand on her pussy? Completely fucked.

“I’m sorry,” I said, repeating what I had whispered to her the last time. “I’m sorry. I’m just….”

I couldn’t even think of anything else to say, what else was there? I pulled my arms back to my body, hugging myself as if it could bring some comfort. I was shaking all over and I felt very close to tears. Even though I had gone through the risks in my head previously I was completely unprepared for the reality of having to face them.

I couldn’t decide what to do, whether to run and just get as far away as I could or maybe just curl up in a ball and close my eyes. It didn’t really matter though since I was frozen in place and couldn’t seem to gain any kind of motor control.

“It’s okay, Andrea,” Lindsay said.

She had pulled her pajama bottoms back into place and sat up, allowing me to see her face more clearly. It was still unreadable to me in my state but I was pretty sure I already knew what she would be thinking. She reached out to me and I flinched away.

“No, it’s not,” I said, shaking my head. “It’s not going t-to be… it just isn’t.”

Even before I finished Lindsay’s hands were on me, pulling me toward her until her arms could wrap around me. It was such a bizarre thing for her to hold me that way given how she should be acting. Whatever that might mean I didn’t really think about it. Mostly I just cried.

The tears had been waiting and once they started I couldn’t stop them. I still didn’t know how to face my sister, yet I felt safe in her arms. It was exactly the way I’d held her when she was sad or scared, and now our positions were reversed. Maybe it was those memories that made some part of me think she could somehow protect me from… her.

My sense of time was not functioning particularly well but we sat there long enough for me to make a sizable damp spot on the front of Lindsay’s shirt. Even when I stopped crying I just stayed where I was, afraid to break the moment.

“You feel better?” Lindsay asked eventually.

“A little,” I admitted. “How come you aren’t mad?” Maybe I shouldn’t have been so blunt, but she was confusing the hell out of me.

“Do you want me to be?”

“I just mean… you know what I was doing, right?”

I couldn’t imagine that she didn’t. She was my baby sister and all, but she couldn’t possibly be that naive.

“I think so,” she said. “Andrea, if it had been me instead of you, would you be mad at me?”

“No,” I replied without even thinking. “But that’s–”

“Different? How exactly? I wish you would have talked to me, but I’m not going to be mad at you.”

“I couldn’t talk to you,” I said quietly. “Couldn’t tell anyone.”

“I know, I probably wouldn’t have either. I just wish is all.”

Lindsay was stroking my hair gently, soothingly, and I was slowly calming down. I was still confused about her reaction, but she wasn’t angry or anything and that had to be a good sign. For the first time in a long while I felt real hope that our relationship might actually be okay, that it wouldn’t be either based on secrets or nonexistent.

She had a point too about our positions being reversed. Even if I didn’t feel the way I did about her I knew that I wouldn’t have been upset, not really. I loved her and it would take something much, much worse to change that. It was certainly possible that she felt the same.

“You’re taking this all really well,” I said, pointing out the obvious. “Better than I am.”

“Not as well as you think,” she said. “I mean, I’m okay. I just… You were always there when I needed you, you know? Always. This is the first time you needed me, I could see it.”

I reluctantly pulled myself away from the comfort of her embrace and finally looked at her for real. She was still doing her best to hide it but now that I could focus I noticed the confusion and the worry. She was being strong for me, pretending that she could handle it. Just like I had done when she had boy problems or thought she was going to fail a class; I hadn’t really known what to do, only that she needed to believe it would be okay. Had she picked it up from me or was it instinctive?

“I’m sorry,” I said, for different reasons this time.

I slipped back into her arms, hugging her back this time and letting our bodies press together. Without letting go, we laid down on the bed, sharing Lindsay’s pillow and simply holding each other for a while.

“So how long have you…” she started, maybe just to break the silence.

“I don’t know, really. At some point, I just felt something different. Probably while watching you sleep at some point… you look even more beautiful when you’re sleeping.”

Lindsay smiled but also looked a little embarrassed at the compliment. She looked so adorable.

“So what happens now?” she asked.

“I don’t know. I never expected anything like this, never prepared for it. It’s up to you, I guess. If you want me to give you more space or anything, I understand.”

“Does that mean you’re not going to want to touch me anymore?”

I’d purposefully skirted around that issue, and hadn’t expected her to bring it up. My little sister was surprising me.

“I want to, Lin,” I said honestly. “But I know it has to be weird for you. I tried my best not to, and I did pretty well for a while. Maybe it’ll be easier now.”

“Maybe,” she agreed, sounding thoughtful. “What if… what if I let you?”

“Really!?” I tried not to sound too excited at the idea but didn’t really succeed. “I mean, I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want.”

“You wouldn’t be forcing me, it’s my choice. I think I want to at least try it. For you.”

She looked deeply into my eyes as she said the last words and I could see the love behind them. She would do this for me just as I would help her when she needed it. A range of emotions flooded through me and I wanted so badly to kiss her. I held myself back and instead touched her cheek softly, feeling reassured when she didn’t try to jerk away.

“Tell me to stop anytime if you don’t feel comfortable,” I told her.

She shook her head slightly as if to tell me that she wouldn’t need to. Hopefully, she was right.

I moved in slowly, giving her plenty of time to react if she chose. When our faces were only a couple inches apart she actually leaned toward me a little, much to my delight. Then our lips met, just barely brushing together at first.

Lindsay was nervous, as I had known she would be, but once she got over the initial shock she seemed to settle in a little bit. She even started to respond a little to the movement of my lips. It wasn’t her first time kissing someone, and maybe it was partly just an automatic response, but I wanted to believe that maybe she was enjoying it.

Finally, I pulled away from her, not wanting to overwhelm her too soon. We studied each other’s faces as we tried to get our breathing under control, seeking some clue to what the other was thinking. She didn’t say anything immediately but at least she didn’t look freaked out by the experience.

Without waiting long enough for her to speak I leaned in to kiss Lindsay again, this time a bit more aggressively. When I took her bottom lip gently between my teeth I could swear I heard a small noise of pleasure from deep in her throat.

“That actually felt kinda nice,” she said as we took another break.

“Good, I don’t want you to hate this.”

“I wouldn’t hate it, I just wasn’t sure that I’d like it.”

“Well…” I paused for a second, trying to figure out how best to make my offer. “If you want to try more stuff to see if you like it, I’d pretty much give you full access.”

“What do you mean?”

I wasn’t sure how to explain it any better; my ability to form complex sentences was not at peak performance. Instead I took her wrist and guided her hand to cup my breast over the thin material of my bra.

“You said you’d let me try things with you, I’m saying pretty much the same to you I guess,” I said. “Only I’m a lot more sure that I’ll like it.”

Lindsay looked unsure but her hand didn’t move when I let go of her arm. It could be that she had a lesbian streak in her just as I did, but maybe I was hoping for too much.

Her fingers shifted a little after a moment, only barely noticeablee, but I also sensed her relaxing as she adjusted to the idea of touching my breast. I wondered if she could feel my nipple through my bra, I guessed she could, given how well I could feel her palm.

Not wanting to scare her off but also wanting to offer her more, I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. It stayed mostly in place, mostly because Lindsay was effectively holding it there, but it would come off easily if she wanted it to. She really didn’t seem to know what she wanted however, and looked at me helplessly.

“I don’t know what to do,” she said.

“Whatever you want baby, do what you feel like doing. Nothing bad’s going to happen.”

“I know, it’s just so new.”

Despite my reassurance she remained paralyzed in indecision, her hand on my chest the only point of contact between us. As little activity as there was, I was drawn to every breath she took and every small movement of her fingers. I wanted more from her, I wanted to feel her exploring my body. I wanted her to make that choice. Until she did I couldn’t rush her, not without risking everything.

Finally, agonizingly slowly, her fingertips closed around the very top of my bra. I held perfectly still as she pulled it away and let it fall onto the mattress, leaving me topless in front of her.

“They’re beautiful,” she breathed.

“You think so?”

I was happy she’d said that, for a couple of reasons. One, if she liked seeing me naked it was a good sign of things to come. Two, despite my apparent confidence, there was always an irrational fear that when I let someone see my body, they’d be disappointed. No one had been yet, but that didn’t mean I could make that particular worry go away.

“Yeah, they’re so round and nice. Bigger than mine, too.”

Lindsay ducked her head a little as she said that and placed one of her hands on each of my breasts. I almost let it go since she was finally touching me the way I wanted her to, getting comfortable with our new closeness. I knew she was only trying to distract me though and hoping I wouldn’t notice her own insecurity.

“Lin, you don’t have to worry about your body, you know,” I said. “Not with me. I’m your sister and the last person who should be looking at you that way, but I did anyway. A lot. I haven’t seen you naked yet, not fully, but you really don’t have to worry.”

She didn’t say anything for a minute and wouldn’t meet my eyes, but she didn’t stop playing with my breasts either. Maybe it helped that her mind was on something else and she wasn’t thinking about what she was doing.

Whatever the case, her inexpert caresses felt amazing and I didn’t want her to stop. Her lack of experience might even have made it feel better in some ways, giving our intimacy a kind of innocence that wouldn’t exist if she’d been actively trying to make me feel good. I tried to commit every detail to memory since it would most likely be very difficult to replicate in the future.

“Do you want to?” she asked. “I mean, do you want to see me… naked?”

“Of course I do, I’d love to. When you’re ready, though.”

She was spending a lot of time appearing to be lost in thought. It made sense given the sheer amount of things she had to process, but I wished she would give me more of an idea exactly what she was thinking about.

I gasped as she pinched my nipple and she looked up at me startled, afraid she’d hurt me. I only smiled and guided her hands back where she’d pulled away. Usually I wasn’t really into having my nipples handled roughly, but for the sake of my sister’s learning I didn’t mind. She didn’t even pinch them again, sticking mostly with rubbing them and looking a couple times like she might actually lick one. She never got quite that bold, though.

After a while she sat up and stretched her arm out where she’d been laying on it. Her eyes stayed on my body as she did so, traveling from my neck down to my legs. I rolled onto my back and spread my legs a little to give her the best view I could and basked in the appreciative expression on her face. I didn’t enjoy having her look at me as much as I did looking at her or anything, but it was still nice.

“Andrea?” she said.


“I think I’m okay with… letting you see me and all…”

“What is it?” I prompted, trying to drag out whatever she was going to say before trailing off.

“Could I maybe see you first? I mean, you know.”

All I had on was my panties, and with her eyes constantly glancing over to that small area between my legs I felt pretty sure that I did know what she meant.

“Of course you can. Anything you want, Lin.”

Lindsay waited a moment as if expecting me to take my panties off for her. When I didn’t move at all I think she clued in and shifted to kneel next to my hip. She reached down with both hands to my waist and very gingerly took hold of my panties on either side. Visibly holding her breath she slowly pulled them down my legs.

I raised my butt off the mattress a little at first, then lifted my legs in order to make the task as easy as possible for my sister. She almost stopped when my pussy was revealed but continued all the way down and over my feet. She seemed torn for a second or two about what to do with my panties and settled for simply dropping them at the foot of the bed.

Lindsay crawled between my legs, her eyes wide and her features set in a look of wonder. She touched my inner thigh gently and I opened my legs wider for her. Her fingertips trailed across my skin toward my pussy but didn’t quite make it there.

“It’s beautiful,” she said. “It’s so smooth. It looks like mine.”

“We’re sisters, no reason they wouldn’t look the same.”

“I know, I guess I just didn’t know that you….”

“Kept mine shaved, too?” I finished for her.

“Yeah,” she said.

“I like how it looks, and how it feels. Makes me feel sexier when I’m masturbating.”

A look of… something crossed her face as the mention of masturbation.

“You masturbate, don’t you?” I asked, just to be sure.

“Yes! I mean, yeah, I do,” she said, seemingly embarrassed at how defensive she sounded. “But we never, you know, talked about it. Made me think about how much stuff we’re doing now, stuff we never did before.”

“We can stop if you want. Call it a night, and see how you feel tomorrow.”

“No, that’s okay. It’s only when I think about it I start getting overwhelmed. When I’m just going along, when I’m not thinking about it, what we’re doing feels good.”

“You’re worried about what it all means. You don’t know how it’s going to change things,” I said, not bothering to form it as a question. I knew what she meant about being overwhelmed, I’d been there.

“Something like that.” She nodded and gave me a weak smile. “And I know I could make some of the problems go away just by pretending this never happened, but I don’t want to. This feels different from anything I’ve ever done Andrea. This feels right.”

“Are you sure it’s not just ’cause you’ve never been with a girl before?”

What the hell did I say that for? Why would I try to discourage her line of thinking when it was going so well? I knew the answer even before I could finish formulating the questions. It was because, regardless of what I’d done or what would happen, I was still her big sister. I wanted her to be happy even if that meant a sacrifice on my part. This whole situation was my fault to start with.

“Maybe a little, I don’t know,” Lindsay said. “But I don’t think it’s that simple. I can’t explain it, not really, except that I want us to be closer than we were, like we are now. I just don’t know exactly what that’s going to be,” she finished apologetically.

“Whatever it is, we can do it together, it’s not something you have to deal with on your own.”

“I know, that’s part of why you’re different. That and you’re soft and warm and you’re not focused completely on getting off as soon you start getting undressed.”

“You’re only half right on that last one,” I said.

“No, I mean you’re giving me time to adjust and everything. I know you’re probably worked up and everything right now, but you’ve still been thinking about me.”

“Speaking of being worked up, no pressure or anything but if you don’t touch me again soon I’m probably going to have to do it myself.”

“You look like you need it,” Lindsay agreed. She looked purposefully at my pussy even though I couldn’t see it without sitting up. “You’re very, uh, wet.”

“I’m not surprised.”

Lindsay hesitantly reached down and placed her hand just above my pussy. It became clear pretty quickly that she really didn’t know what to do, mostly she just traced her fingers around my pussy lips. Occasionally she would get close enough to get some of my juices on her fingers and I could feel them being spread across my skin.

Eventually she did look up at me pleadingly, having realized what I already knew. It was one thing to get yourself off, but that didn’t necessarily translate to knowing what to do with someone else.

“See if you can get a couple fingers in me,” I whispered.

I wouldn’t normally start with that except that I really needed as much stimulation as I could get. I really hoped I’d be able to guide her well enough because if she couldn’t make me come relatively soon I was just going to get hornier until I was an absolute wreck.

My sister was still nervous but she followed my request and got her first two fingers in my pussy with very little difficulty. I was wet enough that it didn’t take much in the way of skill. She giggled in surprise at how easily they went in while I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. I wasn’t exactly filled up but it would do.

Without having to be told, Lindsay started moving her hand back and forth, thrusting her fingers inside me. She was slow at first as she adjusted to the idea of what she was doing, but actually built up to a decent speed. It wasn’t quite as fast as I needed, though.

“Harder,” I urged. “Don’t worry about hurting me.”


I moaned softly as she started finger-fucking me properly, driving her fingers in as far as they would go before pulling them back. Not that it was a complicated task, but my sister was actually doing quite well once she got past her hesitations. It made me wonder what it would be like once she got completely comfortable with me.

“Do you want me to rub your clit too?” Lindsay asked. “I usually like to, but I don’t know if you…”

“Oh god, yes. Please baby.”

That was one advantage to girls, they didn’t have to be taught everything like guys sometimes did. Even when they were new to it.

With the new double assault on my pussy and clit I finally had that feeling I’d been waiting for. My orgasm was building and, provided Lindsay kept up her current pace, would hit me soon.

“Don’t stop,” I begged. “Please don’t stop.”

She looked amazed at the effect she was having on me, probably not used to having anyone wriggling around in ecstasy at the mere touch of her fingers.

I was having a hard time keeping still, except that I knew thrashing around might dislodge her and I didn’t want that. My hips seemed to have a mind of their own and I gripped the sheets tightly to try and get my movements under control.

