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Daughter’s Drawings

  • Posted on May 12, 2024 at 3:55 pm

Note from JetBoy: Had this one kicking around in my collection for years. I put a bit of a shine on it, but didn’t change it enough to call it mine, so in the Author Unknown file it goes. Hope you like the result.

Author Unknown

The room was strangely quiet after Lisa’s sobbing. She still knelt on the floor, but she just sniffed occasionally, timidly glancing up from her drawings to look at my face.  She was eighteen, a slender young woman whose athletic figure often turned heads.  Not as she was at the moment though, her eyes red from crying, black eyeliner staining her cheeks.

Her father and I were proud of Lisa and her many achievements. She’d recently won a scholarship in fine art at a university. She loved to draw and paint, even before she could walk. I smiled as I recalled the living room floor strewn with her pictures in crayon, pencil, finger paint. You couldn’t look at a wall anywhere in the house without seeing at least one picture of hers.

Now this, I thought, moving one picture to look at another. There were at least a dozen on the coffee table, revealed when I had emptied a bottom drawer, taped underneath in a plastic bag. They were all black ink line drawings, all showing women in constraining leather clothes… some gagged, others masked, pale flesh showing the marks of having been whipped or caned. Some included women with strapped black cocks jutting from their loins. The drawings were both sensuous and lewd, finely detailed to the point of graphically portrayed anal sex.

I tried to ignore the erotic quality of the works. The shock of first seeing them had made that easy… and at first, I hadn’t even believed Lisa could have done them. But as time passed, as her crying ebbed and the nature of what I was looking at became fully understood, I couldn’t help but react, my pussy growing moist. These drawings were hot!

“You must’ve needed a model,” I said, my voice tight as I looked at a drawing of a figure on all fours, a glistening black shaft half sunk in her furry slit while another strained her mouth.

She shook her head, looking down at her feet. “They’re all me,” she whispered. “I… I used a mirror to d-draw myself.”

The pictures took on a fresh level of eroticism as I realized the shapes were all Lisa — the long slender torsos, the firm rounded breasts, so often shown with nipple rings or small tattoos, the succulent asses that were offered for defiling or beating, anal rings still open after being fucked hard, dripping cunts still spread with arousal. I licked my lips and squeezed my thighs together, stung by the excitement I felt.

I’d long entertained occasional bisexual fantasies, sometimes masturbating while imagining myself making love to other women. But now I was getting aroused at erotic images of my own daughter! I had to stay cool, keep control.

I looked away and counted to thirty, waiting for my flash of lust to subside. Meanwhile my daughter began to cry again. “You weren’t meant to see them. No one was. They were just for me!” she sobbed.

“And the clothes? The… toys? Are they imaginary?” I asked, glancing at the picture that showed a black strap-on penis, fastened around the hips of a woman, rising in all its glory towards the eager mouth of a young girl. The detail was exquisite and I quickly dragged my eyes from it.

“They’re mine,” she mumbled. “I bought them through the mail.”

“Jesus, Lisa!” I gasped. She began to cry again.

“Go get them,” I told her. My curiosity was too great — the excitement had my panties damp. I wasn’t sure just what the hell I was doing, but my renewed arousal made me want to see more… to see everything!

Lisa returned with an old suitcase she kept on top of her wardrobe. She nervously nibbled her lower lip as she opened it and began lifting out clothes, some of them no more than straps.

“What’s this?” I asked, holding up a strip of leather with holes in it.

“It’s a breast halter,” she explained softly, her cheeks burning.

“Put it on,” I told her, before I knew what I was saying.

She looked at it for a moment, then began removing her top and bra. I watched her bare her upper body, and suddenly tried to ignore the warmth I felt inside at seeing Lisa’s firm little breasts and the paleness of her skin. She didn’t look at me, but I could see she was blushing as she pulled the strap around her, fastening it with a twist then turning it until her faintly pink nipples stood in the holes.  I noted her nipples hadn’t been pierced and suddenly wondered what they’d look like with little golden rings hanging from them. One of her pictures was of a tongue touching the underside of an erect nipple… I wondered what it would feel like to lick a woman’s breast like that.

“No piercings…?” I murmured, because I’d been staring at her breasts, and I didn’t want Lisa to think I was coming on to her… but my lust was rising by the second, spiraling out of control. God — my own daughter was getting me hot!

“I… I never had the nerve to go into the store,” she told me, blushing.

Rummaging around in the case, I found her strap-on cock. It was long and black, the molding as detailed as she’d drawn it. I felt myself flood as I imagined the long thick thing sliding into my cunt — it was at least twice the size of my husband’s prick. I saw that this strap-on was specially designed to stimulate the clitoris of the wearer. My heart now pumping wildly, I handed it to her.

“Put it on,” I told her.

“Mom!” she gasped.

“Do you want your father to see these?” I asked, gesturing toward the drawings. She shook her head, eyes begging me not to. “Then do it,” I told her firmly.

Softly weeping, my daughter rose and popped the clasp to her jeans. I crossed my legs and savored the warm growing wetness in my panties as I watched her slender pale thighs appear, pink panties on show, the cotton hugging her pubes. God… she was so beautiful. It was right then that I knew for certain that I wanted to make love to her.

Kicking aside her jeans, Lisa kept her face hidden as she peeled her panties down. I bit my lip, unable to deny the excitement I felt at watching my daughter undress in front of me. She was sobbing quietly as she exposed her lightly-furred mound to me, its edges shaved smooth, her pink slit just visible in front of the slender columns of her legs. I trembled with desire as I glimpsed glistening labia between her slender thighs, Lisa’s sex revealed in all its exquisite detail. I squirmed in my now soaked panties.

Lisa stepped into the halter and eased it up her slender form, wriggling as she tugged it over her bottom and childlike hips. The cock stood rigidly in front of her, its sculptured eye pointing directly at me.

“Satisfied?” she asked in a little voice.

“No. Come here,” I told her.

Chewing her lip she shuffled forward, her short bleached blond hair making her look almost boyish. When she was close enough I reached out for the penis, feeling a thrill shoot through me as my daughter gasped, her hands fumbling for mine.

“You feel every move it makes, don’t you?” I asked, tugging on it again just to hear her little cry. I smiled as she turned her big round eyes on mine.

“P-please, Mom…” she begged.

“Please what? Please stop?” I asked. “Or do you mean–” and I moved the cock once again, “–please don’t stop?”

Mom!” she gasped. I was rubbing the shaft, working it around, making my daughter tremble with arousal. Her nipples stood out through their holes in her rubber halter, and her cheeks were flushed pink.

“You don’t want me to stop… do you?” I said, gazing deep into Lisa’s eyes. She could see how turned on I was, her eyes growing wide in wonder. I placed my other hand on her bare hip as I fondled that rubber cock with the other. Slowly… slowly I brought my face to hers, and we kissed.

I kissed her gently at first — then Lisa’s sweet mouth opened to mine and her tongue slipped between my lips. My hand slid around her back and down to her ass, which I fondled as we kissed passionately. Lisa took me in her arms and held me as our kiss grew hotter. Suddenly I broke away and released her, my fingers tingling where I’d touched her bare bottom.

Lisa was taller than me but only by an inch or so. Taking my shoes off made it two inches.

“Are we going to… to fuck, Mom?” she hesitantly asked, those large, dark eyes watching as I opened my blouse, fingers moving from one button to the next.

“Yes, baby, we are,” I declared, unfastening the last button and pulling my top off. I reached up behind to undo the clasp of my bra, casting it away to stand before Lisa, my breasts bare for her.

I waited, watching Lisa study them, licking her lips. It was her eyes more than the cool air of the room that made my nipples rise and throb, and I could sense she was aware of that. Taking a deep breath, I reached for my skirt, unfastened it, then slipped it off. I wore tights over my knickers and both slid down my thighs until I could easily step from them.

“What now?” I asked, standing naked before my beautiful daughter. I felt myself blush as I saw her stare at my unshaved cunt. .

Her eyes met mine. “We need to… lubricate it,” she told me, her hand sliding softly down its length, a little smile appearing on her face. “I can go get something from my room…”

“No need,” I replied, getting down on my knees to look up at her. “Come on.”

Lisa knew what I meant and, her breath deepening, stepped forward to offer that long, lovely prick to me.

I closed my lips over it and took its length deep into my mouth. She groaned, her hands around the shaft as she fed me her cock. And I groaned in reply as I sucked on it, my cunt dripping as I looked up into my daughter’s face to see naked lust smoldering in her eyes.

“Oh yeah, Mom… suck my cock, and I’ll give you the best fuck you’ve ever had,” she breathed. I sobbed in excitement as I worshiped the massive strap-on jutting from her boyish hips, my ears burning as I listened to her quickening breath, felt her rising excitement.

“That’s it, Mom — make it good and wet for me. Ohhhh!” she cried, twisting her loins to and fro. I couldn’t believe what I was doing, couldn’t believe how turned on I was by it all.

Suddenly Lisa yanked me upright and kissed me hungrily. Her fingers toyed with my eager cunt, then slid into me. She leaned down to flick her tongue over my aching nipples as she fucked me. Then she took a step back, grinning through her flushed face as her hand slid up and down the saliva coated cock. “Bend over, Mom. Your baby girl wants to fuck you now,” she murmured.

“Yes, yes!” I exclaimed, wanting to feel that big black toy plunging deep inside me… wanting to make love to a woman for the first time, to be fucked by my own daughter. I would surrender to her youthful lust; be an incestuous slut for her.

Panting hotly, I turned and bent over the writing desk for her, parting my legs and dipping my back. The cool air of the room told me I was as open as I could make myself without reaching back and spreading my cheeks apart. My body tingled from head to toe, every atom of me ready to be taken.

“That’s the way, Mom,” Lisa breathed as she stepped up to my raised bottom and ran a finger through my dripping pussy. ”You’re a very good girl.”

“Oh, God,” I groaned, thrusting my cunt out for her to stroke again, mewing in frustration as I felt nothing.

“Wait for it…” she demanded, a hand on my bottom.

I gulped, feeling the latex tip slide across my pussy mouth, then lodge at the opening. I took a deep breath, nearly shaking with anticipation. Then it was sliding into me, my daughter’s body weight pushing it all the way inside. I almost screamed, my eyes open but sightless as I felt the incredible sensations of being opened up wide by the unforgiving cock.

“Come on, Mommy,” Lisa growled, panting and bearing down on me, “Let’s fuck…”

I wanted to howl like a wild beast in heat. I was being stretched, opened, invaded, all of that and more. I was pinned to the desk by the biggest, hardest cock imaginable — and my daughter was guiding it.

I felt her hands on my bottom and knew she had completely embedded it within me. That was when I came.

I quivered and shook in a convulsive orgasm, squeezing my eyes closed as fireworks went off in my head.

Lisa began to move, each inward push of her cock stealing my breath away, each outward pull making me sob as I felt my insides being drawn outward. Her hands were touching my ass, one finger teasing my asshole.

I came again. And I could hear Lisa cry of delight as she came herself, her hands clutching my buttocks as she rode her own orgasm.

I whimpered as she slowly withdrew from me… then sank to the carpet, lying on my back. My cunt glowed with warmth and, despite the exhaustion I felt from my pleasure, I knew I could easily reach another orgasm by just touching myself. If I could just build up the strength to do that, I thought.

“God, Mom… I love you,” I heard Lisa say above me. I blinked my eyes open to stare up at my daughter as she stepped out of the harness, placing that pussy-wet cock on the coffee table.

Then she knelt beside me. “Kiss me,” she urged, her face hot, her hands tightening. I felt her warm, wet lips brushing softly against mine, groaning as she suddenly thrust her tongue into my mouth. I tugged at her, and she lay her soft, naked body on top of mine as our kiss grew more torrid by the second. I cradled her incredible ass in both my hands while our tongues entwined lovingly.

Her fingers toyed with my aching nipples… then she moved down to lick and suck at them. God, I was already eager for more. Her mouth slid down my body, kissing and teasing my tingling flesh with her lips and tongue. Then I could feel her warm breath against my cunt, and I whimpered with a fierce need for release.

Then she burrowed her face between my legs and began to eat my pussy in a sweet frenzy of lust. Eating pussy is too mild a term for it; my daughter was making love to my cunt with a passion that had my head reeling.

I felt her swivel around and straddle my face, her hot mouth never leaving my pussy for a second. I gazed enraptured at my baby’s sex, now inches from my face. Her slit shone with moisture, nestled within dark blonde pubes. The musky aroma was intoxicating.

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth, seeking her wetness with my lips and tongue. Lisa purred with pleasure, going down on me as I savored the taste of a woman — my own sweet daughter — for the very first time. I knew, at that moment, that I had finally found the lover of my dreams.

The End


My Daughter the Swan

  • Posted on October 21, 2023 at 3:19 pm

Author Unknown

Polished by JetBoy for Juicy Secrets


I saw the changes in Ruby the moment I laid eyes on her. Nine months earlier, my daughter had backed her car out of the drive, heading off to start her freshman year in college. I had seen the look of determination on her face, the fearless spirit of youth as she left behind the safety of home to head into the unknown.

I noticed the beginning of the change during winter break when her clothes seemed a bit loose on her, as Ruby had begun to shed the baby fat that she’d carried throughout high school.

Of course, the changes went deeper than losing twenty pounds or so, but I believe that’s where it started. Ruby had gained a new confidence, and it showed in how she dressed. Rather than hide beneath loose fitting layers of baggy clothes, Ruby showed herself off by squeezing herself into tight-fitting Spandex and wearing clingy tops that accentuated curves that went in instead of out. She glowed with confidence, eagerly flashing smiles and making light-hearted jokes.

I couldn’t stop staring at her, admiring a young woman who had found her stride. Me, I’d spent my high school years lonely and alone while carrying around flabby thighs, a big butt, and a muffin top that no amount of dieting could impact. In college, I began to frequent the gym on a daily basis, my metabolism finally caught up with my eating habits, and my frame eventually became tight and trim. That physical change had emboldened me to make up for lost time. I became a sex enthusiast, getting it on with guys and girls.

It was a change I’d never outgrown. After my divorce from Ruby’s father, I threw myself into the dating scene, but decided right away that I was much more interested in being with other women – especially college-age girls, many of whom were at least bi-curious.

The only problem was that now that my daughter was home from school, I was especially aware of how great she looked. I’d adored my little girl, who had always been beautiful to me, but as a sexy grown woman, my thoughts of her kept straying in forbidden directions, making me more than a little uneasy. Ruby knew nothing about my lesbian leanings – it was a strict secret while I was married to her father, and I meant to tell her now that he was out of the picture, but had yet to get around to it.

My name is Simone, by the way. I’m forty-one, in excellent shape for my age. Ruby is my only child, and the light of my life.

One morning, walking past the open bathroom door, I pulled up short when I saw Ruby standing naked in front of the mirror while brushing out her blonde hair. The slightly chubby eighteen-year-old who had backed out of my driveway nine months ago would have never left the bathroom door ajar while she was undressed. Right or wrong, I accepted the open door as an invitation.

“Looking good, sweetheart,” I said as I moved behind her, slipped a hand around her waist, kissed her bare shoulder and admired her perfection reflected back in the mirror. “Looking very good.”

“Oh, stop it, Mom,” she said, though she wore a huge grin. “Yeah, I lost some weight, but look how small my tits are.” She cupped both of her supple breasts as if to demonstrate they were barely a handful, while I carefully held myself in check.

“My tits were small in college, too,” I said, keeping my hand wrapped around her tiny waist and fighting an unwanted urge to touch a breast. “Besides, lots of guys like smaller titties.”

“At least I have nice nipples,” she said, pinching her pink nips as if doing something like that in front of her mom meant nothing at all. Of course, she was unaware of the effect it had on her perverted mother.

“Guys like those, too,” I said, kissing her shoulder again. “And so do lots of girls.”

“Mom!” Ruby said, looking shocked.

“I’m just saying when you look this hot, you’ll attract lots of attention,” I said, carefully pulling away before I got myself into more trouble. I didn’t want to let go of her, but I couldn’t risk staying that close, either. “Are we still going shopping today?”

“Sure thing,” she said, back to working the brush through her hair. “Give me fifteen minutes?”

“Take your time,” I said, eyeing her perky little butt before heading to my room, wondering if I had time to get myself off. I don’t know what happened to me once I hit my mid-thirties, but I couldn’t get enough sex. While it was always better with someone else, I’m not above taking care of myself. That had become a daily ritual for me after Ruby had left for college, and most days I do it more than once.

“I’m ready if you are,” Ruby said from my doorway, never guessing how close she had come to finding her Mom naked and playing with herself. I stood and smiled at my darling daughter dressed in skintight yoga pants and a top that looked as if it was painted on over her tits.

She must have caught me looking at her because she quickly explained, “This way I can try on clothes without getting undressed. I can change if you want.”

“No need,” I quickly said, dragging my eyes away from her body and onto her face.

We chatted a little about everything as we made our way from store to store. She asked what college had been like for me and I gave her honest answers, starting with the confession, “I was a real party girl.”

She hesitated before asking, “Did you ever experiment with other girls?”

When I glanced at her, I saw she was blushing and it looked so sweet that I wanted to kiss away the pink in her cheeks. “Experiment?” I asked, flashing her a big smile.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to answer.”

“Baby, you’re nineteen, there’s no reason for me to lie to you about anything,” I said as I pulled up to another store. My smile grew even bigger as I put my hand on her knee and said, “Let’s just say I was very open to experimentation… and nearly everyone was a complete success, okay?”

“Really?” she asked, wide-eyed and so very innocent looking.

“And what about you?”

Blushing, Ruby squirmed slightly in her seat. “My roommate wanted to, um, fool around a couple of times, but I chickened out.”

Hmmm… interesting. “Why?”

Her cheeks flushed even redder. “Mostly because I wouldn’t know what to do to another girl.”

I laughed. “I guess that’s why they call it ‘experimenting.'”

Catching the joke, Ruby’s blush vanished as she started laughing along with me.

We went into the last store of the day to find her a new bathing suit. Ruby had three candidates picked out before she invited me into the dressing room for my opinion. I sat on the little bench in the dressing room as she slipped bikini bottoms over her yoga pants.

Feeling a wicked impulse, I said, “You really should take off your top.”

“Okay,” she said, turning her back to me as she peeled off her top. I admired her breasts in the mirror. They might have been on the smaller side, but were absolutely flawless.

“You know… I think you should lose those yoga pants, too,” I suggested. “You’ll get a much better idea of how the suit fits.”

“Are you sure?” she asked, already rolling them off her hips to reveal the tiny thong she wore beneath them. Fuck, she looked amazing.

“Most definitely,” I said with a lump in my throat as she turned sideways, so as not to shove her ass in my face. Not that I would’ve minded. I prayed she wouldn’t catch how I squirmed or notice the erect state of my nipples as I stared at her perfect body.

“Do you think this shows too much ass?” she asked after concealing that sexy thong beneath a string bikini bottom that left nothing to the imagination. She turned around to give me a really good look.

“I think it’s perfect,” I said in too soft of a voice. Fuck, now I was wishing I had played with myself before we left the house. Instead, there was a deep, needful ache between my legs that I couldn’t do anything about.

“A year ago, I would have never worn something like this.”

“A year ago, you didn’t have an ass like that,” I said, giving one cheek a playful squeeze before I caught myself. “I promise, you wear that to the beach and everyone will be staring.”

“I’m not sure about this front bit,” she said, turning around and running her fingers inside the elastic on either side of her pussy.

“What’s wrong with it?” I asked.

“Nothing, I suppose,” she said, once more running her fingers under the elastic. There was something about how she looked at me with a twinkle in her eye that had me wondering if she was pranking me. “Guess I won’t really know until I wear it without panties.”

“If you want to do that now, I won’t tell,” I said.

“I shouldn’t,” she said, undoing the ties on either side. “I think they’ll be fine.” She quickly turned her back to me again but forgot about the mirror, where I could see the cleft of Ruby’s pussy through her panties… and a hint of wetness she’d left on them.

Suddenly it struck me: I wasn’t the only one in that dressing room who was turned on. Keeping her back to me, she undid the top and I saw her pink nipples again – only this time, they seemed especially rosy and swollen. I made sure she didn’t catch me staring. “Let’s just get this one,” she said, quickly stepping back into her yoga pants.

“Are you sure?” I asked, more than willing to see her try on the other two.

“Yeah, I’m sure,” she insisted, looking very flustered as she scooped up everything and held it against her chest, as if trying to conceal her hard nipples.

On the way home, I felt hot and flustered thinking about the lovely young woman seated next to me. “You’re going to drive the boys at the beach crazy when you wear that bikini,” I told her..

“I’m still worried it shows too much of my ass.”

“Sweetheart, good as you look, it would be a crime to cover it up,” I assured her. When Ruby giggled, I gave her a sideways glance. “What’s so funny?”

“Not funny, just fun,” she said with a big grin. “I used to get jealous at how many guys would stare at your butt instead of mine.”

“No reason to feel that way anymore.”

“I’m not so sure… you still have a great ass.”

“Thank you for noticing,” I said without thinking.

“I – I didn’t mean it like that,” she stammered, her cheeks turning pink again.

“Ah, but it’s more fun thinking you did,” I suggested, making her blush even deeper.

We were almost home when she quietly asked, “Did you really mess around with girls when you were in college?”

“Yeah,” I replied, though that didn’t feel like enough of an answer. “I was an adventurous girl when it came to sex.”

“Not me,” she said as I pulled into our driveway. “I want to do stuff, but then I always get scared.”

“Like… make out with another girl?”

“Yeah,” she said in a very small voice before jumping out of the car and grabbing her packages from the back seat.

I knew she was embarrassed, but I couldn’t let her off the hook. Hell, maybe it was because I felt so excited, I don’t know. Either way, I didn’t drop the subject. “Making love to another woman has never stopped me from wanting to be with a guy.”

“Mom!” she cried in that exasperated tone reserved for when a parent goes too far.

“I’m just saying,” I said. “I still like dick, too.”

“Which do you like more?” she asked with a sly smile.

“Yes,” I replied, knowing my answer would confuse her.

Ruby gave me a puzzled look until she worked out, “So, both?” When I nodded, she rolled her eyes and shook her head. “My mom is a pervert.”

“That means it runs in your genes,” I said. If she was trying to get my goat, she would have to work harder than that.

Once inside the house, I asked, “Are you going to model your new outfits for me?”

“I’m dying to try them on again,” she giggled, setting the bags on the floor in the living room and diving into them. “Which one should I wear first?”

“Whichever you want, just be sure to take off those yoga pants so I can really see how it looks on you,” I said while on my way to the kitchen. I returned a moment later holding a hard lemonade as I watched my beautiful daughter shimmy into a tight pair of Daisy Duke jean shorts. “Oh, those are sexy.”

“You think so?” she asked, turning and showing off her cute butt.

“You might need to go commando when you wear these,” I said, pointing out how the top of her thong showed in the back.

“I have some low-rise boy shorts that might work,” she said, already fishing through the bag for something else to model.

“Commando is more fun,” I teased

“Mom!” she groaned, but with a twinkle in her eye. “How often do you go without undies, then?”

“More than you know,” I said, realizing I had already tossed back half the bottle of hard lemonade. While it wasn’t any stronger than beer, I’ve always been a lightweight drinker. I’m petite like my daughter and a couple drinks go a long way for me. I took another sip before reminding her, “I’ve never been shy about my body, you know that.”

“Because you’ve always been a total hottie,” she said, trying on a pair of workout shorts, appraising their fit.

“Not until college,” I reminded her.

“When did you get boobs?” she asked, pulling off her top, displaying her tiny titties for a moment before she slipped into another one.

While Ruby and I were close to the same size, my breasts are easily two cup sizes larger. “I had these after I got pregnant with you,” I said. “Then they never went away.” After knocking back the rest of my hard lemonade, I grabbed two from the refrigerator and offered her one.

“Doesn’t this have alcohol in it?”

“Are you gonna tell me you never drink?” I asked with a big smile. A lot of things may have changed in the twenty-five years since I started college, but surely that wasn’t one of them. Still, Ruby hesitated until I reminded her, “You’re at home with your mom. I think it’s safe.” Then I added, “It’s a strawberry lemonade.”

“Why didn’t you say so?” she giggled, always a sucker for anything with strawberry in it. She took a few sips before swapping out her top for a couple other ones in rapid succession. All of them were form fitting and I enjoyed the constant flashing of her perky tits. Did she have any idea how excited I felt?

“This is really good,” she said looking at the label of her drink. In between each change of clothes, she paused to sip at it again. She had already worked her way through most of it.

“I want to see your dresses now,” I said. We’d bought her three new dresses for the summer, each of them short, all of them showing off a lot of skin. At my urging, Ruby had picked tight fitted dresses that hugged her body. “Mmm, that looks hot,” I said, admiring one with interesting cutouts. “But, I can see your panty lines.”

“Can you?” she asked, trying to look over her shoulder.

Reaching beneath her dress, I tugged them down, to Ruby’s astonishment. “That’s more like it,” I said, turning her around so I could inspect that perfect ass. “Promise me you’ll never wear panties with that dress.”

“Mom!” she protested in that shocked tone, but without the usual edge. “Are you trying to turn me into a party girl?”

“Maybe you don’t know what you’re missing,” I shot back, enjoying the confused look on her face. Turning her back to me, she pulled off her dress and for just a moment, she was completely naked again. “Let’s see that bathing suit again.”

“Okay,” she agreed, squatting to find it among all the bags scattered around our living room. She discreetly kept her back to me, but that didn’t stop me from feasting my eyes on her nudity. At one point, while digging down to the bottom of a bag, she gave me a full-on view of both her holes, and the sight damn near undid me. That was when I knew for certain that I wanted to fuck my daughter.

Ruby put on her top before stepping into the bottoms, then turned to me. “Okay, now what do you think?”

“I think you ought to take that suit outdoors and stretch out,” I suggested. “The back patio gets some great sun this time of day. I’ll change into one of mine and join you.”

“Sounds great!” she said with a big smile. “Wear something really sexy, okay?”

“For you, absolutely,” I purred, and a hint of pink colored her cheeks.

While Ruby gathered up her new treasures, I went to my room and got changed. I didn’t bother shutting my bedroom door while I got naked. I never did.

As I rummaged through a drawer for both halves of my string bikini, Ruby leaned against my doorway looking at me. “Damn, you’re in great shape, Mom. Hope I look as hot when I’m your age.”

“You will,” I reassured her. After tying the sides of my bikini in a simple bow, I pulled her next to me in front of a mirror. “This is you,” I said, waving my hand in front of her. “And this is you in twenty years.” I waved a hand in front of my body.

“I never realized how much we look alike,” she said, running a hand across her tummy. “We have the same belly buttons.” When she ran her hand across my belly, I nearly shivered with excitement. “I’d still like to have bigger boobs like yours.”

“Sometimes, I miss having smaller ones like these,” I said, gently cupping one of her tits. Her eyes went wide and I laughed at her. “Is that the first time another woman touched you there?”

“Maybe…” she teased, “Or maybe not.”

Taking her hand, I placed it on one of my tits. “And this is how you’ll feel in a few years.”

She gave my tit a test squeeze before catching herself. “Mom!” she protested, then giggled.

On our way to the patio, I took two more hard lemonades from the refrigerator. Once outdoors, I positioned matching deck chairs side-by-side while she paired her cell phone with my Bluetooth speaker and put on some music. She chose Prince – we were both big fans.

We started by lying on our bellies, offering our backsides to the late afternoon sun after unfastening our tops. I had neighbors, but none of them lived close enough to see into my backyard.

We baked in silence for a few moments before I asked, “Did you have a good roommate? You never told me much about her.”

“Abby’s okay. Whenever we were in the room together, she never wore anything more than a bra and panties. She thought I was a prude because I wouldn’t get half naked with her.”

“You know you don’t have to be shy about your body, right?” I asked.

Ruby nibbled her lip thoughtfully. “Do you really think I look good?”

“Smokin’ hot,” I said, reaching out and squeezing her hand. “I’d do you.”

“Mom!” she groaned in that same exasperated tone. “You’re impossible.” She took a couple sips from her drink, then murmured, “I think Abby wanted to do me.”

“How did that make you feel?”

“Oh, God,” she sighed. “I was kind of interested… but like I said, I don’t know what to do with another woman.”

“The same things that feel good to you,” I suggested.

“What if I, um… don’t know what feels good?” she asked in her quiet, worried voice.

“You’ve done stuff with boys, haven’t you?”

“Uh-huh,” she said. “But I’ve never had an orgasm with one of them.”

I made a face. “Yeah… teenage boys aren’t very good at that.”

“Guess not,” she said, holding her top against her chest as she rolled over to face the sun.

I rolled over, too, except I didn’t worry about leaving my top behind.

“Really?” she asked, glancing at my nudity.

“Who’s gonna see?” I replied with a shrug.

“Then why wear anything at all?” she asked. I noticed her bottle was nearly empty.

“Want another?” I asked, getting to my feet.

“Sure,” she said, knocking back the rest.

I stayed topless as I went inside to grab two more hard lemonades. When I came back out, I noticed Ruby had decided to go bare-breasted as well. She had her eyes closed, and I had to pause for a moment to admire her beauty. God, I want her, I thought. Right or wrong, I want to make love to my daughter.

“Here you go,” I said, offering one of the lemonades to her. As she opened her eyes and took the bottle,. a drop of condensation fell on her chest. “Oops,” I said, automatically brushing away the stray drop without thinking about it, trailing my hand across her breast before realizing what I was doing.

“Having fun?” she asked with a tiny smirk.

“You feel like I did when I was your age,” I said, noticing her playful smirk and how she watched me as I walked around the foot of her deck chair. Setting my bottle down on an end table, I tugged at the sides of my bikini bottoms until it fell away.

Ruby’s eyes widened in surprise as she stared directly at my shaved pussy before she managed to look up at my face. “Go, Mom,” she said. “Um… do you do this a lot?”

“See any tan lines?” I asked, leaning over and tugging on the sides of her bikini bottoms. Because she hadn’t double tied it, it came undone with a single tug. “Are you going to be shy in front of me?”

“I guess not,” she said, pulling her unneeded bottoms from beneath her and dropping them next to mine on the patio.

Casually as I could, I adjusted my lounger a bit before lying back down and offering my naked body to the sun. I couldn’t stop thinking about what she’d said earlier. “So, sweetie… you’ve never had an orgasm with another person? Can you get off when you do it yourself?”

“Mom!” she replied in a pained tone. “Do we have to talk about this?”

“Sorry,” I said, backing off a bit. Between the hard lemonades, the warmth of the sun on my naked body, my daughter’s nudity, and thoughts of what I wanted to do to her, I was in quite a state.

It took her a while before she spoke. “It’s not as if I never get off, but it only happens when I do it myself, that’s all.”

“Then do that more often,” I suggested, biting back a giggle. Fuck, I was getting tipsy.

“How often do you do it?” Ruby asked. Turning to her side, she sipped her drink, looking at me with innocent eyes as if she wanted to know how often I sculpted my eyebrows.

Apparently, it hadn’t occurred to my daughter that there was no way she could embarrass me talking about sex. “Is it because I’m your mom that you think I don’t masturbate anymore… or because I’m old?”

“You’re not that old,” she said.

“Twice your age.”

“Yeah, but you still look hot,” she added as her eyes flickered briefly over my nudity. “You always have.”

“If I tell you how many times I get myself off, you have to do the same.” She shrugged as if it didn’t matter. “If I’m not seeing anyone, then it’s two or three times a day,” I admitted.

I’ll give Ruby credit for controlling her reaction. Her eyes went wide for a heartbeat before she caught herself. “Have you already done it today, then?”

