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Knuckle Ridge, Chapter 4

  • Posted on September 26, 2020 at 4:12 pm

by Purple Les

Gus took the glass chimney off the lamp on his desk, then turned the wick up a notch before lighting it with a match. Putting the glass back on, he glanced out the window at the darkening magenta of the early evening sky.

The Kid was brewing up a pot of coffee. While she waited for the fire in the woodstove to catch, she looked over at Gus, who was shaking his head sadly as he refilled his pipe.

“What is a gold certificate, anyways?” The Kid asked. “Must be valuable, if they’re worth robbin’ the stage to lay hands on. Are they like paper dollars, but made out of gold?”

Gus gave a snort of weary laughter. “Well, no… it’s not actual gold. To put it simple, it’s a document that’s legal tender that you can cash in for gold coinage, if you’ve a mind to. Looks almost like regular paper money, ‘cept for what it says on it.”

Pretending to understand, The Kid nodded as she put the coffee pot on the stove, said, “See you, Gus,” and with a nod, walked out the door and into the night.

Once the coffee was ready, Gus Masters got up and poured himself a cup, then sat back down at the desk with it, thinking about the bundle he’d put in the safe. Then, taking out his stag-handled buck knife, he sliced through the string that was tied around the other bundle, now resting on his desk.

He took a sip of coffee and savored it. The Kid sure knows how to make good coffee, Gus thought to himself with a smile. He enjoyed a couple more sips, then his smile turned grim as he began to sort through the stack of wanted posters in front of him.

The Kid had offered to help, but then said, “But y’know, Gus, most of them flyers will have descriptions, ‘stead of pictures. Reckon I wouldn’t be much use to you.”

So he began to pore through the posters, examining each one in turn. All of them featured female criminals. He made it through the first dozen, sighed heavily, then went to refill his cup.


The Kid ambled back to the livery stable to say goodnight to Button and Pegasus. From there she strolled back to Andromeda’s house. Approaching the back screen door to the kitchen, she saw the gleam of a lit lamp through the chintz curtains. She entered to find Ann seated at the dining table, consulting a piece of paper and writing on another one. A letter, most probably. Never knowed no one to write so many blessed letters, The Kid thought.

She bent down to press a kiss into her lover’s sweet-smelling hair, smiling as Andromeda glanced up. “I’m back, Ann. I’m gonna go take down the laundry.”

“Okay, Kid. Thank you,” Ann softly replied, then turned back to her letter.

In the twilight, The Kid unpinned clothes from the line, folding each one before carefully placing it in a large wicker basket. Taking the last piece down and folding it, The Kid looked up into the evening sky, marveling at the expanse of glittering stars that adorned the heavens. Casting a melancholy sigh, she bent to pick up the basket, then carried it indoors.

She set the basket on the kitchen floor and said, “I’m just gonna have me a smoke out back.” Ann absently nodded, still engrossed in her letter as The Kid went back outdoors.

The Tequila Kid made her way over to the most private part of the yard, pausing to gaze up at the stars. She looked for the consolations Ann had taught her about. Andromeda, the one Ann was named after, and there was Pegasus, the flying horse. The Kid glanced back at the light in the kitchen window and smiled. Looking up into the sky again, she reached beneath her shirt and, with thumb and forefinger, toyed with the gold wedding band that hung from her neck.

She whispered, “Dang it, Arabella. I still think of you all the time. Close my eyes, and there’s that pretty little face, smilin’ at me. I got me a good woman, and I love her to bits… but I can’t help but miss you somethin’ fierce.” After a moment’s pause, The Kid added, “You oughta forget me. That’d be the best thing for you.” She felt a tear roll down her cheek. Wiping it away, she shook her head to clear it, muttering, “Shit.”

She turned back toward the house, marching into the kitchen with a determined stride. “I’m feelin’ hungry,” she told Ann. “How ‘bout you?”

Laying her pen to one side, Ann stood and stretched herself. “Yes, I am, now that you bring it up,” she said, carefully corking the inkwell. “Like me to fix something?”

“Naw,” The Kid replied with a shake of the head. “Let’s go over to the Highland House, and I’ll buy us both a big supper.”

Andromeda arched an eyebrow. “I suppose I oughtn’t to ask… but just how much of your Ranger pay have you got left?”

“Enough to get us fed tonight,” The Kid shrugged.

“Oh, my goodness.” Drawing close, Ann wrapped both arms around her lover. “I love you more than my life, Kid… but I swear, you couldn’t keep a dollar if it was sewn to the back of your britches.”

The Kid slipped her hands down to cradle Ann’s firm bottom. “That’s what money’s for, honeybunch. If you don’t spend it, it’s nothin’ but paper.”

“But you have to…” Andromeda’s voice trailed off, and she laughed. “Guess I should know better than to try and change your ways. Listen, I’ll pay for supper. You best save what you got left, in case you need to send any more telegrams. Now stop touching my ass, unless you mean to start something, and let’s go eat.”

The Kid stepped back, but not without giving Ann’s rump a playful squeeze. “How ’bout we take us a shot first?”

Ann smiled. “Sure.”

Reaching for the same tequila bottle that she’d drunk from the night before, The Kid handed it to Ann, who downed a swallow of the fiery liquor. The Kid took a generous slug, then they took their leave, strolling arm in arm to the Highland House, where they enjoyed a hearty meal.

Back home, Andromeda and The Kid had another shot of tequila apiece, then snuggled together on the sofa and chatted for a while. They retired early, intending to be rested and on time for Roy and Bob’s funeral the next morning.


More than two dozen townsfolk stood around the open graves in the late morning sun. The Kid, feeling a bit vulnerable without the gun and knife she usually packed, wore a black Victorian dress with her moccasins. She held tightly to Andromeda Purdy’s arm. Ann also wore black, as did most of the women there.

Carefully glancing about, The Kid noticed that Molly Hardy was there, standing alongside Dr. Jed Johnson and his wife Alice. Freddie stood near The Kid and Ann. Of course Jack was there, standing next to Nate Lincoln, with Ed from the hotel close behind. Gus Masters wore a black suit and held his hat in his hands, his short salt and pepper hair slicked down.

Parson Ricks was speaking. “In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ, we commend to Almighty God our brothers Bob and Roy, and we commit their bodies to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” His oration complete, the parson closed his bible.

One by one, each person came forward with a handful of dirt, which they let fall into the open graves. The sound at first was that of dirt on wood. As more earth was thrown down, the sound grew steadily fainter.

Once everyone had paid their respects, Jack spoke up. “I thank you good people for comin’ to say farewell to Roy and Bob. Now, I hope you’ll all join me at the Broken Horn for the wake. I’ve got food and drinks waitin’ there, as I know the boys would’ve liked us to hoist a few in their honor.”

As the crowd moseyed off to the bar, Sheriff Masters came over to Ann and The Kid. “I’ve found nothin’ yet, Kid,” he softly said, “but I still got a lot more to sort through. As for the man with the broke tooth… “ He shook his head, “no one seems to know him.”

The dead man had been put on display in an open coffin outside Elisha Bessop’s furniture store and mortuary. Bessop built most of the coffins in Knuckle Ridge, though he’d only done a simple pine box for this stranger. Everyone in town had wandered past to take a look at the corpse, but none admitted to knowing him. Gus had interviewed Nate Lincoln and his employee Mac; both had assured him that, whoever he was, the man hadn’t shown his face at the livery stable.

Gus put his hat on and said, “Shall we, ladies?” extending an arm to each of them.