Then all thoughts of self-control vanished in an instant as I came. It was so intense, so massive, like nothing I’d ever felt before. All I felt was pleasure through my entire body, only barely aware of Lindsay’s continued stimulation.

I did eventually come down from my high, my eyes finally able to focus on things once more. The first thing I saw was my sister leaning over me looking concerned.

“Was I too loud?” I asked, noticing as I did that my throat was drier than I expected.  I had the vague impression that I’d screamed at some point.

“Only a little, I don’t think you were loud enough to wake anyone.”

“Good. You think you could get me some water?”

“Okay. Um, are you all right though? You weren’t responding for a couple seconds there and I didn’t know what to think.”

I smiled in an attempt to show that I was fine, but I’m not sure it convinced her. “There’s nothing wrong, babe. I was just feeling really, really good. You were amazing.”

There was a visible surge of pride on her face at the compliment and she seemed reassured enough to leave the room. She was only gone a minute or two before returning with a glass of water for me.

“Thanks,” I said, sitting up to take the glass from her.

“You’re welcome.”

I drank a third of the water in a couple large swallows, then sipped at it as my thirst diminished.

“So you’re probably tired now,” Lindsay said. “Probably ready to go to sleep.”

She was fidgeting with her hands and I got the definite impression that she was hoping I’d say I wasn’t.

“Kinda, I am a little drained. Lindsay…” I paused for a second and tried to figure out how to say what I wanted. After a moment I gave up and just went for it. “I know you’re maybe not ready for this, but do you want me to take care of you now? Because I don’t think I could ever be tired enough to say no to that.”

She nodded without quite meeting my eyes. “I’m so worked up, Andrea. I never… I don’t remember feeling like this before.”

Setting the mostly empty water glass on the nightstand beside the bed, I shifted closer to my sister. I pulled her to me and gently kissed her until I felt some of the stiffness leave her.

“You don’t have to worry about that, anything like that,” I said. “I know what you’re experiencing better than anyone.”

“I know, I want you to. I just got scared at how badly I wanted it.”

“Why? Were you scared this whole time?”

“No. It’s only when I realized how much you’re affecting me, how much I want that to continue. Andrea, what if it doesn’t? What if everything changes?”

I guess I should have expected Lindsay to freak out at some point, she had enough to deal with. I almost freaked out too,not immediately knowing what to do but wanting so badly to help. She looked like she might cry, and I didn’t know if I could handle seeing her that way.

“Listen, things are going to change, things always change. But I promise that the important things aren’t. I’m not ever going to stop loving you as my sister, and as more if you let me. If anyone tries to get between us, they’ll have to drag me away kicking and screaming.”

Lindsay managed a small half-smile for me, but didn’t seem entirely convinced.

“What about when you get tired of me?” she asked, trying to make it sound like a joke.

“Lin, I’ve known you for eighteen years now. You’re my little sister, not someone I just met. I thought two semesters away would help and they didn’t, I only wanted you more. I won’t ever stop loving you, baby, not for anything.”

I barely had a chance to finish before she tackled me, locking her arms around me tightly. “I love you, too,” she whispered in my ear.

We hugged for long enough for me to remember I was naked, and for sexual feelings to gradually replace the emotional ones I’d started out with. I wanted to be able to make her feel as good as she did for me and hopefully to leave any lingering problems until later.

Moving slowly I began to lift the bottom of Lindsay’s shirt. When I was about halfway up her body she raised her arms above her shoulders, giving me silent permission. I had a little difficulty getting the neck past her head and had to shift my grip, but soon had her topless in front of me.

I kissed her passionately, letting our naked breasts press together as we embraced. As had been the case pretty much the whole time she let me take the lead, only now I could actually use it to full effect. Not yet breaking our kiss I guided her backward until she was lying down underneath me.

As soon I got her settled I went for her bottoms. She again responded to my non-verbal requests and helped me to remove her pajama pants, leaving her completely naked.

This was where I had to be somewhat careful, since being naked in front of someone for the first time is usually a bit scary. Particularly when you’re not quite certain how they’ll react but desperately want them to like what they see.

“So beautiful,” I breathed, not exaggerating even slightly.

Lindsay squirmed in a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment but didn’t say anything. She clutched her hands nervously in front of her and I had to pull them apart in order to get access to her breasts. I gently kissed each one before sucking one of her nipples between my lips.

“Are you sure they’re not too small?” she asked.

“Baby, how many times do I have to tell you that you’re absolutely perfect?”

“At least twice a day.”

I looked up at her, surprise evident on my face. “Was that an actual joke I heard?”

“Maybe.” She shrugged but the little grin on her face gave her away.

“Okay, I can handle that.” I crawled up farther along her body and kissed her lovingly. “You’re perfect, you’re my beautiful little sister and I love every single part of you. How’s that?”

I didn’t give her a chance to answer and instead kissed her again, completely cutting off anything she might have tried to say. She responded eagerly and met my tongue midway between our mouths with her own. I stroked one of her breasts with my hand as our tongues wrestled playfully.

One of my legs was between hers and she started humping against it, craving her own release but not wanting to say so. I knew what she needed though and I’d take care of it.

“I guess you’re also my horny little sister, aren’t you?” I said.

“Please, Andrea,” she begged non-specifically.

“Don’t worry baby, I got it.”

I had to position myself so that my head was more or less at the level of her hips. Her pussy was, like mine had been, already more than ready for me. She even seemed to be dripping onto the bed slightly before I so much as touched her most intimate place.

I started by running my fingers up and down her pussy lips, trailing my middle finger directly along her wet slit. Lindsay moaned and rocked her hips toward me impatiently as she waited for me to get on with it. Smiling to myself I pushed a single finger into her accepting entrance. It was tight, but not to the point of slowing me down very much.

“Is that okay, Lin?” I asked.

“Uh-huh,” she replied simply.

She was squeezing one of her breasts rhythmically, but I’m not certain she was fully aware of it. Her attention seemed to be mainly on me and what I was doing.

Instead of sliding another finger in and more or less repeating what she’d done to me, I turned my focus to her clit. I had a better idea what I was doing and was pretty sure finesse was the way to go at this point. She was turned on enough that I didn’t have to worry about building her up, I just needed to release all that sexual energy inside her.

I leaned in close and let my tongue dart out to flick against her sensitive clit. I made sure to pay attention to her reactions every time I licked her as I worked out what she responded best to. Some other time I could spend hours teasing her if I wanted, right now I was only interested in making her come fast and hard.

A pattern of long, forceful licks interspersed with sucking briefly on her clit was what I settled on. My sister’s moans had intensified and I knew the stimulation on her clit and pussy would soon have her coming on my finger. I didn’t even stop long enough to remind her not to be too loud, not wanting to let up the pressure for a second.

My efforts were soon rewarded as I brought Lindsay to orgasm. Her pussy did its best to crush my finger and her moans became dangerously loud before she clamped her pillow down over her face. I kept my tongue pressed against her clit until she calmed down and I sensed her body relaxing.

She lay on her back panting as I climbed up next to her and pulled the covers up over the both of us. I only barely got us settled in before she rolled over and curled up in my arms, burying her head against my shoulder.


“Yeah, baby,” I whispered.

“I love you.”

“I know, I love you too.”

That was effectively the end of our short conversation. I didn’t know how long it was before Lindsay’s breathing changed to signal she was asleep, but I continued to lie awake, holding her long after. The night had turned out so much better than I could ever have hoped and I didn’t really want it to end, even though I was exhausted. The only reason I was willing to surrender to sleep at all was that I wanted to be able to wake up with my sister, to have as much of the day together as possible.

There would be more problems, I had no illusions otherwise. I didn’t worry about them, though, couldn’t bring myself to care. I had my sister now, in every way, and as long as we were together nothing else mattered.

The End


Home Alone, Chapter 9

  • Posted on February 18, 2021 at 2:39 pm

by Ebo

Standing on the steps at On That Note, Riley couldn’t stop thinking about the dream she’d had last night, even though she really needed to. Her face felt hot, flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. Helena was going to take one look at her and know something was up.

Which is why she hadn’t rung the doorbell, yet. She was still trying to get herself under control.

It had been such an erotic dream, so sexy and inappropriate. The way the teacher had teased her with an orgasm, made her play when her fingers just didn’t want to work…

Oh God, Riley thought, shaking her head, this is going to be a long lesson.

The door suddenly opened, making Riley jump in surprise. From the open door, Helena gave her a curious look, said, “You’ve been standing out here a while. Were you planning on ringing the bell?”

Riley nodded, giving her a sheepish grin.

The teacher looked at her a long moment, then stepped aside to let her in, saying, “I think we need to have a talk.”

Taking a deep breath, Riley stepped through the door, waited while Helena closed it behind them. She followed the woman, frowned when they walked right passed the den where she gave lessons. They turned into a living room instead, Helena motioning her to sit down. A little uncertain, she sat on the couch, watched as the woman produced a cell phone from a pocket on her dress. She dialed a number, held up a finger to Riley while it rang.

“Hi,” Helena said, then smiled. “Yeah, she’s here. I’ll put you on speaker.”

“Hey, Riley. It’s Rebecca,” her stepsister said, her voice tinny through the phone’s speaker.

“What’s up?” she said, frowning at Helena.

“I think it’s time we cleared the air between us,” Rebecca said.

“What do you mean,” Riley asked.

“I told Helena about you finding the videos hidden on my computer.”

Flinching, Riley looked at the woman and Helena managed a nervous smile, then nodded. The poor woman looked about as embarrassed as could be.

“I’m so sorry,” Riley said, her own face turning red, “I was being nosy and… I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Helena said, sighing, “I knew they were a bad idea.”

“Yeah, but they were a lot of fun to make,” Rebecca said, laughing. It brought a smile to Helena’s lips, affection clear in her eyes.

Again, Riley felt better about not telling her parents.

“Riley has been thinking about quitting piano lessons,” her stepsister said.

The teacher looked at her, asked, “Is that true?”

“It’s been kind of awkward,” she said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously, “all things considered.”

“Because of the videos,” she asked.

“Among other things,” Riley said, blushing when Rebecca started laughing.

Helena gave her a sympathetic smile, one that said she knew what ‘among other things’ meant. Her cheeks turned crimson as she realized Rebecca must have told Helena about what had happened in her stepsister’s room, then again in the kitchen.

“Is she blushing?” Rebecca asked, still laughing.

“Be nice to your sister,” Helena said, trying not to laugh.

“I’m just teasing, Riley,” Rebecca said.

“It’s not funny,” Riley replied, smiling anyway.

“Anyway, I think we’ve aired out all our dirty laundry,” Rebecca said.

“I think so, too,” Helena said, looking at Riley. The girl managed a sheepish grin, nodded.

“Good. I’ll let you two get on with lessons… or whatever else you want to get into.”

Helena looked away from Riley, her face turning red. Riley shook her head, her own cheeks coloring as she realized she wasn’t the only one her stepsister had been trying to sell on fooling around.

“I can hear you two blushing,” Rebecca said, laughing as she disconnected.

Helena met her eyes, gave her an embarrassed smile, said, “That didn’t make it any less awkward, did it?”

“Um, not so much,” Riley said, laughing.

“Do you still want to learn how to play piano?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good,” she said, smiling at Riley as she stood up, “let’s start today’s lesson.”


“You’re an asshole,” Riley said, entering her stepsister’s room without knocking. She had just gotten home, had come straight upstairs to give the teenager a piece of her mind.

Rebecca was stretched out on her bed, wearing really short shorts, a t-shirt a size too small for her, and headphones. Her legs were crossed at the knee, her foot dipping to whatever song she was listening to. She looked really good lying there, and Riley felt some of her anger slip.

She propped up on her elbows and grinned at Riley, her eyes full of mischief, as she said, “Helena said pretty much the same thing when she called after you left.”

“That was so embarrassing,” she said.

“But necessary,” Rebecca said, pulling her headphones off. She got up and came over to where Riley stood, pressed the girl against the door and kissed her deeply.

Caught off guard, Riley forgot all about being upset, kissed the teenager back. She felt herself responding, getting turned on and had to slip from between the door and Rebecca. Taking a deep breath, she reined in her galloping heart.

“Hey, you don’t get to do that after what you did,” Riley said, crossing her arms under her breasts.

“It was an ‘I’m sorry’ kiss,” Rebecca said, leaning against the door.

Riley really wished she didn’t look so sexy posed like that. She was having a hard time remembering to be mad at her.

“No, it wasn’t.”

Rebecca just smiled at her, her eyes flashing.

“You can stop doing that,” Riley said, laughing, “it isn’t going to work.”

“Stop doing what,” Rebecca asked, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

“Giving me that look,” she said, her voice sounding funny even to her own ears.

“I think it’s working just fine,” the teenager said, pushing away from the door. She stepped close to Riley, still smiling that sexy little smile.

“You are such an asshole,” Riley said, laughing and shaking her head.

Then Rebecca closed the gap between them and kissed the younger girl. There was no denying she was more than a little turned on by her confidence, her certainty she could get what she wanted from Riley.

“Let me make it up to you,” Rebecca said, steering her towards the bed. Riley didn’t put up much of a fight because it was where she wanted to go, too.

The back of her legs hit the bed and Rebecca toppled Riley onto her back. Grinning down at her, the teenager unbuttoned her stepsister’s jeans, then worked the zipper. Riley lifted her backside off the bed, let her work the pants off her hips, then down her long legs. Sinking to her knees, Rebecca removed her shoes, then the pants.

The teenager grinned as she ran her hands up the insides of Riley’s thighs, gently spread them wide. Riley’s breath caught in her throat as Rebecca lowered her mouth to the crotch of her panties, licked her through the thin cotton. She moaned as teased her tender bud, not bothering to move the underwear out of the way.

“Oh God,” she said, putting her hands over her face. She couldn’t believe she was letting this happen. She had ever right to be mad at the teenager, had come up here to give her an earful and had let Rebecca seduce her, instead.

Even through the cotton of her panties, the older girl’s tongue felt incredible, was sending little shivers of pleasure working through her. Ashamed or not, she was enjoying what was happening to her.

Rebecca hooked her fingers in the crotch of Riley’s panties, pulled them to one side. She slipped two fingers from her free hand inside Riley’s slick core. Riley moaned thickly, her back arching off the bed as those digits moved slowly in and out of her. Each thrust found that little magic button inside that drove her body crazy.

That hot, wet tongue found her bud, teased it in lazy circles. Riley grabbed one of Rebecca’s pillows, pressed it against her mouth. She didn’t trust herself to keep quiet, not with these wonderful sensations washing through her twelve year old body.

“Does this feel good?” Rebecca asked, letting her pace quicken.

Not trusting herself, Riley nodded, but didn’t remove the pillow. Her fingers were digging into the material, she was squeezing it so hard to her face.

The fingers slipped from inside of her and she pulled the pillow aside long enough to see what Rebecca was doing. She slammed it back in place as the teenager’s tongue moved lower, slipped inside. Even the pillow couldn’t completely muffle the cries of pleasure as Rebecca’s tongue wriggled in her. Her hips kept wanting to undulate against the teenager’s mouth, and she couldn’t stop them.

With the thumb of her free hand, Rebecca teased her tender bud, making these lazy circles that sent shivers through the younger girl.

There was a knock at the door, causing Riley to gasp. Pulling the pillow from her face, she stared wide eyed at the door. Her heart was racing and she felt a little sick with adrenaline as she waited for it to open. She didn’t even try to move, saw her jeans on the other side of the room. There was no way she’d be able to get up and wriggle into them before whoever it was came into the room.

“Yeah?” Rebecca called, still rubbing Riley’s clit with her thumb. Even in panic mode, the sensation made her moan. She grabbed the pillow, pressing it hard against her mouth. With her free hand, she tried to push the teenager’s hand away. Laughing, Rebecca trapped her wrist, didn’t let up on the sweet torture with her free hand.