“In bed this morning, before I got up.”

She rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe we’re even talking about this.”

“Okay, now it’s your turn,” I reminded her. Ruby took a sip from her bottle instead of answering. “Come on, you have to tell me. Have you gotten off today?”


“No… or not yet?”

Maybe not yet,” she said with that cute smirk of hers.

“Can I watch you do it?” I blurted out without thinking.

Mom!” she cried, nearly choking on her drink. She managed to swallow before eyeing me. “Can I watch you do it?”

I’m blaming three hard lemonades on an empty stomach for what I did next. “Sure,” I said, slipping a hand between my legs and giving my swollen, aching clit a playful caress.

“Oh, my God!” Ruby shrieked, staring at my toying fingers. “I didn’t mean this very second!”

“Why not?” I asked, still rubbing my pussy. It felt much too good to stop.

“I can’t believe you’re doing that in front of me.”

“Why not? We’re both women. We both do it. Does it really matter?” I asked, cupping my breast and squeezing a hard, swollen nipple between my finger and thumb.

Ruby stared at me wordlessly, her eyes trailing up and down my bare body. I saw how hard her nipples looked and noticed how she squirmed ever so discreetly in the deck chair. She seemed interested.

“It’s okay if you want to do it, too,” I told her.

“I’m not going to, to masturbate in front of my mother!” she exclaimed, her eyes meeting mine.

“Well, I’m not going to stop,” I said, enjoying the hungry look in her eyes and how she couldn’t quit watching me. She was turned on, no doubt about it. Part of me understood that she didn’t have to watch. Ruby could have gone back inside, and I would have let her. Instead, she couldn’t take her eyes away. “God, I’m positively dripping,” I said, bringing two glistening fingers to my lips for a taste.

Really?” she asked, shaking her head as if I was being silly.

“What? I like how I taste,” I said, going back to rubbing myself. I shoved two fingers inside my hot, wet cunt, driving them as deep as they could go. “I think pussies are delicious.”

“You are such a pervert.” She tried to make it sound flippant, but I could hear the tension in her voice. This was affecting Ruby far more than she was letting on.

“Really?” I asked. “At least I’m not afraid of saying yes to pleasure.”

When I said that, Ruby blinked hard, as if I had insulted her. “Are you calling me a prude?”

“Oh no, baby, never,” I insisted. Even with two fingers probing my vagina, I was still her mom. “You’re not a prude. A prude wouldn’t get naked with me. A prude wouldn’t watch me doing this.”

“It is kinda hot,” Ruby said, squeezing her thighs together and squirming without being discreet.

“Do it with me,” I urged.

“I can’t,” she whispered in a frustrated tone. “Not in front of you.”

“Do it for me,” I said without hesitating. “Let Mommy see.”

“For real?” she asked in a shocked voice, searching my eyes for the permission she needed.

“Yes, baby. I want to see you finger your cunt. Show Mommy.”

“Oh, God,” she groaned as a wayward hand began to stray across her belly. “Are you sure…?”

“Yes,” I insisted and stuck with the words that seemed to make a difference to her. “Let Mommy see.” I watched her slip that hand between her legs, her cheeks flushed a deep pink.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” I assured her. “We’re not doing anything wrong.”

“Yes we are,” she said, but didn’t stop. “You’re my mother.”

“So?” I asked, reaching over and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “You’re beautiful. I’m beautiful. Let’s be beautiful together.”

With a shaky giggle, Ruby managed to relax a bit. “I’m feeling kinda beautiful.”

“Are you really wet?”

She nodded. “What about you?”

So wet,” I said, holding up my hand to let Ruby see how my fingers were coated with her mother’s essence, then tucked that hand back between my legs.

“Ooooohh… it feels funny doing this outside.”

“It feels better,” I said, suggesting she open her legs wider. “Let the sun see you love yourself.”

“Oh, God,” she moaned, opening her knees wide to the sun’s warm glow.

“Come for me, baby,” I said, sitting up and swinging my legs off the side of the deck chair so I could get a good view of what she was doing. “Let Mommy see you get off.”

“Really?” she asked, without the exasperated tone in her voice that’s usually reserved for parents.

“You are so lovely,” I sighed, watching Ruby’s fingers pressing against her shaved slit. I kept rubbing my own pussy, so fucking turned on watching my daughter masturbate. “Do it, baby. Show Mommy how amazing you look when you come.”

“Oh, God,” she repeated, staring at me. “Do you really like watching me do this, Mommy?”

My excitement soared. Ruby hadn’t called me “Mommy,” since she was in grade school. She was getting into the game with me. For the first time, I realized there was a distinct possibility that my child and I might soon be making love. “Yes, baby,” I assured her, reaching out to gently open her legs even further. “Do it. Get off. Mommy wants to see.”

“I’m doing it, Mommy. I’m touching myself for you.”

“We’re doing it,” I corrected her. “We’re doing it together, baby girl.”

A shiver ran through her body. “Sooooo hot,” she moaned.

“So hot,” I said, gazing at Ruby’s nipples, so swollen that they looked as if they ached. Without thinking about it, I reached out to take one between my finger and thumb, lightly pinching it.

“Oh, MOM!” she gasped, her body jerking with a renewed spasm of pleasure.

“Come for me. Come for Mommy.”

“YES!” my precious young lady cried out as she dug her heels in, thrust her pelvis upward and shuddered through her orgasm. Clutching my own pussy, I came with her – though she didn’t see it, as her eyes were screwed tightly shut.

Finally she went limp, stretched out on the deck chair and panting for breath. “Now… now you do it,” she mumbled.

The way she looked at me, I didn’t have the heart to say I had just gotten off. Instead, I lay back, parted my legs and asked, “Are you going to watch me come? I mean, really watch?”

“Sure, if that’s okay?” Ruby asked, sitting up to get a better view.

“Why don’t you sit down here?” I patted the foot of the deck chair, pulling my knees up and opening them wide so she could really see me rub my pussy.

She slowly rose. “I’ve never, y’know, watched a woman do this,” Ruby said, positioning herself between my legs. “Well, except on the Internet.”

“It’s more thrilling in real life,” I said, reveling in my daughter’s watchful gaze..

“Your pussy is lovely,” Ruby said, absently touching my calf. She glanced up at me. “Are you sure this is okay?”

“Look at it this way, sweetie… maybe I like you watching me,” I suggested as I cupped one of my tits, capturing the nipple between my fingers.

She pondered that for a moment. “Because I’m another woman… or because I’m your daughter?”

“Yes,” I told her with a knowing smile.

My daughter was quicker on the uptake this time, her eyes flashing with excitement. She was getting closer and closer to divining my hidden feelings for her, I could tell. “Wow…”

“I love you,” I said, sitting up and caressing the side of her face.

“I love you, too,” she said, holding my gaze for only a moment before her eyes were drawn back down to my body. “You’re incredible, Mom… I want to be just like you.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” I said, sliding my hand down Ruby’s shoulder and across her chest, lightly grazing her nipples with the tips of my fingers.

She didn’t seem to mind it when I touched her. “Do I really feel like you did when you were my age?” When I nodded, she placed my hand on her breasts. “It’s okay if you want to touch me there.”

On instinct, and an absolute love for my child, I began to roam her bare chest, caressing those flawless tits until it hit me: I was feeling her up! But she didn’t seem to mind, not a bit.

Meeting Ruby’s eyes, I whispered, “Sweetheart, I – I don’t want to stop doing this.”

“Then don’t,” she said, holding my hand in place.

I took her hand; guided it to my own chest. Just as I had, Ruby began to caress me without hesitation. Could she feel the racing of my heart?

Now she was using both hands – teasing my nipples with her thumbs, spreading her fingers over my breasts like opening flowers, weighing their heft. I could have swooned.

Through the thick haze of lust, I heard Ruby say, “Do you really think this is how mine will feel in a few years?”

“Yes,” I assured her, feeling the heat rise inside me. “If you keep doing that… oh, God, you’re going to make Mommy come.”

“I think you’re doing that to yourself,” she said, glancing at the hand moving between my legs.

“We’re doing it together,” I said. “Because of this,” I squeezed one of her tits. “And this,” I added, arching my back and pressing my tit against her hand.

“Go for it…” she said. A moment later, she added, “…Mommy.”

I cried out as my orgasm came crashing down, quickly reaching an unimaginable peak. Seeing Ruby watch me only added to the thrill. It was amazing, more powerful than the climax I’d had a few minutes earlier. My body was bucking so frantically that I felt the deck chair shift about beneath me, scraping against the concrete patio.

It felt utterly wonderful to share this joyous moment with my daughter. But I wanted more.

“That was incredible.” Ruby breathed.

Dazed though I was, it didn’t escape my notice that she hadn’t been looking between my legs when I came. She was staring at me, watching her mother in ecstasy – and very much liking what she saw.

I couldn’t restrain myself for one second longer.

“Kiss me,” I demanded, slipping a hand behind Ruby’s head and bringing her to me until our mouths met. I needed that kiss more than anything on God’s green earth, but just touching my lips to hers wasn’t enough. Upping the stakes, I plunged my tongue into her mouth.

I had no idea how my daughter would respond when I made my big move, but thank the stars, she met and matched my passion, her own tongue flashing to life and joining the lustful dance. We kissed for a very long time.

“Holy smokes!” she exclaimed when our kiss finally broke. “That was… intense.”

“How intense?” I asked, still fondling her breasts. “Like, ‘I just got excited all over again,’ intense?” I slid my hand down to rest on her flat tummy, and I don’t doubt that she knew what I had in mind.

“Mom? Will you kiss me again?” was all Ruby said.

I answered by crushing my lips to hers… and she responded just as I wanted, kissing me like a lover. When my hand dropped Ruby’s thigh, she immediately parted her legs, as if inviting me in. Without asking, I reached in between them to cup her sex. My daughter moaned into our kiss when I sank two fingers into the depths of her wet, creamy pussy. God, she was hot as an oven!

Kissing my daughter filled me with a desire I hadn’t felt in months of sexual activity. Maybe the love I had for Ruby as my child only strengthened the hunger I felt for her as a lovely young woman.

I felt Ruby’s cunt open to my probing fingers as I eagerly fucked her. I knew she would need more than fingers inside her for the orgasm I had planned, though. I’m gonna rock your world, daughter dear.

“Don’t stop, Mom,” she begged between kisses.

“I won’t, honey,” I purred, claiming Ruby’s mouth again as I caressed her swollen clitoris. That tight, little bump felt so good beneath my fingers. She began to grind against my hand, needing more of my touches as her excitement grew. Very soon, I felt her tense up. A few seconds more of tweaking her clit was all she needed before I felt my darling daughter’s orgasm overwhelm her body with the fury of a tsunami.

Our mouths broke apart while Ruby drank in deep lungfuls of air, shaking her head in helpless awe. I couldn’t help but smile as I asked, “I thought you never came with someone else?”

“I don’t,” she said, still reeling from her orgasm. “I mean, that’s the first time.”

“Now you know it’s possible.”

“I love you, Mom,” she said, throwing both arms around me in the sort of big bear hug she gave me when at her happiest. It felt so good holding her naked body against mine. It felt good in ways most mothers and daughters will never know.

“I love you, too, baby,” I said, hugging her back while my desire began to stir inside, that familiar warmth making itself known.

When Ruby began peppering my face with tiny kisses, I took one of her hands and slipped it between my legs.

She tentatively stroked my labia. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Yes, you do,” I assured her with a kiss on the lips.

“You’re so wet.”

“Because of you, baby girl,” I said. She looked at me as if she couldn’t believe her hand was really doing this; touching the cunt of her own mother. “Put a finger inside.”

“Like this?” she asked, slipping a single finger inside my needful pussy.

“Deeper,” I moaned. She added a second finger without being told. “That’s it, baby. Fuck your mommy.”

Ruby giggled like a naughty schoolgirl. “You just said ‘fuck’.”

“Mommy likes when you fuck her pussy,” I said, snickering along with my daughter because of how silly it sounded. Silly, yet strangely hot, too.

“Do you, Mommy?” she asked in a little-girl voice as my pussy clenched around her probing fingers. “Does Mommy really like that?”

“Bitch,” I said, laughing as Ruby got further into character, assuming an innocently childish expression..

Again with the voice: “Mommy likes being called Mommy, don’t you?”

“Yes, Mommy does.” It worked when I said it, too. My cunt was a swamp, leaving a huge wet spot on the deck chair cushion that I’d probably never get out

“Is Mommy going to come for her little girl?” Ruby asked with a big, playful smirk.

I was on the verge, seconds away from yet another orgasm. “Shut up and kiss me,” I said, pressing our mouths together for another heated mingling of tongues. This one lasted until I was going off like a mile-long string of firecrackers, thrashing wildly until I passed out.

I came to right away, though… and there was Ruby, kneeling between my legs, gazing at me with adoring eyes. “I… I never knew I could do that,” she said. “I really made you come, huh?”

“Like a wildcat,” I mumbled, feeling deliciously lazy.

Climbing back into the chair next to mine, Ruby spread herself out offering me her pussy. “Wanna do it to me again?”

My fatigue vanished as if by magic, and I sat up to study my naked daughter. “I have a better idea,” I said, struggling to my feet and extending a hand. Reaching out, Ruby allowed me to lead her into the house, then up the stairs to my room, where I eased her onto the bed with a nudge. Without being told, she stretched out as if she belonged there, and I lay down alongside her. Turning on our sides, we pressed our naked bodies together as we came together yet again in a kiss.

Rolling on top of my daughter, I began nuzzling a pathway down her neck and across her collarbone, finally reaching those pert little tits. I brought her nipples to stiffness with my tongue, but was impatient to explore the rest of her bare body. Soon I laid a line of kisses that moved down to her belly button. It wasn’t until I pressed my lips below her navel that Ruby tensed, pausing me with a single word. “Mom?”

“It’s okay, sweetie, it’s okay. I want to do this,” I said, flashing her a reassuring grin. I paused to admire her puffy, pink pussy and how it glistened with wetness. I did that, I told myself. Getting down on my belly, I looked up to watch my daughter as I pressed my tongue against her smooth slit for the first time.

“Oh, God,” she gasped, staring at me in disbelief. “Are you really doing this?”

“Yes,” I said before running my tongue all the way through her slit. Pausing to lick my lips, I added, “You taste wonderful.”

“Do I?” she asked with trembling lips.

So good,” I purred before going to work on Ruby’s luscious pussy.

I’m very acquainted with the delights of oral sex, both giving and getting. When done correctly, it’s an act of passion, the most intimate of kisses. Seeing my daughter spread out before me made it an act of worship, too. I loved Ruby more than anything or anyone, and now I was going to give her the gift of a mother’s love.

Circling her clitoris with the tip of my tongue, I watched her squirm in ecstasy. I pushed her knees up towards her chest, opening that delicious cunt even wider. Taking a deep breath, I thrust my tongue deep inside, drinking deeply of her youthful nectar. I could have happily gone down on my child for hours. But more than that, I wanted to make her come again.

I zeroed in on her clitoris. Using my tongue, I flicked that tiny button from side to side, up and down, then in tight, tiny circles. I watched her reaction, paying attention to what she liked best. As far as I could tell, it didn’t matter – she loved it all, a steady quiver pulsing through Ruby’s legs as that sweet fire mounted higher and higher.

“I’m s-s-so close,” she stammered, pressing her heels into my bed and lifting her pelvis up as if offering her sex to me.

I accepted my daughter’s gift, teasing her for a bit longer before zeroing in on her vaginal opening, using my fingers to lightly rub her clit. I licked and lapped at her juicy flesh with joy and affection, determined to bring her off one more time. I watched her head rolling moving from side to side as her pleasure grew and grew until at last, it spilled over. She exploded in orgasm, groaning, gasping, twitching, flooding my face with her nectar. I drank from her, loving every drop.

Soon she lay motionless except for the rise and fall of her chest. Her hair was mussed, her body glazed in sweat, and all I could do was marvel at her beauty.

“Jesus, Mom…  you really did that, huh?” she said.

“I loved licking you,” I said, stretching out next to her. We shared a messy kiss, the two of us enjoying the rich flavor of Ruby that lingered on my tongue.

“You taste like pussy,” she cooed.

“Your pussy, kiddo,” I reminded her, and we kissed again.

“I love you, Mom,” she said.

“Show me,” I said, laying on my back and guiding her on top of me. “Give me what I gave you. Lick your mommy’s pussy.”

“First, I want to suck these big titties of yours,” Ruby said, moving down to my chest.

She made love to my breasts for a long, delightful while, having a great time, then kissed her way down until she was lying between my legs. “I’m new at this,” she said, “but I’ll do my best.”

I lay back, buzzing in anticipation until I felt her tongue slip between my pussy lips for her first taste. “Ohhh, yes, angel,” I moaned. “That’s it, baby. Eat your mommy’s pussy.”

I don’t know why it thrilled me so much to say it like that, I only know it did. Maybe it had something to do with the taboos we were breaking. Mothers aren’t supposed to encourage their daughters to go down on them, after all. I didn’t care. Once again, I’d refused to say no to pleasure… and now, Ruby and I were closer than ever.

She was getting into it, licking me with steadily increasing enthusiasm. “Do it, Ruby,” I purred, tangling my fingers in her hair. “Make Mommy feel good.” I moaned as her tongue found my clit and she began to toy with it, trying different ways to drive me up the wall.

I saw Ruby looking at me while she ate my cunt. Her eyes sparkled with delight, and I knew she was having a wonderful time. I writhed against her, a slight roll to my hips, wanting and needing her like I never had before with a lover. I wanted to come in my daughter’s face. I wanted to fill her mouth with my honey. I wanted to see her cheeks glisten with my wetness and then taste myself on her lips.

Fleeting moments quickly turned into minutes that passed all too soon. I had no idea how long it took, only that every second was filled with absolute bliss. Not just what Ruby was doing to me, but also knowing I’d realized my dream of making love to my adorable daughter. And I knew for certain that this wouldn’t be the last time Ruby and I came together to fuck.

Finally, I went over the edge, falling headlong into that glorious emptiness. Ruby continued to love me with her mouth until I begged her to stop. .

Fuck, you taste good,” Ruby said, squirming into my open arms.

“Kiss me, sweetheart,” I said, eager to taste myself on her tongue.

We kissed for a very long time. As I held my daughter in my arms, I couldn’t imagine loving another person more than I loved her right then.

“Mom?” she asked after a long while.

“Yes, dear?” I asked, having no idea how hard I would be laughing in a few seconds.

“When’s dinner? I’m really hungry.”

I couldn’t help it. I roared with laughter. We were lying together in bed, both of us stark naked, my room smelled of lesbian sex, and my daughter wanted to know when we were going to eat dinner?

I gave her a typical Mom response, “As soon as you start cooking.”

“I’ll make you come again if you cook for us,” she said. Always the negotiator, my Ruby.

“How about if I promise to do that for you if you cook?” I fired back.

“Deal!” she said, bounding out of bed and dashing for the door.

I got up and followed her to the kitchen — happy to be naked with Ruby, happy to see her naked.

As she began to assemble the ingredients for spaghetti, I watched my daughter, filled with a mellow satisfaction. This was just the beginning of what promised to be a very enjoyable summer.

The End


Learning Phase, Chapter 14

  • Posted on October 6, 2023 at 3:15 pm

By Nuit du Loup

“Wow, this family cleans up pretty good!” Sora exclaimed, glancing around at the others as she entered the kitchen. Karin and Ayaka, working at the stove and island, both giggled. Karin wore a new pair of dark blue shorts and a matching top, while Ayaka had gone with a dress that was quite flattering to her generous breasts. Isana was lounging at the table nook in tiny shorts and an equally revealing tank-top. Her tail, recently brushed and now beautifully furry, was twitching like mad.

“Have a seat with our ‘mom’ over there, Sora,” Karin said, pointing at the table. “Me and Ayaka have got dinner going. It’ll be ready soon.”

Sora didn’t argue, because whatever it was smelled really good. Karin went back to carefully chopping up fresh vegetables with a sharp looking knife, while Ayaka was preparing pasta.

As Sora snuggled up to Isana, she noticed the way their teacher was observing things. She realized that as much as Isana liked to joke around with them, she was always concerned about their well-being and safety in general.

After a long day of magic lessons, they were all tired, but when gathered together it seemed natural for the four of them to chat about this and that. Sora mostly stayed quiet because the rain sounds and the pleasant warmth of Isana’s body were making her sleepy. Still, she loved to listen and be a part of things. The others never ignored her, and if she was quiet for too long, someone always asked a question or did something to make her laugh.

The meal of spaghetti and boiled vegetables was fairly simple, but looked marvelous to a very hungry Sora when her sisters brought it over. Now that it was time to eat, she scooted over a bit on the bench to give Isana space to dine. Doing so, however, pulled up her skirt, and the coolness of the wooden bench suddenly pressed against her bare bottom and slit.

Sora tried to stifle the surprised squeak that escaped her lips without success. Everyone looked up at her with curious expressions.

“Did you sit on something?” Karin asked, taking the spot  beside her on the bench.

“No,” Sora quickly answered. Too quickly, it turned out.

“I think you’re fibbing,” Ayaka said with a slowly growing smile. And before Sora could reply, Ayaka peeked under the table.

Sora sat as still as she could, trying not to giggle as Ayaka sat back up with a strange expression on her face. She said nothing at first, just seated herself next to Isana.

“Well?” Isana prompted.

Ayaka shrugged, a hint of amusement in her eyes. “Sora looks fine. She’s just as pretty down there as always.”

“Huh?” Karin said, puzzled.

Sora sat still again as Karin and Isana shared a look, then she felt a hand from each side sliding up her bare legs and under her dress. Karin got there first and touched Sora’s smooth sex, which made her yelp for a wholly different reason.

Once again Isana and Karin exchanged glances, this time smiling, and Sora let her breath out as the hands withdrew.

“Isn’t that a bit drafty?” Karin asked.

“I think it’s hot!” Ayaka exclaimed.

“Of course you do,” said Isana, shaking her head. “Did you forget your panties, Sora?”

“No,” she replied, unable to keep from laughing. “I really liked being naked with everyone. It felt nice and it was fun. So I wanted to be naked under my dress.”

“Sheesh, I have no idea what kind of family I’m raising here,” Isana sighed. “Claire will probably kill me… and the rest of the town will be right behind her, when I unleash you three on the world.”

“I’m not going to run around town with no clothes on!” Sora insisted. “It’s only for you guys.”

“Okay, I give up,” Isana said. “But I’m making a new house rule. Absolutely no sex at or on the kitchen table or during meals, because I have to maintain some kind of order around here. It’s also not sanitary.”

“Yes, Mom!” Karin and Ayaka said almost simultaneously.

Isana threw up her hands. “Enough, let’s eat already!”

Dinner was just as fun as ever. As they ate, Isana and the girls shared thoughts about their day of magic lessons. They each had slightly different ways of experiencing how magic worked, and it was interesting to hear their various perspectives. Karin described her magic as an eager puppy she was training, yet still a part of her. Ayaka saw it as more of an amusing game, one that sometimes got very serious. Isana mostly listened to what the girls had to say.

They remained deep in conversation long after the food was gone. At some point, Karin cleared the table and washed the dishes, but the chatter didn’t stop. Eventually they drifted into the family room, where Isana brought out an old board game. While they played, Isana and Ayaka cuddled on the couch like a happy couple, while Sora and Karin were sprawled out on the soft rug on the opposite side of the table. It was even nicer when, halfway through the game, Sora offered to let Karin use her lap as a pillow.

Since Isana had much more experience with the game, she won, but no one cared because they were all having such a good time. By then, they were all feeling sleepy, so a yawning Isana declared it was bedtime. No one argued.

“Hey Isana,” Karin said, sitting up. Sora extended a hand, and Karin took it, helping her to stand. She needed it because Karin’s head had made her left leg fall asleep. Sora hadn’t said anything earlier because she hadn’t wanted Karin to move.

“Hmm?” Isana responded. She was lounging with her head against the generous swell of Ayaka’s chest.

“Can I sleep with you tonight?” Karin asked, perking up considerably. “I really want to know what it’s like. I mean, your bed looks sooo comfy.”

Isana gave Karin a playful pout. “You only want to sleep in my bed?”

Karin blinked, then giggled. “No, I want you too.”

“Goodie!” Isana exclaimed, rolling to her feet. Turning to the others, she added, “Goodnight, girls, I have to go play with your sister now.”

“Night to you, too!” Ayaka said. “I’m going to steal Sora again.”

Sora’s eyes widened. “Me?”

“Of course you’re coming with me!” Ayaka insisted, taking the younger girl’s hands in hers. Karin was already bounding up the stairs with Isana close behind. “If you weren’t so big, I’d pick you up and carry you to my bed.”

“I’m not big,” Sora replied, blushing. Ayaka put an arm around the girl’s thin waist and began guiding her towards the stairwell, taking a moment to turn out the magical lights. “You’re the one that’s… all tall and stuff.”

“What’s ‘and stuff’?” Ayaka asked, laughing.

Sora had to think about that for a second. “You look so much older… and womanly.”

“That’s because I am older than you, silly. By nearly three years,” Ayaka said. “You saw me while we were growing up. I didn’t get these boobs until last year. When you’re my age, I bet you’ll look so good I’ll have to fight to keep my hands off your body.”

“Oh, I doubt that,” she mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed at her sister’s compliment.

“Hey, don’t think so little about yourself!” Ayaka insisted, very firmly. “There’s nothing about you I don’t like.”

Recalling her thoughts from that morning, Sora realized she was being pessimistic again and chided herself. “Even though I’m shy and quiet?”

“I love that about you, too!” Ayaka insisted. “I have to ask, though – what kind of shy girl runs around without her panties?”

“One who likes being naked?” Sora replied, her cheeks flushing slightly.

“Probably,” Ayaka said, grinning wickedly. She made them stop halfway to her bedroom door. “Speaking of which… take your dress off, Sora.”

“Here?” Sora gasped, somewhat surprised. She didn’t hesitate, though, just pulled the dress up and over her head. The night air sent delicious shivers through her bare skin.

Ayaka very obviously savored the view for a moment before wrapping an arm around Sora’s waist, guiding the girl into her room. It felt so much better without the dress in the way.

“Why did you want me to get naked in the hall?” Sora asked as Ayaka closed the door.

“One, because I love looking at you with nothing on,” Ayaka laughed, counting with her free hand. “Two, because you like being naked. And of course, three, because I’m really impatient.”

“What about you, then?” Sora asked, pulling away from Ayaka. “You’re still dressed!” She was already feeling a warm thrill beneath her belly.

Moonlight silvered Ayaka’s profile as she turned towards Sora, shrugged and disrobed right where she stood. The light from the window made her breasts look even more inviting than usual, with one half of her body in the light, the other in dark shadow.

Sora could only stare at her sister’s titties, at least until Ayaka gave them a playful squeeze. “You can do more than just look, y’know.”

“I know, but I like looking, too,” Sora said, padding over to embrace the older girl. She loved the little happy sound Ayaka made when they were together, skin to skin. Then Sora’s heart nearly leapt into her throat when Ayaka suddenly stooped down and picked her up, like a groom carrying a bride.

Hey!” she yelped, astonishment making her voice especially loud.

“What?” Ayaka said, suddenly defensive. “I told you I wanted to steal you off to bed, didn’t I?”

“Well… yeah, you did!” Sora cried, wiggling her dangling legs. “But you said I was too heavy!”

“I thought you were,” Ayaka replied, “but then I realized I’d never know for sure, not unless I actually tried doing it.”

Before she could comment on how strange it was to be carried around by her naked sister, especially when she was nude herself, Ayaka’s mouth found hers and they kissed. It felt lovely, but since Sora knew Ayaka really liked it when they used their tongues, she parted her lips, allowing the kiss to deepen.

Ayaka responded right away, and soon Sora found herself making out with the older girl while nestling in her arms. It was wonderful and very arousing, but she couldn’t quite stifle a small giggle.

“What?” Ayaka asked, furrowing her brow. She was still cradling Sora in her arms.

“Nothing,” Sora replied. “Well… your kisses taste like spaghetti sauce.”

“Well… so do yours!” Ayaka squawked, feeling her face grow hot.

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” Sora said, giving Ayaka’s shoulder a playful smack. “Aren’t your arms getting tired?”

“Kind of, but I don’t want to put you down yet.” Ayaka made a face when she said that, making it look like the hardest decision she’d ever have to make.

“Then carry me to your bathroom, so we can brush our teeth.”

It was fun to watch Ayaka maneuver her through the doorway, but finally the girl succeeded, setting Sora down before the sink. “Whew!” Ayaka said, rubbing her arms. “That was fun, but it wore me out.”

“I liked it,” Sora said. “Do it again sometime.”

“You had the easy part, stinker,” Ayaka fired back. She handed Sora one of the extra toothbrush packets, then they both stood there over the sink, brushing away while trying not to laugh while making faces in the mirror. Using her magic, Sora floated a blob of water from the faucet to her mouth to rinse. Ayaka gave her a knowing smile and did the same, though her piece of water kept changing shape as it moved.

“Are you gonna steal me away now?” Sora asked as she put her toothbrush next to Ayaka’s in the little ceramic holder on the counter.

“My arms are too tired now, so nope,” Ayaka groaned, then smiled. “Will you come along willingly?”

Ayaka’s sheets smelled fresh from their washing earlier in the day, and Sora had to smile at the thought of how messy Karin and Ayaka had made them before that. Last night, Isana told Sora that she liked having her bed smell like sex, so she’d usually let it be for a few days.

Before Sora could climb onto the bed, Ayaka gave her a gentle shove that left her sprawled out, legs wide apart. Ayaka then hopped onto the bed and straddled Sora, looking down at her.

Now Ayaka was in the full moonlight, her skin transformed into silver. Sora realized she couldn’t hear the storm outside anymore, but she was focused on her big sister Ayaka anyhow.

“Can I ask you something?” Sora said, reaching up to cup one of Ayaka’s breasts.

“Anything,” Ayaka replied, smiling down at her.

“How come you like to put your finger in my butt?” After all, isn’t it a dirty place? Sora wondered

Instead of answering right away, Ayaka broke into laughter, then leaned forward, gazing into the younger girl’s eyes. “The simplest answer is because I like playing with your ass… but it’s actually a lot more complicated than that.”

“How so?” Sora asked, distracted by Ayaka’s swaying nipples. “Is my butt that much fun?”

“Oh sure it is!” Ayaka insisted, laughing still. “Be quiet for a moment, and I’ll explain.”

“Okay.” Sora used one hand to pull her sister down the last couple of inches she needed to take Ayaka’s left nipple into her mouth. Feeling it stiffen against her lips and tongue made Sora’s puss really tingly. God, I love doing this.

“Ooh, that’s nice!” Ayaka cooed, then began her explanation. “I’ve always been a sexually aware person, and I’ve put in a lot of mileage on my pussy before we even came here. But something changed for me two nights ago. When I had sex with Isana for the first time, I discovered something incredible. Sure, I love sex, but what I think I’m really addicted to is pleasuring other people.

“It probably sounds funny, but much as I love to fuck, I get even more satisfaction out of what I can do to you guys. I want to put my hands on every bit of you, Sora – no matter how dirty it might be. The same goes with my tongue, or my nose. What really gets me going the most are all the little reactions I get from you when we make love, all the way to your orgasm and after.

“I especially love all the little sounds you make. From the smallest little squeak, to the way you cry out loud when you come. I enjoy all the tastes of you, too. It doesn’t matter to me that your butt might not taste like candy, I want to lick you there… and I promise I’ll love every second of it. I also know all the different smells you make, and I enjoy them all.