Ann took hold of the Sheriff’s elbow, but The Kid said, “You two go on. I’ll be along directly.”

The Kid watched as they walked away. Mac from the livery stable was leaning against a nearby tree, shovel in hand. His cheek bulged with a wad of chewing tobacco, and he occasionally bent to spit. He was waiting for all the onlookers to leave before he filled in the graves.

The Kid knelt between the deep-dug holes where the two caskets rested. She murmured, “I promise you both, I’ll have the killer for you. That much I swear.”

She stood up, her face wet with tears, then wiped them away with her sleeve. Turning away, she walked slowly toward the saloon, briefly accompanied by the sound of Mac’s shovel as he set to work.

Glancing to the left as she approached the swinging doors of the Broken Horn, The Kid thought she caught a quick glimpse of Lady Jane and Gracie.

The saloon suddenly forgotten, The Kid turned from her path and, staying out of view, began to tail the woman and her young servant.

She watched them stop at the library, where Lady Jane tried the door, frowning when it refused to budge. Of course it was closed, because Ann and young Freddie had both attended the funeral.

As The Kid continued to watch, Lady Jane spoke briefly with Gracie, paused to think for a moment, then set off in another direction, the younger girl hastening to keep up. The Kid gave them a head start, then followed.

Lady Jane soon reached the town hall, then she and Grace mounted the stairs and entered. About fifteen minutes later, they emerged and made tracks toward the cemetery. “What in hell are they up to?” The Kid whispered to herself, puzzled.

By then, Roy and Bob’s graves had been filled in, and the two mounds of dirt had been patted smooth with a shovel. Mac had made quick work of it, wanting to get to the Broken Horn and the wake before the free liquor ran out.

Lady Jane and Gracie bypassed the fresh graves, though, heading straight for a large black obelisk. The Kid knew it to be the resting place of Mrs Ruggles’ late husband Maurice — as well as her two children, both of whom had died young.

Bending to study the inscription on the memorial’s onyx surface, Lady Jane tapped a fingernail against her teeth, lost in thought. She then spoke to Gracie, who quickly took a small notepad and a pencil from a pocket in her dress. As her mistress continued to speak, Gracie scribbled in the pad, her brow furrowed in concentration.

After a couple of minutes, Lady Jane fell silent, then gave the young girl a nod. Gracie tucked the pad and pencil back into her pocket, and the two of them set off once more.

Keeping well behind, The Kid followed them back to the Ridge Hotel. When the front door opened, Count Cousiourac was waiting. He greeted Lady Wyeth-Boton with a slight bow, and they continued inside, leaving Gracie behind. The girl seated herself in a nearby chair and sat back, closing her eyes.

The Kid waited a minute or two, then wandered over to the hotel. She came up to the daydreaming youngster and said, “Howdy, Gracie.”

Startled, the eleven-year-old looked up, then jumped to her feet, giving a small curtsy and bowing her head as she said, “Good day to you, Miss Kid.”

It hadn’t escaped The Kid’s notice that Gracie’s eyes had drifted down to steal a glimpse at her breasts, which the dress she wore showcased to impressive effect.

“What brings you to town, Gracie? Thought you’d still be out to the Ruggles place.”

“Oh, we are, Miss Kid, but my lady has business here today.”

“Hmmm. Will she be long at it?”

Gracie nodded. “At least an hour or more, Miss Kid.” She paused, then shyly added, “You look very lovely in a dress, if I may say so.” Her cheeks flushed a bit as she spoke.

“Aw, thanks. Folks keep tellin’ me that, but I’d feel a lot more like me in my regular duds… or hell, in nothin’ at all.” She snickered, pleased to see Gracie’s blush deepen. “Say, can I buy you some lunch?”

“No thank you, Miss Kid. Madge fixed me a very large breakfast. I couldn’t touch another bite.”

“Could I get you some candy at the general store?”

“No, thank you, Miss Kid.”

The Kid fell silent for a moment, then said, “I feel bad for you, Gracie.”

“Why, Miss Kid?”

The Kid pulled up a chair and sat down. “Sit with me for a minute.” Gracie slowly took her seat. “Y’see, I can sense things. I know you got somethin’ big weighin’ on your heart, and it troubles you.”

Gracie tried to keep her expression neutral, but The Kid could tell that she’d struck a nerve.

Her cheeks gone pink again, the young girl said, “To be honest, Miss Kid, it’s you that troubles me.”

Surprised, The Kid said, “Me? How’s that?”

Looking down at her feet, Gracie softly said, “I keep thinking of… of tipping the velvet with you again.” She glanced up at The Kid, her eyes filled with longing.

The Kid considered the girl’s words for a moment, then said, “I liked that myself. You sayin’ that you’d do it with me some more?”

Nodding eagerly, Gracie said, “Oh, yes! I’d like that very much.” She looked around. “Is there somewhere we could go for a little while?”

The Kid stood and offered a hand to the little girl, which Gracie bashfully took. Together they went down the stairs and into the dusty street.

A few hundred feet from the hotel, The Kid took an abrupt detour, leading Gracie down an alley and to the door of an old adobe building. Standing on tiptoe, The Kid reached over the door frame and produced a tarnished brass key. She glanced both ways down the alley, then quickly inserted the key, unlocked the door and entered, gesturing for Gracie to follow. She did, and The Kid locked the door from the inside.

The room was dim inside but not dark, and very quiet. The sounds of the street seemed to come from a great distance.

The Kid pulled a dusty sheet off a black leather daybed — carefully, so as not to foul the air — then turned to the little girl. “Still wanna do what you said, Gracie? This here is a secret place; a friend of mine lets me use it when I want. Ain’t nobody can find us here.”

Gracie made no reply. With trembling fingers, she removed her bonnet, advanced to the daybed and laid down on her side. The Kid stretched out next to her, their eyes met, then they slowly drew together, the child’s soft full lips lightly brushing those of the young woman.

With a quivering sigh, Gracie drew back for an instant, staring into The Kid’s face — then, lunging forward, kissed her fiercely, reaching out to touch The Kid’s breasts through the black dress she wore. Gracie’s excitement mounted as she felt her new lover’s nipples stiffen through the velvety material. Their tongues sparred and danced as the kiss deepened, grew more passionate.

Sliding a hand under Gracie’s dress, The Kid let it glide up along the thin stocking-clad leg until she reached the hot, bare flesh of the child’s inner thigh, then touched the front of her drawers, feeling the warmth of the girl’s slit underneath.

The Kid broke the kiss to look down at Gracie’s lap, barely concealed by the raised hem of her dress. She moistened her lips as she studied the little girl’s legs, covered up to just above the knee by the coal-black stockings she wore.

With a single finger, The Kid traced the child’s slit through her underpants. “I swear, Gracie,” she said, “you are just about the sweetest little thing I ever did see.”

“I love you, Miss Kid,” said Gracie.

Sitting up, The Kid unbuttoned the front of her own dress. She wore no underclothes and, baring her breasts, offered one to the child.

Gracie reached out to cup a breast, then fastened her mouth to the other, whimpering with pleasure as she suckled and teased the woman’s taut nipple.

No longer able to control her desire, The Kid thrust a hand into Gracie’s drawers, her finger quickly finding and exploring the cleft of the eleven-year-old’s vagina.

She couldn’t feel a single hair. Just silky smooth flesh, wet and ready for love. The Kid easily found her way to the tiny hole and, pushing gently, gained entrance. With an ecstatic moan, Gracie spread her thighs wide apart, and the probing finger was welcomed inside.