“Dinner’s ready,” her mother called through the door.

“Okay,” Rebecca said.

“Have you seen Riley?”

“Yeah, she’s in here with me,” Rebecca said, making Riley cringe.

Surely that had to pique the woman’s curiosity. As far she knew, they still barely acknowledged each other. The two spending time together would be cause for investigation. She was going to poke her head in to see what her teenage daughter and Riley were up to.

There was a long pause, silence on the other side of the door. It didn’t do anything for her nerves, which were stretched tight. She kept expecting to hear the door creak open and her stepmother to gasp at the sight of Riley, half naked on her back with a pillow over her face and her daughter kneeling between the younger girl’s spread thighs, rubbing her sex through the panties that had fallen back in place because Rebecca still had her arm restrained. The longer her stepmother didn’t say anything, the more jittery Riley grew.

“Well, you two hurry up. Don’t let your dinner get cold,” she called.

“Okay,” Rebecca called.

Riley gasped as Rebecca’s hot tongue pressed against the crotch of her panties. Pulling the pillow away, she gave the teenager a dumbfounded look, “What are you doing? We have to go.”

“In a minute,” Rebecca said, grinning at her, “I like to finish what I start.”

“You can’t be serious,” Riley said, shaking her head in wonder, “We were almost busted.”

“But we weren’t,” she said, winking at her, “now, if you’d just focus…”

Laughing and shaking her head, Riley knew she was wasting her breath. Rebecca wasn’t going to change her mind. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. She could almost hear the clock ticking in her head, each tick sounding like the rap of knuckles on the bedroom door. It made it difficult to concentrate on the wonderful things Rebecca was doing to her.

She needed something to distract her from her imminent doom, something sexy. In her mind’s eye, she replayed the scene from earlier, when Rebecca had pressed her against the door and kissed her deeply. It sent a shiver through her. She grabbed the pillow, again, stifling a moan before it could escape her parted lips.

The kiss against the door had been exciting and hot but it was too short a memory to keep her thoughts occupied. The ticking of the clock came back, and she searched for another erotic memory to drown it out.

Her dream from last night popped into her head, the last thing she needed to be thinking about now. Still, the image of Helena in clingy lingerie, on hands and knees as she crawled between Riley’s legs was one she couldn’t shake. Giving in, she let the dream replay in her mind.

She’d just have to deal with this growing attraction to Helena later.

Rebecca had her writhing, her body twisting as it tried to escape the wonderful sensations running through her. In her personal darkness, it was Helena’s mouth on her young sex, that hot tongue teasing her as she tried to play the scale she teacher wanted. The dream and reality kind of blurred into one surreal erotic moment, and she couldn’t control her voice. Even through the pillow, her cries were getting louder.

Tension crept into her young body, gathered until she had to come or simply explode from the building pressure. She climaxed hard, her body pitching a fit. It left her trembling all over from the intensity.

Gasping for breath, she pulled the pillow away, looked at Rebecca. The teenager was grinning at her, got to her feet, then leaned over her to give her a kiss. Riley kissed Rebecca back, could taste herself on her tongue, her lips.

Rebecca pulled her to her feet, said, “We need to hurry. Get dressed.”

Riley found her jeans, wriggled into them. She grimaced at the wet crotch of her panties as they pressed uncomfortably against her. Still, she didn’t have time to change, so she’d just have to deal with it. Sitting on the bed, she slipped into her shoes.

She was heading for the door, when Rebecca caught her wrist, turned her around, “Wait. Your hair is a mess.”

The teenager smoothed it back in place, an oddly gentle, affectionate move that caught Riley off guard.

“I can’t do anything about your flushed cheeks, but at least you don’t look like the bride of Frankenstein anymore.”

They hurried downstairs into the dining room. Her stepmother gave them a curious look when they entered the room, and Riley had a paranoid moment when she thought the woman knew what had happened upstairs. She must know what Riley’s flushed face meant.

“What took you so long?” she asked as they found their seats.

“Sorry,” Rebecca said. “Riley needed some help with her piano lessons. I let her borrow my keyboard.”

“Really,” her mother said, her eyes widening.

“What?” Rebecca said, her voice getting surly.

“Nothing,” the woman said, shaking her head.

“She’s going to need one of her own, if she keeps taking lessons,” Rebecca said.

Riley watched this exchange with interest. It was amazing how easily Rebecca had slipped into the cool, detached mode she used to favor Riley with. She could learn a lot from this girl about being sneaky.

Riley’s stepmother looked at her, a hint of a frown on her face. Riley could tell something was bothering her. She just hoped she didn’t look as guilty as she felt she did, as if she had I just fooled around with your daughter written on her forehead.

Finally, the woman shrugged and said, “Do you think you’ll like piano lessons, Riley?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Then I’ll talk to your father about getting you a keyboard,” she said, smiling at her.


“Until then,” she said, looking at her daughter, “maybe you can share with Riley?”

Rebecca gave her mom a smile, asked, “Can I get some time off for good behavior?”

Shaking her head and laughing, the woman said, “I tell you what… let Riley use your keyboard and help me buy her one if her dad says okay, and I’ll let you off with time served.”

“Deal,” the teenager said, looking at Riley, “Looks like you’re my get out of jail free card.”

The rest of the meal was largely eaten in silence, and Riley was glad for it. She figured the less she had to say, the better. She wasn’t anywhere near as good at being sneaky as her stepsister.

She tried not to squirm, but her wet panties were pressed uncomfortably against her girlhood. She tried to ignore it, but wasn’t having much luck. She couldn’t wait until the meal was over and she could get out of them.

Finished eating, she put her dishes in the dishwasher, grabbed a coke from the fridge. When she turned around, she found Rebecca had followed her into the kitchen. The teenager put her dishes up, then smiled at Riley.

“That worked out better than I could have hoped,” the older girl said, leaning against the sink.

“Looks like you won’t be grounded for much longer,” Riley said, grinning.

“Guess not,” she said, then added, “You know you still owe me an orgasm, right? I won’t count this one, but you’re still one in the hole. I might come by later to collect.”

Riley felt her cheeks flush, and Rebecca winked at her. The teenager left the kitchen, the twitch of her backside drawing Riley’s attention. When she was gone, Riley had to shake her head. Rebecca was just too sexy, and she was going to be trouble.


Later that night, Riley was just drifting off to sleep when a scraping sound brought her back. Smiling, she thought Rebecca had decided to come calling after all. She had waited all evening for the teenager to knock on her door, and had been more than a little disappointed when she hadn’t.

Glancing at the door, she frowned. It was still closed. There was enough light in the upstairs hallway that plenty would have spilled in if Rebecca had opened the door.

Then she heard the sound again, realized it wasn’t coming from the direction of the door but that of her window. In the gloom, she could just make out a human shape at the window. Her first reaction was to panic but it passed before her heart could even start racing. A smile spread on her face as the shape approached the bed, crawled onto it.

“Hi,” Caroline said, stretching out beside her.

Riley opened the covers for her and her friend snuggled close, her warm body molding itself against Riley’s. Smiling at her in the gloom, she said, “Hi yourself.”

“Is this okay?”

“More than okay,” Riley answered, tilting Caroline’s head up to give her a quick kiss, “I was wondering if you’d ever do this. Climb the tree again.”

“I’m not going to lie,” Caroline said, laughing, “it was a lot scarier than I remembered. I must have had nerves of steel when I was seven.”

Laughing with her, she kissed Caroline, then again. It quickly deepened and Riley could feel the need behind it. It sparked her own desire.

When their lips finally parted, Caroline said, “Mmm… that made it worth the risk.”

“I’m glad you’re here,” Riley said, smiling. With so many electronic devices with LEDs casting their multicolored glow, the darkness of the room was far from complete, and Riley could see her friend smiling back at her.

“Is it bad that I couldn’t even wait more than a day?” Caroline said, giggling. “I’ve been horny all afternoon.”

“Well,” Riley said, laughing, “you’re almost a teenager, and you know what they say about teenagers.”

“You’re closer than me,” Caroline said, grinning. “Your birthday is just around the bend.”

“Then just imagine how horny I must be,” Riley teased, making Caroline laugh. Her hand stole under Caroline’s shirt, found her soft breast. Sighing, Caroline pressed against her hand, encouraged her not to stop. Riley smiled as her breathing changed, became fast and shallow as her friend grew excited.

Caroline threw the covers back, sat up so she could slip out of her t-shirt. In the dark, Riley could just make out that she wore only panties. In her haste to get over here, the girl hadn’t bothered with pants. It made her grin, thinking about Caroline slinking over in her night clothes, her panties on display for the whole town to see.

Her friend caught her looking, said, “It was kind of exciting, walking over here like this.”

“I bet it was,” Riley said, laughing as she started stripping out of her own clothes. Her t-shirt and shorts went on the floor and she remembered she hadn’t bothered with panties after coming upstairs. It was going to be a surprise for Rebecca, if she decided tonight was the night to settle debts. She glanced at up, but Caroline hadn’t noticed their absence. She was too busy removing her own.

Grinning, Riley thought, It could get complicated if Rebecca decides to come and collect now on that orgasm I owe her. I guess we could fit all three of us on this bed…

“Didn’t do anything for my horniness, though,” Caroline said, moving against her. She wrapped her arms around Riley’s neck, toppled them both backwards so she was lying atop Riley.

“Oh my,” Riley said, grinning up at her. She kissed the girl, a sweet lingering kiss that left them both breathless.

Caroline kissed her chin, then her graceful curve of her neck, her collar bone. Riley felt a flush excitement as Caroline kept moving lower, pausing to kiss and tease first one nipple, then the other. Riley sighed, that hot tongue sending little shivers of pleasure through her. Her hand slipped into Caroline’s hair, to hold her there.

Eventually, she moved lower, leaving a trail of moist kisses on Riley’s taut belly. She gently blew on them, making Riley shiver deliciously. The contrast was lovely, the warm kisses and cool breath confusing and exciting her nerve endings.

Riley’s breath caught in her throat as her friend came to the junctions of her thighs. It escaped her as a moan as Caroline’s lips and tongue teased her bud. She grinned as it dawned on her this was the second time a girl had done this to her today.

Stroking Caroline’s silky hair, she closed her eyes and let the wonderful sensations flood through her. The hot, wet caress of Caroline’s tongue on her clit brought soft moans to her lips and she had to bite down on her knuckle to keep them at bay.

Oh, God, she thought, shaking her head, I might need the pillow again.

She was biting her knuckle almost hard enough to draw blood, trying to keep quiet. Caroline had her body going crazy, her hips undulating against the girl’s mouth. It seemed confused by the wonderful things Caroline was doing to it, her nerve endings screaming for more even as her body tried to shy away from the intense pleasure. Riley’s free hand, the one she wasn’t chewing to death, slipped from Caroline’s hair to clutch at the sheets, like an anchor holding her in place.

Caroline ran her hands along the insides of her thighs, her touch as light as a feather. It sent little shivers up Riley’s spine. Those hands slipped up her flanks, the fingertips just brushing her skin, then cupping her heaving breasts. The knuckles between her teeth couldn’t hold back the groan that escaped Riley as her friend’s palms teased her throbbing nipples. Her back arched up from the bed as Caroline traced lazy circles across the bottoms, then the slopes of her breasts.

“Oh God,” Riley breathed, feeling an orgasm building up. Letting go of the sheets, she clamped both hands on her mouth as her body gathered tension. Then the climax that had been creeping up suddenly pounced on her, shook her hard enough to break her apart. Even muffled by her hands, her cry of ecstasy seemed incredibly loud.

She was still trembling all over when Caroline crawled up her supine body, grinned down at her. Letting her hand fall from her mouth, Riley pulled the girl down to kiss her.

“What was with the hands?” Caroline asked, finally breaking the kiss.

“I was trying to be quiet.”

“You kind of lost it there at the end,” Caroline said, kissing her again.

“Yeah, you’re getting really good at that,” Riley said, laughing.

“It’s always nice to be appreciated,” Caroline said, grinning.

“Give me a second to catch my breath and I’ll appreciate the hell out of you.”

“Wow,” Caroline said, laughing, “You’ve been hanging around with your stepsister too much.”

“Too slutty?” Riley asked, grinning at her.

Even in the dark, Riley could see her friend’s eyes flash, the playful smile spreading on her face, as she said, “Just slutty enough.”

“You like a little dirty talk,” she asked, laughing.

“Doesn’t everyone?” Caroline asked, rolling off Riley and onto her back.

Getting to her hands and knees, Riley moved between her friend’s legs, gently spread them wide. Running her hand up one long leg, over the firm calf to the silky smooth thigh, she drew a sigh from Caroline, then a moan as her fingers found her girlhood.

She saw Caroline grinning, wondered why. Then the girl took her hand in hers, moved it lower. Her fingertips pressed against the opening then eased into the hot, slick core of the girl. She gasped in surprise as her fingers sank deep into Caroline.

“What? I thought–” Riley said, stunned. She was afraid to move.

“Surprise,” Caroline said, laughing.

“But you’re a virgin,” Riley said, inanely.

“Not even technically, any more,” she said, laughing.

“How? I mean…” Riley said, then started over, “you know what I’m asking.”

“The honest answer,” Caroline said, sighing, “I don’t know. I found out by accident this morning that my hymen was broken. Talk about a happy accident. A very, very happy accident.”

“Really,” Riley said, laughing and shaking her head, “and what were you doing when this ‘accident’ happened?”

“That’s not important,” she said, laughing.

“Uh-huh,” Riley said, easing her fingers out a little, then burying them inside again. Caroline moaned thickly, the girl’s hips rolling against her hand.

“Do you think it is because of what we’ve been doing? Is that possible?”

“Considering a fence rail broke mine,” Riley said, grimacing at the memory, “I guess it’s possible.”

“Huh,” Caroline said.

“This doesn’t hurt at all?” Riley asked, slowly moving her fingers inside of Caroline.

“No. Feels really good,” Caroline moaned.

Grinning, Riley said, “Then it’s your lucky night.”

Caroline watched with interest as Riley picked up her bedside lamp, pulled the tape on the bottom aside and removed the vibrator she’d stolen from Spencer’s at the mall. When she saw what Riley had, she bit her lower lip, uncertainly.

“That’s a lot bigger than your fingers,” she said.

“Yeah, but it feels incredible,” Riley said, moving between her friend’s thighs, again. Meeting Caroline’s eyes, she said, “If it’s too big to fit inside, we can still have fun with it.”

Caroline nodded, still biting her lip. Her eyes were fixed on the glossy shaft of the sex toy, and Riley could just make out the interest and apprehension in them.

Turning the black knob at the top, she brought the vibrator buzzing to life. She ran it along the inside of the girl’s thigh, making her jerk and giggle. The giggles dried up as the toy found her bud and she moaned. Riley kept it there and eased her fingers back inside of Caroline. She had to smile when the girl’s back arched off the bed, her hips rolling against Riley’s thrusting fingers.

When she thought Caroline was ready, Riley slipped her fingers out of her slick sex, then eased the toy in. Caroline gasped but her body accepted the vibrator, took it deep inside. Even on low, the vibrations must feel incredible because she had to put a hand over her mouth. Her fingers only muffled the little cries of pleasure she was making, couldn’t mask them completely.

Slow and easy, Riley moved the vibrator in and out, letting her friend get used to the toy inside her. She listened to her breathing, to the sounds she was making, taking her cues from the girl. Her pace slowly increased.

“That feels so good,” Caroline whispered, clamping her hand back to her mouth as a moan tried to escape.

“I told you it would,” Riley said, remembering how it had felt in her own body, the vibrations going everywhere, not just between her thighs. She felt a shiver, just thinking about it.

She shifted her position so she could lower her mouth to Caroline’s girlhood and still use the vibrator. Caroline gasped as Riley’s tongue teased her tender bud, her body jerking. The hand on her mouth wasn’t helping much anymore, and her cries were getting louder.