“Last night when I was with Karin, I had at least two orgasms, just because I knew I’d done something that Karin found amazing. She said that maybe it’s a skill of mine, but like I said, it’s kind of an addiction too. Right now, I can’t even imagine not wanting you, Karin, or Isana in bed with me.

“So the reason I first put my finger into your ass was because I thought you would enjoy it. You really seemed to like it when I touched your butthole the first time we were together, so I thought I’d try going in all the way. From your reaction, I’d say I was right!”

Sora lay there silently, sucking and kissing Ayaka’s breasts, thinking about this massive, amazing thing her sister had just admitted. She’d expected some kind of joking answer, but this went way beyond WOW. It was also incredibly touching to be told something so intimate. Sora felt tears in her eyes, even as her pussy throbbed with arousal.

“Um, was that a little too much information?” Ayaka finally asked.

“No!” Ayaka’s nipple fell out of Sora’s mouth. “I liked it, but I’ve got no idea what to say. I didn’t know you felt that way at all!”

“I would’ve been surprised if you did,” Ayaka said. “Think your big sister is totally weird?”

“Yeah, but not in a bad way,” she replied, unable to stop herself from fondling Ayaka some more, because after all, those big, beautiful breasts were right there. “It just means you love us a whole lot. So it’s okay, because I love you, too.”

“Heh, you’re so awesome sometimes, Sora,” Ayaka said in a tone of pure affection. “But you’re all awesome in your own ways. My ways are just a bit perverted.”

“That’s okay,” Sora assured her sister. “Can you warn me, at least, if you want to do something really strange?”

“Oh sure, I suppose I can do that.”

“Good,” Sora replied, pleased with that answer. She was about to take Ayaka’s other nipple into her mouth, then paused and looked up again. “Can I ask you about another thing?”.

“Fire away!” Ayaka exclaimed.

“Well, I decided this morning that I want to try using my mouth on you, like you guys do.”

Really?” Ayaka exclaimed. “Oh, wow, I’d love that! What made you want to try doing it?”

“I tasted myself,” Sora said, grinning. She wormed a hand down between her thighs and slipped a finger into herself. It felt so good that she was tempted to leave it there, but instead she brought it back up and put it into her mouth, letting the flavor tease her tongue. It tasted just as good as before. “See?”

“I do!” Ayaka said, visibly flushed with arousal. “I’m totally cool with that. Want to do it right now?”

“Yes!” Sora squealed, thrilled that her chance was at hand. “Can you lay down on your back?”

“Sure thing.” Ayaka stretched out next to Sora, where she made herself comfortable, using a pair of pillows to prop her head up. She noticed Sora’s questioning expression and smiled. “I want to watch,” she explained.

Sora was totally fine with that. She wanted Ayaka to enjoy the experience and be proud of her. On hands and knees, she crawled between her big sister’s long, outstretched legs. Ayaka’s skin was pale, smooth and soft to the touch.

Getting down on her belly, Sora crawled closer, already smelling Ayaka’s arousal. It had her heart beating even faster, knowing what she was about to do. But Ayaka just gazed at her with a loving expression.

Now that Sora was this close to another girl’s pussy, she could definitely see differences between Ayaka, herself and the others. Being older and more mature, Ayaka had more pronounced lips and the outer labia was less puffy looking, but the girl’s sex was visibly flushed, swollen and very wet. At the top, Ayaka’s clit was much easier to detect than hers was. All in all, her big sister’s puss was actually kind of cute. Sora knew she was going to love using her mouth down here.

She saw the soft brown curls of Ayaka’s pubes and couldn’t help herself. So she leaned in and pressed her mouth there, letting it brush against her lips. Ayaka jiggled though, put a gentle hand on the top of her head and laughed. “Sora! That tickles.”

“But it feels and smells so nice,” Sora sighed, basking in the lovely scent. She decided to be nice and not tease Ayaka any more for the moment, Instead, she paused to study her sister’s juicy slit, licking her lips in anticipation. It actually looked… tasty. So she rested her cheek against one thigh and, starting from the  very bottom, ran the entire flat of her tongue up the length of Ayaka’s opening.

“Well… ohhh!” Ayaka gasped, her voice tinged with something new.

Sora let the taste roll over her tongue and really thought about it. It might just be because it was someone else’s, but she decided that Ayaka’s pussy tasted even better than hers. It wasn’t really sweet, and she couldn’t really describe it beyond that… but the flavor was good, very good. Ayaka’s juices were also a little thicker than hers, so it seemed to coat her lips and tongue before she swallowed it. Deciding she loved eating pussy, Sora moved in to continue licking.

At first she just licked gently all over, enjoying the tactile sensation of it. The pink lips were fun to suck on, and Ayaka made funny noises when she did that. Sora also pushed her tongue deep into Ayaka’s hole, but stopped when she found the hymen with the tip of her tongue, and Ayaka put an insistent hand on her head to warn her against breaking through. She respected her sister’s wish and didn’t try to go deeper.

When Sora began to lick the juices from around Ayaka’s slit, she found a sensitive spot at the juncture of leg and groin. Ayaka suddenly gasped, “Oh, yeah – right there!” Sora gave that area special attention.

Now that Ayaka had made her more aware of them, Sora was also listening to the sounds she made. It was come, so she licked more vigorously – focusing more on the clit and the labia, which Ayaka really seemed to enjoy.

After a few minutes, when Ayaka was making a lot of noise, her thighs closed around Sora’s face, she shivered hard several times, and her pussy got very wet and tasty.

She was about to pull away when Ayaka’s orgasm began to wane, figuring her sister had had enough,, but Ayaka cried, “No, Sora, don’t stop – please!” So Sora shrugged and happily dove right back in.

She gave Ayaka four more orgasms – that’s how many she could count, anyway – and her mouth got pretty tired, but Sora didn’t care. She was thrilled with her accomplishment. For a while she just knelt between her sister’s legs, watching Ayaka catch her breath. For her first attempt at oral sex, she’d done pretty well.

“Sorry, Sora,” Ayaka mumbled, her face sweaty and her hair mussed. “Remember? It usually takes me more than one orgasm to be satisfied, and what you were doing felt so good… well, I just wanted more.”

“I don’t mind,” Sora replied. She climbed onto the older girl’s lap and kissed her, feeling proud to have initiated their lovemaking for once. Ayaka held her close, and Sora was delighted but not especially surprised to feel one, then another finger sliding into her. It felt really tight with two, but Ayaka was very gentle. In fact, she was moving so slowly that Sora swore she could feel the texture of those fingers with the inside of her vagina. After a bit, she found herself able to use her internal muscles to squeeze and grip as Ayaka probed her, so she experimented with that.

Ayaka was doing other things, too. Even though they kept kissing, the older girl’s free hand roamed over Sora’s body. never remaining still. It felt great – amazing, really, but Sora suddenly realized where she wanted to be touched by her big sister… again! She opened her eyes, intending to ask for it, but found Ayaka gazing right at her, and forgot what she’d intended to do.

For a long while, Sora was hypnotized as she pumped her hips up and down on Ayaka’s thrusting fingers, her whole world caught up in that moment. It certainly wasn’t a bad time to be trapped in, especially with Ayaka ravishing her. She could tell her sister was really enjoying this, and knew exactly why.

Her body was electrified and she felt incredibly full when Ayaka’s fingers were all the way inside. It was like they were in synch and working together, stimulating Sora so intensely that her head swam. Sweat rolled down her back, and there was a wet slurping noise coming from between her legs.

It was amazing, unbelievably amazing. But then Sora felt Ayaka’s slender middle finger enter her sweat slicked anus.

She screamed. Not in pain, but pleasure. Only Ayaka’s lips, hungrily reclaiming hers, managed to keep Sora from screaming again. She rode the climax as if it was a bucking bull, expecting at any instant to be thrown off, but somehow Ayaka gently brought her back down.

Sora’s muscles felt loose and tired, and her head was a little fuzzy, but none of that mattered. “Wow,” was all she could really say at first as she looked into Ayaka’s beaming face. Then she giggled. “I really need to pee.”

“Christ, you’re some kind of romantic, Sora,” Ayaka said, breaking into laughter. “Are you okay? I thought you were exploding or something.”

“I’m good,” Sora said, realizing how hoarse her voice was and how loud she must have been. “Do you think they heard me?”

“The whole damn state probably knows you had an orgasm,” Ayaka said. “Do you really need to pee?”

“Oh yeah,” she said, feeling the tightness in her bladder. Then she blinked and looked around, realizing how dark it was now. “How long were you doing that to me?”

“I have no idea, actually,” Ayaka shrugged. “Let me help you up, cause I need to go too.”

Ayaka was surprised by how limp and tired her legs felt. Her pussy was a little sore too, but not so much that she minded. Ayaka let her use the toilet first, and then they traded places, washed hands and brushed their teeth one more time for hygiene’s sake. Ayaka had to help her back into the bed, though.

Once they were beneath the blankets, Ayaka practically enfolded Sora’s entire body in hers. She was so safe, warm and happy that she slipped gently into sleep, the breath of her big sister tickling her ear with loving words.


“See, I told you Ayaka was sex crazy!” Karin grinned up at Isana. They’d been having sex themselves for the last hour or so.

Isana was a bit like Ayaka in that she really enjoyed playful lovemaking. This was Karin’s second time with her adoptive mother, and she enjoyed it immensely. She’d lost track already of when and how many times they had climaxed. They’d only paused just now at the sound of a pleasure-filled howl from Ayaka’s room.

“Looks like I’ll have to check on Sora in the morning,” Isana said. “I hope Ayaka didn’t wear her out too badly.”

“Hee hee, no way!” she laughed. “Ayaka’s really sweet and loving in bed. I just didn’t know Sora could be that loud!”

“I’m impressed, too,” Isana agreed, then gave Karin an absolutely wicked grin. “But I think you’re getting too distracted from the task at hand, kiddo. Can you do that thing where you warm up your lips again? I want to feel what that’s like on a different part of me now.”

“Absolutely!” Karin agreed, already gathering a small bit of fire inside her body. She put Sora and Ayaka out of her mind for the moment, crawled between her teacher’s thighs and got back to work.

But before moving in to kiss Isana’s pussy, Karin spared a moment to tell herself, Wow, I really love this family.

The End

Note from JetBoy: Was this really the end Nuit du Loup intended for his story? No idea, but this is as much as he left us. We hope you enjoyed it.


Learning Phase, Chapter 13

  • Posted on September 11, 2023 at 3:15 pm

By Nuit du Loup

After they finished with lunch and washed up, Isana and the girls returned to the forest glade. Ayaka loved the woods and how they made her feel alive and energized, but today was especially nice since she was channeling and using that magic to do things. It was frustrating that her water spell hadn’t gone well… but after all, they each had their own strengths and weaknesses. She was happy for both of her younger siblings, and she especially liked being big sister Ayaka.

“Okay,” Isana announced to begin the lesson. All the objects from earlier were laid out in front of them on their blankets. As far as classrooms went, it was the most enjoyable Ayaka had ever been in, even with the excessive heat of the day. It also helped that Sora had seated herself in a way that let Ayaka look up her skirt, which made her feel delightfully naughty.

“For this lesson,” Isana continued, “I want you to keep practicing all the things we’ve already done, over and over again. I know that sounds boring, but I also want you to try as many variations as you can. The point of this is to speed up the process of drawing out your magic.”

So that’s exactly what they did. Over and over again, the girls cycled through the different types of magic they’d learned. Isana would move among them to help and direct things as needed. She also provided hints when they were clearly trying something that didn’t work. There were a couple of accidents, but Isana had obviously expected these and had them quickly in hand. The first was a small fire started by Karin, who really did have a lot more power than she could easily control. Isana spent an hour with her doing different little things with fire while Karin happily followed her teacher’s lead.

The second accident was Ayaka’s fault. Since her gift was deeply invested in living things, she’d spent a lot of her time exploring it. This time, she got a little carried away. Ayaka was using her magic on a little bush, trying to make it bushier, and didn’t see that there were actually two plants growing there, instead of one. A patch of poison ivy was growing quite prodigiously beneath the bush, and she almost ended up in the middle of it. Luckily Isana saw and heard her, and hastened to the rescue.

It was almost evening when the sky began clouding up and turning ugly. The humidity grew so thick that it felt like breathing underwater. Poor Sora was drenched in sweat by then, but Ayaka wasn’t much better off. Karin, on the other hand, only seemed to notice the heat when the others drew her attention to it. Finally, Sora announced that it was going to rain at any moment, so they started packing up.

As they trudged back, laughing and sharing their experiences and experiments of the afternoon, the first rumble of thunder rolled by. It was a deep, bone-thrumming sound, and from Ayaka’s connection to the forest she felt the plants and creatures around her preparing for the oncoming storm. For the last stretch they ran along the trail, ignoring their tired, aching muscles. It became a bit of a race, and they were all grinning when Karin whooped her victory at reaching the garage door first.

Just as they’d finished putting their things away for the day, the sky seemed to fall down. The rain came not with a soft buildup, but with the resounding crash of a true summer storm. Sora wandered back to the door with a curious expression, so Ayaka followed her sister, holding Sora her from behind as they gazed out the door at the pounding rain.

Ayaka loved holding her sisters and being held by them, so this was especially lovely, just standing there with Sora cuddled into her with Karin close by and Isana’s arm wrapped around her back.

Of course, it couldn’t last forever. “I have to pee!” Karen exclaimed.

Karin’s complaint, coming completely out of nowhere, hit them all at just the perfect moment. It started with Isana, suddenly bending over and laughing so hard Ayaka worried for a moment that she might make herself sick. Then Sora started giggling, and that got Ayaka going too. It only got worse when Karin ran into the house to find the bathroom, laughing all the way. They were still chuckling a little when Isana’s friends Todd, Missy and Calvin drove by in their truck, honking twice before they disappeared where the road led into the woods.

God, that felt good!” Isana sighed, regaining her composure.

Ayaka felt Sora wiggle slightly in her arms, so she looked down into the little girl’s smiling face. “Can I take these sweaty clothes off now?” Sora asked.

“Ask Isana, not me,” Ayaka replied, then looked over at their teacher. “Isana?”

“Hmph. Might as well,” Isana answered good-naturedly.

With permission given, Ayaka reached down to grab the hem of Sora’s soaked shirt, now cold and a bit icky. Sora got the idea right away and lifted her arms to help her big sister get the sodden top off. Next went the skirt, leaving Sora nude but for a pair of white panties that were clinging to the young girl. Ayaka and Isana both had eyes locked on that prize… and Sora clearly knew it, if her smile was any indication.

Hooking into the waistband in the back so that her finger teased down the cleft of Sora’s bottom, Ayaka tugged down the girl’s last stitch of clothing.

“I think you really enjoy undressing your sisters, Ayaka,” Isana said. She had begun to remove her own clothing, and was already down to skimpy blue panties. Her bright pink nipples were visibly erect as she stretched her limbs. “Oh, yeah. That feels sooo much better!”

“I do like that, yeah,” Ayaka admitted, wrapping both arms around the naked Sora, who giggled with delight, letting herself be held. Quickly finding her new sister’s budding breasts, Ayaka gently caressed them, occasionally teasing the tips with her fingers. Sora moaned, a shiver of pleasure coursing through her, which pleased Ayaka no end. Now that she’d finally had sex, and with these beautiful girls she loved so much, Ayaka wanted to touch them all the time.

“Whoa! We’re taking our clothes off now?” Karin asked in surprise when she reappeared in the doorway. “What did I miss?”

“Not much… and yes,” Isana replied. “You strip, too. It’s naked family time.”

Shrugging her acceptance, Karin quickly dropped her shorts and whipped off her shirt with little ceremony at all. She did stop to grab everyone’s discarded clothes and put them in the mud room. Upon returning, she asked,  “Okay, so how come Ayaka’s still dressed?”

“She got too busy feeling up Sora,” Isana laughed. “You too, Ayaka – that’s an order. We want you nude!”

“Hard to argue with that, I guess,” Ayaka laughed in reply. She smiled down at the pouting Sora. “Don’t worry, cutie. I’ll get back to you in a moment.”

“You’d better!” Sora giggled, smiling hugely again.

Stepping back, Ayaka began her own disrobing. Her shirt and panties both made wet splatting sounds when Karin took them off her hands, then tossed them onto the pile in the mud room. Her socks clung and felt totally gross, but in a brief moment she had them off and was naked like the others.

Sora quickly moved toward her with a determined expression, and they all had a small laugh when the girl nestled back into Ayaka’s embrace, putting her big sister’s hands back on her flat chest, exactly where they were before.

“You like that, I take it?” Ayaka asked, returning to caressing Sora.

“Mmm-hmm,” Sora purred, looking blissfully happy.

“You two can stay and have fun here if you want. Me, I’m gonna cool off a bit,” Isana said, gesturing out at the pouring rain. The thunder and lightning had settled a bit, but it was still pouring down. “Want to get wet with me, Karin?”

“Oh, yeah!” Karin was quick to agree. They both dodged around Ayaka and Sora – Isana with her tail swishing excitedly from her pale bottom, Karin with her athletic litheness.

“Hee, hee… you’re staring at Isana’s butt, Ayaka,” Sora teased.

“Hey, I love butts,” Ayaka declared. “They’re nice to see, touch… and lick!” Letting her hand slide down  Sora’s back, she trailed her fingers through the crack of her little sister’s bottom. Sora responded with a gasp, which trailed off into a moan. “See, you like it when I play with yours.”

“Well, it does feel really good,” Sora admitted, not bothering to suppress her little sounds of pleasure. She and Ayaka watched Karin and Isana play in the rain. Ayaka pressed against Sora’s anus and felt her sister tense with a hiss of pleasure, then relax. Accepting this invitation, Ayaka slowly eased her way inside, loving the little shudders Sora’s body made as her rectum was fully penetrated. Sora was so responsive to every little touch that it was worth all the time in the world to take things slowly.

“I – I forgot about my butt earlier,” Sora said after a long while of Ayaka gently pleasuring her, not intensely enough to make her come just yet.

“You forgot? What do you mean?” Ayaka whispered into Sora’s ear, unable to keep from rubbing her pussy against the rounded swell of Sora’s bottom.

“I… was figuring out…how to, to masturbate this morning,” Sora replied between rising squeaks caused by Ayaka carefully nibbling at her long ear.

“How did that go?” Ayaka asked, hearing arousal in her own voice.

“It was… really fun,” Sora giggled, moving her hips in rhythm to Ayaka’s steady strokes.

Ayaka could feel Sora’s muscles quivering and squeezing her finger. Then the younger girl shuddered hard and blurted, “Can you make me c-come now? Please?”

“Absolutely,” Ayaka replied, knowing her little lover was in urgent need of release. Taking her hand away from Sora’s chest, she slid it downward, traveling over the girl’s soft belly and then to her smooth vulva. As expected, she found Sora’s slit to be very wet, proof positive of her arousal.

Not wanting to get her sister off too soon, Ayaka avoided the girl’s clitoris at first, electing to and gradually ease a finger into Sora’s vagina, feeling the muscles there clench in response. She traced another finger along the labia and only then gave a light caress to Sora’s clit.

Ayaka wasn’t intending to make her little lover come yet, but Sora was so primed for a climax that it was enough to finish her off right then. So Ayaka held the girl tightly, letting her ride out the spasms of the orgasm. “Wow,” she breathed when Sora’s cunt clamped down tightly on her fingers.

With a final gasp and shiver, Sora relaxed and slumped into Ayaka’s arms. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she turned around and embraced her big sister.

They heard Isana speak. “Oh, wow, Ayaka… how’d you learn to do that?”

Glancing over a shoulder, Sora saw Karin and Isana watching them from outdoors, rain running down their bare bodies.

“What do you mean?” Ayaka asked. She made a mental note to wash the finger she had inside Sora’s butt once she’d removed it

“What you did with Sora,” Isana explained. “It was like you knew exactly how to touch her.”

“I have no idea,” Ayaka answered, not knowing what else to say. There was more, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to explain. “I just did what I thought would make her feel good… or what Sora wanted me to do.”

“I think Ayaka’s just good at sex,” Karin shrugged. “Everybody’s got skills, right?”

“I suppose,” Isana sighed. “You awake there, Sora?”

“Hmm, kinda,” Sora sighed, finally stirring. “I feel awesome.”

“Good!” Isana laughed. “Me and Karin were getting bored with just the two of us dancing. You and Ayaka need to come outside and take a shower with us.”

It only took Isana a moment to explain the game, along with its almost complete lack of rules, and soon they were all laughing and giddy, slipping around in the muddy patch in front of Isana’s garage. Sora was a little slower than the others, feeling somewhat spent from her orgasm, but she did her level best.

Eventually they were all out of breath and coated in mud. Ayaka was the messiest, thanks to a tricky move from Isana, and was almost covered from head to toe. At Isana’s suggestion, they went around the house and sat down on a large, fallen tree where they rested, allowing the rain to wash them clean.

That was fun,” Karin panted, grinning and leaning against Sora, who looked half-asleep.

“I haven’t done something like that in years,” Isana chuckled, leaning back on her arms to let the rain fall on her bare breasts. Ayaka thought she looked beautiful like that, even if her tail was still bedraggled. “Makes me feel young again!”

“You’re not even a little old yet,” Sora declared, flicking a stubborn bit of mud off her thigh.

“What are we doing for dinner?” Karin asked, perking up.

“Ugh… dinner,” Isana groaned, sitting up. “You and Ayaka can make something, since you both look so wide awake and perky. Sora’s going to come help me get crud out of my tail fur. How’s that for a plan?”

Sharing a look with Karin, Ayaka replied, “Sure, seeing as Sora being so tired is my fault anyway.”

“Cool!” Isana slowly got to her feet.

Suddenly Ayaka remembered something important she wanted to do that day. “Isana, wait,” she said quickly, motioning for her to sit again.

“Hmm?” Isana replied, noting her student’s change in mood.

“Well,” said Ayaka, now feeling  nervous. “I want to try changing now, while we’re all out here together.”

“Changing?” was confused at first, but then her eyes grew wide. “Oh! You mean your shape-changing?”


“I thought you’d never done it before,” Sora said, sounding a bit worried. “Do you even know how?”

“Yeah,” Ayaka replied. “I’ve always known how, but I couldn’t do it in the city. I can do it here, I know I can, but I want you all to be here when it happens.”

“There’s no hurry,” Isana said, also sounding concerned. “Aren’t you tired?”

“I am, but this is something that… it’s like a part of me,” she answered. “I don’t know how, but it won’t take any more out of me than lifting my arm would.”

“Well… okay, if you’re sure you want to,” Isana said after a moment. “I love you, kitten, and I just want you to be safe.”

“I know that,” she replied, feeling that odd thrill again at hearing Isana say her pet name for her. “So please, just sit there and watch. If I need help, you’ll be right here. Okay?”

She stepped a bit away from the log, towards the rain-shrouded bulk of the house, then turned back to face her family. They watched her with both a touching amount of concern and a measure of excitement. Oddly, it helped her nerves to have them watching while they were all naked.

Ayaka was fully confident in her ability to change shape. It had always been part of her, but the power had remained dormant while she resided in the city. Now her skill was waiting to be used, and she intended to do exactly that.

It took almost no effort at all. One moment, she was standing wet and bare before her family, then there was a moment of nothing. Suddenly she found herself looking at Isana from a completely different perspective, on four legs, with her vision suddenly lacking a bit in color perception. But her nose! Good grief… her nose!

The rain soaking into the fur of her new body was hardly noticeable. In fact, she felt kind of warm now. In the meantime, hundreds, maybe thousands of scents assaulted her nose. She knew what animals were upwind of her and how far. She knew there was a mole living nearby and that she had stepped in its droppings. She could smell all kinds of plants, the content of the soil, traces of car exhaust from the nearby road.


Sora’s voice sounded different – strange, maybe, but it was clearly her. She could easily pick Sora out of the scents of the others. They were all so unique, like fingerprints.

This was nothing to be afraid of. In fact, Ayaka decided, it’s amazing!


Sora watched, a knot of worry in her tummy as Ayaka walked away a few feet, then turned to face them. She knew Ayaka needed to do this, so she didn’t let her concern show, just silently wished that nothing would go wrong.

At first, not much seemed to happen – then there was something really odd. Everything around Ayaka seemed to twist and distort, and suddenly there was a visible storm of magic that raced in from every direction over the forest plants and into the twisting, and when it straightened out, there was a huge wolf standing there where Ayaka had been. Sora her never seen a wolf before, but she was sure they weren’t as big as this.

Ayaka’s fur was a beautiful combination of chestnut-brown mixed very naturally with black and white. Her ears were perked up triangles, and her nose stuck out between golden eyes that looked at Sora, Karin and Isana in turn. The rain was already matting down her fur, but Ayaka obviously had a strong build, and her long tail was bushy and luxurious.

Sora finally spoke. “Ayaka?”

The wolf blinked, twitched her head slightly, then seemed to regard Sora more closely. In an experimental fashion, Ayaka began walking around, watching her own paws with apparent fascination – at least until she bumped into a tree and let out a yip of surprise. At that sound, Ayaka stopped still as if in shock, then yipped again, but louder. That was when Sora found out exactly what an amused wolf looks like.

Isana slowly approached Ayaka, studying her new form. “Great,” she said, hands on hips. “Now I’m going to have tail envy forever. And I can’t call you Kitten when you look like this!”

Ayaka stood up straighter and let out a yelp that was an obvious complaint. It was weird, seeing a conversation with only one of the participants able to talk.

“Fine, fine,” Isana laughed, reaching down to pet Ayaka. The wolf clearly approved, which she demonstrated by nuzzling close to Isana’s bare legs. “Now I’m gonna smell like wet dog, so it’s a good thing I love you so much, Kitten.”

Apparently pleased, Ayaka plopped her butt down in the mud and let Isana scratch behind her ears. Karin, though silent until now, blurted, “That is so cool!” hurried over to Isana and joined in the petting.

When Ayaka saw Sora hadn’t yet joined in petting her, she yipped again.

“Come on Sora,” Isana said, rolling her eyes, “Your sister won’t be happy until we all smell like she does, so come pet her already.”

“Sure!” Sora agreed and joined in. The wet fur didn’t feel very nice, but Ayaka seemed to love the attention. “You’re really beautiful,” Sora said. Ayaka turned her lupine head with a quick thrust forward and slurped her face with a long, wet tongue.

Karin dissolved helplessly into laughter. “Ayaka dog-slurped you, Sora.” The wolf took quick advantage of Karin’s undefended stance to give her the same treatment. “Hey!”

Sora didn’t actually mind being licked. She knew it was the only way Ayaka had to show her appreciation, so she took it as it was meant and ignored the wolf’s breath. Besides, Sora was still a bit worked up from what Ayaka did to her earlier in the garage. The unplanned and openness of having sex right there in front of everyone had been thrilling and scary at the same time, yet she hadn’t cared.

“Hey Isana,” Karin asked, still laughing, “When we go back to our regular school, can I bring Ayaka in to show to my class some time?”

“Why would you want to do that?” a chuckling Isana asked, even as Ayaka gave Karin an indignant yip.

“Because it would totally freak people out,” Karin replied. Clearly unamused at that idea, Ayaka stood up, turned, looked right at Karin and lifted her hind leg in a very meaningful way. Karin backed up quickly. “Hey! Ayaka! It was a joke!”

“Karin,” Isana sighed. “She’s a female wolf. They don’t raise their legs to pee unless they’re male. She does the more ladylike thing and squats.”

There was another sudden wrenching of the air again and Ayaka was back in human form, red-faced and not looking very happy. Even upset, she was pretty. Her long hair was plastered down the pale skin of her back, dripping over her butt and long legs. “That wasn’t very funny, guys!” she complained. “Was Sora the only one who liked me as a wolf?”

“Kitten,” Isana murmured, hugging Ayaka, who held onto her very tightly. “We were only joking around a little. You are very beautiful as a wolf, and that was one of the best shape-shifts I’ve ever seen. I don’t actually care that I smell like wet dog now, and the only joke I actually meant was the one about being jealous of your tail. But I’m okay with it, because from now on I get to touch yours all I want to.”

“Okay,” Ayaka laughed, sounding mollified and happy again. “I thought Karin was serious though, maybe because my hearing is different as a wolf… and it didn’t sound like a joke.”

“I was just goofing with you,” Karin said, looking apologetic. “If anything, I want to be able to introduce you to my classmates as my cool big sister.”

“Thanks,” Ayaka replied, coloring now – but for a completely different reason. Then she looked at Sora with an odd little smile. “Sora, you smelled really awesome when I was the wolf.”

“What do I smell like?” Sora asked, curious.

“I don’t really know how to describe it,” Ayaka mused, smiling down at Isana, who was hugging her around the waist. “Maybe it’s got something to do with us having sex a little while ago, but you smelled totally yummy.”

“Yummy?” Sora laughed. “I made you hungry?”

“Not that way,” Ayaka grinned, which drew a snort of laughter from Isana.

“Oh!” Sora got it too, a renewed feeling of heat growing between her legs.

“Maybe Karin was right – you are a sex monster,” Isana remarked, then sighed. “Bah! I thought we were supposed to be getting food! And all this talk of being hungry isn’t helping.”

“Sex monster?” Ayaka snorted, feigning indignity. Then she leaned in to whisper something into Isana’s ear. Isana promptly blushed all the way to her toes and gaped at the younger girl. Ayaka, on the other hand, seemed quite pleased with herself.

“What did she say?” Karin demanded.

For a long moment filled only by the soft susurration of the rainstorm, Isana stood in silence, looking at them one at a time, seeing their curiosity. Then she groaned and said, “Fine! But don’t get upset at me! Ayaka said, ‘Your sex monster loves you and I’ll always love your smell best of all.'”

“Is that it?” Karin asked, voicing the exact same sentiment Sora felt right then.

“What do you mean?” Isana replied, looking confused. “That doesn’t bother you?”

“Why should it?” Sora said, beating Karin to the punch. Her ears were almost fluttering, proof of her buoyant mood. “We’ve known since the first night that Ayaka loves you like that. We don’t mind because we all love each other too, but like family.”

“What Sora said,” Karin added, nodding.

“Well… awesome… I think,” Isana replied, and pulled Ayaka’s grinning face to hers for a long, languid kiss. When they finished, Isana grunted, “Okay, it’s boss time. I’m the boss here, and I demand food!”

“Okay, okay.” Karin glanced over at Sora. “I was getting a bit cold anyway. How about you?”

Sora paused to think. She’d been having so much fun that it had been easy to ignore the rain on her nude body. Now that Karin mentioned it, though, she was getting a little cold. “Me too. Let’s go in,” she agreed.

They were more careful on the way back indoors, and in the garage Isana did her little drying trick with all of them. It didn’t work as well on Ayaka’s long hair, which became fluffy and filled with static. Next, Isana demanded that everyone take showers to warm up and get fully clean. Sora was still drafted to help Isana, but she didn’t mind at all.

“Did you really know how Ayaka and I feel about each other this whole time, Sora?” Isana asked with her head turned around to look up at her. Isana was lying belly down on a plastic stool in her shower while Sora used a stiff brush to work through the mess of her tail. It wasn’t a hard job, even though lots of little bits of dirt were stuck in the fur. Besides, the view of Isana’s butt was really nice.

“Me and Karin both did,” she answered, working at an especially stubborn tangle of mud and fur. “You guys look at each other different than you do with me and Karin. But I don’t care, because you both love me, too.”

“Hmm,” Isana mused. “Claire would kill me if she knew I’ve fallen crazy in love with a girl who is supposed to be my adopted daughter.”

“Why?” Sora asked, pouring a generous amount of shampoo into her hands. “She knows you won’t hurt Ayaka, because she’s special to you. Claire’s a really nice lady.”