The Kid pulled Gracie’s face away from her breasts and guided the child’s mouth to hers, where they came together in a frantic kiss. Gracie’s tight but delightfully slick tunnel seemed to gush wetness, gripping The Kid’s finger like a hot, sucking mouth as she rolled it around inside the body of her little lover.

Gracie began to thrust her hips, wanting to get that finger even deeper, and The Kid gave her what she wanted, penetrating the child right up to the third knuckle. With her other hand, she sought out Gracie’s tiny erect clit and pressed it with her thumb.

The girl cried out, then breathlessly whispered, “Oh, oh, Miss Kid, I love you ever so dearly. Please, please don’t stop what you’re doing, d-don’t!”

Continuing her gentle but persistent and quickening movements, The Kid could tell from the spasming of Gracie’s sex that she was close to coming. Grasping the tiny clitoris between forefinger and thumb, she gave it a light pinch.

That was enough to take the eleven-year-old over the top. Gracie squeezed her eyes tightly closed, her mouth fell open and she cried, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, OH!” clutching The Kid to her. Those helpless cries quickly built into a small scream. Gracie went iron-rigid for a few heartbeats, then she went limp, completely spent and gulping for breath.

The Kid kissed the angelic face, now flushed and shining with a light glaze of sweat. She began to withdraw her finger, but Gracie seized her arm.

“No!” she panted. “Please, Miss Kid, k-keep your finger there.” Gracie gave her older lover a weak, but happy smile, then added, “Oh, my, that was heavenly. Thank you, thank you!”

“Shucks, the pleasure was all mine.” The Kid began to adorn the child’s face with tender kisses. She could feel Gracie’s heartbeat with her finger, which was still buried up to the hilt in that baby-smooth vagina.

“Want me to give you another?” The Kid offered.

Gracie pondered the notion, then shook her head. “It’s a very tempting offer, Miss Kid, If there were more time, I would take you up on that.” She took a deep breath, then said, “You can take your finger out now, b-but do it slowly.”

The Kid did just that, loving the mixture of surprise and pleasure that showed on Gracie’s face.

They lay together contentedly for a while as the child took her rest. But after a moment, Gracie began to sniffle, then tears were flowing from her eyes. Finally, she sat up, mumbling, “Miss Kid, you were right. My heart is troubled.”

The Kid sat up, taking the sobbing child into her arms, and whispered, “Whatever it is that hurts so bad, you can get it off your chest here and now. Tell me what it’s about, child. You’ll feel a whole lot better.”

Gracie fought to compose herself, then sighed heavily, unable to meet The Kid’s gaze as she began to speak. “It’s about this seance we’re doing tonight, Miss Kid. You see, my lady is not a true spiritualist. We just tell people things they want to hear, and take their money for doing it.”

“What do you mean ‘we’, Gracie?”

“My lady pretends to contact the dead… and I pretend that they speak through me. I feel perfectly awful about it. Oh, I try to tell myself that it makes them happy, and we only play this trick on people who have a lot of money. B-but I know it’s wrong. I…” Leaving the words unfinished, she slumped against The Kid, her tears flowing again.

The Kid cradled the weeping little girl, an interesting idea starting to take form. “Listen, Gracie. Don’t know if you heard, but Mrs Ruggles invited me and Miss Purdy to be there tonight for that seance.”

Horrified, Gracie stared at The Kid in disbelief. “Oh, that’s even worse. To have to pull this, this charade off in front of you, with you knowing the truth?” She shook her head, “It’s too much to bear.”

“Stop your cryin’ now, Gracie, and listen to me. You won’t have to pretend tonight.”

“No, Miss Kid! Please, you can’t expose us. We’ll go to prison if you do!” The child was pale with fear, her hands trembling.

Clutching Gracie’s shoulders, The Kid spoke firmly. “Hush now, child. Here’s what I want from you. Tonight, you let Lady Jane do whatever it is she does. When it’s time for the spirit to speak through you, don’t say a blessed word. I’ll take care of everything.”

Gracie shook her head. “Don’t d-do anything at the seance, Miss — please! You can’t! If the Count finds out I told you about this…” She shuddered.

“Listen, child. I’ve got a plan, a good one… but you got to trust me.”

“B-but you’ve never even been to a seance, have you? You don’t know what happens, how it works!”

“No,” The Kid calmly replied, “but I’ve dealt with many a bunco artist since I become a lawman. I know how they operate. I got a good idea how to work this… and don’t worry, I reckon I can pull this off without gettin’ you in trouble. Either way, I’ll keep you safe, won’t let that man do nothin’ to you. Trust me, Gracie. Trust me.”

The girl gazed at The Kid for a long while, then finally gave a small nod. “All right.” She didn’t seem very confident, though.

Lying back, The Kid placed both hands behind her head. “So, Gracie… is there anything else you need to tell me? Like, maybe, about the stagecoach robbery?”

Gracie went pale. Seeing the look of terror on the little girl’s face, The Kid quickly said, “Listen, forget I asked you that. But at least answer me this: how does the Count fit in with you and Lady Jane? Does he help out any with the seance?”

The child had both hands clasped before her. “Please, Miss Kid, don’t ask me to say. I am sworn to secrecy.”

Sighing, The Kid tilted Gracie’s face up toward hers, bent down and gently kissed her mouth. Gracie gave a bashful smile, and The Kid smiled back. “Now don’t you forget, or worry none. You won’t have to lie tonight.”

The Kid had Gracie blow her nose, then she took out her handkerchief, folded it, moistened a corner with her tongue, then used it to clean the little girl’s face. She took stock of Gracie’s appearance, then nodded. “That’ll do. Now I best walk you back to the hotel, and no one will be the wiser.”

A short while later, The Kid left Gracie sitting just as she’d been in front of the Ridge Hotel. As she made her way to the Broken Horn, The Kid glanced back over her shoulder and spied Lady Jane and Count Cousiourac emerging together. She quickly stepped into the shadows, looking on.

Before long, Mrs Ruggles’ buggy and driver pulled up, and Gracie, Lady Wyeth-Boton and Count Cousiourac climbed inside, The driver tugged at the reins, the horses began to move, and the buggy pulled away, clearly heading back from where it had come. The Kid watched it disappear, then turned and continued on to the saloon.

Before she entered, The Kid took a moment to peer over the swinging doors of the Broken Horn. The funeral crowd had thinned out, but many were still honoring the memory of Bob and Roy by downing drinks.

She came in slowly, unobserved by anyone. If anyone had wondered where she’d gone off to, it had been forgotten about. The Kid slipped into an empty chair next to Andromeda’s, smiling as she watched her tipsy lover raise her glass.

“We women will get the vote someday soon,” Ann proclaimed. “You mark my words, gentlemen!” She paused to hiccup, then added, “And that’s not all — someday a woman will be president of this great nation of ours!” She bellowed, “Cheers!” and downed her drink in one gulp.

The others at the table echoed, “Cheers!” and drank.

As he clumsily refilled the empty shot glasses, pausing to set one before The Kid, Jack declared, “I‘d vote to make you president any day, Miss Ann. Don’t see how you couldn’t do better than the scoundrel who’s occupyin’ the position now.”

Hoisting his glass high, Mac bellowed, “To — to President Purdy!”

“President Purdy!” everyone chimed in, and they all drained their glasses once more.

“Well, I mus’ dishagree with you there,” Ed from the Ridge Hotel put in, swaying in his seat. “I think a man here of Nate’s race will be in the White House afore a woman gets in.”