Riley rolled her eyes to her bedroom door, hoping that everyone was sound asleep. Anyone walking by the door might be able to hear Caroline. The girl got kind of loud when she was excited and she sounded pretty excited now.

“Shh,” Riley said, laughing.

“I’m trying,” Caroline whispered around a moan, “that feels so — oh God, oh God — feels so good I can’t stand it.”

“Should I stop?” Riley teased.

“You better fucking not,” Caroline moaned, her back arching up from the bed, giggling at the swear word she’d just used. The laughter turned into a drawn out moan as Riley started thrusting the toy into her again.

“You know, this thing has two more speeds,” Riley said, clicking the toy into the medium setting. The buzzing got louder but still wasn’t as loud as the noises the girl was making, even with both hands clamped on her mouth.

“Oh shit, oh shit,” Caroline hissed, her words muffled by her hands but not nearly enough.

Please be sound asleep, Riley begged her parents. Her heart was racing as she glanced at the doo, again. A naughty shiver worked its way up her spine, the danger of the situation getting her excited.

Grinning, she ran her hand up Caroline’s supine body to cup one heaving breast, to let the nipple drag across her palm. The girl’s back arched, pushing the breast into her hand. It just begged to be teased, and her touch drew a thick moan from Caroline.

She let her hand roam over the girl, thrilling to the smooth skin under her fingertips. Caroline was firm and soft in all the right places. Riley couldn’t stop exploring her friend’s twelve year old body. She liked the way her stomach tightened as the vibrator moved inside of her, liked the baby fine hairs on the insides of her thighs, liked everything her fingers touched.

Riley had come a long way from that first fumbling, embarrassed time with Caroline. She found the more she did it, the more she wanted to do it. More than that, she found herself liking the female form more and more, caught herself admiring girls at school or at the mall all the time.

Distracted, she almost missed the changing in Caroline’s breathing, the erratic jerk of her hips that as the girl started to orgasm. She met the girl’s eyes in the gloom, then with one more thrust of the vibrator, pushed her over the edge. Caroline hissed through her teeth like an angry cat as her body locked up, then shook itself loose.

Riley eased the vibrator out of her friend’s very sensitive sex, making her gasp and her hips jerk. Turning off the toy, she set it aside.

“Holy shit,” Caroline said, smoothing her hair out of her face.

Laughing, Riley stretched out beside her. Caroline rolled into her, her lithe body molding to Riley’s. She had to smile, loving the way the girl fit against her.

Why she woke up, she couldn’t say. Riley looked at her alarm clock, saw it was still more than an hour before it was set to go off. Frowning, she started to close her eyes and go back to sleep, but stopped when she felt someone shift their body weight beside her. She looked to her left, saw Caroline on her side, facing away from her. Seeing her bare back, she realized the girl was still naked. She looked down at herself and saw she was, too.

She realized that they had fallen asleep after fooling around last night. Then her sleep-fuzzy mind finally kicked into gear, and she gasped.

“Shit! Caroline,” she said, shaking the girl, “Wake up!”

“What,” the girl mumbled.

“You need to get up. We fell asleep!”

“So,” she said.

“So? Mom doesn’t know you’re here! You sneaked over, remember.”

The girl sat up in bed, her eyes wide, “What time is it?”

“Almost six.”

“Shit,” Caroline said, scrambling off the bed. She looked around frantically for her clothes, managed to find her t-shirt but not her panties. Riley spotted them, got them for her.

She started to climb out the window, then stopped and looked down at herself. It was getting light outside, much too light to walking up the street in her her current attire.

Laughing, Riley said, “Grab some shorts out of the drawer.”

“Yeah, I guess I better. It was exciting last night, but it would just be embarrassing this morning.”

“You better hurry, though,” Riley said.

“I know,” Caroline said, pulling open her dresser. She slipped into a pair of shorts, then turned to Riley. In two long strides, she was molded against her, her lips pressed against hers, “Last night was amazing.”

“We should do it again sometime.”


Laughing, Riley said, “I’ll leave the window unlocked.”

Coming soon: Chapter Ten!


Birds in Flight, Chapter 5

  • Posted on February 13, 2021 at 2:31 pm

by Girl Lover

Jill woke up to something squeezing her breast. The room was still dark. She squinted at the clock, which read 2:47, then felt her nipple being pinched. “Emma? Is that you?” she called out.


“What on earth are you doing?”

“I wanna play with your boobies,” said the little girl.

“Good grief, Emma… It’s the middle of the night!”

“But your boobies were calling me. I heard them!”

Jill couldn’t keep from chuckling but had to say, “They were not calling you, silly. They’re sleepy, and you should be, too. Let’s go back to sleep.”

“After you wake up, can I play with them then?”

Jill rolled her eyes, “Yeah.”

“Okay, g’night.”

Jill sighed, “Good night.”



Jill woke up, still half-asleep, “Wha…?”

“Are you awake now?” It was Emma’s voice.

Jill groaned. It was still mostly dark, although a faint light had begun to shine through the window. What time is it?, she wondered, peering at the clock through half-closed eyes. 6:02. Well, at least it’s almost daylight, Jill thought, then replied, “Yeah, I guess I’m awake,” trailing off into a yawn.

“Can I play with your boobies now?”

“Yeah, yeah. I guess so.”

“Yay!” Emma cheered, then grabbed roughly at Jill’s breasts.

“Ow! Hey, careful there.”

This, of course, awakened Linda, “What’s going on?”

To which Jill replied, “Our new girlfriend. She wants to play with my boobs.”

“Emma!” Linda’s unusually stern voice called out.

“Jill said I could.”

“It’s okay. I like it,” Jill murmured, then kissed Linda.

The two lovers cuddled together watching Emma, who sat at Jill’s side, kneading her breasts like modeling clay. After a minute, the urge to join Emma became too great for Linda, and she too began to fondle Jill’s boobs.  For her part, Jill propped her hands behind her head and relaxed, enjoying the loving attention.

Before long, though, Jill allowed her hand to wander down Linda’s bareback until she was caressing the girl’s silken bottom. Her desire mounting, she slipped a finger… into Linda’s butt crack, teasing her little lover’s anus.

Linda started, then gazed at Jill, her eyes glowing with adoration. “Oh, Jill… I love you.”

Jill answered the ten-year-old with a kiss, purring with delight as Linda’s tongue emerged to dance with hers.

It seemed as if their morning was going to start with an hour or two of lovemaking, but a glance at the clock over Linda’s shoulder set Jill straight. Breaking the kiss, she sighed. “I hate to break this up, ladies, but we’ve got to get up and get packed. Check-out time is in less than an hour, and we need to hit the road soon anyhow.”

Emma pouted. “We gotta ride in the car again? Can’t we not do it today, an’ — an’ stay here?”

Jill shook her head. “There’s only enough money left for one more night in a motel, pumpkin. That means we’ve got to get to Gramma’s place tomorrow, or we won’t just be riding in the car… we’ll have to sleep in it, too.” Climbing out of bed, she stretched and yawned. “Who’s first for the shower?”

“Me!” Emma exclaimed, leaping to her feet.

While Emma got cleaned up, Linda began to pack their things while Jill made pancakes. Emma soon emerged, pink and glowing, and they sat down to eat. No syrup, but there was half a jarful of grape jelly left, so they used that for the pancakes. After breakfast, it was getting perilously close to check-out time, so Jill and Linda elected to shower together.

The sight of Linda, naked and wet, had Jill longing to take her right then and there, but she managed to settle for a few passionate kisses. As they took turns drying each other, she said, “When we go to bed tonight, I’m gonna make love to every inch of your body.”

“I want to f-fuck you, too,” Linda replied, then blushed.

Laughing joyfully, Jill wrapped her arms around the girl, and they kissed once more.

A few minutes later, the girls were on the road, taking up the next leg of their journey to Montana. They noticed how much more scenic it was compared to yesterday, when they had just entered Colorado.

A couple of hours later, after noticing that the tank was getting low, Jill pulled into a gas station. Parking at the pump, Jill went inside to pay for the gas, Emma went along to look at the gift shop, and Linda got out to stretch her legs.

Walking around to the front of the store, Linda noticed a thin little girl, younger than Emma, dressed in dirty clothes and clutching a teddy bear. At first, she didn’t pay much attention to the child, figuring she would soon get back in a car with her parents, but instead, she remained where she was on the sidewalk, holding out her bear to whoever passed by as they went in and out of the store.

Curious, Linda drew nearer, as the little girl held out her teddy bear to a man who was coming out of the store. “D’ya wanna buy my teddy?” she said in a tiny voice. The man smiled, shaking his head as he headed to his car.

A woman approached the store, and the child turned to her. “Scuse me, d’ya wanna buy my teddy?” The woman shook her head, an expression of distaste on her face as she went inside. The little girl stared miserably after her.

Linda came over, “Hello.” The little girl looked at her but said nothing. “What’s your name?” The girl still didn’t answer. “Why are you selling your teddy bear?” Linda finally asked.

“I’m hungry,” was the girl’s faint reply.

“Why don’t you ask your mom to get you something? I’m sure she will.” The child didn’t reply, just stared down at her feet.

Linda began to notice how thin the girl was, and the shabbiness of her clothes. She ventured a guess, “Did you run away from home?”

The girl’s face became alarmed. She whispered, “Please d-don’t make me go back!”

Linda squatted down. “I won’t,” she assured the trembling child. My name’s Linda. Where do you live?”

The girl turned, leading her behind the store. Linda followed, expecting to find a small house or trailer like she used to live in, but there was nothing but an empty alley. The girl went behind a stack of pallets and there, Linda saw a dirty blanket on the ground, an empty cereal box, a battered plastic cup, and nothing else. Her mouth grew dry as she saw the frightened look in the child’s eyes, then felt a shudder of dread at the sight of red marks on her arms. Welts, caused by a leather belt. Linda still wore fading hints of similar violence on her own body. Fighting back tears, she saw herself in this little girl.

Gently taking the child’s arm and touching the marks, Linda barely heard the girl whisper, “I was bad.” She took a deep breath, wiping her eyes as a sudden blast of icy breeze chilled her. Looking at the darkening clouds off in the distance, she made a decision.

“Hey, we have some sandwiches and cereal you can have,” Linda murmured soothingly. “C’mon.” The little girl’s eyes brightened, and Linda took her hand, leading her back around to the front of the store.

As they headed to the car, Linda noticed that Emma had come back. Pointing to her, she said, “That’s my sister, Emma. She’s really nice.” Walking to the back of the car, where Emma had lowered the tailgate and was reaching into the cooler where the food was, Linda told her sister, “This girl is really hungry. Help her make a couple of sandwiches, okay?”

“Sure. Hi there!” Emma cheerfully exclaimed, and Linda was pleased to see the sad little girl smile for the first time.

Linda went around to the driver’s seat where Jill was sitting, a sandwich in her hand. “Who’s that?” she asked, taking a bite.

“She won’t tell me her name.” Linda watched as Emma helped the child spread peanut butter on a slice of bread. Linda bit her lip then said quietly, “Jill… we need to take her with us.”

Startled, Jill sat straight up, turning around to stare at the silent girl. ”What? You want to… What’s going on here? Who is she?”

“She’s homeless… and she came from a bad place.”

“We can’t just take her,” Jill protested. “Let’s call the police and they can find a home for her.”

Linda shook her head. “No,” she said, a determined set to her jaw. “She’s scared enough as it is, and the police and a bunch of strange people would just scare her even more. Somebody hurt her, too… and she might even get sent back to the people who did it. We can give her something better.”

“That’s not how the police would see it. They’ll think we kidnapped her. I mean… How do you know she even wants to come with us?”

Before Linda could answer, Emma and the girl came over to the driver’s side of the car. “Can Madison come with us?” Emma asked. Linda and Jill glanced at each other, then back at Emma and her new friend. “I told her how we’re all going to live with your gramma, and she wants to come too.”

“How did you find out her name?” Linda asked.

“I asked. Well, can she?”

Jill studied the girl “You want to come with us?” Madison nodded.

Emma added, “I told her how your gramma lives on a big farm in Montana, and how nice you are.”

“Did you tell her how far away Montana is… and that we won’t be coming back?”

“I showed her the map, and she doesn’t want to stay here anymore. She says it’s scary at night.”

Jill had to admit that the child’s wretched state affected her as much as it had Linda. And if she needed any more convincing, a faint rumble of thunder sounded in the distance. Glancing at the dark clouds to the north, she nodded “Okay.”

“Really, Jill?” Linda asked.

“Yeah, yeah, but let’s get going before anyone notices what we’re up to.”

“C’mon!” Emma exclaimed excitedly, then she and Madison, who was still clutching her teddy bear, jumped in the car.

As they pulled out, Linda turned around, grinning at the girl in the back. “Welcome to our family, Madison.”

Settling in for the long drive ahead, Jill and Linda soon noticed that Madison didn’t say much to them. In fact, the only person she would really talk to was Emma, and the two little girls quickly became friends.

“I’m eight. How old are you?” Emma asked.


Pointing to Linda, Emma said, “My sister’s ten and that’s our girlfriend, Jill. She’s really old, like seventeen.”

“Hey, that’s not old,” Jill said, making a face at Emma in the mirror.

“Your girlfriend?” Madison asked.

“Yeah. At first, just Linda and Jill were girlfriends,” Emma explained proudly, “but now we’re all girlfriends, which means we fuck each other.”

In the front seat, Jill and Linda’s mouths dropped. Linda jerked around to glare at her sister, her eyebrows raised in a clear sign of annoyance. “Emma!”

“Oh, sorry,” Emma turned to Madison, “I’m s’posed to call it ‘making love’.”

Linda was flabbergasted, “You’re not supposed to call it anything, not to strangers. That’s our private business!”

“But Madison isn’t a stranger,” Emma pointed out. “She’s part of our family now.”

“Well, sure, but…” Linda didn’t know how to respond.

Jill turned to Linda, “Well?”

“I… I guess she is,” Linda responded to Jill, “I just don’t want her thinking wrong of us.”

“We’re not doing anything wrong,” Jill told her. “Anyhow, it’s not like we could keep it a secret from her.”

As the day passed, Madison opened up more and more, until she was chatting amiably with Linda and Jill, too. Madison didn’t seem to be inclined to talk about her past, and Linda and Emma thought it best not to ask for details. Whatever had hurt this little girl, they were leaving it far behind.

A couple of hours after sunset, Jill pulled over into a motel in Laramie, Wyoming, just inside the state border. Once Jill got a room, they all made their way inside, Emma running to the bathroom, then quickly emerging with a delighted grin. “They got a bathtub! I get it first!” Without waiting for a reply,  she turned on the water.

Jill approached Emma before she began to undress. “Um, listen,” she said quietly, nodding in Madison’s direction. “I think our new friend needs her bath first. I’m sure it’s been a few days since she’s had one.”

Emma frowned, but a look at Madison and her dirty clothes were enough. She nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. She needs new stuff to wear, too. I’ll give her somethin’ of mine, how ‘bout that?”

Kneeling before Emma, Jill gave her a hug. “That’s really sweet, Emma. I’ve got another idea — why don’t you two share a bath? You can help her get washed up.”

“Yeah!” Emma squealed, delighted all over again. She raced over to Madison, seizing the little girl’s hand. “C’mon! We’re gonna take a hot bath!” She led her friend into the bathroom.

Half an hour later, the girls were freshly scrubbed and in their nightwear. Emma had given Madison a pair of her panties, while Linda had loaned her a faded Britney Spears t-shirt that was a few sizes too big. They had to admit that she looked much better, now that she’d been cleaned up.

While Jill was showering. Linda noticed how Madison seemed to be lost in the room, constantly moving around and looking at everything. It reminded her of how she and Emma had been, just two days ago at the first motel that they stayed at on their journey. Her heart went out to the dazed child. She needs time to get better, she thought. All we can do until then is make her feel loved and wanted.