“She’s been my best friend for all my life,” Isana chuckled, and then made a completely different kind of moan. Bending down a little as she soaped up Isana’s tail and made it all lathery, Sora saw Isana’s fingers moving between her legs.

Isana noticed her looking. “Heh, I’ve needed this all evening. Seeing you girls naked for all that time has been driving me crazy. Do you mind me doing this…?”

“No,” Sora answered, amused that she would even ask. After all, Isana had helped her masturbate just that morning. “Why didn’t you just join me and Ayaka earlier?”

“Oooh… maybe I could have,” Isana nodded, moving her fingers a bit faster. “But you two had a special thing going on there and it wouldn’t have been nice to interrupt. Why do you think I dragged Karin out to play? She understood what I was doing right away.”

“It was really nice,” Sora said, holding Isana’s tail under the shower spray to rinse it. “I’ve never had a big sister before, and I really love Ayaka. It’s so nice when she touches me. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.” She hastened to add, “I love you and Karin lots too, but she knew exactly what I wanted right then. I could tell that Ayaka was doing everything she could to make me feel good.”

“I see,” Isana chuckled, then gasped, caught up in a sudden surge of pleasure. As Sora watched in awe, Isana tensed and liquid drooled out from around her working fingers. Then she took several deep breaths. Getting up on her knees, she said. “I really needed that. But maybe Karin is right, and Ayaka has a talent for that kind of thing. She naturally heals plants just by being close or touching them, so maybe she’s also inclined that way towards people she loves. But man, am I hungry now.”

“Karin and Ayaka are probably already making something,” Sora reminded Isana.

“And thank goodness for that!” Isana said, brightening visibly. She stood and checked herself out in a nearby mirror. “Am I decent again?”

“Yep!” Sora agreed.

“Great!” Once again, Isana made the water vanish from their bodies as they left the shower. “Put some clothes on, honey, and meet me downstairs. My ass is freezing like this!”

Wandering into her room, Sora did as Isana asked and selected fresh clothes to wear. After being naked for a few hours, it felt oddly confining to wear the light dress she picked out. Thinking about that, Sora  realized that she really did prefer being naked. She wanted Isana and her sisters to be able to see all of her, and vice versa. But she also knew that that wouldn’t work if she wanted to stay warm. Anyhow, she still liked to dress in nice things.

Stopping at the top of the stairs, Sora decided to go halfway. Reaching under her dress, she yanked her fresh pair of panties off and chucked them back inside her room.

It felt weird going around with only her summer dress on and nothing underneath, but it was nice too. The downside she first noticed was that it really drew her attention to those exposed parts. Had anyone been at the bottom of the stairs waiting, they would have had a good view, but no one was. Instead, she heard all three of her family members laughing in the kitchen, and hastened to join them.

On to Chapter Fourteen!


Learning Phase, Chapter 12

  • Posted on July 31, 2023 at 1:52 pm

By Nuit du Loup

Isana stood before the girls, who were awaiting her instructions. It was time for Ayaka, Sora and Karin to learn more about magic, and they were eager to get started.

“Since we are a family now,” Isana began, “and a family of witches at that, I need to lay out some important rules while we’re on this topic. If I tell you something is dangerous, I’m serious about it. Also, until you know the area better, I don’t want you guys wandering around out of sight of the house when you’re on your own. Lastly, since there are now four of us living together, we all need to do our share of chores and help each other out. Okay?”

“Of course,” Sora replied immediately, grateful for the trust and responsibility. Ayaka and Karin were right behind her with their own agreements. She didn’t mind a bit of cleaning; it was nothing new to her and the load would be shared.

“Good, because I care a lot about you girls,” Isana said. “Now, back to the magic stuff we were talking about before. Sora tells me that it’s going to rain later on, but I want to start our lessons outside as often as we can. Before you ask, Karin – and yes, I know what you want to ask – it’s because it’ll be easier to clean up any messes we make outdoors than inside. I know it’s hot out today, but it’s not like your sisters haven’t seen you sweat already.”

“That’s true,” Karin chuckled, smirking.

“And we’ll be bringing plenty of water with us,” Isana said.

“How does Sora know it will rain?” Ayaka asked, looking at her sister curiously.

“I can feel it,” Sora explained, not knowing how to describe the sensations she got – even at that moment,  if she concentrated a little. “It kind of started when I focused on my magic, and it never went away.”

“Now that your mind knows the ability is there, it’s using it,” Isana explained. “Now, Ayaka, there’s a big gallon-sized water bottle in the cabinet below and to the right of the sink. Can you please fill it all the way up for us while I grab the other things we’ll need?”

“Sure!” Ayaka agreed without thought, already on the move.

“What about us?” Karin asked.

Isana pointed right away at another cupboard, “We’ll also need a plastic cup for each of you. Not a big one, though.”

Karin moved quickly while Ayaka was beginning to fill the big water container. It was a dark red, with a flip-up spout on the lid. Sora wanted to help too, and Isana clearly read that in her expression, but she just smiled and made a follow-me gesture with one hand before ducking into the garage. Sora followed.

“Catch!” Isana called, and Sora made an embarrassing squeaky sound when she saw the big blanket flying towards her. Since it was almost as big as Isana even while folded up, it just about plowed her over, but she managed to catch her balance and remain upright. It left Sora with a faceful of fuzzy blanket that she had to wrestle with to look around. Isana was already moving, raising the garage door with her usual wave, then gesturing at her. “We’re going to use the clearing again. It’s shaded and conveniently close for when it rains.”

“Hey, Sora.” The girl turned to see Ayaka laughing as she entered with the water jug. A step behind, Karin was laughing even harder. “It looks like that blanket is trying to eat you!”

“Guess I should have asked you to carry it,” Isana sighed, then turned to Sora. “Trade loads with Ayaka.”

They did so, then Isana told the girls, “Head over to the clearing we used yesterday. I need to grab a few more things, then I’ll be right there with you.”

The water jug wasn’t too heavy, so Sora also helped Ayaka carry the blanket as they set off. The forest was constantly rustling in the wind and the sounds of animals were heard from every direction. It was such a nice atmosphere that none of them felt the need to speak and run the risk of breaking it. The heat was quickly felt, though, and Sora could already feel sweat trickling down her back. Ayaka clearly loved it all, and Karin almost seemed to be bouncing with excess energy.

When they arrived at the clearing Sora and Karin both helped with spreading the blanket out. They all sat down and she unconsciously moved close to her sisters. If it wasn’t so hot, she would have been tempted to see if Ayaka or Karin would let her snuggle with them. As it was, she was even more tempted to take her clothes off!

“So hot!” Karin exclaimed with a laugh, flopping onto her back with arms spread wide. The white of her horn gleamed with reflected sunlight.

“It’s only going to get worse before it rains,” Ayaka teased. Sora thought Ayaka looked quite elegant, sitting casually with both legs tucked under her. “I’m going to end up getting a tan.”

They didn’t have to wait long for Isana. True to her word, only a few minutes passed before she trudged into the glade, toting several pillows under her arms as well as her toolbox. Sora jumped up to help relieve Isana of the pillows. Isana rewarded her with a smile and a soft “Thank you,” then set her toolbox down and wiped her brow with obvious relief.

“I could have carried some of these,” Sora said, separating the pillows, one for each of them.

“Bah!” Isana protested, grinning. “I was doing just fine. Besides, this way I can claim the biggest one for myself!”

“Heh, no surprise there,” Ayaka chucked, grabbing a square green pillow. She moved it under her butt and spent a moment settling in. Karin followed suit, and Sora quickly claimed the third pillow, an ugly red thing. It was actually quite comfortable to sit on, though. They left a gap between Sora and Ayaka for Isana to sit.

“The teacher always gets the best seat,” Isana said, chuckling as she moved around the clearing. The girls watched with open curiosity as she bent over again and again to pick things up. Sora had no idea what they were, and it was clear that Ayaka and Karin didn’t know either.

When Isana returned she dumped what looked like a bunch of forest debris. There were four rocks of differing types and sizes, four acorns, and four dry leaves that were brown and crumbly.

“What are these for?” Karin asked, picking up a big, dark-grey rock with a white chunk on one end.

“Training!” Isana laughed, taking her pillow. She took the four plastic cups and gave one to each girl,, then did the same with the jumble of forest stuff she’d collected. Filling her cup from the jug, she passed it to Ayaka. The girls followed suit and took turns filling theirs as well. When all was apparently set, Isana gave a pleased nod

“Okay!” Isana began. “Before we get into the nitty-gritty of forming actual spells and such, you need to learn the basics of manipulating objects with magic. Like I said earlier, it’s mostly about willpower and energy. Also, even though it is magic we will be doing, it still follows some of the laws of physics most of the time. Please line your things up in this order: water, leaf, acorn, then rock.”

Sora did. Her rock was small and speckled – very pretty, actually. She’d just got everything in order when there was a squeal of surprise from Ayaka. She looked up at the same time as the others and saw Ayaka holding the leaf between her fingers. Her eyes were wide, and the surprise was obvious to them all. The leaf was slowly turning green.

Ayaka cast a worried look at Isana. “What do I do?”

“Well,” a chagrined Isana gave her cheek a scratch, then shrugged. “It’ll stop if you set it down, but when it’s your turn for what I had that lead in mind for; we’ll have to use a new one.”

“Why did it do that?” Ayaka said, setting the leaf down. It immediately stopped changing.

“Your magic is ia part of the nature around you. Like that flower you helped to bloom yesterday, whatever magic you leak out naturally helps the living things around you. That leaf must have still been just alive enough for you to help it.”

“Oh,” Ayaka seemed both pleased and bemused by the idea.

“Okay then,” Isana said again. “The basics. We’re going to start with the most straightforward of magics, elemental magic. That is why you have a representation of each in front of you. There is a possibility you will have the ability to affect all of them, or maybe just one or two. It depends on your particular magical ability. Sora, as I said before, I suspect you already have a close affinity for air and water. We’ll check that now.”

Karin gave her rock a poke. “How do we do that?”

“For this, it’s the simplest task,” Isana smiled. “Just take magic and push it into the object you want to manipulate or change. The reason the items are ordered the way they are is based on how much energy it will take to affect each one. A rock for example is quite solid and really likes being the shape it is. To change that shape takes a lot more work than a liquid, which is quite comfortable with being shaped. Basically, the greater change you try to make, the more energy is required. The more energy you use, the more worn out you’ll be.”

“It’s like… inertia, right?” Ayaka asked brightly.

“Inertia?” Sora tasted the word. She sort of knew what it meant, but Ayaka was two grades ahead of her and had clearly covered it in class.

“That’s essentially right, yes,” Isana nodded. “The world likes being the way it is. So the more you try to work natural reactions and effects into what you do, the easier the magic will be. This is why I can’t go around turning tons of metal and rocks into gold to make me rich. The energy needed to alter all those atoms is much too great. At best, I might be able to do a few milligrams at a time before I’m exhausted.”

Karin tapped her plastic cup of water this time, creating a short pattern of ripples on the surface. “So what do you want us to do?”

“First, I just want you to try and put magic into the water,” Isana replied. “Focus on your center of magic, grab some with your will and as gently as possible, push it into the water.”

Remembering the feel of her magic from when she was in the bath, Sora focused on that place deep inside where she could draw on her magic if she wanted to, then tried to pull it out. Right away it responded, and she quickly concentrated on forming the blueish-white light into her right hand, and it obeyed without a struggle. With barely a thought of moving it into the water, the light leapt from her hand and joined with the liquid in the cup.

“Ahh!” Looking up at Karin’s shout, she saw her sister’s shirt was soaked with water.

“What happened?” Sora asked.

“I wasn’t gentle,” Karin chuckled, picking at her shirt. “At least it feels nice in this heat.”

“Just give it another try,” Isana instructed, pouring Karin more water. She looked around at the rest of them. Ayaka was frowning hard at her cup, but Sora could see the sunny glow of magic inside it. Karin tried again, and light seemed to race out of her finger and into the cup. The water jumped, but this time it stayed inside. Isana chuckled at Karin’s frustrated look. “That was very good, all of you. Next, just use your magic in the water and your mind to make it move. Like this.”

Isana pointed at her cup, and in the same instant her magic touched the water, it lifted out of the cup in the exact shape of the container. Unlike them, she hadn’t done it in steps, but one seamless effort of will. Isana grinned at them, tail thumping on the blanket behind her. “Your turn, ladies!”

Sora concentrated first on making a small portion of the water rise up. She focused on a small volume and, like it was an extension of her mind, an amorphous looking glob of water popped up in front of her face. When she thought it would look better as a ball, it did so and became a perfect sphere. She stared at it in wonder and admired the way the sunlight made her water ball sparkle. “So pretty,” she said quietly.

“Nice, Sora!” Isana exclaimed, distracting her. As soon as Sora’s attention wavered, the water started to fall. In a slight panic, she demanded that it stop and stay put. To her shock, it did just that. Isana smiled.

“This is so cool!” Karin crowed next to her. She was pointing a finger down at her cup, using her magic to make the water swirl in a whirlpool shape.

“But it’s so hard to make it move!” Ayaka complained, looking distressed and frowning at her cup. She was flushed with effort and her water was only moving in a gentle swirl.

“Ayaka, kitten,” Isana sighed. She leaned over and placed a soothing hand on Ayaka’s knee. “Remember what I said – some people don’t have a natural affinity to affect certain things. You have a beautiful gift, but it comes from the power of the living things around you. That might mean it’ll take more effort for you to manipulate inanimate things. Okay?”

“Okay,” Ayaka sighed, and then smiled apologetically at them. “Sorry I interrupted.”

“No prob!” Karin laughed, grinning at Ayaka.

Isana smiled and nodded. “Eventually you won’t even think about the first step of sending your magic out. That becomes an almost autonomic instinct very quickly, which is why almost all magic users can deploy telekinesis. Ayaka, just focus on lifting the water out. Don’t worry about anything else.”

Ayaka frowned again and after a second the water lifted out of the cup, but as a random glob that kept changing shape.

“That was easier, right?” Ayaka nodded, obviously thinking about it still, but Isana went on. “That‘s because all you did was focus on moving it, not changing the water itself. It’s basically the same thing as lifting it with your hand, if that was actually possible with water. Let’s move onto the next thing, shall we?”

Isana opened her toolbox, pulled out a small white candle and a metal holder for it that was already encrusted with wax. She set the candle in front of her and with barely a glimmer of magic for them to see, lit its wick. Isana looked up at the girls. “Next course is fire! Karin!”

“Yeah?” Karin responded\.

“Since I found out about your fire-breathing ability, I’ve been curious about it. How much can you make in one go? Can you show me?”

“Sure, I guess,” Karin smiled and clambered to her feet. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and tilted her head back so that she was looking up through the gap in the trees. She exhaled sharply and a blast of fire at least ten meters long exploded up into the air. A small shockwave from the sudden eruption of heat shook the trees around them. But just as quickly as it had come forth, the fire was gone and Karin was standing there taking quick breaths.

“So cool,” Sora said in awe.

Karin turned that grin on her. “Thanks!” then came over and, without any warning, kissed Sora.

It felt lovely. Karin’s lips were hot, but not painfully so, and the kiss was over far too quickly. Karin sat back down, looking quite pleased with herself.

“Very impressive,” Isana remarked with an odd smile, “both of you.”

Both of us?” Sora asked in confusion.

“Look” Ayaka laughed and pointed. Sora followed the finger and saw that her water ball was still right where she’d left it. “It didn’t even move when Karin kissed you.”

“Is that good?”

“It sure is!” Isana chuckled. “It shows excellent control. But we were moving on to fire, remember. This is what your leaf is for. It will burn quickly without igniting the whole damn forest. Ayaka, you need to grab a new one.”

Ayaka did so quickly, and Isana held up her own leaf. “With fire, we need to be as safe as we can, but it’s actually one of the simpler things to do. This is because fire, meaning heat, is essentially what, Ayaka?”

“Uh…” Ayaka thought about it for a moment. “Energy?”

“Right!” Isana agreed. “Heat is a direct measurement of how much kinetic energy something has, be it a leaf, a pan of water, or a brick. For fire, you have to give your target enough energy for it to combust. You can produce the energy yourself, which is the hard way, or borrow energy from another source. That’s much easier. In this case, we’ll use this candle. Now watch.”

They each leaned forward a little, despite being so close already, as Isana did her thing. Isana connected the burning candle to the leaf held in her fingers with magic. There was a tiny pulse of light going down into that connection, which vanished as it went, and the leaf burst merrily into flame. Isana quickly dropped it into her cup, where it sizzled out. She smiled her usual smile. “Now you try it.”

Again, Sora took her magic and used it to connect the candle to her leaf, just like Isana had instructed. She could also see and feel the connection made by her sisters. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Karin’s leaf almost explode into flame. At the same time, Sora and Ayaka tried to pull a bit of the candle’s energy, but not too much. Sora moved a tiny capsule of energy to the tip of the lead, and after a moment of worry when the leaf only turned black and smoked, it finally did begin to burn.

“I did it!” Sora cheered. so happy that she forgot about her fingers and almost dropped the leaf on the blanket.

“Me too,” Ayaka said happily, swirling her burnt leaf in her cup.

“Yes, you all did an excellent job,” Isana nodded and smiled at Karin. “Clearly Karin is attuned with fire, though. Be careful with that ability, please.”

“I will,” Karin promised.

“Okay,” Isana snuffed the candle with an idle flick of a finger. “Now that the exciting one is done with, we’ll move onto the acorn. The ability to affect living things can be a useful skill, but one you should be careful with. So far, people generally like witches and other magic users, so we don’t want to go around creating monsters and such. Think about that before you act. But for now, we’ll just see if you can get this tiny little seed to grow. Just make sure you do this one on the dirt, not in your hand.”

Like the others, Sora picked up her acorn and turned to set it down on a patch of dark forest soil. She had no idea what to do this time, so she just pushed her magic into the acorn and tried to think about it growing. She wasn’t sure anything was happening, even though she could feel her magic being used, but a sharp cry drew her attention to Ayaka.

Ayaka was beaming. Between her warmly glowing hands, a small oak sapling was already growing strong. It had several leaves and was almost a foot tall and getting bigger. Without even seeming to know she was doing it, Ayaka snatched her water cup and upended it at the roots to her tree.

After a couple minutes of them all watching her tree grow, Isana told her, “Okay, now stop.”

“Why?” Ayaka asked, still overjoyed at her accomplishment.

“Well, because you’ll exhaust yourself… and we still have other lessons,” Isana smiled back. “Also, if you’re not careful you might upset the balance in this area by drawing too many nutrients from the soil too quickly. I’m not too knowledgeable in this area, so it’s best to be especially cautious.”

Before Ayaka could reply, there was a slight popping sound from next to Sora, and she looked down at her own acorn. She’d still been working at it with half her attention and it had finally paid off. The shell of the nut had split and a root tendril was slowly burrowing into the soil. On top, a thin new trunk with only two leaves began to creep upwards at a glacial pace.

“Nice, that’s two of you,” Isana commented happily. “Karin?”

“No go for me,” Karin sighed, turned back around. Her acorn was exactly as it had been before. “Oh, well.”

Isana held up her rock. It was a yellowish-white in color, “Next we have our rock. Rocks, metals, and crystals take a lot more energy to change, simply because they’re solid. They like being exactly how they are, and crystals, since they have a much more defined form, are the worst. All I really want this time is to see how much you can do to make it different in some way.”

Picking up her own rock, Sora held out in front and considered it as she pushed magic into it. She could feel herself getting a bit tired, and her shirt was sticking to her body from the sweat, but it wasn’t too bad yet. So she focused on something simple. She thought hard on the rock dividing itself in half, concentrating her magic into it. She felt a response of some kind, but not enough, so she added more magic. After two more such additions of energy, there was a sharp sound that drew everyone’s attention to her hand. The stone had split smoothly in half.

“Neato!” Karin enthused and thrust her hand out. “Look at mine!” Karin’s dark rock seemed unchanged at first, but then Sora noticed the lines. Engraved deeply into the rock’s surface was a big letter K.

“That’s kind of cute, actually,” Ayaka complimented Karin, holding up her own rock. The little grey stone had become a perfect cube. “This was all I could think of.”

“All good efforts,” Isana said with a nod. “Keep them; they’ll be a nice memory later on of where you started from. We still have one more lesson though, then we’ll knock off. I’m getting hungry.”

“It’s probably past noon already,” Ayaka said, shading her hand as she peered up at the sky. “It would be nice to get out of this heat for a bit too.”

“Yeah, Sora’s sweating so much we can see her nipples!” Karin exclaimed.

Looking down, Sora saw that Karin was right. Her little buds were clearly visible through her shirt, which was plastered to her chest. She shrugged. After all, there was nothing she could do about it. The heat was too intense to worry about being embarrassed. “What’s next?” she asked instead, flicking her ears in interest. This magic stuff was fun, and she wanted to do more of it.

“Well, the last might actually help with the heat, actually,” Isana replied.

Sora suspected that Isana liked seeing them sweaty. Ayaka sure seemed to as well, since she kept looking right at Sora’s chest. That sent a shiver between her legs, because it made her think of Ayaka sucking on her nipples again. She tried to focus back on Isana again, who was saying, “The last thing is of course, air, or other gaseous things.”

“That explains why we don’t have another, um, prop, huh?” Karin said, glancing around her.

“Yep,” Isana agreed. “Air isn’t hard to move around or do stuff with. Let me show you a really simple spell that uses air.” Raising a hand, she pointed at a spot in front and slightly above her. They watched her form a ring shaped thing out of magic that had interesting looking patterns and shapes inside it. The opening of the ring pointed down at Ayaka and her hair billowed out as if she was standing in a stiff breeze and her mouth opened in surprise.

“Oh, that feels nice!” Ayaka sighed happily after a moment. Isana turned it to point at Karin, then Sora.

“It’s a magical fan!” Karin squealed during her turn.

“Yep,” Isana nodded, pleased. “Working in this heat, it’s a trick I learned really quickly. Summer is a great motivator for teaching magic, as is winter.”

“Can we do it too?” Sora asked, enjoying the breeze on her face.

“Eventually, yeah,” Isana affirmed. “But for now, we’ll start smaller. Just see what you can do.”

Like with the water, Sora found working with air to be almost natural. She used her magic to send small pulses of cooler air at Karin, and her sister gave a smile of thanks. Even Ayaka found it easy, but she reddened a little when they saw her magic go downwards and her skirt began to billow irregularly. Sora didn’t blame her at all for trying that. Her own panties felt like they were soaked through even more than her shirt. A cool breeze down there would feel great.

After a few moments of this, Isana clapped her hands to signal an end. “All right, my young ladies… your teacher is hungry, so we’ll wait until after lunch before doing anything else. I also want all three of you to drink plenty of water, so no one gets dehydrated or has a heat stroke. Everyone grab some gear, then we’ll go back to the house for lunch.”

Sora ended up carrying two of the pillows as well as the water jug. While they didn’t really hurry back to the house, neither did they linger. She was just as hungry as the others, and hoped lunch would be just as tasty as breakfast.

They stashed everything in the garage, already thankful for the shade. Isana told them the house was cooler in the summer because she used a spell on it that worked like a refrigerator, except most of the waste heat went to the water heater.

Just before they could enter the kitchen, the distant honk of a car horn and the noise of an approaching vehicle could be heard.

“Ah, I was wondering when they would be coming again,” Isana murmured, wearing a cryptic smile..

“Who?” Karin was first to ask.

“You’ll see in a minute,” Isana replied.

After a few minutes passed, a large pick-up truck rumbled up to the house with an open-bed trailer hitched to the back. It stopped in a cloud of dust, and three people immediately got out. There were two young men and a teenage girl, all wearing worn work clothes and hats.

“Yo! Isana!” called one of the men. He was an older teen or maybe in his twenties. with long, messy dark hair and a goatee. “And a bunch of ladies, too!”

At the sight of sudden strangers coming at them, an instinctual panic seized at Sora’s heart. Without even thinking about it, she slid behind Ayaka, who gave her a frown of concern, and clutched tightly against her sister’s sweaty back. The smell of Ayaka’s hair and the feel of it on her face were calming, at least. One of Ayaka’s hands found hers, and Sora took it gratefully, letting Ayaka stroke her in a soothing manner.

“Jee-zus, Calvin!” the girl swore with a tired tone, Sora peeked around Ayaka a little and saw her glaring at the bearded young man. “You’re scaring the poor kid. Ease off, will you?”

“Yeah, you gotta excuse my idiot brother,” the younger boy said with a jerk of his thumb at Calvin. He looked a lot like the older guy, but clean shaven and less wild looking. “He acts like an ass, but he’s safe enough.”

Isana gave Sora a concerned look, but gestured at the group. “Girls, meet Calvin, his brother Todd, and Todd’s girlfriend Missy. Her real name’s Malissa, but she gets all cranky when we call her that.”

“Cause I don’t want to be named the same thing as my grandmother, not while she’s still alive!” the girl exclaimed. She was wearing a loose tank top and grungy jeans.

“Yeah, well,” Isana shrugged. “Girls, these are the folks I mentioned who come out and pick my field for me. We split the profit from the produce between us. Usually as a courtesy, they stop by and have a chat with me before they work. They’re nice people.”

“Yeah, I’m just like a puppy,” Calvin laughed, smiling wide. Sora still didn’t like him very much. At least she understood the reason they were there.

“So, who are the kids, Isana?” Missy asked, clearly curious. She was giving Ayaka a look Sora knew from some of the older orphanage girls. She was assessing possible competition. It wasn’t a mean look, though. She was just checking Ayaka out, and it was clear she approved of what she saw.

“These girls are my wards now,” Isana explained, giving them a proud smile that made Sora feel tons better. “They’re also my apprentices and I care a great deal about their well-being, so be nice and look out for them. And Calvin—”

“Hey!” the boy complained with a wounded tone, his hands up in the universal unarmed pose. “I have no interest in kids, Isana. We’re just surprised, that’s all. You never said you were adopting anyone.”

“It was a pleasant surprise for me too,” Isana laughed. “Now move on, you three. We were just about to eat lunch and we’re already tired from magic lessons, so we can do the lengthy introduction stuff some other time.”

“Sure, Isana,” Todd nodded, twirling a ring of keys on his finger. “Come on, guys. We need to get to work.”

“Right, talk to you later, Isana!” Missy called out, quickly making her way back to the truck and climbing inside “I’ll see you girls around, I’m sure!”

Calvin just gave a confident, yet joking salute and hopped effortlessly into the truck bed. He pounded twice on the roof of the cab and Todd took off, headed towards the produce fields.

“Wow, you have weird friends,” Karin commented once they were out of hearing range. “You okay, Sora?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said, feeling embarrassed at her reaction, now it was over. She was still clutching Ayaka’s hand, but a deep breath calmed her down. She’d never liked meeting people, and the older they were, the worse her reaction usually was. She let Ayaka’s hand go, but as soon as she did the older girl spun around and embraced her tightly.

With her face pressed between Ayaka’s soft breasts, she smiled and placed a soft kiss of thanks on the tender skin. Ayaka cooed in response.

A gentle caress of Sora’s right ear drew her face out of Ayaka’s chest to look at Isana, who had one hand on Ayaka’s shoulder while the other still toyed with her ear, which felt really nice. “Sorry about that, Sora,” Isana said. “I really should have warned you about them. They’ve been working for me for years, and I’ve long gotten used to their roughness. They’re actually pretty nice and fun to be around.”

“I know that’s probably true,” Sora answered. “But I told you the shy me was still here. I can’t help that.”

“It’s okay,” Isana said. “Ayaka, you should let your sister go now, so we can eat lunch.”

“I don’t want to!” Ayaka declared. Sora felt a hand caressing her butt. “I have Sora right where I want her.”

“Careful, Sora,” Karin laughed. “Ayaka only let me sleep last night when I passed out. But it’s not a bad price to pay to share a bed with her.”

“But I am hungry,” Sora said, her face only inches away from Ayaka’s, “and I bet you are too.”

“Oh, I guess,” Ayaka moaned theatrically, only letting go after giving Sora a quick peck on the lips. Then she frowned down at herself and the rest of them. “Before they showed up, I was going to ask if we could eat naked, but I guess we can’t now.”

“I swear, this is turning into a house full of sex-mad nudists… but that idea is tempting,” Isana sighed. “But you’d just end up getting sweaty again, because we still have a whole afternoon of training ahead of us.”

“Then let’s eat, please!” Karin insisted, heading towards the kitchen door.

They all followed, and after a short, playful debate it was decided that sandwiches and egg salad made by Ayaka would be suitable for lunch.

Everyone joined in on the prep-work. Sora teamed up with Ayaka for most of it, and they stole a few kisses and intimate touches while preparing the egg salad. Sora was sure that Karin and Isana noticed, but didn’t mention it.

As Isana instructed, they all drank a generous measure of water with their meal. By the end they were all refreshed, feeling good and ready to learn more about their magic.

On to Chapter Thirteen!


Learning Phase, Chapter 11

  • Posted on June 21, 2023 at 12:37 pm

By Nuit du Loup

A rush of hot summer air tingled over Sora’s skin, carrying with it the still-fresh scents and sounds of a vibrant forest. She inhaled deeply to enjoy it, her arms raised against the frame of the window she’d just opened in her bathroom.

It was much hotter than the last few days had been and considerably more humid, but nonetheless, Sora enjoyed it a great deal simply because it was all so new. She also liked the warmth because it reminded her of her new big sister Ayaka who adored this place in a way she couldn’t know.

The sun bathed her naked body, and that felt good too, since her nerves were still a bit sensitive from the attention it had received only a short while ago.

“Sora!” Isana called from behind, back in the bedroom.

Sora turned around, letting her slim arms drop. She was standing in the bathing area of the spacious bathroom, which was beautifully tiled like all the others, and gazed towards the door that she hadn’t even thought of closing. She’d decided finally to stop being such a dummy about things and asked Isana if she could move her stuff into the fourth and final master bedroom. Isana had responded as Sora now knew she would, with enthusiastic support. It was one of the many reasons she fully trusted Isana and cared for her so strongly after only a few short days together.

“Yeah?” she called back, flicking her ears once, unconsciously, in acknowledgment. It no longer occurred to her to be shy about her body with her new family. She was happy to let them see her. But Isana remained in the other room and couldn’t see her anyhow.

“Do you care which drawers your clothes are put in?”

“Not really,” she answered, smiling because it was nice to have someone who cared enough about her to ask about such a simple thing. Isana had shooed her into the bathroom to start filling up the bath for them while she put Sora’s possessions away. Sora argued that it was her stuff, so she should have to do it, but Isana insisted and so there she was. Sora already thought of her as a mother figure.

She glanced back at the spacious bathtub. It looked like it would be full enough for the two of them soon. “The tub’s just about all filled up, Isana. I can finish putting my stuff away later, you know!”

“Oh hush,” Isana teased back, chuckling from the other room. It was a sound that made Sora’s heart thrum with joy. If only to spend her life with such loving, casual joking as this, she’d be happy to live here forever. “It won’t take me more than a couple minutes.”

Still smiling, Sora paused as she caught sight of her reflection in the large full length mirror mounted opposite of the marble, double-sink countertop. Sora figured that some previous occupant of her room must have been a bit vain to have installed such a monstrosity.

She turned to regard her naked self, with the sun shining around her like a nimbus. Normally, self-critical thoughts would have pestered her at a time like this, but now…

Her lips curled up into a wider smile as she reconsidered her petite, elfin body in light of her recent experiences and developing relationships. She took a full step forward to get a better look with a new outlook on things; one that had been emphatically explained to Sora by her new family. They loved the way she looked, and she liked how her sisters enjoyed her appearance.