Everyone at the table raised their glass and shouted, “To President Nate Lincoln!” then polished their drinks off.

“Hellfire,” Nate said with a grin, “don’t give me th’ job. I much prefers the comp’ny of hosses over politicians.”

With a lopsided smile, Ann turned toward The Kid as if she’d been there the whole time. She had a lock of hair dangling over one eye, and her hat was askew. Molly Hardy was on the other side of The Kid, and Gus Masters was seated next to Molly.

As the others around the table gabbed, Molly looked at The Kid, then Gus. “Did Bob have any last words?” she asked.

Staring at his empty glass, Gus was about to speak, but The Kid put a hand on Molly’s shoulder and said, “Sorry to say, Bob never come to afore he passed.”

Molly gave a thoughtful nod. The Kid added, “Don’t reckon we’ll ever get them murderers, if we ain’t got ‘em by now… will we, Gus?”

Gus shook his head sadly, and Molly said, “That is very unfortunate.”

Plucking the cork from another bottle of whiskey, Jack stood up and refilled the glasses on the table.

He looked around the table at the remaining drinkers: Dr Johnson and his wife Alice, Nate Lincoln, Ann, The Kid, Molly Hardy, Gus Masters, Mac, Smitty Smith and Ed. His eyes rested on Molly.

“A toast to Miss Hardy, for her kindness to Bob,” Jack said. Like all the rest, he’d heard about how she’d comforted the mortally wounded Bob on the ride back to town in the stage.

Everyone looked toward Molly. “To Miss Hardy,” they said, then drank.

Molly’s eyes became moist. “Thank you,” she whispered.

By that time, the last bottle had been emptied and nearly everyone but The Kid, who’d only had two shots,  displayed varied degrees of intoxication. Pushing their chairs back, they began to slowly dissolve from the saloon.

Conversations started and stopped with no meaning to them. Handshakes, hugs and slaps on the back were exchanged. Tears and laughter mingled together as one. Mac had drunk himself into a stupor, and Nate draped the man over his broad shoulder before making an exit.

While Ann was struggling into her coat, Molly Hardy approached The Kid. “I wanted to thank you one more time for saving our lives the other day,” she said in her gentle voice. “What you did for us… it was as noble a deed as I’ve ever witnessed.”

“Thanks,” The Kid replied, gazing into Molly’s eyes. “I only wish I could of got there in time to help Roy and Bob. Maybe if I did, they’d still be alive. Good men, the both of ’em.”

“Then comfort yourself with this, dear friend,” Molly murmured, touching The Kid’s arm. “If Roy and Bob were good men, then they have gone to a better place, far from this vale of tears. I believe that even now, they are resting in the arms of Jesus.”

Gently withdrawing from the smiling woman, The Kid said, “I ‘preciate the thought, Miss Molly. Now you’ll have to pardon me… I got to get my friend home safe.”

With a nod and a quiet “Good day, then,” Molly turned and took her leave.

The Kid picked an abandoned bottle from another table, one that had an inch or so of whiskey remaining. Tilting her head back, she drained it in a single hard pull, then slammed the empty bottle back down on the hard oak surface.

Seconds later, a giggling Andromeda bumped into The Kid, then seized her arm, holding on tightly. “You’ve had enough now, young lady.” Ann slurred, then a loud belch escaped her lips. “Oops! ‘Scuse me. Well, goodbye, all,” she called out, waving her hand in a wide arc. “I mush get Kid home now. She’s had too much to drink.” Wagging a finger at her lover, she said, “You oughtn’t to take spirits, y’know… it’s not ladylike.” She giggled helplessly, unsteady on her feet but still clinging to The Kid, who put an arm around Andromeda and guided her out to the street.

They slowly made their way home, The Kid mostly silent while Ann spoke of everything under the sun. By the time they reached the front door of Ann’s house, she was explaining the difference between crickets and grasshoppers.

The Kid managed to get Ann over to the sofa, where she laid down, dozing off in the middle of a sentence. Draping a blanket over her, The Kid went and sat on the back porch, rolling a smoke as she made her plans.

On to Chapter Five!


A Mother’s Plea, Chapter 4

  • Posted on September 22, 2020 at 2:35 pm

Note from JetBoy: Since it’s been a while since we’ve had a new chapter of this story, we think a recap is needed for those who have already read the first three parts. If you have yet to sample this sexy little tale, leave this page and start “A Mother’s Plea” at the beginning, so as not to get hit by spoilers. For the rest of you…

Kim is a closeted fifth-grade teacher with a hopeless attraction to one of her students, an eleven-year-old named Chelsea. She assumes that nothing will ever come of her secret longing, so it’s a shock when the girl’s mother Karen comes to her with a very unorthodox request: she wants Kim to make love to her daughter. Kim resists at first, but is too tempted to say no. She meets with Karen to lay plans for Chelsea’s seduction, and they end up having sex themselves. Karen admits that she, too, feels desire for her little girl. Kim’s plans for her weekend getaway with Chelsea nearly founder when a family crisis occurs, but she manages to make things right. They arrive and get their holiday off to a perfect start, drifting right away into making love. And now… Chapter Four!


By 3 Fingers Neat

The best part of waking up isn’t always about coffee. Some mornings are made perfect by who you wake up next to.

On Saturday morning, I opened my eyes to see a beautiful eleven-year-old girl lying beside me — my new lover, Chelsea. Her long blonde hair spilled over the pillow, framing her angelic face. The soft light, filtered through the curtains, bathed her neck and shoulders in an amber glow.

The covers were pulled down just enough to expose the child’s budding breasts. I studied the pink nubs of her nipples, curious to see if any traces remained of the many kisses I had given them last night. I saw none, but the memory of feeling them between my lips gave me a delicious shiver. Chelsea shifted slightly, bringing her warm body closer to mine. For an instant I wondered if she was awake, but her deep, steady breathing made it clear that she was still lost in slumber.

I thought back on the circumstances that had brought us together like this. How Karen, Chelsea’s mother, saw and recognized the desire that I felt for her daughter — perhaps because she, too, held a secret longing for the child — then offered her to me as a potential lover. Now Chelsea and I lay nestled together in the cozy warmth of my bed, having spent the previous evening naked, exploring every nook of each other’s bare body. Today would be a continuation of our journey, spent immersing ourselves in this deep and magical love we’d come to share.

My eyes were drawn once more to Chelsea’s nipples. I noted they were erect, and wondered if that was due to the attention I’d given them last night, or because she was having an exciting dream. I leaned forward, taking care to not shake the bed, and lightly traced around her left nipple with the tip of my tongue. Parting my lips, I kissed the tender nub, then sucked Chelsea’s nipple into my mouth. I felt her arch towards me, and heard a soft whimper. I didn’t look up to see if my poppet had awakened, just continued to pleasure her.

When I felt Chelsea’s fingers  in my hair, I let my hand trail down her body, over the tummy and further. Her legs parted, giving me full access to her pussy. My middle finger slid between her tiny labia, then I heard the child sigh. Releasing her left nipple with a smack of my lips, I shifted to the right one, which Chelsea presented to me, turning her body slightly. As I took this new prize into my mouth, I slowly eased that stroking finger into my young lover’s cunt. Her entire body lifted up from the bed and she cried out loud.

My lips released Chelsea’s nipple, then sought out her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. As my tongue toyed with hers, I slowly but firmly fucked her with my finger. I knew when she was about to come, because she stopped kissing me and moaned into my mouth.