Kneeling before her, Linda pointed at one of the beds. “You and Emma will sleep here, and me and Jill will be in that bed, okay?” Madison nodded, then wandered over to the dresser and began to fiddle with the drawers.

Linda then approached her younger sister. “Listen, Emma,” she said, speaking quietly, “You’ll be sharing your bed with Madison tonight. Take care of her, okay? Try to keep her from feeling sad or lonely.”

Emma frowned. “Does that mean I can’t make love with you and Jill tonight?”

“I don’t think we’re going to be making love anyway, Em. It’s been a long day, we’re all tired, and we’ve got a long drive ahead of us tomorrow, Let’s just rest tonight, okay?” She gave her sister a hug. “We should eat something. Can I make you a sandwich? Ham and cheese?”

“I guess,” Emma replied, making a face, “but boy, am I gettin’ tired of sandwiches!”

“I know, kiddo,” Linda said with a laugh. “I bet Jill’s gramma will have something good for us when we get to her place.”

That cheered the seven-year-old, and she went over to tell Madison, “Hey, my sister’s gonna make us sandwiches. What kind do you want?”

Later, the four of them were eating while watching a movie on TV. Linda was distracted by the pitter-patter of rain, which quickly grew into a torrent. Going over to the window, she gazed out at the downpour. Jill came over to look as well, pressing her fingers to the glass “Wow,” she murmured, “it’s really coming down hard.”

Linda nodded. “Imagine being out in this. Wet. Cold. Alone in the dark.” They both turned to look at Madison, who was taking a bite of her sandwich as she and Emma watched the movie. “Now she has a soft, dry bed. In a warm room. With a family that loves her.” She wrapped her arms around Jill. “We did the right thing. We’ll give her a good life.”

They cuddled for a while, accompanied by the TV and the gentle thrumming of their beating hearts. Linda finally broke away. “I still need to take a shower. Bet I smell terrible.”

“You don’t,” Jill insisted as Linda drifted into the bathroom, giving a shy wave before she began to take her clothes off.

Jill lingered near the door, watching her young lover undress. She toyed with the notion of joining Linda in the shower, then glanced at Madison and decided not to. With a sigh, she sat down on the bed and leaned back against the headboard, checking out the movie the youngsters were watching. It was a silly comedy with some actor who used to be on Saturday Night Live, but she couldn’t remember his name.

From the shower, Linda called out, “Jill… can you get my toothbrush from my bag?”

“Sure,” Jill replied, then got up and padded over to the dresser, where Linda’s duffle bag rested. Opening it up, she dug through it, looking for the toothbrush, then something else caught her eye. A small notebook with the words MY ANGEL written on the cover.

Curious, she picked it up and looked inside. It seemed to be a diary of sorts, with the date September 30 of that year written at the top of the first page. Each page was for a new day. On the first page, below the date, Jill read:

Tomorrow is the first day at my new school since moving here. I’m so excited and nervous because I’ll be starting late in the year. Will it be that much different than my last school? Will the other kids like me? Will I like my teacher? I hope they don’t give us lots of homework. 

I have everything ready to go in my backpack. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a great day.

Jill smiled at how adorable Linda’s hopes and dreams seemed as she turned the page.

Monday, Oct 1

My first day was pretty good. I like my teacher. The other kids are nice. The school is so big and there are so many people here. It’s nothing like Big Sandy School. I actually got lost a few times! But all in all, I like it. Some of the boys are cute, but I keep noticing the girls more. Well, really just one girl. I’ve only seen her from time to time. Mostly during lunch. She’s a senior and SO beautiful. I don’t know her name yet but until I do, I will call her Angel.

That interested Jill. Huh. So there was a girl who she had a crush on. Wonder if I knew her? Curious to know more, she turned another page.

Tuesday, Oct 2

I had such a wonderful day. Every time I’m in the halls between classes, I look for Angel in the senior area. She doesn’t know that I watch her and I would die if she were to ever find out. But I can’t help it. She’s so beautiful. I feel warm inside whenever I see her.

Sunday, Oct 7

Tomorrow, I’ll be able to see my Angel again. Everyday, I can’t wait to see her. It’s weird that I feel this about another girl, but I can’t help it. 

I still don’t know her real name yet, but I like calling her Angel. It just seems to suit her. She’s a cheerleader and tryouts are tomorrow. I think I’ll try out and maybe, they’ll let me join.

Jill arched an eyebrow. Omigod, this Angel girl was one of the cheerleaders? Who on earth could it have been? She read on.

Monday, Oct 8

I went to the cheerleader tryouts so happy to see my Angel. And she was there. But she and the other girls laughed at me, and one of them called me a pig.

An icy finger touched Jill’s heart, her eyes filling with dismay as she pored through Linda’s words.

They told me to get out. I heard them laughing as I left. I couldn’t believe my angel would be so mean. And I heard her name for the first time. Jill.

Jill stopped breathing. Numb with horror, she began to shake her head. No. No. Oh, my God please NO. Anything but that!

Linda’s voice echoed from the bathroom. “Um… Jill?”

Jill didn’t hear. A wave of dizziness was sweeping through her, and she felt like throwing up. The impulse was there to stuff the notebook back into Linda’s bag, bury it at the bottom and pretend to never have seen this evidence of the horrible person she’d been. But Jill couldn’t tear her eyes away. She read on.

At lunch, her friend called me a pig again. I know I’m not thin and pretty like those girls are but I can’t help that. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never been so unhappy.

The shower shut off. Jill felt her tears come as Linda emerged, now wrapped in a towel. “Couldn’t you find my toothbrush…? Hey, what’s wrong?”

Jill held up the notebook for Linda to see. “All that time…” she said in a very small voice. “My God, the way I laughed at you at those tryouts, and you had a crush on me the whole time, thinking I was some kind of — of angel…” A tear rolled down her cheek.  “I’m so, so sorry, Linda…”

“I know,” said Linda, placing a hand on Jill’s arm. “You made me sad then, but it gets lots better. Honest, it does! Read what I wrote about you a few days later… like that next Saturday.”

Jill turned several pages and read.

Saturday, Oct 13

I can’t believe how much things have changed since Monday and Tuesday. Today, Jill took me and Emma to the art and science museums. It was the best day that I’ve ever had. I couldn’t really pay much attention to the art because I was so nervous with having my angel beside me. I pretended it was a date even though it wasn’t. 

I can’t believe the change in Emma. She’s never talked to anyone before and she loves being with Jill, just like I do. Best of all, Jill wants us all to spend the night together soon. I’m so nervous, I can hardly think.

“See? It’s not all bad.” Linda took the diary and flipped through the pages, “I wrote about everything we did. When you first held my hand… when we first made love…” Linda made a face, “Except I ended up making that a bad day.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know… when I ran away and went inside because of what you said about Mama hitting me, and then she m-made me tell her what you and I did, and, and that got you in trouble with your parents. It was such a special d-day we had, and I messed it all up.” Now Linda was blinking back tears of her own.

“You didn’t mess it up, babe. You just got scared.” Jill drew Linda to her, enveloping the girl in her arms. “How about this: if you forgive me for being so awful to you at the tryouts, I’ll forgive you for getting me in trouble. Deal?”

Linda sniffed, then smiled. “Deal.” She rested her head on Jill’s chest. “You saved me and Emma. And now we saved Madison. You’re still my angel.” Going up on tippy-toes, she kissed Jill’s mouth.

Once the movie was over, the four of them went to bed. With everything that had happened, neither Jill nor Linda were in the mood for anything other than holding each other as they drifted into slumber.

On to Chapter Six!


Greenfield Tales, Chapter 6

  • Posted on February 7, 2021 at 1:54 pm

By JB West

Part 1 – Revelations

For helpful information about this story’s main characters, please consult The Girls and Women of Greenfield Tales

As soon as her senses returned and her body ceased shaking, Kim’s eyes fluttered open and she realized she was still kissing her sister, Rachel’s tongue sparring playfully with her own. It suddenly struck Kim just how much she’d missed kissing another person and the warm feeling of intimacy that she derived from it since the death of her husband. And somehow, even though she was kissing her own sister like a lover, it felt completely natural and right.

Suddenly, Rachel broke away with a choked cry as another orgasm rocked her body. Glancing down, Kim saw that Deena’s mouth was still firmly fastened to her sister’s pussy. The sight caused a renewed wave of lust and desire to wash over and through her. Even though she’d just enjoyed her second orgasm of the night, Kim found herself hungering for another.

She and her sister were still holding hands. Fully knowing that she was about to cross a line, Kim guided Rachel’s fingers to her pussy and began to masturbate, using her sister’s hand as a makeshift sex toy. She used two of Rachel’s fingers to squeeze her clit while she tapped the hard little nub with her index finger, causing shock after shock of pleasure to race up and down her slender frame. Looking over at Rachel, Kim saw that she was staring down at their hands, her expression a mix of awe and lust.

Rachel was startled at first by her sister’s bold move, but it only took a few seconds for her desire to flare up again, bright and hot. Eager to explore Kim’s body, she pushed her sister’s hand aside and plunged two fingers into her dripping cunt.

Once inside, Rachel aggressively pumped her fingers in and out of Kim’s slick hole, using her thumb to trace hard circles around Kim’s swollen clit.

It only took about a minute for Kim’s orgasm to take hold, a sob escaping her lips as she surrendered herself to ecstasy once again. A torrent of hot, thick juices flowed from her cunt, coating Rachel’s fingers, then her hand.

Rachel continued to fuck Kim, trying to coax every last drop of sweet nectar from her sister’s vagina. Kim did her best to assist, thrusting her hips onto Rachel’s plunging fingers, causing them to penetrate her even deeper.

Soon, it became too much for Kim to take. “S-stop!” she blurted, clutching at her sister’s wrist. “I… I can’t any more…” Her eyes widened as Rachel slowly withdrew her fingers, then Kim sank into the sodden bedsheets with a blissful sigh.

Rachel studied her fingers, still wet from Kim’s pussy, holding her hand up and seeing how they glistened in the dim light. Then, without a thought, Rachel took two fingers into her mouth. She purred with delight as she sucked them, tasting her younger sister’s essence for the first time and loving it.

Sidling up next to Rachel, Deena joined in, licking the juices from the rest of her hand. Their lips brushed, and soon the two women were joined in a passionate kiss, savoring the rich flavor of Kim’s pussy on each other’s mouth and tongue.

The moment was broken when Cassidy moaned, “Oh, fucking hell!” The others all turned to look. She was kneeling at the foot of the bed, watching the scene play out before her, rubbing slow, languid circles around her own clit, clearly on the edge of orgasm.

The sight revitalized Kim in a flash. Sitting up, she crawled over to Cassidy, knelt in front of her and took one of the young lesbian’s hard nipples into her mouth.

Kim had never sucked on another woman’s breast before but quickly realized that she loved doing it. The feel of her tongue circling the erect bud, the softness and weight of Cassidy’s breast as she fondled it, the light sigh of pleasure that her actions elicited…. Kim enjoyed all of it, but knew she wanted more.

Reaching down between Cassidy’s legs, Kim replaced the younger woman’s hand with her own. This was another thing that she’d never done before, but Kim had enough experience at masturbation that she felt confident in her ability to please Cassidy. She started off slow, then quickly increased the tempo of her fingers, plunging them in and out of her new lover’s cunt.

Glancing up from Cassidy’s breast, Kim felt a surge of warmth flow through her body when she saw Cassidy was smiling down at her. Suddenly hungering to taste those lips, Kim raised her head, drawing close to capture them with her own.

The kiss was long, soft, and affectionate — one of the most romantic experiences of Kim’s life. It was only later that she recognized this as the moment she fell in love with Cassidy.

After breaking the kiss, the two women embraced. Holding one another close, they started to laugh, caught up in a mood of purest joy. Cassidy spun around and fell backwards onto the bed, pulling Kim with her.  Now stretched out on top of Cassidy, Kim could feel their bare breasts pressed together, the nipples kissing. A deep heat was rising up between her legs where her clit was rubbing against Cassidy’s thigh.

They continued to make love, running their hands all over each other’s bodies and swapping heated kisses, while Rachel and Deena watched from the other side of the bed, fingering each other’s pussies. Wanting to take things further, Deena mimicked Cassidy and flopped back on the bed, beckoning Rachel to join her.

The moment was magical, and all four women were caught up in the ecstasy of it. There was so much to enjoy: the warmth and softness of another woman’s body, her tender lips and hot breath, exploring hands both hesitant and urgent, and of course the sweet flavors of sweat and pussy. These things and more had all of them very turned on indeed — especially the sisters, who were sampling these delights for the first time.

Glancing over at the others, Deena saw that Kim was busy playing with Cassidy’s tits, alternating between each one, lovingly kissing, licking and gently biting her new lover’s erect nipples. As for Rachel, she was nuzzling Deena’s neck, placing soft kisses up and down the length of it, from beneath the jaw to the soft spot between her collar bones.

Deena loved every bit of it, but wanted more. She needed more. Without a word, she gently nudged Rachel’s shoulder while spreading her legs apart.

Rachel quickly understood what Deena was asking for. She was a little nervous, but also quite excited at the prospect of going down on her new lover and eating pussy for the first time. She’d been tempted to experiment with other girls once or twice back in college, but never could summon up the nerve to go for it. Now, her mouth was watering at the very thought.

Kneeling between Deena’s open legs, Rachel took in the lovely sight of another woman’s open and leaking cunt for the very first time in her life. Deena’s labia were not big, but not small either, the inner folds a dusky rose hue. Her clit was rather large, already peeking from under its hood. The inside of her vagina was a dark reddish color and, as Rachel parted the lips to peer inside, a single drop of fluid trickled out and ran down the side of Deena’s ass and onto the bed.

Rachel leaned in to cover Deena’s pussy with her mouth, licking and sucking at the juicy flesh. Her lips and chin were soon dripping with the woman’s nectar, and she absolutely loved it. But at the same time, it left her with a feeling of regret. She thought back to her college days and all the girls that she easily could have had as lovers. All those fresh young girls with their pretty pussies, there for her to taste. The realization of those missed opportunities made her feel a little bit sad.

Rachel found herself wondering where all those girls were today. Were any of them actually lesbians? Could any of them be eating the delicious pussy of a hot female lover of her own right then, the way she was? Rachel imagined what it would have been like, her college friends caught up in an all-girl orgy with her at the center of it. A sea of fresh young pussy, all for me.

Suddenly, Deena started to come, and Rachel snapped back to reality. Her mouth was flooded with a woman’s juices, and the taste was incredible. That’s when Rachel knew for certain that her sexuality had been forever altered. She still loved her husband and knew that she still wanted to be with him, but she was no longer able to deny her desire for sex with other women.

Rachel felt as if she could have stayed where she was forever, eating Deena’s pussy, savoring her new lover’s honey. She was already dreaming of their next sexual encounter, hoping to fuck this cute lesbian again and again. But even that wasn’t enough to satisfy her. She wanted to go down on Cassidy as well and she longed to explore every kind of forbidden sex with her little sister Kim.

And then the wildest, most twisted desire of all flashed in Rachel’s mind. She felt an unexpected urge to taste the pussy of her own little girl, her eight-year-old daughter Emily.

For a brief, crazy instant in her consciousness, Deena’s pussy turned into Emily’s bare slit, and the warm fluids that coated her lips and chin were the sweet essence of her beautiful, innocent child.

That image drove Rachel crazy. As if possessed, she reached behind herself and jammed three fingers into her hot, juicy hole with a single brutal thrust. She came instantly, screaming into Deena’s still convulsing pussy.

Meanwhile, Kim and Cassidy had worked themselves into a position where they were seated on the bed facing each other, their legs entwined, rocking their hips and rubbing their pussies together while sharing passionate kisses. When they heard Rachel’s outburst, they momentarily paused in their rhythmic movements to look over at the other women.