The one thing she’d always liked about her body, even when she felt less than confident about herself, was her skin. Even to her eyes, it was a pleasantly warm shade of golden-brown, like caramel. The only visible blemish was a very small birthmark on the inside of her left ankle, and she had hardly any hair on her body at all, so there was nothing to hide its smoothness. She was not nearly as dark toned as Karin, who she thought was incredibly pretty. She liked the looks of her new sisters very much, actually. Karin was so exotic and enticing, while Ayaka had a creamy, beautiful complexion like you saw on clothing models.

She trailed her right hand up her bare tummy to touch the slight rise of her left breast. It didn’t feel nearly as good as when Isana did the same thing when they’d last made love, but she liked doing it anyway. Gently teasing her nipple to get that pleasant tingly sensation, she felt it stiffen.

Sora knew she wasn’t destined to have large, gorgeous breasts and curves like Ayaka, but all of the other girls of her new family seemed to enjoy what she did have. Not even half an hour ago Isana had suckled on her nipples, which felt incredible, and her sisters had both done the same. She no longer felt ashamed of her slight figure.

Watching her reflection as she touched herself generated a sudden bubble of amusement when she realized what she was really doing, but she didn’t think to stop. Instead, she grew curious about her body in a way she had never truly allowed herself before. Sitting before the mirror on the cool tile, she spread her thin legs and scooted close until her knees were almost against her chest. If she was going to reevaluate herself, she decided, she was going to do things right this time. That meant taking a good look at everything.

Going back to where she’d let off, Sora resumed playing with her breasts, simply because it felt so good. The almost rubbery feel of her hard nipples was a really cool sensation, and they looked nice in the mirror, sticking up from her chest like little nubs. With her other hand, she stroked along the tops of her long ears, shivering at the pleasurable tingles that went down her back and settled somewhere down low. These things felt better when the others did it to her, but it was nice this way too. In fact, she felt a warm glow of happy pride when she grew hot and wet between her legs again.

Interested in her little puss, she reached downward, feeling the soft, wet outer lips that were now slightly open and glistening from her arousal. They were still a little puffy from the sex she’d had with Isana just a short while earlier. She was also very sensitive from being licked there, so the gentle caress of her fingertips felt really good.

Little moans escaped her lips, and she let them, knowing now after having sex with her whole family that the others enjoyed hearing her express herself, and she liked letting her emotions free, now that she didn’t have to hold them inside.

After several passes, she raised a wet finger, and before nervousness could stop her, popped it right into her mouth.

“It’s good!” she gasped in surprise, reaching down eagerly for more even as the strange liquid coated her tongue and her ears quivered with excitement. She’d been hesitant up until now about tasting herself, even after both Ayaka and Isana had used their mouths to make her feel amazing. That thought made her want to sigh, because she’d acted like a dummy again. There was nothing bad about it at all. The next time, she promised herself, she would use her mouth on them, especially since it felt so incredible and the other two really seemed to like doing it to her. She also wondered if the others tasted like she did, and what Ayaka’s pubic hair would feel like against her face.

Getting back to the important task at hand, she saw her little clitty peeking excitedly out again and gave it a little ‘hello’ rub-and-squeeze between her first and middle fingers, giggling reflexively at the sudden rush of good feelings and additional wetness that leaked out of her. Then she used the fingers of one hand to gently spread herself open to look inside, because she’d never thought of doing so before.

The interior of her puss glistened in the sunlight, It was very pink, with the more delicate inner lips framing it, all swollen and flushed from her renewed arousal. It was amazing, really, how good it felt to stroke herself there and rub along those pink folds. But what drew her curious gaze just now, was the tiny opening of her vagina. As she watched, a translucent drip of her juices dribbled out and down to her butthole.

She’d always thought that the doctor’s word for her puss, vagina, sounded kind of funny and dumb, but she decided it didn’t really matter what it was called, not right now. Putting her middle finger at the opening, she slowly pushed it all the way inside. The sensation made her toes want to curl, it felt so good, and she liked the way her finger was being squeezed by her internal muscles. And it felt even better if she rubbed her clit at the same time.

She did just that, occasionally pausing to lick her fingers, and noticed how her body was reacting the exact same way it did when she had sex. That odd sense of something tensing up inside her body, begging for release, was a big part of what she liked about it.

Sora was delighted with herself. Masturbating wasn’t that hard at all, and it felt really great! She was getting close to coming, too.

“What are you doing, honey?” Isana laughed delightedly, slinking in through the doorway, tail swishing from her happy mood. She too wore nothing at all and her pale skin, white hair, and pink nipples drew Sora’s eyes and made her pause with her finger in her mouth. She loved Isana a lot, and thought the young woman was incredibly beautiful.

Isana quickly slid around behind Sora, sat, and embraced her with strong arms and legs. Now they were both looking in the mirror at the young girl’s aroused body. Sora liked where Isana’s hands went as they touched her, especially when they began toying and pulling at her nipples again.

“I’m thinking,” she answered with a happy sigh, enjoying the skin-on-skin contact. “And trying stuff out.”

A hot, wet tongue slid along her left ear for just a second, and then Isana said, “Still worried about being cute?”

“Not anymore,” Sora said with a shrug, now shivering with pleasure. She smiled and leaned back against her new ‘mom’. “I guess, maybe, I was being silly. I like all this stuff.”

A deep purr hummed from Isana’s chest against her back. Sora could also feel the hardened tips of her breasts. The smell of sex in the air was strong now. “I don’t mind if you’re silly, Sora. It’s just a part of you. But it seems like I interrupted something. Go ahead and finish. I just want to hold you some more.”

After the last few days and all the new experiences she’d had, it didn’t embarrass Sora to do just that. Only four days ago she would have blushed horribly at just the thought of being naked in Isana’s presence. Now she simply put her hands back where they’d been and returned to fingering herself. The addition of Isana’s hands sped things along and it only took a few minutes for an orgasm to quiver through her, one that lifted her butt off the tile floor, making her gasp aloud. It was a really good one.

When it was finished she automatically tasted herself, enjoying the glowing, warm feeling she always got after an orgasm. She was going to lick the fingers of the other hand too, but Isana gently snagged it and brought it to her own mouth, and cleaned Sora’s fingers with a slurping sound so deliberate that they both laughed.

The sight of her flushed body in the mirror Made Sora smile. She really liked how she looked, all wrapped up in Isana’s limbs and a happy smile on her face. It wasn’t hard to imagine herself in a similar position with her sisters.

“That looked like it felt pretty nice,” Isana said, nuzzling Sora’s left ear. “I thought I’d worn you out, though.”

“I got better!” Sora replied, laughing and enjoying the moment. “I like all this sex stuff.”

“So it seems,” Isana chuckled, squeezing her tightly for just a second. “But you forgot about the bath, I think.”

“Oh, no!” She had forgotten, and squirmed to look in the direction of the tub. She could hear the water splashing close to the top.

Isana let her free, and Sora quickly raced over to turn off the faucet. There was only about two centimeters of space between the water’s surface and the lip of the tub. That had cut it a little close. A bit more, and there would have been a mess.

“Just drain a little bit out and it should be good,” Isana suggested, coming up behind Sora and hugging her around the waist.

Sora was quick to comply, stopping when Isana indicated. The older woman nodded, satisfied. “Well, let’s get in, honey. We can’t keep the others waiting all day for us.”

They stepped over and into the water, sinking down into the heat. Sora got a laugh out of seeing the wet mess Isana’s furry white tail became once it was soaked. In response, Isana gave her a smile and snagged the new soap from the tray set in the back wall. A short while later, Sora found herself thoroughly washed and nearly tickled to death. Apparently having sex with someone can also show that same person where all your sensitive spots were. While Isana washed herself with a pleased and proud grin, Sora could only watch in appreciation and breathe deeply to recover her wits. Baths were especially fun if you had a friend to enjoy them with.

Slouching down into the water was relaxing, and Sora let her mind wander. She felt something nice inside herself and realized her magic place was almost humming, like music. When she focused inward on the sensations, her vision slowly changed the weird way it did when Isana fully awakened their magic.

Cloudy, bluish tendrils of light were wafting out and away from her, and more wisps filled the inside of the water in the tub. The water seemed to move with that light. The walls, floors, and ceilings were entirely translucent and she could see other colors there and feel them in a strange and funny way she couldn’t describe very well. Many lines of obviously ordered magic seemed to be forming in patterns, shapes, and symbols inside the house’s rooms and outside too. Looking down again, she saw two very bright spots that were close together.

The golden colored one, with roots running outside of the house and into the forest, almost immediately blazed hotter at her attention, and warmth she couldn’t fully attribute to the bath filled her. A tendril of that golden light reached out to touch her in a way she somehow knew was affectionate and loving. Then she remembered, just as the other glowing spot began flickering, popping and shimmering, that she’d seen and felt this before. “Ayaka?” she said aloud in awe. The golden magic pulsed in response, a clear yes.

Then magic blazed up right next to her and a white glow gently encompassed Ayaka’s tendril and guided it back to its source. Sora adjusted herself so she could watch Isana caress Ayaka’s representation in this weird world, and the golden ball settled back down to a tiny sun neighboring what she knew to be Karin’s. It was now a cheery red and like before it seemed to sizzle with energy. Isana touched her too, quieting the magic.

“What am I seeing?” she asked.

“It has many different names. Actually, I was hoping to save the magic lessons for after breakfast,” Isana chuckled. “Wait until I can explain it to all three of you, Okay?”

“It’s so pretty,” Sora said softly. Then she frowned at the feeling of something like a mild pressure against her awareness and a little tingle that seemed to come from one direction. She focused that way and somehow understood what it was, like some kind of strange instinct. Far beyond what her normal sight would register even if the forest was gone, she saw something. She spoke without really thinking about it. “I think it’s going to rain later.”

“I don’t doubt that, with this much humidity,” Isana agreed.

Sora suddenly felt a hand clasp hers and there was another tingle of magic, this time directed at her. “Ah!” It was a pleased exclamation from Isana. “It looks like you might be a natural weather witch, Sora.”

“What’s that?” the young girl asked, feeling more and more new stuff now that she was looking around with this weird sight outside the walls of the house. It was like she could always recognize the way the air was moving around her.

Isana explained. “Well, most witches can become proficient at predicting the weather given enough time, but sometimes a witch like you can do it very accurately and instinctively, without the aid of spells and such. You also seem to have a natural affinity for air and water. It would explain why the uncontrolled outburst you told me about resulted in a mini rainstorm.”

“Is that good?” Sora asked. It sounded cool.

“Oh, sure it is!” Isana laughed, hugging the girl, both of them still in the water. “People will happily pay you to tell them about the weather that is coming days in advance with near perfect accuracy. And the affinity just means it’ll be easier and take less energy for you to manipulate those things with magic. There are a lot of applications for air and water with magic.”

“Neat!” she paused. “Um… how do I make the weirdness go away, though?”

“Oh, it’s just like the aura control I told you guys about yesterday. Just imagine pulling the magic back inside you. In this case, back inside your eyes.”

Sora breathed deeply and tried to do that. It turned out to be shockingly easy. The expectation of a struggle left her feeling a sense of anticlimax when she looked at Isana with perfectly normal eyesight. But Isana seemed very happy for her, and delighted by what she’d done. She leaned in and gave her student a brief kiss.

“That was kind of fun,” Sora commented, smiling back.

“With the way things have been going lately, I’m tempted never to bathe or sleep alone again! You girls are a damn godsend.” Isana laughed, pulling her in closer, which sloshed the water dangerously. “Now, I think I’m ready to get back to relaxing. Cuddle with me.”

“You like baths too?” Sora closed her eyes, trusting Isana to hold her up.

“Oh I sure do. Maybe it’s one of my cat-like qualities, but I like getting clean.”

“I just think it feels nice and relaxing,” Sora murmured, then sighed when a hand softly caressed her butt. Isana had made sure to clean her very well back there when Sora commented on how much Ayaka had liked touching her butthole. She would have to remember to do that too from now on.

They stayed in the water for a long time, ignoring their wrinkling skin as long as the water remained hot. Isana said she could have used magic to heat it right back up, but theirs was a long enough bath as it was, and Isana claimed it would tire her out. “Best to save your magic for when it’s really needed,” she said.

When they finally climbed out, a simple wave of Isana’s hand dried them from head to toe, leaving two balls of water that Isana tossed into the draining tub. “On the other hand, this is really easy to do,” she said. All the while, she kept looking at Sora with a pleased smile.

“What is it?” Sora finally asked when those glances made her feel a little self-conscious. “You’re staring at me.”

Isana’s smile only grew wider, and she leaned in to give Sora another quick kiss. “Oh, I was wondering where that shy young girl went, the one I met last week.”

“She’s still here,” Sora replied with a quiet giggle, putting a hand to her naked chest. “It’s just that I trust you guys now. I feel safe here.”

“Clearly,” Isana grinned, placing her hands on hips to display her own nudity. “I think you’ve probably been naked more than clothed since you got here. All of us have!”

“It’s been fun!” Sora laughed back, ears quivering a little in amusement. “I like going without clothes.”

“Well, how about we both get dressed – for now, at least – and we can join your sisters for breakfast? I’m getting hungry.”


“Good,” Isana nodded, ruffled Sora’s hair, then left, with a parting twitch of her tail as she went.

For the most part, Isana had kept to Ayaka’s sorted piles when putting her clothes into the dresser of her new, bigger bedroom. The wallpaper was, according to Isana, nautically themed. Sora had never seen a real boat in her life, so she barely had an idea what that meant, but the repeating pattern was of different colored flags and a ship’s steering wheel.

She dressed quickly in just a skirt and sleeveless shirt, since all her new stuff was still downstairs in the bags from the stores. She also spent enough time to brush her hair a bit so it looked nice.

This new desire to look good for her sisters and Isana was strange, but enjoyable too. Normally, she wouldn’t have cared that her hair was a little disorderly, but now one look in the mirror had been enough to make her reach for the hairbrush. She appreciated how the others had complimented her on her looks, and wanted to keep them liking what they saw. There was no way, she knew, that Isana, Ayaka or Karin would say bad things to her, but she primped anyway, at least until Isana popped back through the door.

“Leave your poor hair alone, girl!” Isana chided, coming over to take the brush away. She’d dressed in a pair of jeans and button-up blouse, and had obviously spent some time of her own on grooming. Her tail was super fluffy, as were the bits of fur on her cat ears. She looked clean and competent, not at all like she’d thrown something on in a hurry.

Sora had a good idea why that was, and made a silent bet with herself about it. “I look good, then?” she asked instead.

“Tsk, you know you do,” Isana replied with a smirk and a wrinkling of her little nose. “Now come on.”

Without even really thinking about it, Sora held out her hand and felt a sense of comfort when Isana took it. Being loved was the most amazing thing, and that warm train of thought carried them through the upper floor halls and down the main stairwell.

In the spacious and very welcoming living room, they found Karin and Ayaka together, sitting on the couch. Ayaka was bending over to examine something on the table before her and Karin was leaning closely against her, looking on as well.

Both girls looked up at the same time. They too were already dressed for the day. Karin was in shorts and t-shirt, and Ayaka wore a knee-length skirt and a tank top that accented her large breasts. Now that Sora was so well acquainted with her new sister’s body, it was hard not to stare. Akaya’s pleased smile made it clear that she was on display intentionally.

“Good morning,” Isana said cheerfully.

“Oh, we already felt your ‘good morning,'” Ayaka said in return.

Sora flicked her ears at the delight she saw in Ayaka’s eyes as the girl got up and came towards them, practically flowing into Isana arms. They kissed slow and deep, like passionate lovers, gently caressing one another. Sora grinned, knowing she’d just won the bet she made with herself. Isana and Ayaka didn’t just love each other; they loved each other in a we-should-get-married-and-have-kids way.

“Sorry, I can’t match that,” Karin said with a laugh as she approached Sora.

“I don’t mind,” Sora replied, happily letting Karin hug, then kiss her for a long, lovely moment. When they separated, she decided her life couldn’t be more perfect.

Next to them, Isana and Ayaka were gazing blissfully into each other’s eyes. Then Ayaka’s gaze shifted to Sora, and the younger girl felt herself glow with a happiness that was downright explosive.

“I felt you, Sora,” Ayaka said, reaching out a hand that Sora eagerly accepted. “We both did.”

She knew it was her turn when Ayaka gently tilted her face up and their lips met. This kiss wasn’t a hungry, lets-have-sex-right-now one,but it still made her tingle and her heart race. She was absolutely sure no one could kiss like Ayaka did. It made you go ‘WOW’ inside your head and the world kind of drifted away. It also helped that Karin’s hands were exploring beneath her skirt.

“Okay, okay, let’s not get carried away here,” Isana chuckled. “I know we’re all a little worked up, and you guys are new to the whole sex thing… but we need to have some kind of self-control around here or nothing will ever get done. You’ve got a lot to learn about magic today, and I’m looking forward to teaching it. We can’t do that if everyone gets worked up again.”

“Plus, you and Sora are still hungry,” Ayaka said knowingly. “Karin and I were waiting for you two before we got started on breakfast.”

“What are you doing with those?” Sora asked, pointing at the table. Two shirts were laid flat across it, side by side.

“Trying to help Karin,” Ayaka replied, smiling at the girl in question. Karin answered with an amused snort. “We’re debating on how to modify her new clothes for her wings.”

“Show me!” Isana said quickly, taking interest.

Ayaka brought them back over to the table. “See this one?” She pointed to a plain blue t-shirt with a trapezoidal shape cut out of the back. “This is one of Karin’s old shirts with openings for her wings. I was wondering if we ought to do the same for her new clothes. Seems to me that cutting a pair of slits would work better.”

“That other shirt looks like one of yours,” Isana said, gesturing at the second garment.

“It is,” Ayaka nodded. “I’m using one I don’t care about messing up. The hard part about doing slits is measuring for them. Each shirt has to be different.”

“Oooh, that does sound difficult. Maybe even annoying,” Isana agreed, pursing her lips in thought.

“What did you do in the winter, Karin?” Sora asked, fingering a hole in her sister’s shirt. “Don’t your wings get cold?”

“Nope!” Karin grinned at her. “This nice lady made wing mittens for me. They’re really warm and soft with felt on the inside. But as I was telling Ayaka, I don’t mind having holes cut out of of my clothes. I like showing some skin.”

“It’s certainly easier to make,” Isana agreed. “Here, let me try something.”

She picked up Ayaka’s old shirt. A shiver of magic ran through the room and they all watched with widening eyes as the threads of the shirt squirmed, moved, unwove and rewove themselves. After only several minutes of work, Isana had made an exact copy of the cutout. The excess material sat to one side on the table She handed the shirt to Karin. “Try it on.”

Shrugging, Karin took off her current shirt. She was wearing one of her new undershirts, and Sora stared, licking her lips. “That looks so pretty,” she said, even though she’d already seen Karin wear it at the lingerie store. It was beautiful, and made Karin look a little older somehow.

“Huh.” Karin looked down at herself. The white, silken material hung nicely over her athletic figure. “Ayaka wanted to get these clothes we bought sorted out, and I wanted to wear this again when I saw it, so I did. I’m not the only one wearing new stuff, though.”

In one quick move, Karin slipped behind Ayaka, yanking up her shirt. To Sora’s surprise, Ayaka didn’t even bother to stop her. Instead, Ayaka held the garment up, giving everyone a good look.

A sharp intake of breath made the three girls look at Isana. She was staring at Ayaka’s breasts, barely concealed by one of the girl’s new bras. It was white and practically transparent. It was also what gave Ayaka all that nice cleavage. Without even asking, Isana reached out and lightly fondled Ayaka’s right breast, running her fingertips over the material.

“You like seeing me wear stuff like this, right?” Ayaka asked Isana.

Isana blinked, and then gave her students a chagrined smile as she withdrew her hand. “Yeah, I love sexy lingerie on a beautiful girl. I had to restrain myself when we were in the store. I was tempted to touch all three of you, actually. It’s a personal weakness of mine. I didn’t see you try this one on, though. You look stunning in itl.”

“Good to know,” Ayaka replied with a wink.

Sora noticed something odd about her sister. “What are those red marks?” she asked. Moving to get a better look, she pointed at Ayaka. “They’re all over your back.”

For some reason, Karin’s face got a bit flushed as Isana moved to look. Ayaka, however, didn’t seem to be concerned, while Isana raised a curious eyebrow at Karin.

“Those are from me,” Karin admitted, sighing. “I don’t really remember making them, because Ayaka is some kind of sex monster. I just remember screaming stuff and worrying I might be wetting the bed or something. Then I fell asleep.”

“I didn’t hear you complaining at the time,” Ayaka replied with a snicker, then cooed softly when Isana placed a hand on her back. There was a stronger pulse of magic this time, and all the scratches healed over in only a second or two. Dropping her shirt, Ayaka turned and gave Isana a hug. “Thank you.”

“Why did Karin scratch you?” Sora asked, not quite getting what they were talking about. She knew it had something to do with Ayaka and Karin having sex last night, but not much else.

“I didn’t mean to!” Karin protested, pouting prettily at Ayaka. Sora loved those dark lips. She wanted to kiss them again. “She was on top of me and I was feeling really, really good… and I think I just started grabbing at her really hard. We got kind of crazy, but it was awesome.”

“Just be careful next time, please,” Isana sighed, giving them all a look of amused resignation. “Okay, enough of this for now. It’s time for breakfast. We need to start your real lessons, and talk about more important things.”

Nodding their acceptance, the girls followed Isana into the kitchen. All the things they’d bought the day before had been sorted into distinct piles. One each for the girls’ personal items and clothes, one for Isana, and one for household items like detergent. These were in the back corner of the kitchen. Isana ignored them and headed for the pantry.

After a moment, the group decided cold cereal and fruit would be just fine to start off the day. While Sora and Karin got bowls and silverware, Ayaka retrieved cartons of milk and juice from the cooler. It was not, as Isana explained, a normal refrigerator since it used magic to slowly draw heat from the inside to a wide metal plate on the back until a certain low temperature was maintained.

Isana was seated at the table while she explained this, because Ayaka made her sit while she and her sisters got everything ready for the morning meal. Once they were all seated, she was between Karin and Ayaka on the bench.

“So what was that earlier, Sora?” Karin asked after they’d all had a few minutes to eat.

“Yeah, I felt Sora looking at me, too,” Ayaka agreed, giving her little sister a wide smile. Sora smiled back, knowing the moment had been a special one. “Then I just reached out to her without even thinking about it. Was that my aura again?”

“Well,” Isana replied, “answering Ayaka’s question will partially answer yours, Karin. Yes, it was much the same as an aura, but with active magic. Using magical power is, at its most absolute basic, the focus of  witches’ will to draw out and use energy. Ayaka, you felt Sora’s gaze because she was looking at you with magic and because you love each other, so you naturally extended a ‘hand’ of magic to her to accept the touch. But since it was mostly uncontrolled, it contained your thoughts, and Sora could feel those as well.”

“But we could see it too,” Karin said. She looked down at her hands. “I saw you touch me.”

“Yes,” Isana gave Sora a knowing smile. “It has a few names, like witch sight, mantic sight, third eye, inner eye, and some others. As you saw, it’s quite useful for letting you see active magic immediately around you. Unfortunately, it can also be tiring to use for long periods, and if you tried to walk through the forest, you’d probably plow face first into a tree. You think you see a forest, but it’s actually your brain’s reconstruction of one, not the actual forest you’ll be smacking into.”

“I kind of saw the house, too,” Sora protested. “It looked like glass.”

“Yes, because a house this old has gained a degree of permanence in the world, and also it showed up like it did because I’ve inlaid a number of protective spells upon it for safety and utility. Another important reason is because my place of power is here.”

“Okay,” Karin eagerly leaned forward. “You know you have to tell us about that last part.”

“I was trying to get you interested just then… guess it worked!” Isana replied with a grin, making them all laugh. “Magic itself has only recently risen to prominence in the world, so there’s a lot about it that’s unknown, and still being discovered or defined. I believe that, like physics and math, many generations will be spent figuring things out. I want you three to be inquisitive, and to realize there is a lot to learn. Magic is also very personal and there will be differences between each of you and me.”

Sora was thrilled by Isana’s words. The mystery of it all was tickling at her brain. She wanted to learn alongside her sisters and discover their unique magic along with hers. “When do we start?” she asked.

“Hmm,” Isana cast her gaze around the table in an assessing manner. “Are we done with breakfast?”

“We are,” Ayaka answered for them all, already moving to collect the dirty dishes. No one disagreed, so Sora handed her bowl and glass over. She hadn’t even noticed what she’d eaten

“That’s one chore that will get much simpler for all of you,” Isana remarked as they all slid out of the nook.

“Why?” Sora asked, happily accepting Karin’s offer to help her stand up.

“Magic is much like learning to play a sport, like baseball,” Isana explained after a moment of thought. “At first it’s awkward and hard to swing a bat and throw a ball the right way every time without concentrating on the task. But eventually, your brain and muscles learn those motions so well that it takes hardly any thought at all to make them. Your brain does all the hard work for you.”

“Muscle memory?” Ayaka asked from the sink. The sun was coming in through the kitchen window and her long, lush hair was pretty and soft looking in the morning light.

“Yes, exactly,” Isana nodded, pleased. “I’m going to have you use magic for everything as you learn. You will wash dishes with magic, clean floors with magic, and anything else you can. When you see a magic user actually speak or make a spell with their hands, it’s because it hasn’t been ingrained deep enough for them to simply do it by thinking. For example, I used a small bit of magic to dry Sora and me off after our bath earlier, because I’ve been drying myself that way since I was eleven. This way, you’ll always be ready to deal with everyday problems, and your magic will grow healthy and strong.”

Before she could say more, a deep buzzer sounded from the basement. Isana glanced toward Ayaka. “You figured out the washer and dryer?”

“Yeah,” Ayaka answered, toweling her hands. The dishes were stacked neatly in the drying rack. She came over to join the rest of them. “Karin and I made a mess out of my bed sheets and they needed washing. I used one like yours before, so it wasn’t hard.”

“Then you can show your sisters how as well,” Isana told her. She clapped her hands briskly. “All right, girls – let’s get to work!”

On to Chapter Twelve!


Learning Phase, Chapter 10

  • Posted on May 25, 2023 at 2:03 pm

By Nuit du Loup

“Wow, we got quite a haul today,” Isana stated when they put the last of their purchases into the truck. The number of bags in the bed was very impressive, now that Ayaka had a look at it all. As they climbed into the vehicle, a couple passed them by, on the way to their own car. Isana shared a familiar hand-wave with them.

“What are we doing next?” Sora asked. The door of the truck was still open, and she sat sideways,her legs dangling down from the front passenger seat. Karin was in a similar position in the back.

“Well,” Isana looked up and around. Since they’d spent literally hours shopping, it was now late evening and the sun was setting fast. The lot around them was fairly empty at this hour. “What day is today?”

“Friday,” Ayaka answered after a moment. “Why?”

“Because I want to show my girls something special we do around here on the last Friday of every month, weather permitting,” she said with a grin. “So get your pretty butt in the truck, kitten, and we’ll have some more fun to finish off the night.”

Her curiosity aroused, Ayaka bounced around to the other side of the truck and got into the back with Karin. Once everyone was buckled in and secure, Isana drove them out the lot.

As they pulled onto the road, Ayaka reached over to gently caress Karin’s thigh, getting a pleased sound as a reward. Karin leaned in to rest her head on Ayaka’s shoulder.

They headed towards the hotel, then when they broke a line of trees, the girls gasped in astonishment. The wide, open lot that they’d noticed around the building was now filled with hundreds of people. There was a large bonfire burning well away from the structure, but there were a number of smaller blazes going as well, with hanging lanterns placed here and there. The sounds of conversation, laughter and music drifted to them on air scented with the smells of grilled food. There was even a small stage set up that folded out of a truck trailer where a band was playing.

“Claire’s grandfather started this,” Isana said, breaking the awed silence. “It’s a monthly fair, where people can have fun with others in the community and share their talents. There’s not a lot of entertainment here yet, so people really look forward to this. And for only a few bucks to cover costs, it’s all-you-can-eat as long as the food lasts. Looks like it’s just getting started.”

“This town is awesome!” Karin exclaimed. Ayaka and Sora agreed wholeheartedly.

Isana followed a line of orange cones to where the parking was. She lined her truck up with the others already there and turned off the engine. They clambered out, and Isana waved a hand over the truck bed. Ayaka felt the crackling, protective magic that was laid over their new possessions. She had a feeling that a potential thief would regret trying anything.

They walked toward the party as a group, but Ayaka decided to take Karin’s hand in hers, receiving a grateful squeeze back. Sora seemed a bit intimidated by the crowd at first, but she relaxed after they received cheerful greetings from complete strangers. They seemed to know Isana well.

People were playing games, talking, joking, and a hundred other things. Kids ran in laughing mobs around the adults, casting curious glances at Isana’s group. Drawing close to the hotel, they found numerous folding tables set out with tons of food of all varieties. Behind those was a group of mostly men, and some women working at grills, cooking burgers, fish, chicken, steaks and more.

Isana stopped. “Okay,” she said. “Hold out an arm for me, each of you.” They did, and Isana worked a complex bit of magic Ayaka couldn’t follow. A glowing ring of blue light encircled each of their wrists. “That’s for my peace of mind. It’s so I can always find you and know that you’re safe. If you need me, hold your wrist where that ring is and think of my name.”

“This is for if we get separated, huh?” Ayaka asked.

“It’s sure to happen sometime, even if it doesn’t tonight,” Isana smiled. “Now let’s grab some food and enjoy ourselves.”

Following Isana, the girls got in line. Ayaka tried a little bit of different kinds of food she’d never seen before, along with things she already loved, like grilled corn. They ate at another set of tables, enjoying the strange flavors of their chosen dishes.

Ayaka’s eyes kept drifting towards the stage. She was intrigued by both the music and the dancing crowd. There was a pulsing energy to the rhythm that called to her.

“You want to dance?” Isana asked, noticing her distraction.

“I… I think so,” Ayaka answered slowly. It looked like a lot of fun, moving your body like that.

“What about you two?” Isana asked Karin and Sora.

“Sure,” Karin shrugged pleasantly. “I’ve never really danced before, other than just fooling around.”

“I want to try, too,” Sora agreed.

So they dropped their paper plates into a can marked ‘burnables’, then made their way towards the stage. The band performed an upbeat blues-rock. The lead vocalist, a woman, was clearly having fun up on the stage, belting out her song with enthusiasm. The audience was steadily growing larger.

Isana had them all clasp hands, then they moved into the dancing crowd. People cleared a small space for them, calling out cheerful greetings as they did so, and Ayaka soon found herself automatically moving to the beat of the music. She loved the communal excitement, feeling energised by the concentration of passionately lived life that surrounded her.

Isana paired with Ayaka first, and the other two followed suit next to them, each facing their partner. As they danced, Isana pulled her close, hands on her hip and side just below her breast. There wasn’t anything fancy about it, but Ayaka was thrilled by the close intimacy of moving her body with Isana’s along to the beat. It was a lot like sex, but with their clothes still on.

Then Isana handed her off to Sora, and Ayaka saw the joyous glow in her little sister’s face. Because of the nature of the activity, no one thought it odd how much they stroked and caressed each other. All four of them felt a growing sense of sexual tension that was far from unpleasant. Then Karin slipped smoothly into her arms.

Ayaka was surprised by the tenderness in the way Karin held her as their bodies moved in almost perfect tandem. They were both quite hot and sweaty by now, and Ayaka wanted her beautiful sister badly.

The song changed to a slower one, and Ayaka quickly pulled Karin closer, resting her hand on the girl’s firm bottom. Karin sighed in appreciation, and their faces touched as they danced on.