Her orgasm washed over her like waves, Chelsea’s body rising and falling with the rhythm of my finger plunging into her pussy. I kept going, too, until the sensations were too much for her and she begged me to stop.

“No more! Please, stop!” I raised my head, and she sank back into the pillow. “Oh, my. Wow…” was all my precious love could get out.

She rallied quickly, though. Throwing both arms around my neck, Chelsea attacked my lips with a long, deep kiss. As we made out, I wrapped my own arms around her and rolled onto my back, pulling this luscious sprite on top of me, cupping her cute little-girl bottom.

As we broke our kiss, Chelsea propped herself up on her elbows so she could peer into my eyes.

“I think I like waking up with you. That was fun!”

“I like waking up with you, too,” I said, giving her a quick kiss on her nose.

“It’s my turn now,” she said.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked.

“Something we did last night. I liked it when you played with my bottom.”

“Oh! Aren’t we the big girl? You want to play with my hot, sexy ass?”

“Yup! Roll over,” my bossy little girl instructed.

One of my favorite things about Chelsea is her confidence and determination. When she wants something, she goes after it, in her schoolwork and on the soccer pitch. Lucky for me, that same attitude had found its way into our loveplay.

I flipped over onto my tummy as Chelsea scooted behind me.

“Is this how you want me, Mistress?” I said as I raised my hips so my ass was inches from her face.

“Perfect,” I heard her murmur as I felt her hands gently spread my cheeks apart. I closed my eyes, heart racing in anticipation of my eleven-year-old lover’s next move.

Last night, I had shown Chelsea just how much fun it is to have your ass played with. She was a little squeamish when I first licked her rosebud, but the sensations she felt quickly overcame her misgivings. Later, after considerable preparation, I showed her how good a finger feels when it slowly enters your rectum. Anal play is one of my favorite kinds of sex, but I know it isn’t for everyone. Chelsea, however, seemed to take to it quickly. Her desire to return the favor this morning made that all too clear.

“Now, tell me if I do something you don’t like,” she said, much like I had instructed her the night before.

I felt a cool, focused breath of air caress my anus. The sensation was unexpected. I hadn’t shown her that.

“Ooh, I made it crinkle,” she giggled.

I spread my knees far apart as they could go, opening myself up to Chelsea’s tongue, then moaned soft and low when I felt her warm, soft tongue begin to slowly rim my asshole. It was lovely, but I longed for her to go deeper, to penetrate me. I wanted to feel her tongue inside my ass.

“Chelsea, please don’t stop,” I begged.  I reached down to finger my pussy as Chelsea continued to lick and kiss my anus. The more excited I got, the more I managed to relax, and soon I felt a very insistent tongue enter my rectum.  I was rubbing my clit as hard as I could as the pleasures of being ass-fucked by my lover’s tongue overwhelmed me.

My orgasm was fast and almost unbearably intense. I was surprised that Chelsea was able to keep her face buried between my cheeks, given the jerking of my hips as I lost control to the spasms of ecstasy that were coursing through my body. Throughout my climax I felt Chelsea’s hands clutching my hips, so she could keep rimming me.

Exhausted, but still hungry for more, I rolled onto my back and pulled Chelsea on top of me. Her mouth found mine and I sampled my essence on her lips and tongue. The passion of her kisses told me she enjoyed the taste as much as I did. Finally, we tapered off and relaxed, enjoying a few moments of light, playful kisses as I hugged Chelsea as closely as I possibly could. These last twenty-four hours had been the fulfillment of a dream, a dream I could barely believe had come true.

Chelsea raised herself up on an elbow and asked, “Did you like that… me licking your bottom?”

I laughed. “Can’t you tell? A woman doesn’t get to come like that every day. I loved it!”

“I can’t believe how much I got excited, doing that. I probably oughta think it’s dirty, but you liked it so much… and I really liked when you did it to me, so I just went with it. I mean, I can taste you back there, but it didn’t gross me out.  I even kinda liked it. Is that bad?”

“No, Chels. It’s not bad. I’m guessing that licking me back there — it’s called rimming, by the way — seems especially naughty to you, right?” Chelsea hesitantly nodded. “Well, when it comes to sex there’s something about being especially wicked about these kinds of things that makes it more fun.” I paused to glance at the clock on my nightstand. “Now I don’t know about you, but I’m absolutely famished. We didn’t stop to eat last night. Let’s go make breakfast.”

“Omigod! I know! I am soooo hungry. And because no one else is here, we don’t even have to get dressed!”

So we didn’t. It must have been our hunger that kept us focused on fixing breakfast, instead of making love right there on the dining room table. I did enjoy watching Chelsea dance around the kitchen in her panties. In fact, I did succumb to her girlish charms a couple of times. First, I knelt between her legs, tugged those cute panties down to her knees,  and teased her clit with my tongue — taking her to the brink of orgasm, but not all the way. She frowned and called me a “big meanie,” but then giggled. The second time I gave in to desire was while Chelsea was cutting cantaloupe. Her fingers were covered in the sweet juices, which she smeared over her vulva, then leaned back against the counter, inviting me between her parted thighs to taste. I don’t think I’ll ever again be able to eat cantaloupe without remembering that moment.

When we sat down to eat our breakfast of pancakes, bacon, fried eggs, cantaloupe and strawberries, we were so hungry that we focused on our plates for a long while. When Chelsea finally glanced up, she caught me staring at her. She was so adorable, sitting there with just panties on, and I couldn’t stop looking at her tiny breasts and pink nipples.

“Kim, my eyes are up here,” she joked. “Do you like what you see, then?”

I gave a blissful sigh. “Darling, I love everything about you, but your little boobs drive me crazy. I’m wondering what they’d taste like with syrup on them.”

Chelsea immediately reached for the syrup pitcher, lifted above her chest, then poured a small stream of the amber fluid onto her breasts and nipples.

“Better hurry and lick it up before it drips onto the chair,” she said.

Kneeling by Chelsea’s side, I eagerly licked and sucked the syrup off her chest. We giggled at the absurdity of it, until I felt her hands in my hair and heard her moan. My kisses then became tender as, once again, I was teasing my little one to orgasm. Lightly biting each nipple in turn, my right hand slipped into Chelsea’s panties to finger her clit and pussy. She climaxed in a small shudder that ended when she hugged me to her.

“Kim, I love you so much,” she whispered, her lips brushing my neck. I can’t believe how good you make me feel.”

“Chelsea, I feel the same way. I’ve never been happier in my life.”

I knelt on the floor, gazing up at my lover. I realized at that moment that I would never know a passion like this ever again. Chelsea’s eyes shone with adoration. I rested my head against her chest as she cradled me to her and stroked my hair. We didn’t need words to tell each other how we felt.

Our moment of tenderness was interrupted by a buzz from Chelsea’s phone, which she’d left on the counter. I leaned back so she could jump up, run over to grab it and read the message.

“It’s from Mom! Oh, no…” She shook her head, making a face. “Dad got called to go to Chicago today, so she’s taking him to the airport so he can fly out. She said there’s a big problem at their office there that he needs to go fix. Wow, that sucks.”

“Oh, that is bad.. I know how much your mother was looking forward to a nice weekend away with your dad.”

“I know. She’s been talking about it for weeks.”

We looked at each other and both started to smile as we were hit by the same thought.

“Kim,” Chelsea said softly. “Can we… d’you think we could maybe invite Mom to come up and stay with us tonight? Do you think she’d want to do that?”

“Chelsea, I think she’d love that. Um, are you suggesting that we…?”

She was nodding vigorously. “Yeah! We should ask her to join us.”