The sight of Deena and Rachel coming together elicited an immediate response. Kim and Cassidy began grinding their pussies again, only now with greater fervor, exploring one another everywhere their hands and mouths could reach. Their breathing became fast and ragged, and soon enough they orgasmed simultaneously. They held each other tightly, feeling waves of pleasure running through their joined bodies.

For Kim, the experience was life-changing. She’d never before felt such passion and closeness with another person. Sex with her husband had always been good, but even the most passionate and loving moments with him couldn’t compare to what she was feeling in this moment with Cassidy. It was a whole new understanding of what sex was and could be. The revelation excited her and Kim knew she had to explore it further.

Their appetites sated, at least for the moment, the four women stretched out on the bed and relaxed together. Kim and Rachel were facing each other while being spooned by their new lovers. The room was silent for a few minutes as each woman basked in the afterglow of the incredible sex they had just shared.

Kim and Rachel were downright giddy, what with the new thoughts and emotions that were racing through their heads. Gazing into each other’s eyes, an unspoken thought passed between them: that going forward, they would not, could not, ever let their innermost desires be denied again.


Part 2 – Morning Delights

Katie woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and lively. As she opened her eyes and saw the sleeping form of Emily next to her, she smiled. She was about to rouse her cousin, but then noticed that Emily was smiling too. She must be having a good dream, Katie thought, and decided to let her cousin doze.

Slipping out of bed, Katie quietly exited the room. She was feeling very hungry and decided to go down to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. Katie usually awakened before her mother and would fix herself something to eat, so she was taken aback to find her Mommy already up and making breakfast.

As Katie entered the kitchen, she also saw Rachel standing at the counter, slicing up fresh fruit while Kim was mixing up batter for pancakes. But what really surprised Katie was seeing Cassidy seated at the dining table, sipping a cup of coffee.

“G’morning,” Katie said, padding over to the table.

“Good morning, sweetie,” Kim said.

“Good morning, Katie,” Cassidy said, beaming a big bright smile at the girl.

Wandering over to the refrigerator, Katie got out the bottle of orange juice, then took a glass from the dish rack and filled it. “Anyone else want some?” she asked, holding the bottle up for all to see.

“No thank you, hon,” Kim replied, “we’ve already got coffee.”

As Katie took a seat at the table with Cassidy, she noticed that someone was missing. “Where’s Deena?” she asked, her disappointed tone evident in her voice.

“Deena had to go to work early this morning,” Cassidy said. “She left a couple of hours ago.”

Katie let that thought settle in her head, then asked another insightful question. “So, you stayed over last night?”

Cassidy blushed a bit, but answered, “Yes. We ended up… uh… staying up kind of late, talking, you know… and we got too tired to go home. Your mother was nice enough to let us sleepover.” Her eyes met Kim’s, and the two women exchanged a knowing look.

“No fair!” Katie protested. “I wanted to stay up late too, but you made us go to bed!” she added, shooting a disapproving look at her mother and aunt.

The three women chuckled a bit at the child’s outburst, but only Rachel felt herself blush, thinking about the things she would’ve liked to have done with Katie and Emily last night, if the girls had been there while the grownups were making love. It didn’t help that her little niece looked so utterly scrumptious right then, barefoot and wearing a tiny nightie over her pink panties.

Cassidy placed a hand on Katie’s shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. “Maybe we can have another sleepover some time, if your mom is okay with it”  she said. “We could watch a movie, eat popcorn and play some silly games.” The young lesbian knew exactly what kind of games she wanted to play with Katie, that thought causing a light flutter in her belly.

Katie looked over at her mother with pleading eyes. “Can we do that, Mommy? Can we have another sleepover? Pretty please?”

Kim drifted over to the table, still holding the mixing bowl, gently whisking the contents. “Maybe, sweetie,” she said, then bent down to kiss the top of her daughter’s head. “If you’re really good and promise to do all your chores this week without complaining, then I don’t see why not.”

Clapping her hands together, Katie squealed, “Yay! I love sleepovers.” She started bouncing up and down in her chair. “When can we do it? When can we?”

Rachel was watching her niece, imagining the child naked and lying between her thighs. That sweet little mouth, glued to Auntie Rachel’s cunt, her tongue licking me up and down… She shivered, picturing it.

“I don’t know,” Kim said, realizing that she didn’t have a clue when she would be able to see Cassidy again. “We’ll have to figure out a time when Cassidy and Deena are both available. And I’m sure that you’ll want to include Emily and Aunt Rachel too.”

“Yeah.” Katie agreed. “So, probably not tonight, huh?” A small frown passed over the girl’s face.

“No, not tonight, sweetie,” Kim said. Her sense of disappointment was just as real as Katie’s.

The idea of another sleepover with the girls involved made Cassidy’s heart race. “Well, Deena has the day off on Wednesday, so maybe… Tuesday night? If no one has anything they need to do the next day, we could stay up really late and have lots of fun.” Cassidy looked up at Kim and gave her a quick wink.

“Oh yes! Please, Mommy?” Katie gushed. “Can we please do it Tuesday night? Please.”

Kim thought about it for a second. She was just as eager as Katie for another night with Cassidy and Deena, so the decision was an easy one. “Yes, we can have a sleepover on Tuesday,” Kim said. “But remember, you need to be on good behavior and do all your chores.”

Just then, Rachel approached. Cassidy noticed that she looked flushed and had a thin sheen of sweat on her forehead. All the dirty thoughts that had been racing through Rachel’s head were clearly having a physical effect on her.

“And you can start by going upstairs and getting Emily out of bed.” Rachel said. “Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes, and if we let her that girl would sleep the whole day away.”

Katie jumped up and raced out of the kitchen, thrilled to share the good news with Emily. She knew that her cousin liked having sleepovers too, and would be just as excited as she was.

She ran up the stairs and burst into her bedroom only to find that Emily was already up. It was a curious scene though, Emily was awake, but her eyes were closed. Her nightgown was hiked up around her waist and she had a hand down inside her panties, moving it back and forth. Emily hadn’t noticed Katie enter the room, lost in the new and exciting feelings she was experiencing.

Katie watched her cousin rub herself for a few moments, then decided that Emily must be masturbating.

A few weeks earlier, Katie had come across the word “masturbation” in a magazine article. Katie didn’t know what it meant, so, as usual, she looked it up and had been astonished by the very idea of a person being able to get good feelings from touching their private parts.

This line of inquiry led the six-year-old down a rabbit hole of sexual discovery. She learned a lot of new things that day, but didn’t get a lot of it, and she was downright dismayed by the whole idea of sexual reproduction. She understood the need for it, but couldn’t understand why any girl would ever allow a boy to do that to her. All the boys she knew from kindergarten were weird and gross. Then and there, Katie vowed that she would never do sex stuff with a boy.

The idea of masturbation made much more sense to her. Katie tried it that very night in bed and, while it did feel kind of good, the act didn’t really live up to her expectations. She hadn’t given the idea of masturbation or sex much thought since then. But now, watching Emily touching herself down there, all those ideas and thoughts came rushing back.

Katie wasn’t able to put her feelings in that moment into words, but there was something about watching her cute cousin play with herself that made Katie feel warm and funny inside. It was a lot like the feeling she’d had when Deena hugged her.

As she watched Emily touch herself, Katie reached down and began to tentatively caress her own privates through the thin cotton of her nightie and panties. Unlike her previous attempt at masturbation, this time Katie felt a warm feeling well up inside and grow stronger with each tender touch. Reaching beneath her nightgown, Katie pressed all four fingers against the front of her panties, and a jolt of pleasure surged through her body.

A soft cry escaped Katie’s lips, breaking Emily out of her trance.

Startled, Emily looked up and saw her cousin standing there, quickly turning away before she could register the fact that Katie was also masturbating.

Yanking her hand from her panties, Emily rolled over, completely covering herself with the heavy blanket, mortified that she’d been caught playing with herself. She lay there silently for a few moments, then felt Katie crawl up onto the bed and sit beside her.

Katie placed a hand on the blanket-covered lump and lightly shook it. “Hey, sleepyhead. Time to wake up.” Emily just lay there not moving, barely breathing.

“Breakfast is ready, and our moms want us to come and eat,” Katie said as she continued to lightly shake Emily’s concealed form. “I also have some good news, and a big surprise for you.”

“What?” Emily’s muffled voice said from beneath the blanket.

“Well, our moms said that if we’re good, we can have another sleepover on Tuesday night!” Katie exclaimed.

That was good news. Emily turned over, peeking through the blankets just enough to see Katie’s smiling face.

“And,” Katie continued, her eyes wide with excitement, “Deena and Cassidy will be here too!”

Emily knew her cousin well enough to know when she was fibbing and when she was telling the truth. Now, beside herself with excitement, she sat up and embraced Katie.The two girls hugged for a long while, rocking back and forth and laughing.

Emily then drew away from Katie, while still holding her about the waist. “You gotta promise that you won’t tell my mom what you saw me doing,” she said, a worried expression on her face.

Katie looked at her cousin, a coy smile forming. “What? Sleeping? Why would she care about that?” She began to laugh, and a relieved Emily joined in.

“So, as long as we behave, we can have another sleepover?” Emily asked. “With Cassidy and Deena here?”

Katie nodded. “Yeah! How cool is that?”

“Wow! That really is good news… and a big surprise,” Emily said.

Katie took Emily’s hand, leading her cousin out of bed. “That’s not the surprise, silly,” she said. “Follow me.” Hand in hand, the two little girls scampered into the hallway.

For as long as she could remember, Katie had adored Emily. In fact, she had something of a crush on her cousin, even if she was really too young to know what that meant. What she did know, was that she felt differently around her cousin than she did around other girls… and she was fairly certain that Emily felt the same way about her, even if they had never admitted it to each other.

Katie also knew that she had those kinds of feelings for Deena, too. It was pretty obvious to her and Emily —  they’d even talked and giggled about it while in the pool the day before.

What Katie didn’t know is that it was also pretty obvious to all the women. The way Katie had fawned over Deena the day before made it hard for anyone not to realize that Katie really, really liked the woman. Rachel and Kim had good-naturedly teased Deena a bit about it, but Deena was secretly thrilled that Katie liked her so much, considering her own helpless desire for the child.

But Katie knew something the others didn’t: that Emily had a huge crush of her own on Cassidy. Emily was always rather guarded with her emotions, so her feelings towards Cassidy weren’t obvious, but Katie knew. To her, Emily’s feelings were as plain as day, so she took genuine delight in the surprise she had yet to reveal to her cousin — that Cassidy had actually stayed the night, and hadn’t left yet..

As the two girls entered the kitchen Katie was watching Emily closely, eager to see her reaction. When Emily saw Cassidy sitting at the table her face turned red and she let out a startled squeak. She longed to race over to Cassidy and hug her; instead, she hurried over to the counter where the jug of orange juice was sitting and poured herself a glass.

Emily was feeling very awkward right then, and it wasn’t just because of Cassidy’s presence. When she saw her mother and Aunt Kim, it immediately reminded her of the sex things she’d seen them doing the night before. That made it hard for Emily to make eye contact with any of the adults.

Cassidy had noticed Emily’s reaction and smiled to herself. She was fully aware of the little girl’s feelings towards her and had recognized them just as easily as she’d recognized Katie’s crush on Deena.

Turning to her daughter, Rachel bent down to give Emily a good morning hug, their embrace lingering a bit longer than usual. Rachel was enjoying the feel of the child’s small body in her arms when she noticed that Emily was flushed and perspiring a bit. Like any mother would, she held her hand against the girl’s forehead, checking for signs of illness. “Are you feeling okay, sweetheart?” she murmured.

When she realized what her mother was doing, Emily hastened to explain, coming up with a little white lie on the spot. “I’m okay, Mommy… just kind of hot. The blanket was real heavy, and I got all twisted up in it while I was sleeping.”

Rachel accepted Emily’s story but her motherly intuition told her there was more going on than the little girl was telling her. She was about to ask Emily another question when Kim interrupted her train of thought.

“Who wants pancakes… and how many?” Kim asked, brandishing a spatula in one hand.

“Two for me, please,” Emily said, turning to look at her aunt but not making eye contact. “Um… can I eat out on the patio?”

“Yeah, can we?” Katie chimed in excitedly. “And I will also have two pancakes.”

Rachel, having forgotten the question she was about to ask, responded to the girls. “Yes, you can eat outside if you want.” Emily breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t think she could handle sitting at the table with the women, not after what she’d seen them doing just a few hours ago. When she closed her eyes, Emily could still picture all of them naked, and that made her feel quivery and strange inside.

Kim made up two plates of food, pancakes with syrup and a few slices of fruit on each, then handed them to the girls. “Don’t forget your juice,” she said with a wink.

Rachel stood by the sliding glass door, watching Emily and Katie as they made their way to the patio table. As the girls entered into the bright morning sunlight, she could clearly see the silhouettes of their young bodies through the thin material of the nighties they still wore. The sight made her gasp under her breath and a few very naughty, very unsettling thoughts ran through her head.

It was too much for her — she needed to get away, to have some time to herself. “I’m not very hungry,” Rachel said to Kim and Cassidy. “I think I’m going to go shower and get dressed.”

Rachel hurried out of the kitchen, the others watching her go. Kim just shrugged and began serving up breakfast for Cassidy and herself. Cassidy, on the other hand, had gotten the same glimpse of the girls as Rachel, and knew exactly why the woman was so flustered. She was already thinking about what a fun and exciting situation this was shaping up to be.

Rachel made her way directly to the guest bathroom, where she quickly stripped out of the shorts and tank top she was wearing. Removing her panties, she wasn’t at all surprised to see how damp they were. She slipped them off, then dipped a finger into her juicy hole, drawing out a thick dollop of cream. Sucking the finger into her mouth, she sampled the flavor, deciding that her pussy tasted every bit as good as Deena’s or Kim’s.

Rachel turned the water on to a lukewarm temperature, then climbed into the shower, immediately sliding a hand between her legs. She started to rub fast, furious circles around her clit with her right hand while vigorously probing the depths of her pussy with two fingers of the left.

In her mind’s eye she visualized Katie and Emily engaged in a sixty-nine, the two little girls eagerly licking each other’s baby-smooth slits. The scene then morphed into the image of Deena and Cassidy, in the same position as the girls, but now Kim was standing over them, frantically masturbating, her pussy gushing like a waterfall over the two lesbian lovers. Rachel found herself aching to taste her sister’s juices again, this time directly from Kim’s cunt. Instead, she settled for sucking her own essence from her sloppy fingers.

Rachel started to picture her college friends again. She tried to imagine what they’d looked like in the nude. What their pussies were like, the aromas and flavors. She wondered how many of these women now had little girls of their own, adorable nymphs with sweet bare pussies just waiting to be licked and sucked.

Realizing that she was about to come, Rachel conjured up an even wilder fantasy. She imagined herself lying in the center of a room filled with pillows and cushions, surrounded by sexy women and cute girls of all ages who were lovingly caressing her and each other. In every direction she looked, Rachel saw a dripping pussy, a stiff-nippled breast, a succulent mouth, or a beautifully contoured ass just begging to be spanked.

Now Deena was eating her out, while Emily and Katie sucked her nipples, purring like kittens. Cassidy kneeling behind the girls, using a hand on each to gently fondle their fresh, young slits. And Kim was perched on her face, riding it. Rachel’s heart swelled with love for her sister as she feasted on Kim’s cunt, the thick, warm nectar trickling down her cheeks.

Rachel’s face tilted up to face the flowing water as she came. Her body jerked and shook under the stream of the shower, every drop of water like a tongue of fire on her sensitive skin. Her knees buckled and she slumped against the tiled wall, sliding down until she was seated on the floor. She clamped a hand over her mouth to keep her cries of ecstasy from being heard, the same hand that had just been mauling her pussy. Once she’d regained her breath, Rachel sucked those wet fingers into her mouth, enjoying the intoxicating flavor of her own juices.