Karin smelled of sweat, adrenaline, and arousal… and from her actions that day, Ayaka was almost sure she was the inspiration. In short, it was a near-perfect moment.

“Ayaka…” Karin whispered in her ear, her voice a bit husky with need. Ayaka nuzzled her sister, placing a trail of small kisses along her jawline. Karin shivered in their embrace and tried to speak again. “Ayaka, I…”

“You’re sleeping with me tonight,” Ayaka said decisively in a throaty whisper that surprised even her, giving Karin’s earlobe a quick, light nip. She knew she was going to lose it soon if this kept up. Her panties were soaked, her pussy throbbing. “I don’t care how tired you are when we get home. I need you, Karin.”

When she felt something hot and wet on her cheek, Ayaka pulled back to see tears falling down Karin’s face, flowing down and over her smile. She leaned forward and licked one away. “Stop that,” she ordered, keeping a playful tone to her voice.

“I can’t help it,” Karin laughed. “You said exactly what I hoped you would… well, except for not caring how tired I am. But I don’t mind that.”

“You’d better not!” Ayaka declared, feeling her body respond quickly to these roiling emotions.

Then she felt a small hand touch her shoulder, and a cheerful voice cried. “It’s you guys!”

Feeling utterly baffled in the abrupt dispersal of the erotic cloud they’d both been in, Ayaka and Karin both turned to see a short, familiar girl.

“It’s Emi!” Sora cried happily, joining them with Isana right behind her, and then she gave the grinning Emi a hug.

“And her mother,” said the woman walking up behind the girl after slipping past a group of energetically dancing teens. Both were dressed casually, and Claire was clearly amused by her daughter’s antics. “We saw you girls over here, and Emi just had to come running to say hello.”

“I’m always happy to see Emi,” Isana said, embracing the girl fiercely.

From there they went back to the table to converse with Emi and her mother, but Ayaka couldn’t forget her unfinished business with Karin. Her sister felt it as well, and for the rest of the evening, they were on a low burning sexual high that they both knew would be sated soon.


Ayaka was barely aware of the ride back home, too full of anticipation for when they arrived. Sora had fallen asleep in the front seat, Isana was concentrating on driving, and Karin was just a foot away, wide awake and giving Ayaka looks that spoke volumes. Isana had picked up on their preoccupation with one another, but she just smiled and said nothing.

Finally they were in Isana’s garage with the door closing. “If you girls want to go on ahead, I’ll take care of Sora,” Isana said, a hint of amusement in her voice. “We’ll unload the bags in the morning.”

Ayaka shared a quick glance with Karin, then the girls almost simultaneously launched themselves from the vehicle. From there, the journey through the house was a blur until they made it to the door to Karin’s room, which was inconveniently shut. Before Karin even had a chance to turn the knob, something inside Ayaka gave way. She pressed her sister back against the wood, her mouth found Karin’s, and then they were kissing hotly. Karin moaned, first in surprised protest at the suddenness of Ayaka’s assault, then in delight as she immersed herself in the kiss.

Ayaka wasn’t sure how long she made out with Karin against the door, but she loved every moment of it. Her body was aflame with passion, their tongues twined and danced until they needed to pause for breath. Then one of them, they would never remember which, recalled how to operate a doorknob, and they staggered into the room, laughing joyously.

Between the door and the bed, Ayaka stripped Karin of her clothes, somehow losing her own in the process. Karin stumbled back onto the bed, but Ayaka was right behind, climbing onto her sister’s nubile body. They were both still very sweaty, the product of exertion and raw lust, but to Ayaka, it just made Karin that much more desirable. Their scents were quickly mingling in the room, making the girls dizzy with lust. Ayaka’s body was responding to this opportunity for release, and Karin matched her willingly.

Once again, lips found lips, and their bare chests came together. Muffled moans were heard, then Ayaka slipped her thigh between Karin’s strong legs. She felt a copious, hot wetness against her skin as she made contact with her sister’s slick pussy. In response, Karin arched her body and Ayaka began a slow, sensuous grind, gasping when Karin thrust a hand between her legs.

Karin’s climax came first, her pussy erupting wetly with a squish. Ayaka was right behind, gasping and shuddering as her own pussy spasmed in ecstasy. They collapsed together in a gasping, sweaty tangle.

Once the girls had rested for a while, Ayaka sat up, bending over Karin with fire in her eyes. They grinned, then shared a long, slow, languid kiss that was oh, so gratifying. The very air sizzled with magic unleashed by their passion. Ayaka did like Isana had mentioned before, and pulled the magic in, like a blanket. Her skin tingled, then it was gone.

“I think we both needed that,” she said, sitting up again to admire Karin’s naked form, glistening with sweat in the moonlight. There was a giant wet spot under the girl’s butt. “It looks like you exploded on my bed.”

“Sorry,” Karin laughed pleasantly, smiling up at her sister. “I get really wet when I’m excited, and it just shoots out when I come. That was kind of crazy, though. Wow.”

“Well, we were both pretty worked up,” Ayaka responded, gently brushing a lock of hair away from Karin’s face so she could kiss her forehead. “But I hope you don’t think we’re done already.”

“I wasn’t really thinking much at all actually,” Karin replied with a laugh. “I’m still recovering.”

“Recover later, dear sister.” Ayaka moved down and in, trailing her tongue up Karin’s neck, keeping track of any sensitive places that made her sister twitch and tasting her salty sweat. She visited those places on her way back down to Karin’s chest where she took one small breast in her hand, her mouth claiming the other. Karin’s erect nipple slipped between her lips and, as she’d been taught by Sora and Isana, she gave it a gentle bite before pulling away to declare, “I’m not nearly done with you yet. Not at all.”

“Ayaka!” Karin cried out in a mixture of exasperation and delight. Her chest heaved in response to Ayaka’s ministrations.

Karin’s nipples were wonderfully sensitive, and Ayaka liked the way the girl writhed at having them played with. She switched back and forth from breast to breast, evenly spreading the pleasure. Once Karin had grown a little delirious, Ayaka slid down to find her sister’s dripping girlhood. Unable to resist, she dove in, her tongue eagerly exploring Karin’s tight folds, the girl’s nearly invisible peach fuzz tickling her nose in a most delightful way.

Karin was delicious – hot, wet and deliciously tart. Juices oozed down Ayaka’s chin and neck while Karin twisted and arched her body, wrapping both legs around her sister’s head. Ayaka caressed those thighs lovingly, taking Karin’s animal noises for the compliments they were.

“Oh… Ayaka… that…” Karin was mumbling and groaning incoherently. Then she blurted out one determined word. “More!”

More than happy to oblige, Ayaka delved deep, plunging her tongue as deep as Karin’s tunnel would allow. She added a finger with some difficulty, but Karin clearly loved the intrusion because she just grew louder.

Curious to see if she’d like it, Ayaka coated a finger of her other hand in the juices Karin was generously providing and probed at the girl’s cute, winking back hole. In response Karin spread her legs wider and thrust her hips upward. Ayaka worked the finger in deeper, right up to the third knuckle.

“I’m… I’m…” Karin gasped, eyes clenched shut.

Ayaka knew Karin was close to coming again, and licked her way up to her sister’s clit. By then it was almost painfully swollen in arousal, easy to find. Ayaka focused on it, gently stroking the pink nubbin with her tongue. Then her finger found a place inside Karin that she responded strongly to, and after a few firm strokes there, the girl climaxed with a shout, her luscious juices filling Ayaka’s mouth. Following Karin’s bucking hips, she prolonged the orgasm for as long as possible, feeling her sister’s pussy clench and release spasmodically. When Karin reached down to shove her away, gasping, “Oh, wow, stop!” Ayaka sat back and studied the panting girl, pleased with her handiwork.

For the moment, she was content to watch Karin recover. Ayaka was glazed with sweat, and the sheets were soaked from their lovemaking, but she didn’t particularly care at the moment. Karin was so beautiful, a post-orgasmic glow suffusing her brown skin that gave it a golden sheen, her hair a sex-mussed tangle.

When her eyes came back into focus, Karin’s hands rose up to pull Ayaka down for a deep kiss that she happily melted into.

“I seriously thought I was dying or something,” Karin gasped when she broke away. Her chest was still heaving. “I didn’t even know my butt could feel like that!”

“I could keep going,” Ayaka teased.

“Nooo! You’re going to break me!” Karin giggled, protectively covering her vulva, moaning when she accidentally grazed her clitoris. “Sora wasn’t kidding when she said you were intense.”

“Does that bother you?” Ayaka asked, needing to know.

“Hell, no!” Karin laughed, then flopped down in a loose, spread eagle position. “I just need time to rest my poor puss a bit. It hasn’t ever had a workout like today. I was still a virgin this morning, remember.”

“Oh,” Ayaka frowned. “I forgot. But I’ll always be happy to give you more exercise. I really enjoyed doing that.”

“I could tell,” Karin smiled back, her eyes glowing with affection. “And I’ll want a lot more of it. But while I’m recovering, it’s my turn to play.”

Needless to say, Ayaka was delighted to hear that. She quickly swapped places with Karin, stacking pillows under her head so she could watch everything.

It didn’t surprise her at all when Karin went right for her breasts, cupping them with both hands.

“You really have a thing for my boobs,” Ayaka laughed, enjoying the way Karin was feeling her up. It was relaxing and stimulating at the same time.

“I just love how they look – and feel,” Karin admitted, obviously enjoying herself.

“Well, I don’t mind you touching them,” Ayaka replied. “I don’t mind at all. I have my own weird things I’m into, y’know.”

“You mean the part where you put your finger in my butt?” Karin murmured, leaning in to take Ayaka’s nipple in her mouth.

“Ooh,” Ayaka moaned. She really liked what Karin was doing. The strong, instant sucking and Karin’s playful tongue were making her giddy. Her pussy was quite wet already, but now it was starting to drip. “Yeah, I found out from doing stuff with Isana that I like to see, touch and lick girls’ bottoms. I also like smelling you girls when you’re all sweaty and excited. I just found that out today.”

The pleasure Karin’s sucking was giving Ayaka suddenly ratcheted up several notches. Her pussy clenched on itself and the pleasurable shiver of a mild orgasm flashed through her body. This gave Ayaka delicious goosebumps, despite how hot she was, and she sighed happily.

Karin released her breast with a wet pop. “You come a lot more easily than I do,” she said, now moving with intent between her sister’s legs.

Needless to say, Ayaka was more than ready for some attention down there. That little orgasm had been lovely, but not even close to enough. “I love doing this with you,” she countered, lifting her legs a little to ease Karin’s access.

“So do I,” Karin chuckled. “You know, before last night, I never would have thought I’d end up like this, but here I am, thinking how pretty your pussy is. And before this morning, I’d never imagined putting my mouth down here, but between what I’ve done with Sora, and after the bath I took with Isana, I really want this.”

Ayaka braced herself for the first sensation, but a jolt still raced up her spine when Karin’s tongue slid into her whilst gentle fingers spread her slick lips open. Unlike the others, Ayaka still had her hymen, so there was a limit to how far Karin could penetrate her with tongue and fingers. When she found the barrier, Karin withdrew in surprise and looked up.

“Um,” Ayaka mumbled, “don’t go all the way in, please. It probably sounds weird at this point, but I really want Isana to be my first.”

“That’s fine,” Karin smiled in understanding. It was obvious to all of them how much she loved Isana. “I’ll be careful.” She got back to work, and Ayaka laid back to enjoy it.

It felt marvellous. Karin was really good at finding her most sensitive places and working them to drive her into a high state of arousal. She was pretty sure Karin was licking every millimetre of her pussy, and the girl’s fingers were just as thorough.

When Ayaka’s orgasm finally slammed home, due to Karin finding a very nice place to touch just inside her depths, she sped her movements up to finish off.

The first orgasm blindsided her and sent her sprawling back, arching into Karin. When Karin began to slow down, Ayaka surprised herself. “Keep going, Karin… please,” she gasped. “D-don’t stop yet!”

Karin grunted a happy acknowledgement, and sure enough, the tongue and fingers resumed their labours. She lost count of the number of consecutive orgasms after the fourth rendered her nearly insensate. From there it was just jolt after jolt of ecstasy rolling through her body, driving Ayaka frantic.

When Karin did finally stop, flopping down by her side, Ayaka felt wonderfully relaxed. Her pussy, however, was soaked and throbbing.

“That was nuts,” Karin declared before leaning in for a kiss. Ayaka tasted the familiar flavour of her own fluids, but it was Karin’s lips she was focused on.

“But it was so good,” she sighed when they broke apart, feeling her heart slow down. She paused for a moment to clear the lingering magic in the air that they’d inadvertently cast out, then added, “I loved it, Karin, every second of it.”

“Me too,” Karin laughed happily.

Sitting up, propped on her arms, Ayaka smirked at her sister. “Are you rested enough yet?”

Karin’s mouth fell open a little in obvious shock. “You… you’re kidding, right? You just came like crazy for almost five minutes.”

“Nope, I’m not joking at all,” she pushed Karin gently back, mindful of the girl’s wings, and climbed back on top, this time facing in the opposite directions of her younger sister. “I haven’t had nearly enough of you yet.”

“Oh god!” Karin moaned resignedly, but there was a clear note of happiness, too. “Can you be gentle with me this time? I’’m kinda… sensitive down there.”

Ayaka smiled at the sight of her sister’s dripping slit. She loved her family so much, and at the moment, her love for Karin burned especially bright.


Karin awoke feeling sore in her pussy and butthole, as well as other more familiar muscles. It wasn’t terribly unpleasant though, especially considering how they’d gotten achy in the first place.

A long, bare arm was wrapped around her back, and Karin opened her eyes to find herself exactly where she’d been when she passed out from exhaustion, being held by her older sister. Ayaka looked beautiful and content in her sleep, but Karin’s bladder was insisting on being emptied. She had to get up.

When she tried to slide out of the tight embrace, Ayaka’s eyes fluttered open and her arms tightened, holding Karin close. “Not going anywhere,” Ayaka mumbled sleepily. “Mine now.”

“Ayaka, that’s not a good idea at the moment,” she said, quietly but insistently. “I really need to pee.”

Awareness lit quickly in Ayaka’s eyes and she gave Karin a wicked smile. “Me too.”

She squawked in surprise because she found herself tumbling out of the bed, watching Ayaka’s bare butt move enticingly as her sister trotted towards the bathroom door. “No fair!” Karin righted herself and ran in pursuit, a wide grin on her face. She was just in time for Ayaka to sit down on the toilet. “I called it first.”

“It’s what you get for passing out,” Ayaka replied with a smile, the kind that told Karin she was in a playful mood. Ayaka finished and wiped, not bothering to hide her body in any way.

“Sorry I can’t be a, a nympho machine like you,” Karin retorted, taking her place on the toilet. “I thought I was athletic until last night.”

“We each have our strengths,” Ayaka laughed, stretching herself a little. “Not that I’m not a little stiff too.”

Despite still being a little tired, Karin felt a renewed thrill at seeing Ayaka this way – standing in the early morning sunlight, gloriously naked. Ayaka saw Karin looking, and her smile widened.

Deciding to get some of her own back, Karin turned to exit the bathroom, deliberately and silently walking away from Ayaka.

Not even halfway to the bed, those long arms encircled her again and pulled her back against hot skin and firm breasts. She smiled and clasped Ayaka’s hands to her, feeling the love her sister was projecting with this embrace. It was the best, having Ayaka as her older sister. “Can we go back to bed?” she murmured, no longer in the mood to play.


“Not for that yet,” Karin snorted, hoping the intrigued interest in Ayaka’s tone had to be at least half joking. “I want to go back to sleep with you. I like the whole being-held thing. It feels soooo nice.”

“I’m into that,” Ayaka said, somewhere close to her ear.

When they climbed back in the bed, careful to lie in a dry spot, Ayaka was true to her word. Karin had no idea if her sister fell asleep too, but as warm and comfortable as it was in bed, she was dozing in seconds. And she knew that upon awakening, Ayaka would still be there.

On to Chapter Eleven!


Susan’s Daughter Jenni

  • Posted on March 20, 2023 at 4:13 am

Note from JetBoy: A little blast from the past, buffed to a shine by yours truly. Do enjoy.


by Horny Lisa

When Susan’s marriage finally came to a long overdue end, she decided that she’d had enough of men for the moment. From then on, she would commit to being a good mother to her daughter Jenni.

Jenni was a cute 11-year-old with dirty blonde hair and warm brown eyes — a younger version of her mother. The girl’s body was just starting to ripen into womanhood. Her breasts had just started to develop, and she now had a light patch of down on her vulva.

Jenni had recently discovered one night how good it felt when she rubbed herself between her thighs. From that night on, she would lie in bed touching her wet slit until she came, then fell asleep. She learned more about masturbation from a magazine she filched from her mother, discovering that the incredible feeling that touching herself led to was called an “orgasm.” She loved the word, whispering it to herself over and over as she lay in bed at night. She also loved caressing her slit, and the exquisite feelings she got from those caresses.

Soon after that, Jenni noticed that she was getting those same feelings when she looked at some of the girls at school, especially in the shower after gym class. She was startled to discover that she also felt that way at the sight of her mom. She didn’t know why, but she loved seeing her mother wet and naked, after her shower. Soon she began to concoct excuses to be around Susan as her mom dried herself, then dressed.

It had been months since her divorce… and Susan was feeling extremely hot, craving sex. She had recently begun to engage in chats with women online and ended up checking out lesbian chat rooms. Intrigued, she soon made a date to meet a local woman she hooked up with online. A few hours after they met, she and Susan were in bed together, making love. That night, Susan realized that this was the life for her, and that she was gay.

Without telling her daughter about her new sexuality just yet, Susan quickly threw herself into the lesbian lifestyle. She got her work schedule changed, getting off an hour earlier for a quick fuck with some hot babe before speeding home to her daughter. She knew that she’d have to tell Jenni about herself soon, but for the moment she wanted to behave like a horny teenager, romping with as many hot girls as she could.

Susan was soon startled to discover that her most intense desire was for young teenage girls… hot baby dykes that she would pick up at a sleazy lesbian bar across town. But her forbidden lusts didn’t stop there. She found herself craving girls who were even younger, some of them her daughter’s age.

Almost in spite of herself, Susan was soon having fantasies about sex with her child Jenni. She knew she shouldn’t, and that this was an utterly taboo fantasy… but it turned her on beyond belief, the thought of making love to her adorable daughter. She resigned herself to keeping these passions to herself for the rest of her life… and never, never, never, allowing Jenni to know of the sexual desire she had for her.

And then, one night, everything changed.

It was late, a little after midnight. Susan had just finished chatting with her online lover Jo, which had left her extremely hot and bothered. She stripped off her clothes and looked at herself appraisingly in the mirror. She cupped her breasts and thought, Not bad for a 35 year old. She brushed her nipples and felt them harden.

She opened the drawer where she kept Otto, a 10-inch dildo she’d bought just after kicking her husband out. Taking it in hand, she got into bed and teased her clit as she thought wistfully about Jenni… and how sweet it would be to lie between her daughter’s thighs, licking at her girlish pussy. She fingered herself until she was nice and moist, then placed the tip of the dildo at the entrance of her cunt.

Susan moaned as she felt the dildo slide into her… then slowly began to pump the latex cock in and out of her pussy. Lost in her pleasure, she didn’t hear her door open.

Jenni stood there staring as her mother fucked herself with the large dildo. Susan moaned, her legs trembling as she came closer and closer to a massive orgasm. “Oh yes baby. Lick me. Make me feel good,” she panted as she fucked herself harder, faster… then suddenly throwing her head back as she came explosively. “Oh fuck yes! Mmmm, my sweet angel. Oh. OH! Oh GOD! Oh Jenni, I love you!”

Jenni stood rooted to the spot with her mouth open. She couldn’t believe what she had just seen and heard — her mom was pleasuring herself in bed, just like she did… but crying out her name! What did it mean? The little girl didn’t know, but the sight of her naked mother in orgasm was the most exciting thing ever.

Unconsciously, her hand slipped into her pink cotton panties.

Now sated, Susan relaxed, slowly opening her eyes… only to sit bolt upright, eyes wide in horror at the sight of her eleven-year-old daughter, standing by the open door, a hand inside her underpants. “Jenni,” she gasped, “what in God’s name are you doing?”

She saw the sudden fear in Jenni’s face as the child stood, frozen in place… then felt a stab of remorse as her daughter’s lower lip began to quiver. Jenni turned to run from the room, but Susan stopped her by calling, “Wait, Jenni, don’t go. I’m sorry, honey. You just startled me.”

Jenni turned around, already beginning to cry. Susan patted the bed next to her. “Come sit with me, sweetheart, so we can talk about what you saw.”

Jenni walked over to her mother’s bed and sat down. Tears glistened on her pretty face as she sobbed, “I’m s-sorry, Mom. I — I didn’t mean to spy on you. I heard noises coming from your room… and I, um, wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m so s-sorry.”

Ignoring her own nakedness, Susan wrapped her arms around Jenni’s body and held her daughter closely, crooning assurances in her child’s ear. “It’s all right, sweetie, I’m not mad at you. What you saw me doing just then… well, let me explain. You see, honey, since your dad is no longer here, well, I have to take care of certain… needs that I have. Sexual needs.” Susan brushed a lock of golden hair from Jenni’s forehead. “As you get older, you’ll understand.”

Jenni thought for a moment… then, mustering all her courage, said. “I… I have those feelings too, Mommy.”

Susan was shocked. Despite her taboo desires, she still thought of Jenni as her little girl. She gently wiped the tears from her child’s face, kissed her forehead and said, “I’m sorry, sweetie… I guess I didn’t realize that you are growing up so quickly.”

She’d momentarily forgotten about the dildo that was still buried in her pussy until Jenni asked, “Mommy, what is that thing you were using to touch yourself?”

Feeling her face grow hot, Susan tried to think of the best way to explain the idea of sex toys, finally deciding it was best to be straightforward and tell Jenni everything she wanted to know.

“It’s something a woman can use when she gets those feelings we were talking about. Do you know what a dildo is, sweetie?”

Jenni furrowed her brow. “I think I heard the word before…but no, I don’t know.”

“Here, I’ll show it to you,” Susan said as she slowly withdrew the toy from her vagina. She felt a shiver run down her spine as it slipped from her pussy with a moist sound. She held it up for Jenni to see… and she smiled sheepishly as she saw Jenni’s wide eyes and shocked expression.

“Was that in your, your vagina? Oh my gosh! How can you get something that big in there? Doesn’t it, um, kinda hurt?” Jenni was suddenly filled with questions, her sorrow all but forgotten. “What does it feel like when you put it in? Is that what a man’s thing looks like?”

“Calm down, sweetie — I’ll answer all your questions, just relax.” Susan said, a bit amused at her daughter’s youthful enthusiasm. She made to rise from the bed. “I guess I should go clean this off, so you can take a good look at it.”

“No — don’t do that, Mommy… I want to see it just like it is!” Jenni said as she took the sex toy from her mother. She touched the length of it with her fingertips, feeling the slickness of the warm juices that coated it. Her heart throbbed at the realization that this wetness had come from her mom’s pussy. The strong scent that lingered on the dildo made Jenni tingle all over. She brought the toy close to her face, inhaling deeply, savoring the intoxicating aroma.

Susan watched, enthralled by the excitement she saw in Jenni’s eyes, an eager glow that seemed almost… lustful. In spite of herself, she felt that familiar, illicit desire growing again, playing hell with her sense of right and wrong. I wonder how far I can take this, she thought, squeezing her thighs together.

Jenni was caught up in the moment, her curiosity too strong to deny. Without a thought, she ran her tongue over the dildo, getting a taste of pussy… Mommy’s pussy.

Susan gasped at the sight, a hard twinge of lust surging through her body as Jenni thoughtfully licked her lips.

Then Jenni’s eyes burned into hers, an unreadable expression on the girl’s face. “I like how you taste.” She glanced down at Susan’s cunt, then once more into her mother’s eyes. “Are you all wet like this down there, Mommy?”

Susan knew that she should put a stop to this, whatever it was. It was one thing to explain sexual things to her daughter, even fantasize about making love to her. But Jenni had just tasted her pussy… and she liked it!

She wanted her daughter terribly right then… to pull down Jenni’s panties and lick her dewy young slit, touch her naked body everywhere. She longed to kiss her child like a lover.

But what if Jenni doesn’t want that? Even if she did, what if someone found out? Her mind was racing, trying to figure out what to do when she felt Jenni’s hand on her bare thigh.

She stared open-mouthed into her daughter’s face, seeing an unmistakable gleam of wanting in the young girl’s eyes. “H-honey…?” Susan whispered.

Jenni’s hand moved upward, slid between her mother’s thighs. The beautiful eleven-year-old gently touched Susan’s slit with curious fingertips, then smiled. “You are wet, Mommy.” Her touch grew more confident, bolder.

Susan gasped, “Oh, Jenni baby… that feels so good, b-but we… we really shouldn’t do this. I could get in big trouble and even go to jail if anybody found out.”

Jenni rested her head on her mother’s shoulder. “I won’t tell anybody, Mommy. I love you and I want to do things with you… and I know you want me to, because I heard you calling my name while you were playing with yourself. Please, Mommy… let me touch you.”

“Oh, honey,” Susan whispered, her head spinning. “I… I don’t know.”

Jenni’s face was now inches from hers, the girl’s luscious pink lips parted slightly. “Kiss me, Mommy… I’d like that.”

Susan’s inhibitions melted as she gazed adoringly at her daughter. How could anything so good be wrong? Closing her eyes, she gently kissed the child’s sweet mouth.

Then she allowed her tongue to lightly tease her daughter’s lower lip… and Jenni moaned as she welcomed her mother’s sweet invasion, her own tongue joining in the dance. The room was silent but for breathing and the liquid sounds of mouths sliding together as Susan and her daughter kissed like lovers.

As they kissed, Susan grabbed the hem of Jenni’s night shirt and tugged it over the girl’s head. “Let me look at you, sweetheart,” she sighed happily, gazing at a dream come true in the form of her naked little girl. She ran a hand over her daughter’s chest, cooing with delight as Jenni’s nipples stiffened to her touch. Leaning down, Susan kissed her way down the child’s neck, nuzzling her throat.

“I like that, Mommy,” Jenni breathed, her eyes closed, head lolling back as Susan’s mouth continued downward, her mother seeking out a nipple. She sucked the pink tip into her mouth, flicking it with the tip of her tongue. Jenni moaned, cradling Mommy’s face to her chest.

Susan sucked and licked at her baby’s nipples while she slid a hand over Jenni’s smooth belly, trembling with unleashed passion as she fought off the last thought of stopping this. This was wrong, she knew that… but the hunger was too strong to deny. She had to have her little girl’s sweet young body.

She slipped her hand between Jenni’s legs, fingers seeking out the heat and wetness of her daughter’s virgin pussy.

“Oh, Mom… that feels so good. It’s way better than when I do it myself,” Jenni sighed, her bottom raised from the bed as she thrust against her mother’s hand.

“Baby, you’re so beautiful. I know it’s wrong… but I have to have you.” Susan said as she licked her way down her daughter’s belly, taking a moment to place soft kisses around her belly button. Sliding lower still, she crawled between Jenni’s legs, gazing in awe at her little girl’s bare slit. She reached out to gently open the now glistening cleft with her fingers, staring into the pink interior.

Looking up into her daughter’s eyes, Susan softly said, “I love you, angel,” then she bent down to take Jenni’s sex into her mouth.

Jenni moaned as she felt Mommy’s tongue glide up and down her slit. Her legs were shaking, hips bucking as her mother — her own mother! — licked her pussy.

She’d never felt anything like this before. It was a million times better than when she rubbed herself. She ran trembling fingers through her mother’s dark tresses as Mommy’s mouth did wonderful things between her thighs.

Jenni didn’t know how much more she could take. She held her mom’s face tightly against her sex as she began to roll her hips to the rhythm of that probing tongue. God, what was happening? It was getting more intense by the second, a wave of something huge sneaking up on her that… that…

And suddenly fireworks were exploding in her brain as she screamed with a pleasure more powerful than she could have imagined.

“Oh, Mommy! What’s happening? Oh God I think I’m g-gonna explode! OH YES! Ohhhhhh!”

Susan held on to her suddenly thrashing daughter for dear life, focusing her attention on the small nub of Jenni’s clitoris. As she brought her little girl to climax, Susan was rewarded with the sweetest pussy nectar she’d ever tasted. She fastened her mouth to the warm, juicy crease, drinking from the child until Jenni’s body went limp.

Raising her face from her little girl’s bare sex, she saw Jenni’s small chest rise and fall as she tried to catch her breath. Smiling to herself, Susan kissed her way up her daughter’s naked body, then held Jenni close as she recovered.

A moment later Jenni opened her eyes and smiled at her mother. “That was amazing… I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, sweetie. I’m just glad you liked it. I wanted to make your first time special.”

“Oh, I loved it, Mom… it was better than I knew anything could be.” She rolled onto her side, a sexy smile on her lips. “Now I want to make you feel good.”

“Are you sure, baby? You don’t have to do anything for me.”

She nodded eagerly. “But I want to. I love you so much, Mom… and I want to make you feel like I did.”

And with that, Jenni slid down the bed and took one of Susan’s nipples into her mouth. She began sucking the pink tip, teasing it with her teeth.  As she nuzzled her mother’s breasts, Jenni reached down to place a hand on Susan’s pussy. The heat and wetness of her mother’s sex both startled and thrilled the young girl.

She began to stroke her mommy’s cunt, sliding her fingers up and down the sticky slit, then allowed a finger to slip inside.

Susan moaned as she felt Jenni penetrate her. “That’s it, baby… finger me. Oh, it feels so good. I love you, angel.”

Jenni kissed a path down her mom’s belly, just like Mommy had done, until she lay between Susan’s thighs, watching her fingers going in and out, in and out. This was really exciting. The heat of her opening, the thick, luscious scent, the wet sounds that her fingers made as she fucked her mother.

Wow, Jenni suddenly realized, that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m fucking Mommy! 

Wanting even more, the eleven-year-old slid down between her mother’s legs and began to lick, burrowing her face into the woman’s dark curls.

Susan moaned as she felt Jenni’s hot mouth pressing into her cunt, the child’s tongue emerging to lick her lovingly… then she cried out loud as her daughter’s lips brushed her clitoris.

“Oh, baby, lick me there, please,” Susan panted. “That’s where I need t-to feel that sweet tongue of yours.”

Jenni began to lap at Susan’s clit, all the while probing her mother with her fingers.

Susan knew she wouldn’t last long with her daughter pleasuring her like that. Sure enough, she could feel her orgasm fast approaching. With barely time to take a deep breath, she seized Jenni’s head, thrusting her hips into her little girl’s face.

“Oh yes, eat my pussy, Jenni! Oh! OH! Omigod baby you’re making me come! I love you so much, baby! Oh FUCK I’m coming! Coming in my — my d-daughter’s mouth. Oh, yes. OHHH YES!”

Jenni continued to lick her mother as she bucked and rocked helplessly on the bed, pleasuring her until Susan finally gasped, “No m-more, baby.”

The flushed, sweaty eleven-year-old crawled up Susan’s limp body and fell into her arms. Gently kissing her mother, she whispered, “I love you, Mommy… I want to be your girlfriend.”

Susan smiled at her and murmured, “I love you too, my wonderful angel. And I’m yours, as long as you want me. You’ll always be my special little girl… now you’re my special little lover, too.”

“Mmmm, that’s so sweet, Mommy,” Jenni cooed.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms, at peace with the world.