“In bed, you mean? Well, yes, we could. Are you ready for that? It’s a big step to take.”

“It’s what I’ve wanted for the longest time. I love my mom, and I want to make her happy. The only thing is, I don’t know if I can… y’know, be the one to, um…”

“You feel too shy to make the first move. Is that what you’re trying to say?”

“Yeah, I guess. What if she says no?”

“Chelsea, she won’t say no. Your mom’s already told me several times how much she wants to make love to you.”

My little love hugged herself, staring into the distance with dreamy eyes. “Wow… my own mom wants to do sex things with me. How awesome is that?”

“Oh, we’re definitely doing this. You go shower, and I’ll call her up while you’re getting ready.”


With that, Chelsea jumped up and raced off to the bathroom. When I heard the door close and water start running, I picked up the phone and dialed up Karen.

She answered right away. “Hello?”

“Hello, Karen. It’s me, Kim.”

“Hi, Kim. How are you? Are you guys having a fun weekend? Chelsea probably told you that we’re cutting ours short. Jim has to go to Chicago. Big problems there that they need him to straighten out, damn it all.”

“Yeah, she told me. Chelsea and I are having a great time. In fact, it is everything I hoped it would be. And, I suspect, everything you hoped it would be.”

“Oh, my. That’s wonderful. So… you two have already…”

“We have. Tell me this, Karen: what are you going to do now? Are you heading back home after dropping Jim off?”

“I guess so. Not much point in puttering around this fancy hotel on my own. But enough about me. What about you and my little girl? I’m dying to know, oh, everything. Have you–”

“Listen, Karen, that’s why I called. Why don’t you come up here and stay the night with Chelsea and me?”

There was a prolonged silence on the phone, and I waited for a response before saying anything. Finally, she murmured, “Kim, are you asking me what I think you are?” She was trying to remain calm, but I could hear the excitement in her voice.

“Yes, I am. Chelsea and I have talked about it and she wants to… how to say this? She wants to make love to her mother. She wants it more than anything.”

“Are you sure? Is she sure? I mean, this isn’t something we can undo.”

“Karen, your daughter and I both know what we want, and that’s for you to be here with us. . I can tell you that your little girl is amazingly passionate. We only stopped making love to sleep and eat breakfast. I lost count of all the times we’ve made each other come. Like I said, it’s been everything I hoped it would be. All that we’re missing to make the experience complete is you.”

“Oh. My. God. Yes! Of c-course!” she stammered. “I’ll drive up today. Let’s see. It’s eleven now. I’m dropping Jim off at two and will come up right after that. With traffic, I can be there at about four. Will that work?”

“That’ll be great. It doesn’t sound like you’ve allotted any time for lunch, so we’ll have dinner ready when you get here. Chelsea and I have discovered that we like cooking together.”

“Okay. I’m hanging up now. I’ve got to get Jim to the airport. I’ll see you at four. Oh, and, Kim…”


“Thank you. This wouldn’t have happened without you. Thank you.”

“I’m the one who should be grateful, Karen. You and your daughter have changed my life.”

“I can’t wait to get there. Bye.”

We hung up just as I heard the water shut off in the bathroom. Hastening down the hall, I  knocked on the bathroom door.

“Don’t get out of the shower yet. I’m coming in.” I opened the door, entered, and stripped off my panties. Chelsea was standing in the big walk-in cubicle, drying herself off. Plucking the towel from her hands and tossing it on the bathroom floor, I stepped in and turned the water back on.

“Darling, I just remembered… I need someone to wash my back,” I said as I hugged and kissed her beneath the cascading water.

Chelsea returned my kiss with a hunger that made my head spin, then broke away, her eyes dancing with excitement. “So, did you talk to Mom? Is she — is she coming?”

“I did speak with her, and she’ll be here later today,” I replied.

“YES!” cried my little lover, thrusting her fists skyward. “Ooooh, I can’t wait, I can’t wait!” She threw both arms around my waist, her beaming face nearly touching mine. “Does she know about us?”

“I didn’t go into detail, but yes, your mother knows that we made love… and she’s absolutely fine with it. Let’s talk about her later, though. Right now, there’s a certain young girl I want to play with.”

With a happy sigh, Chelsea stood on tiptoe to kiss me, and I closed my eyes, letting myself melt into her sweet embrace. I felt her hands begin to move — stroking my back, slipping down to cup and fondle my ass, then the left hand embarked on a solo mission that ended up between my legs, two fingers gliding through the hot, dripping flesh she found there.

I returned the favor, reaching down to lightly caress my precious eleven-year-old’s slit, feeling her tremble against me. Within seconds she and I were masturbating one another, that lovely heat rising inside me all over again.

Just as I sensed my orgasm drawing near, something occurred to me, and I pulled away.

Chelsea’s dazed expression instantly became a pout. “What?” she demanded. “What’s the matter?”

“Let’s not make each other come, sweetheart,” I told her. “We should save that for when your mom gets here.”

She started to protest, paused to think, then said, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. It’s more fair that way, huh?”

“I’d say so,” I replied. “But hey, that doesn’t mean we can’t kiss.”

“Sounds good to me,” Chelsea said, her high spirits returned. Before I knew it, her tongue was in my mouth.

On to  Chapter Five!


Sheltering, Chapter 7

  • Posted on September 19, 2020 at 2:38 pm

by Shy Mom

After the heated climax to our fashion show, my girls and I needed showers. Fortunately, the cubicle in my master bathroom could easily accommodate the three of us.

We entered the shower together, all of us naked. There was just one small—or rather, not so small—bit of housekeeping I’d neglected that afternoon. My stick-on dildo still protruded from the tile wall at cunt level.

Years ago, my daughters had stumbled upon the sex toys in the nightstand drawer next to my bed. They were too young then to regard them as anything other than wands for waving, swords for poking, or (in Olivia’s case) pacifiers for sucking. I can’t deny that the sight of my youngest with the tip of one of Mommy’s dildoes in her mouth aroused me something fierce, especially when I imagined her tasting my essence on it. I wonder if that was what planted the seed of these complicated feelings for my little ones.

“Is … is that a cock, Mommy?” Olivia asked, her expression a mix of curiosity, fear, and distaste. Ashley simply murmured, “Wow …”

Before I could answer, my ten-year-old reached out to take hold of the cherry red phallus. Its suction cup kept it pinned to the wall.

“It’s huge!” Ashley exclaimed, wrapping all ten fingers around it. In her small hands, it looked even larger than it felt when jammed into my vagina.

Well, here was another teaching opportunity that I could not pass up.

“It’s a dildo,” I said, putting emphasis on the unforeseen Word of the Day.

“Dildo!” Olivia repeated, as her big sister smacked the erect phallus experimentally, causing it to wobble like a diving board.

“It’s a sex toy!” Ashley exclaimed.

“Indeed,” I confirmed, adding, “I used it today, just before dinner.”

“Wow …” Ashley repeated, her eyes wide with imagination.

Naturally, Olivia asked, “How did you use it, Mommy?”

In teaching, showing is often better than telling. “Shall I … demonstrate?”

“Yes!” replied Ashley, as her sister shouted “Yay!” and jumped up and down.

I was just as thrilled, eager to show the girls how I get myself off when I crave being fucked from behind.

“First, darlings, I turn on the shower to get things hot and steamy.”

I have one of those rainforest showerheads that releases water straight down. I selected the highest temperature and let the hot torrent flow run down my body.