Eventually, she took a deep breath and stood up to continue her shower. She washed herself well, making sure that she was clean down below, then turned off the water and exited the shower stall. She paused to study herself in the bathroom mirror, and for the first time in a long while, realized that she was sexy. She actually found herself getting turned on again by the sight of her own nude body.

Taking both breasts in her hands, Rachel gently tweaked her nipples. Two small jolts of pleasure surged down to her pussy, and she shivered. She glanced at her reflection once more, smiled and softly said, “Tuesday night is going to be interesting.”


Part 3 – The First Question

Taking the last bite of her breakfast, Cassidy laid her fork down, then glanced up to see Kim staring, clearly wanting to ask a question. As the two women made eye contact, Kim quickly looked away, embarrassed to have been caught.

Cassidy scooted her chair over so that she was sitting right next to Kim, then rested her hand on the blushing woman’s thigh. “You know,” she began, “I don’t think we’ve said ‘good morning’ properly yet.”

With that, Cassidy leaned in and gave Kim a tender kiss on the cheek while lightly running her fingers up and down the inside of Kim’s thigh. Kim sighed blissfully, a little shiver running through her body.

“G-g-good morning.” Kim stammered. She longed to return Cassidy’s kiss but suddenly felt self-conscious and had to glance away, irked by her own lack of courage. Now she was looking through the sliding glass door at Katie and Emily, who were still eating their breakfast at the patio table, chatting avidly between bites. Their legs were dangling from the edges of the chairs, feet not quite touching the tiled surface. A light giggle drifted in on the morning breeze.

It often seemed as if the very sight of her little girl was enough to make Kim’s heart soar. Though her marriage had been a happy one, she’d never known how intense her love could be until Katie was born. She adored Emily, too, and enjoyed having her over almost as much as Katie did.

Watching the girls now, she marveled anew at their youthful beauty. It comes so naturally to them, she thought.

“They’re adorable, aren’t they?” Cassidy said.

“Yes,” Kim said, turning back to Cassidy. “Yes, they are.”

“Almost as adorable as you.” Cassidy leaned in and placed a small peck on Kim’s lips. Kim’s face turned red and she had to look away again. Cassidy chuckled but took Kim’s hands in hers. “Sorry. I’m not trying to make you feel awkward, honestly.”

Kim knew she was acting like a silly schoolgirl with a helpless crush. She gave a nervous laugh, then looked up at Cassidy. “No, I’m sorry. It’s just…”

Her voice trailed off as, once again, she was momentarily stunned by the look of desire she so clearly read in Cassidy’s eyes. She desperately wanted to respond to the woman’s affection, but couldn’t quite bring herself to do so.

Feeling the frustration, Kim stood and walked over to the doorway, leaned against the frame, and watched the girls. They were talking animatedly about something, but Kim was too far away and the girls were speaking too softly for her to understand what they were saying. Once again, she mused on what delightful children she and Rachel had, and felt a sudden longing to take them in her arms.

Kim felt Cassidy move up behind and wrap both arms around her waist. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” the younger woman asked.

Cassidy rested her chin on Kim’s shoulder, their heads touching, and Kim took Cassidy’s hands in hers. They stood without moving for a moment, each enjoying the warmth of the other’s body. Breathing in unison, their hearts beating in matched time, it felt as if the two women had become one. Kim held Cassidy’s arms tightly against her body, shivering with a renewed desire for the young lesbian. She contemplated turning to kiss the woman, but first, there was something she needed to know.

“Last night,” Kim started, “I asked you what you could do… with your power. You never answered.” She gave a shaky laugh. “I guess we got…uh, distracted.”

“That’s one word for it,” Cassidy purred, her lips brushing Kim’s ear. “But now you’d like an answer, right?”

“Yes.” Kim said.

Suddenly feeling nervous, Cassidy took a deep breath. Deena was the only other person who knew what Cassidy was fully capable of, and there was a reason for that. If the world found out about her abilities, it would throw her life into utter chaos and could quite possibly end with her death. Cassidy felt certain that she could trust Kim, but was still hesitant to say the truth out loud. Bracing herself, she finally spoke.

“You’ve already experienced one of the uses of my power first hand: the ability to enter another person’s mind and reorganize it. I can do that with the consent of the other person like I did with you and Rachel, or I can force my way in. I don’t like doing that, though. It hurts like hell and leaves me feeling like I have the world’s worst hangover.”

Cassidy continued. “I’ve only ever used my power like that twice. And both times were in life-or-death situations. Once to save Deena’s life, once to save my own.”

Kim turned around to face Cassidy. It was plain to see from the expression on her face that whatever memories had just surfaced in Cassidy’s mind were anything but pleasant. Kim drew Cassidy into an embrace, holding her close. She wanted to ask about what had happened back then, but decided that it would be best to let Cassidy share those secrets in her own time.

Instead, Kim took a different approach. “But what about the time at your birthday party? All those people whose minds you controlled?”

“That wasn’t the same. I didn’t enter anyone’s head.” Cassidy said. “It was more like a mass suggestion, a quick command that wore off within minutes. What I did inside your mind is permanent, unless I change it. That’s up to you, of course.”

Cassidy could tell that Kim was giving serious thought to what she’d just said. A permanent change. It was a difficult concept to handle, and she fully expected Kim to have many more questions.

Suddenly, Cassidy caught a glimpse of motion outside on the patio and realized that Katie and Emily were walking towards them. She quickly let go of Kim and stepped away. At first, Kim was confused, but when the door slid open and the girls barged inside, she realized why Cassidy had broken their embrace so abruptly.

Katie and Emily were discussing the latest episode of their favorite cartoon and failed to notice that Kim and Cassidy had been holding each other. The girls walked over to the sink with their plates and cutlery, quickly rinsing them off before loading everything into the dishwasher.

That accomplished, Katie turned to her mother. “Mom, can we watch cartoons?” she asked.

“Not right now, sweetheart,” Kim said. “You two need to go take showers, and then get dressed. We have to take Cassidy home, then we’re going to the farmer’s market. We need to get there early, before all the good stuff is gone.”

“Ugh.” Katie rolled her eyes. “I hate grocery shopping.”

“Well, I guess we don’t have to buy food… or snacks and treats for the slumber party,” Kim said, knowing exactly how the girls would respond to that.

“Treats?” Katie and Emily replied in unison, their eyes widening.

“Yes. If you girls get cleaned up and dressed right away, you can each pick out one treat to have for the party.” Kim had planned to do that for the girls anyway, but figured using it to motivate them couldn’t hurt. Cheering their good fortune, Katie and Emily scampered out of the kitchen.

“And don’t forget to brush your teeth!” Kim called after them.

Cassidy and Kim listened as the girls noisily banged their way up the stairs. Then they looked at each other and laughed, touched by the young girls’ exuberance.

The two women fell silent, caught up in each other’s eyes. Almost without thinking, Kim reached out for Cassidy and they came together, their mouths meeting in a passionate kiss. They broke apart after a minute, but remained in an embrace.

Her lips touching Kim’s cheek, Cassidy said, “There’s still one more use of my power that I need to tell you about.”

Kim drew back a bit, her arms still linked with Cassidy’s. She didn’t say anything, but from her expression, Cassidy could tell that Kim was eager to hear what her new lover wanted to share.

Cassidy cleared her throat. “It’s kind of hard to explain. I guess all of this is, really.” Again, Kim didn’t speak, just waited expectantly.

“I guess… you could say that I’m empathic.”

“And what does that mean, exactly?”

“I can feel and interpret the emotions of people around me. I can tell just by focusing on a person whether they’re happy or sad or angry. Whether they’re bored or excited. Or even sexually excited.” Cassidy let that statement linger, hoping that Kim would catch her drift.

It took a second, but then the full meaning of Cassidy’s words hit Kim like a ton of bricks. “So you mean, you… you… you can sense what I’m feeling right now.” Her cheeks flushed a dark pink.

“Yes,” Cassidy said. “But there’s no need to feel embarrassed. I know what you’re feeling… and frankly, I’m feeling it too.”

Cassidy trailed her hands down Kim’s body, letting the right rest on the small of Kim’s back while the left briefly hovered over her belly. Her eyes locked with those of the dazed single mother, then Cassidy slipped her hand past the waistband of Kim’s running shorts and into her panties. Quickly locating Kim’s clit, she began to trace tiny circles around it with a fingertip. Kim let out a small groan, her eyes drifting shut.

Cassidy increased the pressure of her finger and started to rub harder and faster, causing jolts of pleasure to race through Kim’s body. Kim desperately needed to come, but also knew that Katie or Emily could come back downstairs at any moment. The idea of being caught by the girls was mortifying to her, yet also strangely exciting. It wasn’t the smartest thing she’d ever done, allowing herself to be masturbated by another woman in her own kitchen, especially when her little girl was just upstairs — but damn it, the thrill was worth it and then some.

Kim’s moans grew louder, and Cassidy had to silence her with a kiss. Cassidy then slipped her finger into Kim’s vagina and fucked it in and out several times, coating it with cream, before withdrawing it. Now, slick with Kim’s juices, Cassidy used her finger to lubricate Kim’s pulsating clit.

“If the emotions are strong enough, I don’t even need to focus. I can just feel them,” Cassidy said, as she increased the tempo of her fingers.

Kim could feel hot juices ooze from her aching pussy as that familiar warmth began to build in her womanly core. She began working her hips in rhythm with Cassidy’s flexing wrist, marveling at the shockwaves of delight that each movement sent rippling through her. Another few seconds and Kim would be ready to explode.

Cassidy continued her explanation. “That ability I have… to sense feelings… It’s how I knew that Rachel wanted Deena to kiss her in the hot tub last night. It’s how I knew that you wanted me to make love to you. It’s how I knew that Emily was standing at the bedroom door last night watching us… watching you and Rachel climax together.”

Kim’s eyes opened wide at Cassidy’s revelation. She was shocked to learn that Emily had spied on them. She saw me with Rachel, Kim thought. God, my own sister. How on earth do you explain something like that to a child?

At the same time, Kim found herself highly aroused by the thought. She wondered what had it felt like for the child, watching her mother and aunt in the throes of passion? Had it scared her? Confused her? Excited her?

Cassidy must have been reading Kim’s feelings again, because then she said, “Emily was so turned on by what she saw, the sights and sounds of women making love… Actually, I’m fairly certain that she was touching herself while she watched. And she stayed turned on, too — right until she fell asleep, snuggled up to your cute little girl.” Having planted the image she wanted in Kim’s mind, Cassidy suddenly plunged two fingers into the older woman’s cunt.

Kim immediately started to come. Her knees became weak and her body was convulsing so intensely that she almost fell over. Only Cassidy’s quick reactions saved Kim from another tumble in her kitchen. Dazed and dizzy, the woman managed to take a few steps over to the dining table, where she collapsed into a chair, gulping for breath.

But even in the midst of orgasmic afterglow, some unsettling questions had elbowed their way into Kim’s consciousness. Did Emily tell Katie about what she saw us doing? Does my little girl know that I had sex with her new grownup friends… and her Auntie Rachel? 

She felt a twinge of panic, but then Cassidy was holding her, tenderly kissing her neck and cooing soft, reassuring words. With a blissful sigh, Kim relaxed into the arms of her new lesbian lover, joyfully surrendering to her.

On to Chapter Seven!


Not Like Other Girls, Part Three

  • Posted on February 2, 2021 at 1:22 pm

By Karin Halle


I was beginning to think that a ‘no secrets’ policy had been introduced into our house when nobody had been looking. Mum and April and I had openly discussed masturbation. April and I had fingered each other until we came, and Mum knew about it.

So, honestly, it came as no great surprise to me that Mum knew about Elsa and I having sex practically as soon as we’d done it. Luckily, she was totally cool about it. Had Mum always been this laid back, and I just never noticed?

Here’s what happened. Elsa was leaving, not long after she and I had spent the afternoon making love. She said goodbye to Mum at the back door and, to our utter disbelief, Mum cupped Elsa’s face in both hands, kissed her right on the mouth, and said, “I hope you had a nice time. Come again soon.”

Elsa blushed, mumbled something, and hurriedly left. Me, I was stunned beyond words.

My little sister April was also in the kitchen, but didn’t react. Perhaps she had no idea what was going on, or she knew and was cool with it.

But I had to find out whether Mum knew, and if so, how she’d figured it out.

Later that night, after dinner, when April was busy doing homework, I went into the kitchen, where Mum was finishing the washing up. There was no way to ease such a question into general conversation, so I just came right out with it. “Mum, when El was here this afternoon…” That’s all I was able to say.

Mum knew what I was getting at, though. “Does this have anything to do with the two of you making love while you were upstairs?”

I nodded, feeling my face grow hot. “Um, yeah. How did you know?”

She just smiled. “Well, I didn’t, not at first. But I’ve long suspected that Elsa had a crush on you, and when you two finally came out of your room, it looked very much like you’d just had sex.”

“Oh, my God!” I gasped.

“And when she came to me to say goodnight, I could smell pussy. Actually, she reeked of it – so do you, by the way.”

“Jeez, Mum!”

“And when I kissed her, I could taste it. You girls really should have washed your faces afterward!”

Well okay, at least Mum was cool about her daughter having sex with a girl. Fine and dandy. But I still felt horribly embarrassed that she knew about it. I slumped down into a kitchen chair.

Mum came up and stood behind me. Resting her hands on my shoulders, she began to rub some of the tension away.

“Honey, most parents know a lot more about their kids than they ever let on. Mothers in particular.”

Under my breath I said, “Oh, fuck.”

It was barely audible but like most mothers, mine has an amazing ability to hear what she needs to. She gave me a gentle slap on the back of the head and said in a mock-stern tone, “Language, young lady!”

I could hear laughter in her voice, and it helped to ease my tension. I turned to look at her, smiled, then repeated myself. “I said. ‘Oh fuck’, Mum.”

Mum smiled too, but gently warned, “There will be no more of that.”

Lightening the mood as much as possible genuinely helped me to cope with all the crap that I’d been put through recently – that we’d all been put through.

“No more what?” I asked. “No more fucking… or no more saying ‘fuck’?”

The lightness suddenly disappeared as Mum turned serious. “You know what the doctors told you about sex, sweetheart. I mean… I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Hurt?” I repeated. “What, by El? She’d never hurt me, Mum. We’re best friends! And she understands about my… differences. I told her everything, and, um…” I was blushing again. “She got a pretty good look at me… y’know, down there.”

Looking down at me, Mum smiled in a way that made my heart skip a beat. “It was good then, was it?”

No secrets, I told myself. We’re past that now.

Still, I had to take a deep breath before I could say, “Yes, Mum, it was. It really was.”

If Mum hadn’t already known with certainty that Elsa and I had been making love that afternoon, she sure did when I said that.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me close. Because she was standing and I was still seated, my head was cradled against Mum’s chest. I felt secure where I was, basking in my mother’s love. Even through her clothes, I could feel her body heat. I snuggled closer.

The memory from the other day came back to me, of sucking my mum’s nipple. It had been such a  comforting moment for me. I longed for that comfort again. So many things were happening in my life, and they were happening much too fast. Everything is so much simpler when you’re a kid – and I needed to experience that simplicity again, even if it was only for a little while.

“Mum,” I whispered. “What we did the other day, in your bed… can we do that again? Please?”

Her voice was a purr. “When we were pretending you were a baby, and I was feeding you?”

In reply I nodded, making her breasts jiggle beneath her clothes.

“April might feel left out,” Mum said.

“She can come in later. I… I want it to be you and me for a little while, just the two of us. Is that okay?”

Mum stroked my hair lovingly. “Of course, baby girl. Let’s have a lie down together.”