The End


Learning Phase, Chapter 9

  • Posted on March 14, 2023 at 12:27 pm

By Nuit du Loup

Though she knew it was a little presumptuous, Ayaka was feeling very confident in the love she had for her new family. She’d never felt so at peace. That’s why she was so happy to be doing something as simple as going on a shopping trip with Isana and her two younger sisters.

As she opened the passenger-side door of Isana’s truck, stepped off the runner and lifted herself up into the seat, she closed her eyes and let the scent of the vehicle’s interior tease her nose. It smelled strongly of its owner, and she enjoyed that immensely. That comforting smell alone was enough to send a frisson of delight through her young body, despite the fact that she’d only just finished making love with Sora in the shower. And speaking of Sora…

Ayaka casually cast her green-eyed gaze over the seat into the back to watch as her new little sisters as they buckled into their seats. Sora was wearing her old dress well. She looked very pretty, the dress showing off her cute body in a very flattering way.

Sora saw her looking, and her smile grew a little wider at the shared moment. Ayaka returned the smile, feeling a small echo between her legs of the pleasure they’d shared.

“Come on, slowpoke!” Isana chided her in a playful tone, climbing into the driver’s seat and tucking her fluffy white tail around herself. “We can’t get moving until you’re buckled in too. I’m responsible for you girls.”

“We know you care,” Ayaka smiled, pulling down the seatbelt.

“She and Sora were just flirting some more,” Karin teased.

“Understandable, I suppose,” Isana said, smirking. She set her small leather purse into an alcove in the center island. “That is a cute dress, Sora.”

“Ayaka let me wear it,” Sora replied. Ayaka could almost hear her blushing. “She said me and Karin could borrow her stuff if we ask.”

“Me too?” Karin asked eagerly.

“Of course you can,” Ayaka replied instantly, wishing she could turn to look at her directly. Now that they were all in the enclosed space, their scents were wafting around, tickling her nose. Until Isana, she’d never met another person with her level of smell sensitivity. Sora’s was a lovely, sweet smell, combined with the soap from their shower and a lingering trace of her arousal. Karin’s scent was a little earthier, but very pleasant. Karin’s arousal was there too, combined with her own and Isana’s. Each personal scent had tiny nuances that changed slightly with their mood and health that she could pick up on. It was easier to learn what nuance went with what when she could observe a person for a while. “Sisters are supposed to share stuff, and I want to do what I can.”

“And speaking of clothes, we should get this little day trip started,” Isana announced. She pulled her ring of keys out from her purse and without even looking, slid a key into the starter. Instead of the rough grumble of a gasoline or alcohol engine, Isana’s truck starting was a deep hum that one could feel in her chest. With it came a newer sensation. Through that gate inside her, she could feel the magic stored in the truck being converted into mechanical motion. How that took place was unknown to her, of course, but the magic was a part of her, even more than before.

“That kind of tickles,” Karin commented from the back.

“You’ll get used to feeling magic soon enough,” Isana chuckled. This time when she waved her hand at the garage door, Ayaka saw the small glimmer of magic she gathered, seemed to mold and cast out. It flashed, and a corresponding flow of magic pulled the chains that lifted the door. Isana rolled the truck out and closed it behind them.

Unable to resist, Ayaka rolled down her window and took a deep breath of the forest smells. A rush of life and energy surrounded her, which was suffused into her body. It seemed to acknowledge her small part in its vastness. There were no words, of course, but there was a sense of greeting coming from all directions at once. Unconsciously, her gate opened a little and her magic mingled with that of the living world. Just rolling down Isana’s driveway was exciting from that perspective. They stopped at the road, and Isana reached over to gently run a hand up her thigh.

Ayaka had deliberately chosen a pair of jeans that were quite old and worn. The fabric was thin and showed off her legs, and she could feel every little thing through them. Isana’s soft touch made her shiver in the state she was in.

“Ayaka, kitten,” Isana said, voice just as gentle as her touch, but filled with warm affection. The words were enough to calm her mind again. “Please, I can’t drive with you radiating like that. It’s… very distracting.”

“Sorry,” Ayaka said sheepishly. Magic was leaking out from her like an invisible fog. She could see now that it was washing outward over the others.

“Not entirely your fault,” Isana smiled. “It just means we need to have a quick lesson. Imagine pulling your aura around you like a blanket. Then, gently close yourself to the flow of the magic.”

Ayaka tried to do that. Slowly, her aura responded to the mental command and she pulled it into herself. Then she focused on closing her life-gate. It obeyed immediately. When her magic dissipated, there were four almost simultaneous breaths of relief in the truck.

“Wow,” Karin said with a pleased burr to her voice. “That was kinda cool.”

“Lesson number two,” Isana announced. “All your magic is unique to each of you, but things like that will probably happen. It’s easy to let your aura leak out like that, and that will feel odd to non-magic users, especially if it carries an emotional side-band, like Ayaka’s. Try to hold your aura to you when in public, because otherwise, it can cause hassle and confusion. I do it out of reflex at this point. That was kind of a nice feeling though, Ayaka.”

Ayaka just smiled. It was embarrassing, but she’d already known that this whole magic thing was going to be interesting, and come with strange problems attached. Mostly though, she just felt a little warmed inside from Isana casually addressing her as “kitten.”. There’d been no hint of condescension in it, or sarcasm. It made her all the happier for choosing to spend last night with Isana, giving the woman her trust and the first glimmers of real love. Ayaka wished they weren’t driving so she could kiss her, among other things, but there was time for that later.

At that thought, Ayaka chastised herself. Only ten minutes from making love with Sora, and she was getting excited all over again, though it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise. Even before having sex with Isana last night, she’d known she was a very sensual person. She was used to masturbating two or three times a day and usually to more than one orgasm each time to feel satisfied. Only recently had Ayaka come to realize that she was only interested in other girls and women, after wondering about it since she was eight, when she first started having sexual thoughts.

This whole magic thing, though, was fiddling with her libido in a most interesting way. Taking long, slow breaths, she tried to banish her desire. It seemed to work – at least until Karin’s voice drifted forward.

She was apparently trying to whisper, but it was still loud enough to be heard. “So, what was she like?” Karin said in a low tone. Ayaka imagined Karen’s lips were close to Sora’s cutely expressive ears. Her own cheeks were flushed at this choice of topic, though, and Karin’s voice was kind of sexy when she spoke softly like that.

“You mean with Ayaka?” Sora whispered back. From the corner of her eye, Ayaka partially saw her leaning closer towards Karin.

“Yeah!” Karin enthused eagerly, still vainly trying to whisper. “She looked like she was gonna eat you alive there… and you guys were pretty noisy.”

“We told you! That was the magic stuff!” Sora complained, clearly embarrassed.

“Yeah, yeah,” Karin chuckled. “So? You obviously had a great time with her… Look, you’re blushing!.”

“Whatever! Fine, I’ll tell you,” Sora began. Ayaka could practically see Isana’s ears growing, and her smile was one of great amusement. “It was really intense, but in a good way. From her first crazy kiss until the end, my heart was beating so fast. She did stuff I never even thought of, and it was all amazing. I don’t think I can even take a shower without remembering what we did, and I know I’m looking forward to the next time.”

Ayaka was blushing at Sora’s praise, while Karen laughed. “How can a kiss be crazy?” she said.

“I don’t know,” Sora giggled. “It just was. I got all tingly from it, and I wanted her to kiss me like that forever. Ayaka’s kisses made me forget the world even existed, and there was nothing but the two of us.”

Isana glanced at Ayaka as she continued driving down the dusty road, giving the girl an amused smile. Then she gave a small cough to interrupt the conversation in the back. “Ladies, much as I’m sure Ayaka is enjoying the flattery, discussions like this should probably be avoided when you’re in public.”

“You heard us!” Karin said with alarm.

“Um, yes we did,” Ayaka responded, unable to restrain a smile of her own. “But I don’t mind. It’s not like I have anything to hide from either of you. Though I am happy to hear how much Sora enjoyed herself.”

“Uhhh, are we doing anything wrong?” Sora asked Isana, sounding a little worried.

“Not at all,” Isana quickly replied. “The laws regarding relationships like ours have been around for a while now and are clearly written. However, the law and public opinion are two different things. Most people know at least a hint of what witches are like these days. But seeing young girls like you openly talking about your sexuality might make them uncomfortable. You can show affection towards each other without a problem, but I wouldn’t do anything more overt, like blatantly sexual touching. In other words, Sora, you can show and say that you love Karin, maybe share a light kiss, but don’t start making out with her or anything else like that until people get used to seeing the four of us together.”

“Good to know,” Ayaka nodded, mentally filing that bit of info. “Not that I planned on getting that frisky in front of just anyone.”

They kept a good-natured chat going until the truck rolled to a gentle stop at the guard station on the road. The city of Arbor hadn’t bothered with such measures, and she found it comforting that this town actively chose to protect its people. Isana shared a quick, joking exchange with an impressively armed man in uniform and they were passed through without a hitch.

After about two miles, the road became paved and the ride was much smoother, with houses starting to appear. Unlike Arbor, the town of Willis was an amalgamation of old and new in a confusing hodgepodge of buildings, ruins, and lush overgrown spaces. Though it seemed a little disheveled at first, Ayaka quickly realized that this town wasn’t trying to hold back the resurgence of Mother Nature. Instead, they were willingly letting it move in with them and play a part in the town’s atmosphere. No property was without trees or bushes, and there were barely any lawns to be seen.

They rolled down one street of small businesses, like dentist offices and realtors, with their signs mounted from trees in front of their buildings. Shade was the rule here, and it felt good with the breeze that was slowly picking up.

“Where are we headed first?” Karin asked, leaning forward through the open middle of the front seats.

“I thought we’d get ourselves something to eat first, then do our shopping,” Isana replied, turning a corner. “I know of a really good place I want you girls to try before it gets busy.”

“Food sounds good to me,” Sora eagerly volunteered. Now that her shyness around them had dissipated, her sunny disposition was shining brightly. “What kind of place is it?”

“You’ll see in a moment,” Isana chuckled, clearly enjoying her moment of mystery.

They were in a busy commercial area now, and there was more traffic on the road with them. Most of their fellow motorists were in alcohol-fueled cars and trucks, with a scattered number of horses and bicycles. Isana started slowing at an elaborately carved sign that read MARCIA’S, in a weather-worn cursive script that was actually a bit charming. The driveway emptied into a spacious lot of gravel occupied by half a dozen other vehicles. A brown-and-white horse in full tack was tied at a post, calmly eating out of a wide wooden trough without a care in the world. Isana chose a spot in line with the other cars and parked. “All right girls, here we are!” she proudly declared.

“Where’s here?” Karin asked as they all climbed out of the truck. Ayaka was quite conscious of Karin’s interested gaze when she smoothed out her jeans, but made nothing of it. Instead, Ayaka’s attention was caught by the intriguing smell in the air after the dust started to settle. It made her mouth water almost immediately.

“You’ll find out inside,” Isana said, a mischievous grin set wide, an eagerly twitching tail going behind her. She led them across the lot, up a short set of wooden stairs with grip-strips, and into a wide foyer and waiting area. Standing at a small podium in the entryway to the rest of the building was an older girl in her late teens or early twenties with straw-blonde hair, looking perky and attractive in a smart uniform.

“Afternoon! Welcome to Marcia’s!” the girl exclaimed. “Wonderful to see you again, Isana… and a hearty welcome to you girls! Would you prefer a booth or a table?”

“A table should do fine. Thanks, Talia,” Isana replied.

“Sure thing!” Talia responded. “Follow me!”

The dining room of the restaurant seemed very pleasant, with an emphasis on being very light and open. The tables were grouped around low half-walls, all made of tastefully painted wood. The outer walls had large windows that let in the sunlight. One was cracked open for fresh air.

At various tables sat the other diners. Most were in pairs or small groups. The sole loner was a tall, gray-haired man sitting at a small table with an empty plate and a book before him. From his jeans and boots, Ayaka guessed him to be the owner of the horse. When they passed the first occupied table, she saw what they were eating and got a good whiff as well.

“Pizza?!” Karin gasped, beating Ayaka to the exclamation. Her fascinating, ruby-colored eyes were wide open.

“Yes, pizza – Italian, to be specific,” Isana said. “It’s one of my favorites.”

“They didn’t know what kind of place this was?” Talia asked as she led them to a table two over from the nearest group. She politely pulled out all four chairs for them. Ayaka deliberately sat next to Isana and smiled when Karin took the seat across from hers. Even though she was just in a t-shirt and jeans, Karin was still quite pleasant to look at and she let her expression show that.

Isana laughed “Nope, I made it a surprise. “And now I can finally qualify for the Lunch for Four special!”

“Is that what you’d like?”

“Yes, please!” Isana nodded and then looked around the table. “It’s two large pizzas, salad, cheese sticks and soda. Sound good?”

“I think we can trust you,” Ayaka said after sharing happy looks with her younger sisters. “Can I have iced tea instead of soda, though?”

“Sure!” Talia answered. The others made their beverage requests. Sora requested a lemon-lime soda, Isana got a cola, and Karin grinned when she ordered a cherry pop.

“They never had cherry soda at the orphanage,” Karin explained. “Whenever we had special dinners or whatever, they always chose the same, usual kinds. I only got to have some at school.”

Ayaka thought they’d have to wait a bit for their food to arrive, but this was one of those places that make their more popular items almost continuously during the busy hours of the day. In less than ten minutes Talia returned with another server and laid out one pizza covered almost entirely by sizzling pepperoni rounds, and a cheese pie that was so fresh from the oven that its topping was still bubbly. Next to come was a large tossed salad and a basket of cheese and garlic breadsticks.

When the plates were set and drinks poured, Talia lifted a slicer from her tray and deftly divided the pizzas with quick, professional strokes.

They each took a bit of everything, and then Ayaka lifted her first slice of pepperoni pizza to her mouth and took a generous bite. It was one of the single most delicious things she’d ever eaten. She was so involved in the taste and smell, that she completely ignored the tiny line of grease oozing down her chin until she felt a paper napkin wipe it clean.

She blinked back into focus and stared into Karin’s beautiful, laughing eyes, now inches from her own.

“Better?” her sister asked, smirking pleasantly as she sat back.

“Your eyes kinda went all… far away for a bit,” Sora added, her long ears perking up cutely.

Blushing a little, Ayaka set the remainder of the slice on her plate, absently licking her fingers clean. “It really was that tasty, at least to me. I loved it!”

“Then I’m glad we came here,” Isana said, casually touching her thigh. “I rather like that expression you made.”

From there lunch just got better. Ayaka loved the casual banter that already made them feel so much like a family. Karin’s gift for cheerful teasing was quite enjoyable and for a quiet girl, Sora had quite a few amusing anecdotes about things she’d seen at their old home. Seeing her get so animated in the retelling was a lot of fun. Then there was Isana, who genuinely seemed curious about all three of ‘her’ girls. Combine all that with such great food, and it was an amazing experience. By the time they walked back to the truck, everyone was well fed and happy.

“I feel fat now,” Karin remarked with a laughing sigh as she slumped back into the truck seat. “Does my stomach look bigger, Sora?” She tugged her top up, baring her belly.

“No, it still looks nice,” Sora answered frankly, enjoying the view Karin was giving her.

“I don’t know what you’re complaining about, Karin… I ate more than both of you,” Ayaka quipped. She was sorely tempted to let the seat back a little and take a nap. Instead she curled a leg under herself and leaned against the door as a halfway appeasement to her body. “I feel huge.”

“Don’t worry, Ayaka. I still think you’re really hot!” Karin teased with a bark of laughter. Her eyes said the comment was a truthful one.

“Thank you, Karin,” Ayaka chuckled, thrilled by the compliment. “Where are we off to next, Isana?”

“Somewhere that will provide us a little exercise, to burn off that lunch,” Isana answered, starting the truck back up. “It’ll only take us a few minutes to get there, but then we have to walk.”

“Sounds good to me,” Ayaka sighed, relaxing against the door. Good as that pizza had been, she knew that it was a food to be eaten sparingly. Her body couldn’t handle much more than that. Leaning to the side as she was, Ayaka could see partially into the backseat where Sora appeared to be in a similar state, except she had Karin to lean against. Ayaka wanted to cuddle with someone, too, but… Oh well, I’ll be sure to make up for it later.

She recognized the streets now as some of the ones they’d gone down on their way to Isana’s, then her own house. That meant they were close to the hotel where they’d first met. That night was firmly planted in her memories.

Their destination was even more surprising than anything else thus far. Apparently, when the town was rebuilt after the Fall, the residents had decided to forgo the older, traditional town center style of planning. Instead, they’d built what Isana’s truck was now approaching, a large, semi-enclosed mall. The signs at the entrance to the parking lot indicated that not only was this a predominant area of commerce, it contained as well a number of civic facilities, including the town council building. The lot was a large, concrete space with numerous islands of greenery throughout. It fronted up to a kind of permanent pavilion area that acted as the main entrance to the mall.

The shopping center was only a ten minute drive from the restaurant, but the sight of the place left the girls silently astonished when Isana pulled into the lot, which was filled by a sizable number of vehicles of all varieties, including an unpaved area for horses and wagons. Ayaka remembered being told that the town was a small one, with an estimated population of 5,500 or so. From the number of people that seemed to be there, she figured this had to be the primary shopping location for the area.

It was built like the rest of the town – incorporating trees and bushes, but in a semi-arcade style. Instead of one massive structure standing in monolithic dominance, the shopping center was spread out over a wide area using multiple disparate buildings. Arched glass roofs covered the avenue walkways so that sunlight fell unimpeded onto the incorporated gardens. Even from the parking lot, Ayaka was impressed.

“Wow,” Karin breathed, leaning far forward over the seat to peer through the windshield. “That’s so cool!”

Since she was so close, Ayaka shifted in her seat and touched her cheek affectionately to Karin’s as they both took in the scenery. They both let out soft sighs and Ayaka felt a quick flash of magic from her sister, carrying a distinct twinge of pleasure. “This is an interesting town,” she said, then gave Karen a quick, loving peck on the cheek. “But we won’t see very much from inside the truck. I’m looking forward to helping you and Sora find new clothes.”

“Heh, is that where we are going first?” Karin asked Isana, with a definite tinge of red to her face. Her hand absently stroked the place Ayaka had kissed.

“Oh, I thought we’d get the household stuff out of the way, so we can have the rest of the afternoon and evening for fun,” Isana replied jovially. “It’s been a while since I’ve shopped with other girls, and I’m looking forward to that part too. So let’s head over so I can show you around!”

When they climbed out this time, they all felt and watched Isana lock her truck with a quick bit of magic. It was a neat little trick, but quite complicated, which Ayaka figured was probably the point. A lock doesn’t work if just anyone can undo it.

They clumped into pairs after all gathering together, Karin with Sora, and Ayaka close to Isana, then headed toward the entrance.

There were plenty of other people out as well, just as you’d expect of a busy commercial area. Ayaka was fascinated by all the activity. She saw families loading vehicles from a variety of different cart types, and other pairings of teenagers conversing in giggling knots. They passed by a small car where an older woman and two teenage children were emerging. Both teens, a boy and a girl, gave Ayaka and her new family considering looks. Karin gave her a playful poke from behind.

“That boy was staring at your chest, Ayaka!” Karin laughed, keeping her voice down.

“Boys tend to do that,” Isana chuckled.

“And some girls too,” Ayaka added, smirking back at her sister. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you staring at them, Karin. Just be happy that I like you looking at me that way.”

“She even said we could touch her, all we want!” Sora giggled, joining in the fun.

“Such a generous sister you are,” Isana sighed theatrically, grinning and pointedly giving Ayaka a look. “But I think we should get off the topic of Ayaka’s pretty breasts for now.”

“I agree,” Ayaka smiled, not at all bothered by the attention. “Let’s focus on what we came here for.”

They crossed under the entry pavilion, which contained collection points for the different carts. There were the familiar ones as found in grocery stores everywhere, flatbeds for heavy loads, and a few others. They were being continually collected and corralled by employees wearing khakis and short sleeved polos. Isana grabbed a shopping cart and gestured for Karin or Sora to get a second one, then they entered the mall.

As Ayaka had expected, it contained all sorts of shops with different specialties. Close to the entrance were stores that sold items that were large, bulky and best kept close to the parking lot, like furniture or bicycles. Isana told them it was a throwback to how things had been a long time ago.

The path itself though was made of clean, well swept concrete slabs. Running down the center were planters with colorful varieties of blooming flowers. There were also topiary displays and small trees. When Ayaka saw a particularly pretty orchid on the cusp of blooming, she extended a curious hand and ran a finger down its velvety outer surface. A tingle of magic tickled inside her, and the flower opened fully before her. She blinked in a startled flinch and withdrew her hand. She turned to see Isana and her sisters watching her, but no one else had noticed.

“Sorry,” she said.

“No harm done,” Isana replied genially. “Plus, I doubt anyone around here would care about such a benign use of magic. Willis is fairly blasé about such things these days. You’d have to do something truly remarkable to warrant much attention. Why do you think no one takes even a second look at my tail, or my ears?”

Ironically, Isana’s comment was just in time for a small toddler being pushed in a stroller to point and yell, “Kitty!” at the top of her little lungs. The mother, a pleasantly plump woman with a cheerful demeanor, gave them a cheery wave in acknowledgment.

“So, they don’t mind magic here?” Sora asked as they continued down the walkway.

“We see it as more of a tool to be used like any other,” Isana answered. “For instance, I spend a lot of my time doing completely mundane things, like liquefying stone to assist in the digging of a well. Most people around here are also surprisingly educated about magic and those that can use it. That’s why they’ll have a general idea what it means for the four of us to be living together and won’t hold it against us. Thankfully, that group of crazy idiots in Arbor isn’t welcome here.”

“Thank goodness for that!” Karin snorted. “But on the plus side, it meant we get to live together. I don’t want to lose my new sisters, not ever!”

“We love you too, Karin,” Ayaka smiled.

“Ah! This is the store we want!” Isana broke in, pointing at a home goods store.

The next hour or so was a whirlwind. Ayaka was amazed at all the ordinary household things that were needed to maintain Isana’s home with three new housemates. They each got hampers for their clothes, as well as wash baskets and bulk size detergent. They also bought cleaning supplies and toiletries for each of their bathrooms. There were dozens of items in each of their carts by the time they were through, and Ayaka felt a little guilty when Isana wrote a check for it all at the register.

Isana must have noticed her student’s concern, because on their way out, she put an arm around Ayaka and drew her close. “Stop worrying about the money I’m spending,” she said.

Ayaka relaxed in the woman’s embrace. She’d always loved to touch those she cared for, and Isana was now the most important person in her life, with a hair-thin lead over Sora and Karin.

Isana continued. “I told you earlier… I have plenty of money and I’m enjoying this. I like that I now have a family to care for and support. Let me have fun spoiling you a bit, okay?”

“Sure,” Ayaka agreed, feeling better. She loved being surrounded by Isana’s scent, as well as the hand that oh, so casually stroked her backside in a gesture of intimate affection.

“Good, because now we can focus on the best part of this shopping trip,” Isana grinned. “I’ll admit to knowing nothing about clothes, since I usually just wear stuff I can work in, so I’m looking forward to seeing you work!”

“Who bought that outfit you were wearing when we met?” Ayaka asked in mild surprise. “You looked great in that.”

“All Claire’s doing, I’m afraid,” Isana admitted wryly. “She’s my usual shopping buddy, and her daughter acts as her sounding board. If I go by myself, I just end up buying purely practical stuff.”

Ayaka regarded both her sisters, who were listening in with amusement. “Are you sure you guys trust me to help you find new things to wear?”

“Sure!” Karin grinned, posing with one hand on her hip. “Both the outfits Sora wore today have been totally freaking cute on her. That dress makes me want to… to tackle her to the ground and kiss her!”

“Karin!” Sora’s ears twitched, then she spluttered into a giggle

“It’s true!” Karin replied unabashedly. “So I’d like to get some nice things, too.”

“Well, then… Do you know a good place to start looking?” Ayaka asked Isana.

“This way,” Isana replied with a grin and a leftward tilt of her head.

Five minutes and a short stroll later, they entered an area of the commercial center that seemed devoted to clothing stores. It was a particularly busy area, with quite a large number of fellow shoppers. Ayaka noticed that their little group was garnering curious looks from the other young people. As small a town as Willis was, the kids and teenagers probably all knew each other by face, if not name, so she and her sisters were something new and different.

Ignoring the attention, Isana guided the girls towards a store with fashionably dressed mannequins in the display windows. A discreet bell tinkled at their entrance.

The store was one of the largest that Ayaka had yet seen, filled with a vast array of women’s and girl’s clothing. One of the industries that made a quick bounce-back after the Fall had been the textiles industry. People always needed clothes, and many factories were still located near water, or other sources of natural power. The result was a plentiful supply of varied fashions. This particular store apparently catered to mid-level brands, some of which Ayaka had only seen in horribly out-of-date fashion magazines she’d only begun reading out of boredom.

“Well, you’re in charge now, Ayaka,” Isana teased.

“Ahh… okay,” she replied with a nod, taking in the surroundings more closely. It seemed to be divided into different departments, with the most heavily trafficked areas located away from the doors, requiring the customers to walk past the higher-priced sections first. Sales ladies in tasteful outfits were wandering about helping customers. There was no posted sign to delineate the different areas, so Ayaka simply led them around until they encountered an area with clothing styled and sized for teens and older girls.

“Do you guys see a fitting room?” she asked, glancing about

“Over there!” Karin pointed off to their left, where a woman and a very young girl were emerging from a doorway.

“Okay,” Ayaka said, turning to stare at her sisters. She regarded them thoughtfully, even though she knew exactly what they both looked like. Sora was slightly smaller than Karin, but had darker skin and a petite, still immature frame. She didn’t have much in the way of curves yet except for her lovely round butt, but she was still a delight to the eye. Karin was just beginning her growth into adulthood. She had the beginnings of breasts, a slight widening in her hips and a lean figure with no puppy-fat remaining. The skin speckles and her hair and eye colors were unique, as was the horn protruding from her forehead. Both girls made her mouth water, but that was for later, hopefully.

“Any preferences I should know about?” she asked.

Karin shook her head. “There’s no point in letting you do this if we tell you what we want!” she chided.

Nodding, Ayaka turned and plunged into the waiting racks. At first she just let her eyes roam, taking in the sights. The store’s stock was too large for her to see everything, so she just perused. A skirt caught her attention, so she grabbed one that looked close to Sora’s size. Then there was a pair of jeans, a top, and so on. Throughout her gathering, she was aware of the others following and watching her work, but she was focused on the task, determined to do right by her sisters.

Once she had a large number of pieces draped over an arm, Ayaka took a deep breath.

“Okay, let’s try a few things on,” she suggested, gesturing with her free hand at the fitting room. Leading them inside, she found a number of cubicles that were designed for use by people shopping with kids, and were a bit larger than single occupant ones. They all piled into the last one in the row.

“Clothes off!” she instructed, not bothering to hide how much she intended to enjoy this.

“I knew she’d get us naked eventually,” Karin quipped, undoing the catch on her pants. She slid them down her legs, kicking off her shoes, treating Ayaka to the sight of her nicely muscled legs. They were toned and smooth, leading up to her pink panties. They were snug-fitting, allowing a hint of her cleft to be seen.

“Did you play sports, Karin?” Ayaka asked, fascinated by the lithe interplay of Karin’s muscles. She knelt to run her fingertips up the smooth skin.

Karin shivered at the contact but made no sound or move of protest. “You can tell?” she replied, now casually pulling her t-shirt off, baring both her breasts and her wings. Ayaka had momentarily forgotten about the latter, and now she wondered if this store would do custom alterations. “I played soccer and softball for the school.”

“It shows,” Sora said, taking her own dress off. Though it had been only a few hours earlier, Ayaka could still remember what it was like to fondle her little sister’s beautiful body. Sora saw her watching, and gave Ayaka a knowing smile and an acknowledging ear-flick before telling Karin, “You have nice muscles and stuff.”

“Thanks,” Karin grinned, standing there in nothing but panties. Ayaka felt her arousal continuing to grow at the wonderful sight and proximity of Karin, wanting to make love with her again. She began to stroke Karin’s belly with her left hand, still caressing the girl’s legs with the right until she was touching her ass.

Karin responded with an increase in her breath rate and a widening of her stance, which made Ayaka’s heart beat faster in response. Karin’s scent filled her nose, making it clear that her sister was also getting in the mood for love.

With a jolt, Ayaka remembered where they were, and slowly stood, withdrawing her hands. “Okay, I think I got a little carried away there,” she apologized with a frustrated sigh. “Back to the clothes. Karin, can you try on this skirt?” She pulled the garment from the top of the pile, along with a matching top. “And this. As for you, Sora, I want you to put these jeans on.”

“Sure!” Sora responded, reaching for the pants. Karin gave Ayaka a knowing smile as she reached for the proffered clothes.

For the next who-knows-how-long, Ayaka had her sisters in and out of dozens of garments. She quickly established what they looked good in and what to avoid. For instance, she learned Karin didn’t like tight, restrictive clothing, but looked great in clothes that showed off her skin. A comfortable pair of jeans were fine for her, though. Tank tops that showed a hint of Karin’s midriff when she moved were especially nice, especially if you were looking at her with less than chaste thoughts. Karin cared less for full dresses, but Ayaka chose a few for her with open backs that worked perfectly.

Sora, being a little softer in body but also tiny, looked amazing in shirts and little tops. She was especially adorable in dresses, especially in light colors. The younger girl didn’t really care for jeans, but leggings were the exact opposite. When she slipped into a silky black pair, everyone in the cubicle stared at her in open admiration.

Between the two, Ayaka soon assembled enough items to fill her new sisters’ wardrobes. She also set aside a few things for herself. Isana just watched and provided a constant running commentary on each item, providing an honest second opinion, mostly ignoring Ayaka’s roaming hands on the girls when she helped dress and undress them.

“That looks really good,” Sora told Ayaka. She was wearing a short, half-pleated skirt and a string top. Ayaka was looking in the mirror, trying on a black-and-white dress she’d picked for herself.

“Seconded!” Karin eagerly agreed. “It shows you have cleavage.”

“Thanks, both of you… I guess,” she replied with a smirk.

Ayaka was enjoying herself immensely. She’d never had a day like this, where she could spend all her time with people she loved and felt comfortable with having fun. She’d learned new things about her family, which was also cool. For instance, she’d learned Karin had a very keen fascination with her breasts, which she didn’t mind a bit. She wasn’t generously endowed in that area, but they’d been steadily growing over the last year and she liked them so far. Karin seemed to agree.

“Do you think we have enough for a good start?” Isana asked, languidly sitting on the cubicle’s bench. She’d been enjoying herself unabashedly, her tail twitching with interest as the three of them tried on clothing in front of her.

“I’d say so,” Ayaka replied.

Isana gestured at the pile of garments they’d chosen. “Don’t you want anything more for yourself, Ayaka?”

“I’ve already got plenty of clothes,” said Ayaka, turning to face Isana as she disrobed once more, liking the gleam in the woman’s eyes. “But there is something all three of us need now, and that’s underwear. I’d like a few nicer, new things. Sora needs a whole bunch, and Karin’s probably not in much better shape.”

“Nope,” Karin agreed. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a halter top that showed a lot of her upper chest. “But I did luck out a month ago, when they bought me a new pack of panties.”

“Gods, that place sounds more dreadful every time you talk about it,” Isana grimaced, standing up and stretching in a very cat-like pose. “Cute underwear I can do, though! Let’s put what we have so far in our carts, cash-out, then head over to another store I like.”