“Next, I soap myself all over.” I squirted a thick gob of papaya-scented shower gel into my palm, then smeared it between my hands. I coated my pliant breasts with the creamy lather, taking time to tease my nipples erect, caress my flat tummy, and finally slather my vulva, which was already slick with natural lubrication. The girls watched, entranced.

“Mommy is getting her cunt ready.” I explained. “Getting it wet and hungry so it can swallow every inch of the dildo. You can see for yourself how long and thick it is.”

I paused for questions while continuing to soap myself.

“Is it like … like putting a cock in your cunt, Mommy?” asked Olivia, frowning slightly.

“Not really,” I replied, sensitive to her distaste for the male member. “You see, girls, I’ve come to think of my sex toys as, well, extensions of myself—like my fingers. I use them both to masturbate with, after all.”

That seemed to click for Olivia, who had stroked her pussy to climax mere minutes ago in the living room.

“Only,” I continued, “this toy does two things Mommy’s fingers can’t do quite as well …”

The girls waited, hanging on my words.

“One, it stuffs my vagina so completely—more than anything I’ve ever put in there …”

The girls’ eyes darted back and forth between the dildo and my cunt—trying to picture it, I suspected.

“Two,” I went on, “Mommy sometimes gets the urge to be fucked from behind …”

Ashley’s mouth dropped at this turn of phrase.

“The dildo goes in nice and deep, and it makes Mommy feel very wild … and very dirty.”

By now, the girls were flushed, and not just from the heat of the shower. That gave me an idea. “Why don’t I get you both nice and soapy too?”

They nodded in enthusiastic agreement.

Reaching for the shower gel, I soaped Olivia’s body first, then Ashley’s. The differences that I saw and felt between my girls, just two years apart, were fascinating.

At eight, Olivia still sported a childish figure—slender and flat, though softened by baby fat over her chest and pubis and around her pert bottom. The pouty outer lips of her slit, into which I rubbed a fresh gob of gel, felt more like that of a baby than a woman, but their parting at my touch hinted at her progress toward puberty. “The Princess Pea,” as I had christened her clitoris, seemed large in relation to the little-girl slit.

Of course, Ashley’s advancement toward puberty was more pronounced. Her budding breasts, little more than dumplings, were capped by pink areolas on which lay almost invisible nipples—at least, until they turned pebbly when I teased them with soapy fingers. Her vulva was no longer puffy, and bore faint similarities to mine in shape and feel. Most notably, there was a fine sprinkling of honey-blonde pubes that made Ashley’s cunt look even softer than it felt.

The diversions of soaping my darlings made me even more desperate for release. “Why don’t you stand there, girls, next to me,” I suggested. “That way, you can get a good look at how Mommy fucks herself.”

Ashley stood a foot away, and Olivia peeked out from behind. Recollecting that my ten-year-old was the only family member who had yet to climax, I added, “Olivia, reach around and play with your sister’s pussy while you watch. That’s it, love.”

Finally, I applied lube to the dildo, from a tube of Astroglide that I kept on the soap tray, and got into position. Under the drizzle of hot water, I arched my back, clutched my tits, and backed into the wall, trapping the bulbous tip of the toy between my cheeks, at the opening of my hungry vagina. Practice made perfect. I paused to make sure the girls were watching, then pushed back with a swift thrust of the hips.

My bottom hit the tiles as the dildo plunged into my cunt. My daughters gasped.

“See, girls? All gone. All in.” I wriggled my ass about to punctuate my point. And because it felt so fucking good.

“But does it—does it hurt, Mommy?” asked Olivia.

“No, baby,” I replied, as I withdrew to the very tip of the toy. “My cunt can take it. It loves every inch.”

I looked from one incredulous sister to the other, pondering the fit of their own vaginas. “One day,” I assured them, “Your cunts will be big enough too.”

They gaped as I pressed back against the dildo, letting it fill me again. “For now, your little-girl cunts probably can’t take much more than my finger. Or the tip of my tongue.”

At those words, Olivia rubbed her sister’s pussy more vigorously, while Ashley started toying with her own breast buds. Both kept their eyes fixed on my ass, watching their mother get penetrated.

It was time for a serious fuck. I began to rock back and forth, bouncing off the tiles, feeling the dildo enter my vagina to the hilt each time.

“Fuck … oh, fuck …” I murmured.

I flicked my nipples, sparking little jolts of pleasure that raced straight to my cunt, where a ball of static charge was building.

I moved faster, then faster still. The sound of my wet ass slapping against the tile wall reverberated sharply in the steamy room.

“Momma!” cried Ashley, lost in her own ecstasy as Olivia’s pace picked up as well, the girl’s fingers a blur between her big sister’s legs.

What a lovely sight that was. “That’s it, Ashley … come for Momma… come for—”

“Momma! I’m—ah, fuck!”

Ashley shuddered, her thighs clamping Olivia’s hand between them. Her orgasm triggered my own. My cunt clenched the thick dildo in spasms so intense that my jiggling ass nearly ripped the toy off the wall.

Then my oldest slumped against the wall, gasping for breath, while my youngest did a dance of joy, crying, “I did it, Mommy! I did it! I made Ashley come!”

“You did, darling.” I was flushed with heat and affection. “Mommy’s so proud of you both.”

I still had one more lesson to teach. Releasing the dildo with a sigh, I squatted down and proceeded to lick and suck my juices from its length.

“I know what that is,” Ashley declared. “That’s a blow job!”

I considered the aptness of the term, all the while wondering whether she’d learned it online.

“Very good, Ashley,” I began, keeping her less knowledgeable little sister in mind. “Though it’s not exactly right. A blow job is when you suck a cock.”

“Ugh!” Olivia spat out.

“Yeah, gross,” Ashley agreed.

“But this is different, darlings. I’m tasting myself—like licking my fingers after masturbating.”

This explanation seemed to satisfy them. “You know, girls,” I said, looking meaningfully at the slick dildo, “there’s still plenty left, if you’d like to share…?”

After a moment’s hesitation, my daughters dove in. The hot water continued to rain down on us as we licked my fuck toy clean as a family.

On to Chapter Eight!


Knuckle Ridge, Chapter 3

  • Posted on September 15, 2020 at 3:12 pm

by Purple Les

The Tequila Kid awoke to the smell of coffee. She’d fallen asleep on the sofa again, after one drink too many. With her eyes still closed, she felt a tender kiss on her lips.

Opening her eyes, The Kid saw the angelic face of Andromeda smiling down at her. Ann’s hair was down and she wore a robe. Bet she’s bare-ass naked under that, The Kid thought.

“Good morning,” Andromeda said, as she knelt next to the sofa running her fingers through The Kid’s hair. “You look so good with your hair loose like that. I could just gobble you up.”

“Mornin’, Ann,” The Kid croaked out. “Well, I sure don’t feel like eatin’ right now. What time a day is it, anyway?”

Andromeda took note of the tequila bottle on the coffee table, now a third empty. “It’s almost eight o’clock. I let you sleep long as I could. Coffee’s all ready. Can I bring you some?”

“Yes, please,” The Kid answered.

A moment later, the clock on the mantle struck eight. The chimes sounded like cannons going off to The Kid. “Oooouugghh,” she groaned, struggling into a sitting position.

A moment later Ann was back with two mugs of strong black coffee. She set a steaming mug down for The Kid and then sat down with hers.

They drank in silence, and when finished, Ann silently returned to the kitchen to get them each a refill. After The Kid had downed half of the second mug, her head seemed to ring somewhat less than before. “Thanks, Ann,” she sighed. “I feel ‘bout halfway human now.”