As we passed the door to the room my sister and I shared, Mum paused to knock. April glanced up from her homework.

Mum said, “Mel and I are going to have a little lie down together, April. If you want to come in a little later, that’s okay… but let your sister and me have some time by ourselves for a while.”

April looked at us with an odd expression before saying “Okay,” then turned back to her homework.

Mum and I went to her room. She closed the door and said, “Take off your shoes and hop in.”

I took off my shoes as instructed and got into Mum’s bed.

Mum pulled off her clothes. Now only wearing panties, she slipped into her nightgown, paused to think, then took it off again, carelessly letting the silken nightie fall to the carpet. “It’ll only be in the way.”

Slipping into bed, Mum gathered me into her arms. “Does my little girl want some of this?” she asked as if she was talking to a small child, cupping a breast in her hand.

“Mmm,” I replied, and took the nipple she was offering between my lips.

Now I felt the comfort and security I needed. All the bad shit I’d been wrestling with, it no longer mattered as long as my mummy was feeding me — even though she wasn’t, not really. It felt so good, so right.

As I nursed at Mum’s breast, she hummed softly, then began to caress my back with gentle hands. “I love how this feels, you know,” she told me.

Before long I became aware of my mother’s breathing – and it reminded me of the way Elsa sounded earlier that afternoon, when we were making love. Mum’s breaths were deep and slightly ragged, just the way El’s had been.

I was light-headed and excited, just like the way I’d been with Elsa. But what thrilled me much more was that Mum seemed to be sharing these feelings.

Was my mother sexually aroused by what we were doing? I had to know.

Reaching down, I put my hand on the front of Mum’s panties, a hot shiver coursing through me when I felt how wet she was. In fact, they were soaked.

At my touch, she took a sharp breath.

I wasn’t even thinking about the consequences of my actions at this point, just going on pure instinct. As I slipped my hand beneath the waistband of Mum’s panties, she gasped.

When my fingers brushed her pussy, she whispered, “All this talk about sex lately, it’s been too much for me. Then cuddling with you and April the other day — my God, that was so sweet. And now, knowing that you and Elsa were making love… it makes me incredibly hot, all of it. I — I’m sorry, Melody…”

“Don’t be, Mum. I want this for us.”

Maybe she’d hoped for this all along. When I suggested earlier that I wanted some private time for just us two, did Mum imagine me touching her this way?

My finger slipped between Mum’s wet labia, and she moaned.

Unlike the lust-driven passion I’d had when with Elsa, I wanted this to be slow and romantic. Removing Mum’s panties was done with care – this time, the elastic remained undamaged.

I stared, my heart pounding. Mum lay before me, completely naked. Although I’d seen her that way before,  this time it was different. Now, I was seeing her through the eyes of a lover, and what I saw made me very happy indeed.

Feeling an urge to be nude as well, I got out of bed and undressed as quickly as I could. Then I stood still for a brief moment, letting Mum look at me in the same way I’d just looked at her.

She smiled — just a little one – but there was a universe of meaning in it.

I smiled too, then climbed back into bed.

Scooting down, I got into a kneeling position with my face between Mum’s thighs. By raising my backside, the angle enabled me to get my face up close to her pussy, enough that I could feel the heat coming from it. And I was responsible for that heat, had brought it into being.

“Oh, fuck,” Mum moaned. She smelled incredible.

“Yeah, Mum. We will!’

Extending my tongue, I touched the tip of it to Mum’s pussy, then licked upward through her fluid-coated lips to tease her clit. This initial contact caused her to tremble, making a hissing sound as she drew a sudden breath through her teeth.

Her juice tasted somewhat like Elsa’s, but with a distinctive tang all its own. It suddenly struck me that the flavour of every woman’s pussy would be different, as varied as fingerprints. Somehow the idea excited me, I  wasn’t sure why.

Wanting to touch Mum while I licked her, I got my hand into position to explore her cunt, a delicious shiver racing through me as I said that word to myself for the first time. I wondered: if two fingers fit into Elsa and April, how many could I get into Mum?

“Ahhhh, yes!” she moaned as I went with three, which seemed to be a perfect fit, so I got to work. Back and forth my arm went as I sawed my fingers in and out. My head swam with the hugeness of what was happening… could I really be fucking my own mother?

Thick, warm fluids were flowing freely from Mum’s vagina, and it occurred to me that she might produce a lot more of them when she came — just like Elsa had.

As if on cue, Mum cried out, “Oh God, baby… I’m g-going to come!”

My mouth was ready to receive her essence – at least, I thought so. In fact, I was in the right position, but unprepared for the sheer amount of it.

Mum’s juice flowed into my mouth. Some of it splashed on my cheeks, some dripped from my chin, but I did manage to capture most of what she had to give. Christ above, it tasted good. Wanting more, I set about cleaning her with my tongue.

I felt Mum’s fingers weaving through my hair, heard her sigh. “I suppose we oughtn’t to have done that,” she said, “but it didn’t feel wrong.”

“It wasn’t, Mum,” I told her.

“That was incredible, sweetie,” she went on. “It’s been an awfully long time for me, and I’ve never done anything with a woman before… still, I can’t imagine anyone loving me as beautifully as you just did.”

Her words made my heart sing. More than that, they convinced me that I’d been completely wrong about myself. Even if my girl parts weren’t complete, I was still a woman. I could give sexual pleasure to a lover, and receive it in return.

And if I could find this kind of happiness with girls and women, what possible use did I have for a man? By that point, the idea of straight sex seemed, well, pointless. That’s when I knew for certain that I was gay.

If I’m not like other girls, so bloody what – everybody is different. If anyone doesn’t like me the way I am, fuck them.

Or, rather, don’t fuck them! That’ll be their loss, not mine.

I was resting my head on Mum’s thigh and idly toying with her wet pubic curls as I reflected on my future, seeing possibilities instead of stumbling blocks for the first time in weeks.

Suddenly, I was jolted out of my reverie by a hand touching my backside. Okay, I was still somewhat dazed by what I’d just done to Mum, but even then I knew she couldn’t reach down that far.

Which meant…

Several things happened almost simultaneously.

A second hand slid between my legs from behind, then a finger pressed my clit as if it was a button. Raising my head, I gasped, “Jesus Christ!”

Startled into losing my balance, I fell forward, burying my face in Mum’s vulva as if I was trying to reverse the birth process.

Caught completely off guard, Mum cried out, “Oh, my God!”

“Surpri–ise!” April squealed triumphantly — and my little sister, now completely nude, hurled herself onto the bed to join Mum and me.

The three of us were a tangle of bare arms and legs, and it took a moment or two before we were able to straighten ourselves out. Mum was lying on the bed, I was seated on the lower right-hand corner, and April was standing before us, putting her bare body on full display.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she said. Her eyes, however, made it clear that she wasn’t sorry at all.

“April!” Mum snapped, giving my sister a look that could peel paint. “Are you trying to give us both heart attacks?”

Realising she’d gone too far, April turned sober in a heartbeat. “Um, no… I didn’t mean to scare you, honest! I just thought that you’d had enough time together, and, er… it was okay for me to come and play, too.”

“Play…?” Mum said, a question in her eyes.

“Play,” April responded, the answer in her smile, which I could only describe as seductive. She reached up to take her left nipple between finger and thumb, gently rolling it.

That was when I began to see April in a whole new way – not just as my sister, not just as a girl of thirteen, but as a woman. A woman who loved other women.

Mum’s room was barely lit, the only illumination from a small anglepoise lamp on a side table. That light outlined my sister’s body, showing her off beautifully. A shiver of wanting coursed through me when I looked at her.

When April and I had revealed our nakedness to each other, I learned that she wasn’t just sexually active, she was also quite experienced. But only with another girl. Then my sister had confessed that she felt a genuine attraction to me.

Now, she’d caught our mum and me making love. And she wanted to be part of it. My little sister April, barely a teenager, intended to enjoy this new pleasure with us.

She sat down next to me on the bed, smiled, and softly said, “I want to lick your pussy.” Just like that!

I realised then and there that April didn’t just want to join in — she meant to take charge.

“Lie down on your back, next to Mum,” April said, pointing to where she wanted me. I did as she instructed, stealing a glance at our mother, whose eyes seemed as big as dinner plates.

I reached out to take Mum’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, and she clutched mine tightly. I knew just how unsettled she must have felt right then. She’d just had sex with her fifteen-year-old daughter… and now her youngest was here to make it a threesome! And April wasn’t giving Mum the opportunity to pull the plug on our little family lovefest; no, she was charging in like the bloody Light Brigade to take what she wanted. Can’t say I knew how Mum was affected, but it turned me on something fierce.

Getting down between my thighs, April took each one of my legs and draped them over her shoulders. Her movements were confident, like she’d done this a few times.

She put her mouth to my pussy and began to lick, while reaching over to place her hand on Mum’s cunt.

“Oh, m-my God,” our mother stammered. She was about to say something else — to tell April to stop doing that, perhaps — but before the words could escape, Mum’s eyes rolled heavenward, and she slowly melted back into the sheets.

My sex-expert sister was finger-fucking Mum while she went down on me, alternating between sucking my clit and trailing her tongue up and down, bathing my vulva with each lick. It felt glorious.

A glance at Mum caught my attention. Lost in purest bliss, she was lovelier than ever… and the sight filled me with a new hunger, one I was powerless to deny. As I turned my head toward hers, Mum’s eyes flickered open, and a gasp escaped that lovely mouth when she saw my face.

She knew what I wanted, and didn’t say no. I kissed her.

Mum didn’t seem to know how to respond to me at first, but that only lasted for a few seconds… and then she was kissing me back, her tongue meeting and mating with mine. I put everything I had into that kiss, wanting to tell my mother how much I adored her without words. I think she understood, too.

As I got deeper and deeper into the pure eroticism of having sex with my sister and our mother at the same time, a thought crossed my mind: would Mum and I work together to bring April off when it was her turn to be given pleasure? That idea really appealed to me.

That question was going to become relevant quite soon, too… because I could feel this big, beautiful storm brewing inside me. Mum was moaning into our kiss, so I felt certain that she was about to come as well.

Maybe we’ll do it at the same time, I thought.

Perhaps my thinking about that actually made it happen – because when Mum’s orgasm hit, mine did too.

Mum broke away from me, howling like a wild animal as she came for the second time in ten minutes. I guess that April must have been just as surprised as I was by how much fluid our mother produced when getting off, because she raised her face from my minge long enough to exclaim, “Wow, Mum — you’ve got the juiciest pussy!”

I nearly howled myself when April took her mouth away from me, only in frustration. Thankfully, she got back to work right away, this time fastening her lips to my clit and sucking it, which set me off like a firework. It was so intense that I blacked out for a few seconds.

When my eyes opened, I saw April sit up on her haunches, raise a finger into the air and make two stroking motions with it – one for Mum and one for me.

Shit – the kid just made tally marks, as if she was keeping a score sheet!

Mum’s eyes narrowed when she saw that. Reaching out to seize April’s other hand, she gave it a sharp tug — and my startled sister came down on top of her.

April’s face was millimeters away from Mum’s, their noses almost touching. “Oh, so you think you’re clever, do you child?” Mum said, making April’s eyes go wide. “The thirteen-year-old queen of all things sexual? Well, your mother knows a few things about making love, too!”

With that, she rolled my sister onto her back, then kissed her, hard and deep. April was startled, but she got over it awfully quick, meeting and matching Mum’s passion.

It was such a thrill for me to watch my mother and my little sister kissing like true lovers, their tongues engaged in a heated dance. Even though I’d orgasmed mere minutes ago, I began to finger my clit — gently, though, because I was still a bit tender.

Mum suddenly broke away, smiled at April, then kissed her again, this time being quite tender about it. She began to place playful little pecks all over her daughter’s face, then trailed them down to April’s neck, taking her sweet time about it.

Apparently, the slower tempo was a change of pace from what my little sister was used to, but she relaxed and lay quietly, wearing a dreamy look as Mum’s lips brushed her skin. Then, without warning, our mother grew fierce, aggressive. Her next kiss was a hard nip on April’s shoulder, one that turned into a sucking bite. April tensed and gasped in disbelief as Mum branded her.

Mum pulled away to inspect the mark she’d left on April’s shoulder. Nodding her approval, she shifted back into a gentler mode, strewing kisses over her daughter’s body like rose petals. When she reached April’s abdomen, she suddenly became wild again and left another mark between April’s navel and her hip bone. Once again my sister stiffened, then went limp, her hands opening and closing as Mum returned to those softer kisses, gradually moving closer to April’s mound.

That cocky attitude of April’s had vanished completely. Mum was teasing her, and it was working in a big way, those quick flashing bites and the feather-light kisses driving my thirteen-year-old sibling nearly frantic with arousal. I could read it in her disbelieving eyes.

Mum gave April’s milky right thigh another nip, then extended her tongue and licked a slow pathway upward, gazing all the while at April’s pussy as she got closer. I could see my sister shivering like she was cold, probably wondering what Mum would do next. I was wondering, too.

I had to restrain a gasp when Mum suddenly fastened her mouth to April’s clit — but she didn’t bite down this time, thank goodness. Instead, she began to suck lovingly at the little button. Later, my sister told me that Mum was flicking it with her tongue while she sucked it.

Whatever she did, it was enough to set April off. Throwing her head back, she cried, “Oh — oh, MUM! Ohhhhhhh!” thrashing around so wildly that she nearly threw our mother onto the floor. Somehow, Mum managed to hang on and keep licking until April pushed at her with clumsy hands, gasping, “S-stop, that’s enough, th-that’s enough!”

Mum raised her face from April’s cunt, pausing for a moment to lick her lips. That spurred me to action. Reaching out, I grabbed Mum, all but dragged her to me, and kissed that wet mouth of hers, sampling the tangy flavour of my little sister. I promised myself that next time, I’d be getting my taste of April right from the source.

Mum and I shared a long, passionate kiss. Then we drifted apart, both smiling foolishly, and I laid down next to my sister.

By then, April could breathe again, and she gaped at Mum. “Oh, my God,” she exclaimed. “Have you… did you ever have sex with a woman before, Mum? I mean, that was…” She shook her head, unable to come up with the right words.

Staring at her intently, Mum raised her hand in the air and made a check-mark sign with her finger, then laughed. “No,” she said, shaking her head. “I never have. Oh, I’ve had fantasies about women for a long time, but — I don’t know, it just never happened.” She looked away, suddenly shy. “I’d certainly love to do it on a regular basis, though…” Her eyes returned to meet ours. “That is, if you two are willing.”

I felt a surge of warmth that left me giddy and light-headed. “I’d love to,” I said, without even thinking about it.

“Me too!” April exclaimed. “Wow, Mum — you’re really okay with all of us having sex, then?”

“I’m not supposed to be,” she admitted. “On the other hand, we do love each other, and we’re all willing, so I don’t believe there’s any real harm in having some fun between the sheets every now and then…” Then she rolled her eyes. “Oh, bloody hell… Actually, I just made all of that up. The real, honest truth is that I loved fucking you girls, and I want to keep doing it.”

“I do, too,” I replied.

“Yeah!” April said. Reaching for Mum’s hand, she pulled our mother down to join us, and we enveloped her in a loving embrace, swapping kisses all around.

It was a genuinely joyous moment. Just a few days ago, I was wondering if I could ever find anyone to love me, what with my missing parts. After all, what man would want a woman who couldn’t have sexual intercourse with him?

Now a pathway out of despair had opened up for me, and all was well. I’d found a new identity as a lesbian, with the most important people in my life as lovers: Mum, my little sister and my best friend. I was already dreaming of the passion we would share, the pleasures we had yet to enjoy.

How much happiness could one girl take? I didn’t know, but from that day forward, I’d do my level best to find out.

The End

Author’s Note: I want to thank JetBoy for helping me to tell the story. His editing and suggestions made everything clearer and more complete.