Karin felt tremendously thrilled and a little heated between her legs as they walked through the weird mall to the next store. Her attention kept darting back and forth from her sisters to their surroundings. At the moment, Ayaka was the primary focus of her excitement, though she was very happy to be walking with Sora close to her left side. She was wonderful to have nearby.

“She looks really happy,” Sora softly said, seemingly out of nowhere. She was pushing one cart, and Isana steered the other.

“Ayaka, you mean?” Karin responded, noting the graceful way Ayaka walked a few feet in front of them.

“Yeah,” Sora giggled, turning to give Karin a smile. “I think today was special for her.”

“It was for us, too,” Karin replied, remembering how great a time she’d had with Isana in the bath. Both the sex and the honest conversation they’d had would stick with her for a long while. “I see what you mean, though – she’s been smiling all day.”

“And she’s had that look, too,” Sora said, her ears flicking excitedly.

“What look?” Karin asked, studying Ayaka to see what Sora saw.

Sora just laughed merrily, then answered, “If you ask, she will definitely say yes.”

Karin stared at Sora for a moment and then felt her cheeks grow hot. She’d been hoping for a chance to have sex with Ayaka soon. There wasn’t an identifiable reason, but she found herself admiring and really looking up to her slightly older sister. Isana was already an important figure in her life, and she loved Sora fiercely, but there was just something about Ayaka that made her feel comforted and looked after, not to mention extremely aroused. After making love to Isana and Sora, she wanted to share that deep, intimate connection with Ayaka too. She longed to know what it would be like to spend a whole night in Ayaka’s arms. And Sora had seen right into her feelings.

“You think so?”

“I know so,” Sora replied, “cause she wants it too. She looks at you the same way she does me and Isana. She loves us all a whole lot, too… but she’s been staring at you all day.”

Karin sighed happily. “So… she’s intense, you said?”

This time Sora’s giggle was very girlish, and her voice dropped a little. “Hee hee, yeah… I still feel all tingly remembering it. She’s fun.”

Karin was going to ask Sora to elaborate, but then they arrived at their destination. It was clearly a lingerie shop – a popular one, going by the number of women going in and out. Soon, she would get to see Ayaka try on pretty underwear.


Ayaka’s eyes widened as they entered the lingerie shop. It was filled with racks and stands of all sorts of interesting underthings. Women alone, in pairs, or in small groups were being attended by friendly store staff, just like the stunning redhead who was approaching them with a wide smile.

She was a tall woman – thicker-boned, but very attractive and well endowed, her chest partially hidden by a mane of long auburn hair. “Isana!” she said in a familiar tone. “I haven’t seen you around in weeks!”

“It’s good to see you too, Cally,” Isana replied genially. “I tend not to buy new clothes until Claire gets frustrated with me walking around looking like a rag doll.”

“Who are these lovely ladies with you?” Cally asked. Her eyes gave the three girls a professional once over.

“Well, the girls here are now my apprentices,” Isana explained. Ayaka was very warmed by her proud smile. “We’re having a bit of a spree to get them situated. They are all in need of new underwear.”

“Which we are happy to help with, of course,” Cally answered. She looked right at Ayaka now. “You aren’t wearing a bra, I see. Do you know your size…?”

“Ayaka,” she answered. “No, I’ve never worn one.”

“Well, we’ll take care of that,” Cally said. “Once sized, you’re good for all the brands we carry. But there’s going to be some variation in standards if you go elsewhere, just so you aren’t surprised when you shop at other stores later on.” She appraised Karin next. “And you’re just about to where you’ll start needing a bra too, but we carry some very nice, fashionable looking undershirts and camis that will look marvelous on you until then.” She gestured towards them. “Follow me into the back.”

They ended up in a ‘room’ that was mostly just separated by a dividing wall from the sales floor. Inside, women were in various stages of dress, accompanied by staff members. A woman that looked to be very pregnant was having a rather animated conversation with an employee about nursing bras.

Cally brought them to a small table where she picked up a cloth tape measure. “Top off, Miss Ayaka.”

Taking a deep breath, Ayaka calmly removed her shirt. Once more she was topless, but the store’s atmosphere and Cally’s professional demeanor put her at ease right away.

Cally moved toward her and, unfurling the tape measure, Ayaka’s measurements were taken.

“Hmm,” Cally murmured, jotting the numbers down in a notepad. “Thirty-two in the upper-B or lower C cup range… and you’re still growing. We’ll have to try both sizes and see which is more comfortable for you. Do you have a preference in style?”

“Not really,” Ayaka replied. “But I’d like something more than just a plain old bra. I want a few that are at least a little, um…”

“Sexy?” Cally chuckled. “I can work with that.” She turned to the younger girls. “What about you two? And what are your names?”

“I’m Karin,” Karin said. “I have no idea at all… but I liked the undershirt idea you mentioned.”

“Sora,” the young girl answered. “I just want some nice stuff.”

“We can certainly handle that,” Cally replied. “Let me grab a few selections to start with for each of you.”

When she left, Ayaka turned toward Isana. “I really didn’t expect a store like this.”

“They’re the best in town because they really appreciate their customers,” Isana answered with a grin. “I just want all three of you to have things you’ll be happy to wear.”

Cally returned with a large number of things on hangers. Another girl with her had more, and they set the lot down on the table. There were bra and panty sets in all sorts of different styles, prints and materials, as well as individual items. Some were very lacy and eye-catching. Cally picked out one, a black silk bra, and walked around behind Ayaka. “Arms!” A bit startled, Ayaka lifted her arms at the prompt and slipped into the straps, eyes widening as her breasts were fitted into the cups and the catch was fastened.

Ayaka turned slightly to see herself in a nearby mirror. She flushed at the sight. It was such a simple thing, but to her eyes the bra made her look much more mature, maybe even enticing. It felt light and comfortable, too. She barely noticed the feel of the straps, which gave her breasts a slight lift.

Cally felt over everything, checking the fit, and made thoughtful noises. Then she moved around to face Ayaka and smiled. “I was right – the small C fits you nicely and gives you room to grow. How do you like this style?”

Ayaka turned to see her family’s response. Isana had a hungry, pleased smile, Sora was staring with her ears flicking in open interest, and Karin had wide, wandering eyes that made Ayaka feel excited all over again. She also liked the delicate look of the material; it seemed to accent her body.

“I think it’s perfect,” she replied.

This earned her a pleased smile from the saleswoman. “I see. If you want to impress and look good, we have plenty more. Let’s try another one.”

Ayaka tried on many different bras and panties, including some that made her blush to wear. The others were free with their opinions and she was grateful for their input. Though she was somewhat surprised when Sora said, “I’d love to see you in a thong, Ayaka,” she tried one on. It wasn’t comfortable to wear for a long time, but she picked one to wear just for her sister. All the while they chatted comfortably with each other and with the store’s staff, who were friendly and personable. Isana seemed to know most of them and Ayaka saw her talking with most of them. Isana got one to sneak out and surprise all three of them with big, fluffy white robes for the hot tube.

Karin got a similar treatment, trying on some rather pretty cami’s and undershirts. Ayaka tried not to stare lovingly at Karin’s prominent nipples, but it was hard. Then Karin and Sora picked out everyday-wear panties from a wide selection, as well as a few nicer pairs that nearly had her drooling.

The store also sold women’s accessory items, and Ayaka got clips and ties for both girls’ hair. With Cally’s permission, she used a few right there in the store to give Sora a very cute twin-tail look, then she layered Karin’s hair a bit, which looked amazing on her.

By the time they were done, Isana was given a rather hefty bill, which she paid with a wide smile. Loaded up with their purchases, the happy foursome set off for their next adventure.

On to Chapter Ten!


Bridgette Learns

  • Posted on February 19, 2023 at 7:15 pm

Note from JetBoy: Haven’t had one of these in a while, but I’m a little low on new posts that are ready to go… and rather than leave you good people without stroke material, I’m offering a story from my Mystery Files. No idea who wrote this one, or where it came from. I burnished it up a bit along the way. Do enjoy.



Author Unknown

Polished by JetBoy for Juicy Secrets

There was clutter all over the living room floor, evidence of a young girl’s impulsive art project.

“Bridgette! Come clean up your stuff,” Bridgette’s mother Julia called.

But seven-year-old Bridgette didn’t want to clean up just yet. While in her bedroom, she’d been distracted by her Tickle Me Elmo doll — a toy that she’d outgrown, but still loved. While searching for a tube of glitter, she lost her balance and accidentally sat on the toy. When it began to vibrate, Bridgette felt a strange tingle between her legs that delighted her.

Fascinated, she grasped the wriggling doll, pressing it tightly against the front of her underpants. Elmo was still giggling and shaking when Mommy called to her from the living room.

Frustrated that she had to stop exploring the funny feelings that Elmo gave her, she marched into the living room in a huff and went about putting her things away. She still had a tingly feeling between her legs, and felt an unfamiliar dampness inside her pink panties.

Bridgette went back to her bedroom to pile the paper and art supplies she’d used on the desk. She gazed at Elmo wistfully, then went back to the living room to finish straightening up.

As she knelt down on the floor to gather up her colored pens, her mother Julia noticed something. She gently asked the child, “pumpkin… did you have an accident?”

She stood up quickly, suddenly embarrassed. “No, Mommy!”

“Then why is there a wet spot on your underpants?” her mother asked.

Bridgette blushed. She knew why her panties were wet, but was too bashful to say.

“Come here… let me see,” Julia said.

Her cheeks burning, Bridgette walked around the coffee table to stand in front of her mother. She felt Mommy touch between her legs, feeling the front of her panties.

“These need to come off,” Julia said. “Go on, pumpkin, take them off for me.”

The child tugged her panties down. As she bent over, she felt Mommy’s hand on her leg. “Did you touch yourself down there, hon? Did you rub your kitty with your fingers… or something else?”

Bridgette felt her face grow hot. She didn’t want to tell what had happened, but Mommy was looking into her eyes. She would know if her little angel wasn’t telling the truth… she always did.

“I… I kinda sat on my Elmo doll, Mommy. He started to shake and it made my, my kitty feel funny… so I kept making him move around, c-cause I liked it.” Bridgette couldn’t look at her mother. Somehow she knew this was something she shouldn’t have been doing.

Then, to her surprise, Mommy drew her close, winding a comforting arm around the little girl. “Oh, I understand, pumpkin,” she murmured, her lips close to Bridgette’s ear. “Did it feel nice to have Elmo moving down there?” As she asked this, Mommy moved her hand up even farther to gently touch between the child’s legs, which made her shiver. “Does this feel good, baby girl?”

“Oh, yes. It feels really good,” she whispered, wonderful tickly sensations pulsing through her childish body. She felt herself getting wet again.

Julia’s lips brushed her little girl’s cheek. “Do you like what I’m doing to you, pumpkin? Do you want to learn about even more good feelings? I can teach you.”

“Yes, please, Mommy. I — I like this,” Bridgette sighed happily.

“Then come up here and sit on my lap.” The child turned around and scooted back on her mommy’s lap. “Turn around, Bridgette. Put your feet on either side of me.”

The young girl turned around and spread her legs, then remembered that she didn’t have her panties on. Embarrassed again, she tried to cover her exposed vulva.

“Don’t hide yourself, Bridgette,” Julia smiled as she gently parted her daughter’s thighs, placing a hand on the little girl’s smooth mound. “This is a very special part of your body, you know… and you shouldn’t be embarrassed about letting your mother see.”

Very carefully, Julia spread her daughter’s sticky labia open, making the girl whimper, then began to gently swirl her finger around her clit and inner lips. “You’re very wet here. Do you know why?” She shook her head. “Because it feels good. There are all kinds of ways to feel good, pumpkin. I’m going to teach you some.”

Bridgette was breathing hard and squirming a bit. “Yes, Mommy,” she panted. “T-teach me, please.”

“Well, aren’t you the sweet little girl?” Julia chuckled, continuing to tease her child’s moist slit. “Take your dress off, pumpkin. There’s so much I want to share with you.”

While Mommy played with her kitty, Bridgette had trouble keeping balance on her lap, but she managed to wriggle out of her yellow frock. Now naked, she gazed up at her mother, eager to know more.

“Watch what I’m doing, pumpkin. I’m going to teach you what parts of your body are called, so you understand yourself a bit better.” Julia traced the opening of her child’s pussy with her fingertips. “These are your labia.” Then she brushed the tiny nubbin of her clitoris. “This is your clit.” Bridgette moaned and pushed back against her mommy’s fingers. “You like that, don’t you, baby girl?”

She nodded eagerly, wanting more of these nice touches.

Julia continued to gently tease the little girl’s clitoris, pleased at how quickly her daughter opened herself, amazed at how sexual she was. Who would have expected such immediate arousal from a child of seven?

The young mother had planned to keep her lesbian desires for Bridgette under wraps until the girl was at least fifteen… but clearly, her daughter was ready to learn about love.

Julia drank in the vision of Bridgette’s naked body as she stroked the child’s sex. Her chest was utterly flat, but capped by nipples that were pert, pink and utterly adorable.

Reaching up a bit, she gently took the tip of her child’s right nipple between the thumb and index finger. Bridgette gasped, then immediately began to sigh with pleasure.

“Do you like that, Bridgette?” Julia asked.

“Yes,” she whimpered. “Please d-don’t stop, Mommy…”

“Good girl,” Julia smiled. “Now, these are your nipples.” Releasing the right nipple, she gently tugged at the left. “As you get older, you’ll grow breasts.”

“Like yours, Mommy?” Bridgette asked. “Will mine be big and soft like yours?”

“Probably, pumpkin. Would you like that?”

“Oh, yes, Mommy!”

Julia gently brushed her child’s increasingly slippery labia, then slowly slid the tip of a finger inside, careful not to damage the hymen. Bridgette gasped, then clutched at her mother’s arm.

“This is your vagina,” Julia said. “It’s also called a cunt, or pussy. I have one, too.”

Bridgette was trembling now. “I know,” she panted. “I s-see it, Mommy… when you get out of the shower. It’s really pretty.”

Julia slowed the pace of her strokes. “Oh, really? You like to watch Mommy when she’s naked?”

“Yes,” Bridgette said, still astride her mom’s lap. “It makes me feel real warm inside. I dunno why.” She wriggled in Julia’s lap. “Mommy, put your finger in me more. I like that!”

“Not yet, pumpkin,” Julia said as she lightly brushed her daughter’s hymen with a fingertip. “Going deeper is for another time.”

With a finger carefully penetrating Bridgette’s vagina and the thumb lightly brushing her tiny clit, Julia gently rolled the girl’s nipples between the fingers of her free hand, each in turn.

Bridgette gasped and squirmed to the delicate touch of Mommy’s fingers. She was throbbing all over, and everything was hot. She’d been playing with her nipples for as long as she could remember because it felt good, but it was never like this when she did it!

She had a vague, nagging feeling that what she was doing with Mommy wasn’t right. They taught her in her kindergarten class about good touches and bad touches, but how could this be a bad kind of touching? Her kitty felt so nice… and every little caress from Mommy made her want more and more.

Suddenly she felt like there was a big ball of heat in her belly that was getting stronger… deep inside, near where Mommy’s finger was rubbing. Bridgette was gripping her mother’s shoulders, trying to bounce up and down on her hand.

Julia very much wanted to make her baby girl come for the first time — and though she wasn’t sure Bridgette was capable of achieving orgasm, she intended to try.

“You’re truly beautiful, pumpkin,” Julia purred as her daughter panted with delight. “Your pussy is so wet and slippery, and it’s beautiful how your nipples get bigger when I touch them. You’re such a sweet little girl… and Mommy’s so in love with you.”

Bridgette moaned as she rocked her pussy against Mommy’s hand.

“What you’re feeling is the beginning of an orgasm, pumpkin. It’s also called coming.” Leaning in close, she kissed her daughter’s open mouth. “Come for me, pumpkin,” she cooed as she caressed Bridgette’s flat chest, lightly teasing the erect nipples. “Show Mommy what a good little lover you can be. Come on my fingers, pumpkin. Let me make my baby girl happy.”

Bridgette’s body arched backward, her groin pressing against Mommy’s hand. Julia pulled back as she felt the child’s pelvic thrust — knowing that her child couldn’t control her movements, determined to protect her hymen.

Julia held Bridgette around the shoulders with one arm, continuing to rub her clit with the other hand as she dipped down to take the little girl’s nipple into her mouth.

That did it. Bridgette bucked and rocked and wailed as she came, fluid dripping from her virgin sex. Julia guided the child through her first climax, slowing her motions as she reached, then passed the apex of pleasure. Finally, she withdrew her hand, letting Bridgette relax. The child’s bare vulva glistened in the aftermath of her very first orgasm.

Julia carefully stood and, cradling her daughter in both arms, carried the girl to her room. Placing her on the bed, she went into the bathroom for a damp washcloth. She would have preferred to give Bridgette a bath, but could see that the child wouldn’t be able to stay awake for it.

When she walked back into the bedroom, she saw that Bridgette hadn’t moved, but was gazing at her with loving eyes, wearing a sleepy smile. The child’s legs were spread slightly, her clit still peeking out from between moist labia. The sight had Julia’s cunt aching with desire… but that would be moving much too fast.

“Oh, Mommy… that was soooo nice. Can we do it again?” She broke into a huge yawn.

Julia smiled lovingly. “Later, pumpkin,” she murmured as she gently cleaned her little girl’s belly, legs and sex. “For now, take a nap. We’ll see after that.” She covered Bridgette with her favorite blanket, kissed her forehead, and slipped out of the room. The little girl was asleep before the door closed.


Bridgette stirred under the lacy pink canopy of her bed. “Mommy?” she mumbled. She reached for her teddy bear and in doing so, noticed that she didn’t have her clothes on. Upon realizing that, the child suddenly recalled what she and her mother had done together before her nap.

She lay there quietly for a time, summoning up every memory of the experience that she could. She could feel the tingles start again between her legs. Curious, she reached down to touch herself. Mommy says this is my clit, Bridgette thought to herself as she gently stroked the tiny nub. I really liked how it felt when she touched me there. Wonder if she’d do it again?

Climbing out of bed, she looked around for her dress. Oh, yeah, I left it in the living room, she realized with a delicious shiver, remembering how Mommy had told her to take it off.

Wanting more than anything to talk about what they’d done, Bridgette padded naked down the hall in search of her mother. As she drew closer to Mommy’s bedroom door, she heard contented humming.

“Hi, Mommy!” Bridgette cried as she bolted into the room and into her mother’s arms.

“Pumpkin, where’s your dress?” Julia exclaimed, cuddling the nude little girl to her.

“In the living room. Remember?” She smiled shyly at her mother. “I… I loved what you did to me, Mommy… it wasn’t bad touching, not like they talk about at school. It felt real good, and I want to do it again and again!”

Julia cleared her throat. “Bridgie, that’s something we have to talk about. You and I have to be sure of something before we go any further with this.” She sat on the bed next to her little girl. “Pumpkin, you enjoyed what we did today, didn’t you? And you want to be able to play like that again, right?”

“Oh yeah, Mommy!” Just then, an interesting idea popped into her head. “I want to play with you, too!” She bounced on her mother’s bed, excited all over again.

“Okay, now you have to understand something. You remember how they taught you all about good and bad touches at school? The thing is, pumpkin… everyone would think that what we did was bad touching. If anyone ever found out what we did, Mommy would be in a lot of trouble. They would take you away, and you’d never see me again.”

The child scowled, folding her arms indignantly. “That’s silly, Mommy! If they’re gonna be like that, then I just won’t tell them! I wanna be able to d-do stuff with you whenever I want!”

Julia nodded. “That’s right, Bridgie. And you can play with me any time, too… all you have to do is ask.”

Bridgette gave her mother a bashful smile. “Mommy… you can see me without my clothes on, but I want to see you now. Can you take your clothes off for me? Pretty please?”

The child felt something stir deep inside at the way her mother suddenly blushed. Heart racing, she tugged playfully at Mommy’s dress — then sat back to watch as Julia stood up.

Julia gazed deep into Bridgette’s eyes as she unfastened her dress, letting it puddle at her feet. She reached behind to unhook her bra, and Bridgette squealed with delight as it joined the dress on the carpet, baring Mommy’s breasts. Teasing her child a bit, Julia turned around as she pushed down her panties, wriggling her ass as she bared it. Now naked, she turned around, briefly posing before she sat on the bed next to her daughter.

Bridgette studied her mother’s pubic mound. “Mommy… how come you have hair there, and I don’t?” she asked.

“Well, pumpkin,” Julia replied, reaching out to caress her little girl’s cheek, “when you get older, you’ll get hair there, too. That’s a big part of growing up.”

“Oh.” Bridgette peered again at the area between her mother’s legs. “Can I take a good look, Mommy?”

She watched avidly as Julia’s legs parted, heart throbbing as she slowly reached out to touch the soft curls and glistening flesh of her mother’s sex.

Julia moaned softly when her daughter’s curious fingers made contact and lingered, giving the little girl an encouraging smile when she glanced up. Bridgette grinned back, then returned to her scrutiny.

Marveling at the sight, Bridgette exclaimed, “Mommy, I see your clit!” She tentatively reached out to gently stroke her mother’s inflamed clitoris, making Julia shiver. “It’s bigger than mine, huh? Will mine be like yours someday?”

“Someday, pumpkin.” Julia gasped as Bridgette drew nearer, enthralled by her mother’s beauty.

“Wow, I ‘specially can’t wait until I have nipples like yours. They’re so beautiful!” She blushed a bit as she murmured, “I like to, um, touch my nipples, sometimes.”

Jessica smiled. “Do you, Bridgie?” she asked.

The little girl nodded, still staring at her mother’s large breasts, finally reaching out to place her hand on one of them. “Yeah. I like how it feels.” She gave Julia a shy glance. “C-can I maybe kiss your nipples… like you did to me?”

“Of course, pumpkin. I’d love that.”

Bridgette took the tip of her mother’s breast between her lips and gently sucked at it. She brushed it with her tongue, then gave it an experimental nibble. Her mother gasped, “Oh… that feels amazing.”

As Bridgette nursed at her mother’s breast, she felt the nipple swell in her mouth. Growing bolder, she shifted to the other breast, giving it the same treatment as the first.

“Bite it a little harder, pumpkin,” Julia moaned, as she placed a hand on the back of her daughter’s head, urging the girl on.

Without a word the child obliged, bearing down on Mommy’s nipple with her teeth, making Julia whimper with pleasure. “Mmmm, yes. Now… pull at it just a little.”

Bridgette did so, thrilled as her mother’s entire body shivered. She loved how playing with Mommy’s titties made her feel. Her mother seemed to like it too, she could tell. Her own nipples felt warm and tingly.

“Bridgie… Mommy likes having her pussy played with, just like you did. Would you like to try touching me that way?” Julia asked.

“Yes, Mommy, yes!” Bridgette exclaimed.

As the child eagerly knelt between her mother’s legs, Julia opened her cunt with trembling fingers. “Look… there’s Mommy’s clit, and her vagina. See how wet I am? That means I liked it when you played with my nipples.”

Bridgette stared at her mommy’s sex, pulse thrumming with excitement. Suddenly, she was uncertain “Wh-what do I do now?”

Julia smiled. “Just touch me, baby girl… touch my pussy. Whatever you do will feel wonderful, I promise.”

The little girl touched her mother’s wetness, and Julia moaned. Then Bridgette gently took the clitoris between two fingers and tweaked it, just like Mommy had done with her nipples earlier. Julia made more happy sounds, and Bridgette felt herself get wet again, the juices moistening her inner thighs.

She hesitantly slid a finger inside Mommy’s pussy. Julia inhaled sharply, then whispered, “Put another finger inside.” Bridgette did so. “Now… move them in and out.”

Bridgette began to pump her hand against her mother’s cunt, sliding her fingers back and forth. God, Mommy’s pussy was so hot and wet… and it smelled wonderful! She leaned closer, inhaling deeply as her arm moved back and forth.

Then Julia stopped her with a hand on the wrist. “Pumpkin…” she panted, “I want you to d-do something very special for me. I would love for you to… to put your whole hand inside — just like you were doing with your fingers.”

Bridgette’s eyes widened. “M-my whole hand!? Won’t that hurt, Mommy?”

Julia shook her head. “No, baby… your hand is small enough for me to take,” she breathed. “You came out of there, don’t forget. If you do that one thing for me… well, I’ll come harder than, than anything.” She cupped her daughter’s cheek. “Can you do it, angel?”

The little girl nodded. “Yes, Mommy… I’ll try. I want to make you feel good!”

Julia smiled. “Know what else would make me feel good?”

“What, Mommy?”

She drew her daughter into her arms. “A kiss…”

When their lips met, Bridgette gave her mommy a timid peck, blushing furiously. But Julia kissed back, her soft mouth brushing sensuously against her daughter’s, a warm, wet tongue emerging to flick at the little girl’s lower lip. Bridgette’s lips parted slightly in surprise… and Julia claimed the child’s mouth in a tender kiss that quickly became hot and passionate.

Bridgette stiffened in surprise for a second or two, but then she relaxed, allowing her mother to kiss her like a lover. Then she was returning Julia’s loving attention measure for measure, her own little tongue joining in the dance. Daughter and mother embraced, boldly exploring their newfound desire as the kiss deepened.

Finally they broke apart, and Bridgette gazed adoringly at her mother. “Mommy,” she whispered, “no one’s ever kissed me like that.”

Julia smiled, brushing her daughter’s lips with her fingers. “It’s just to show you how much I love you,” she cooed, “and how happy I am that we’re making love, just the two of us.”

Bridgette’s expression turned serious. “Okay, Mommy… but I haven’t made love to you at all, not yet.” She placed a hand on her mother’s hot, moist vagina. “Are you ready for me to… to put my hand inside you? You told me that’s what you wanted.”

Julia lay back, parting her thighs. “Oh, pumpkin, yes. Please.”

Brow furrowed in concentration, Bridgette obediently began to work two fingers in and out of Julia’s pussy again, quickly adding a third, then a fourth, gradually pushing deeper with each stroke.

Her mother was breathing hard, toying with her clit. She panted, “You’re doing a wonderful job, pumpkin. N-now, fold your thumb in with your fingers, and push that inside too.”

The little girl was thrilled by this fun new game she and Mommy were playing. Was this sex? If so, it was way more fun than it looked on TV, maybe because it was with her beautiful mother instead of some smelly boy. Bridgette did as she was told, easing her thumb into Mommy’s pussy along with her fingers.

Julia took a deep breath. “Okay, baby girl… now push. Push your hand into me, all of it.”

Bridgette pressed forward, eyes widening as her hand slowly slipped past her mother’s vaginal ring until, with a slurping sound, it was inside. “W-wow!” she gulped. She glanced up at Mommy, thrilled to see the rapturous look on her face.

“Oh,” the woman moaned, cupping her breasts. “Oh, baby girl, that feels so lovely… b-but can you also do something else — a little extra s-something that will make your mom very, very happy?”

Bridgette nodded vigorously. “Yes, Mommy, yes! I like making you feel good!”

Julia smiled, reached out to touch her little girl’s hair. “Would you try sucking my clit while your hand is inside me? I’d love that.”

Bridgette didn’t need to be told twice. Dipping her face between Julia’s thighs, she sucked Mommy’s clit between her lips, nursing from the tiny pink spear just like a nipple, occasionally pushing it around with her tongue. She was straddling her mother’s leg, and drifted naturally into rubbing her vulva against it.

“Oh, yes…” Julia whimpered. “God, that’s incredible. You’re – you’re d-doing a wonderful job, pumpkin, oh yeah, don’t stop, don’t stop! Ohhhhh!”

Julia howled and writhed as she exploded in a violent orgasm, her cunt tightening around Bridgette’s hand, finally relaxing.

“Oh… all right — okay,” gasped the woman, stilling the movement of her daughter’s arm. “Th-that’s enough.” Breathing heavily, she lay back for a moment, motionless but for the rise and fall of her breasts. Finally, Julia spoke. “All right, Bridgie, you can take your hand out now, but g-go slow, okay?”

“‘Kay, Mommy.” Pursing her lips in concentration, the little girl gradually withdrew her arm from her mother’s vagina, inch by inch. The motion made Julia’s eyes roll, her body quivering until, with a wet slurping sound, Bridgette’s hand came free, bathed in Mommy’s sweet essence.

Julia gathered her child up in her arms, hugging the girl tightly. Bridgette hugged back, happy that she could make her mommy feel so good.

“Thank you so much, Bridgie!” Julia cooed, then studied her child. “Did you have the nice feeling, too? I could feel you rubbing against me.”

Bridgette shook her head. “I almost did,” she said, a little wistfully.

“Oh, well, let me help you then,” Julia replied. She laid Bridgette down beside her, then kissed her little mouth. “Mmmm… I can taste my pussy on your lips. Did you like how it tasted?”

“Yes, Mommy! You’re yummy!” Bridgette exclaimed. Then she pondered. “What about my pussy? Do you think I taste good like you?”

“Only one way to find out,” Julia replied with a wicked smile.

Crawling down to the end of the bed, she parted her little girl’s legs. Tenderly kissing the inner thighs, Julia took a moment to admire Bridgette’s baby-smooth vulva, now just a few inches from her face. She studied the contours of it, licking her lips as she noted the wetness that glistened in the child’s delicate slit.

Bridgette, trembling from head to toe, gasped when she felt Mommy’s tongue slide over her vulva in one long, slow, exquisite lick.

Julia gently sucked each of her daughter’s labia in turn, savoring the fresh taste of a little girl’s cunt. As she bathed the baby-smooth mound with long licks, she paused to open the flower of Bridgette’s sex with her fingers. My God, she’s so lovely, so perfect.

She bent to take Bridgette’s clit into her mouth, sucking and flicking it with her tongue. Her daughter cried out in mixed surprise and excitement, distractedly reaching for a pillow and hugging it to her breasts.

Julia paused to lift her head, flashing her daughter an adoring smile. “You taste so sweet, Bridgie,” she declared. “Like candy!” Then she buried her face between Bridgette’s legs, making love to her little girl’s pussy with a ravenous mouth.

When her tongue was deep enough to touch her baby’s hymen, Bridgette moaned, rocking her hips as if to grind her sex into Mommy’s face. Julia tongue-fucked her daughter, all the while gently stroking the tender clitoris between finger and thumb, then switched, taking the clit between her lips to suckle, her fingertip circling Bridgette’s vaginal opening

“Touch inside more, Mommy,” Bridgette whimpered.

Somewhat startled by her child’s plea to be penetrated, Julia gave the matter a brief moment’s thought, then gave the girl what she wanted — her finger pressing into the warm, moist cleft, the young mother being careful to avoid the delicate bit of flesh that protected her daughter’s virginity.

“You look so beautiful like this, pumpkin,” Julia told Bridgette. “Do you like how my finger feels in you?”

Bridgette panted, “Oh yes, Mommy! Please make it go deeper!”

Julia shook her head. “I can’t go any deeper right now, baby girl. That’s something we’ll maybe do later. But I can put another finger inside if you like.”

“Please, Mommy, yes,” Bridgette gasped as she continued to work her little hips against her mother’s busy hand. This was so wonderful; better than anything she’d ever done to herself.

Suddenly Julia began to stroke Bridgette’s clit, more firmly this time.

There was no warning. Bridgette felt like she was exploding inside. She bucked and screamed and wailed as her mommy took her to one final peak of pleasure.

When she was finally spent, the child opened her sleepy eyes. “Can we be like this forever an’ always? I love you lots, Mommy.” She gave Julia a drowsy smile, then promptly dozed off.

Bridgette’s mother gazed down at her daughter, every part of her warmed by the passionate love she felt for the girl, who somehow resembled an angel as she slept peacefully.

A sexy little angel, Julia thought with a happy sigh.

The End