“You drank a lot last night,” Andromeda said, glancing again at the bottle on the coffee table.

“I reckon I needed to clear my head some.”

“Is it nice and clear now?” Ann asked without much sympathy.

The Kid let out a soft chuckle. “Oh, gettin’ there.”

“What’s that?” Ann asked, pointing to a contraption on the coffee table.

“This? Oh, I took it off a card cheat last night,” The Kid said, taking another swallow of coffee. Setting her mug down, she picked the device up and explained how it worked to Andromeda.

“See, what I done here, Ann, is fix this derringer to it, ‘stead of a playin’ card. Might be handy someday to have a gun up my sleeve.”

“Let me see how it works,” Ann said.

“All right,” The Kid said. Rolling up her sleeve, she carefully attached the device to her arm. “So if I’m in a tight spot, I flex my lower arm muscle and the gun springs right into my hand. Watch.”

Grinning, The Kid flexed her arm. The unloaded derringer slowly moved a half inch forward on The Kid’s upper wrist then fell to the hardwood floor with a dull thud.

The room filled with Andromeda’s laughter as The Kid scratched her head, wondering what could have gone wrong. After her fourth drink last night, it had worked just fine. Andromeda kissed the top of The Kid’s head and said, “More coffee?” The Kid nodded her head yes.

Returning from the kitchen with a refilled mug, Andromeda said, “So you drop the gun on the villain’s foot, and as he’s jumping about in pain, you push him over? Is that how it works, Kid? Perhaps a brick up your sleeve would do better.”

“You got a sassy mouth on ya, girl,” The Kid murmured, but with a sly smile. “Bet I could think of somethin’ else you could be doin’ with it.” She took a slug of coffee, then said, “Got anything on under that robe?”

“Nary a stitch,” Andromeda said innocently as she bent to kiss The Kid’s cheek.

“That a fact?” The Kid asked, her nostrils flaring slightly. There was a growing warmth between her legs that made the throbbing of her head seem like less of a big deal.

“See for yourself,” Andromeda said as she stood up and faced The Kid.

“No. You show me,” The Kid replied, a note of hunger in her voice.

Andromeda opened the robe, shrugged it from her shoulders and then let it slide to the floor. She loved displaying her bare body to The Kid. She watched her lover’s eyes travel up and down, taking it all in.

The Kid reached to place her hands on Ann’s hips. “Now that’s a fine sight. Reckon I’m in a mood for eatin’ breakfast after all.”

Ann pushed the eager teen back further on the sofa. “Oh, I’ll buy you breakfast, Kid,” she said. “You’ll need something more substantial in your stomach than my love honey.”

“Gimme a taste,” The Kid said as she spread her legs apart, revealing a wet spot in the crotch of her worn Levi Strauss jeans.

“Take your clothes off,” Ann said. She took a step back and fondled her own breasts as she watched The Kid stand up and shrug out of her shirt, exposing her toned torso and erect nipples, then unbutton her fly, pushing down her blue jeans and kicking them off. The only thing she still wore was her ring on its chain.

Ann’s mouth watered at the sight. “I see you’ve given up on underclothes these days,” she said, gazing with purest desire for the naked young woman standing before her.

The Kid drew close to Ann, and they looked each other up and down, then fell into a passionate embrace. Their lips met, The Kid forcing her tongue into Ann’s upturned mouth. Reaching down, she groped her lover’s tight, supple ass, giving the right cheek a firm squeeze.

Ann broke away, gasping, “Oh!” as she explored The Kid’s tight body — one hand caressing her ass, fingers delving between the buttocks to tease her anus, the other hand cupping a breast and stiffening nipple. Andromeda dipped down to suck the tip of the other breasts, giving it a gentle bite.

Her eyes closed, The Kid and let out a soft moan. She found Ann’s left ear with her lips and nibbled, sucked and licked it. The Kid then slipped a hand between her lover’s thighs to find the petals of Anne’s sex dripping with wetness.

The women fell slowly to their knees, bodies pressed tightly together — nipples kissing, tongues tangled in a dance of passion as Andromeda and The Kid found their way to the floor.

The room and the world seemed to melt away as the two lovers parted their legs, each slipping a finger into the other’s juicy cunt like they’d done so many times before. They fucked in a frenzy, hands and wrists moving faster and faster, building into something huge.

“Tell me that story, Kid!” Ann begged as the sweaty upper halves of their bodies pressed together.

The Kid was panting for breath, her face pressing against Ann’s shoulder. “Say what?” she gasped.

“You know what! The story, damn you.” Ann demanded as her finger plunged in and out of The Kid’s vagina. “Please, Kid, please,” Ann added as she felt The Kid’s finger moving inside her, hard and fast.

“’Bout that little Sally Ann girl?” The Kid asked, knowing that wasn’t the one.

“Oh!” Ann said, sucking her breath in sharply. “I love that. But no, you know the one I want to hear.” After a half-second’s wait, Andromeda firmly pinched one of The Kid’s erect nipples. “Tell me!”

“You mean — uhhh — the one ‘bout the time I sheltered at this cabin with that Beth gal, and, and her little girl?” The Kid asked as she added a second finger to the one churning about in Andromeda’s dripping cunt. Wiggling both fingers around for a moment, she continued the story. “How they just had but the one bed they shared? And how they had me g-get in with ‘em? And we was all buck naked?” Withdrawing almost completely from Ann’s wet quim, then thrusting back in rough and deep, The Kid asked, “Is that the one you mean?”

Andromeda moaned and fell against The Kid’s firm young body, sobbing in ecstasy, “Yes, that one… oh.”

“Well, now,” The Kid began. Her fingers kept up a steady rhythm deep in Ann’s pussy, while she began to massage Ann’s swollen clit with the palm of her hand.

With the other hand, The Kid reached around and grabbed Ann’s luscious ass, pressing a fingertip against her lover’s tight rosebud, making Ann gasp and quiver, lost in pleasure’s clutch.

“See, I’d got caught in a sudden snowstorm. Lucky for me, I found a little cabin just before I froze to death.”

Having heard the story many times and knowing where The Kid was going with it had Ann near orgasm already. The pleasure coursing through her sometimes made it hard to recall where she was in the story, but The Kid’s voice alone was enough to keep Andromeda’s arousal sharp.

She heard The Kid’s hot whisper in her ear. “Well, didn’t that little girl say, ‘Me and Ma sleep without no clothes on, Kid. We always go naked when we’re in bed’. And then Ma says, ‘That’s right, we do. I’m sure The Kid won’t mind doin’ the same with us. We’ll even undress first’. She said that to me.”

The Kid could tell that Ann was almost ready to spend, so she worked her hand harder, saying, “Wasn’t that a time we had. Seein’ that pretty mom and daughter naked, then them undressin’ me right down to the skin. They took me into bed with ‘em, and then we all started to kiss and touch one another.”

Keep going!” Ann begged one last time before her climax.

“Lickin’ that little bare slit. Those soft, wet folds of pussy. Her ma saying, ‘Yes, yes, lick my little girl, the way I showed you’.’ That sweet taste of her, like nothin’ I ever knowed…”

The Kid tried to reach the end of the story, but her words were drowned out by Ann. “Ah yes yes yes yes oh dear yes uh huh oh oh ohhhhhh.” This and more came flowing from her mouth, like the stream of nectar that oozed from her love grotto. Ann’s body went tense, and she held on tightly to The Kid as her rapture reached its peak, finally going completely limp.

The Kid helped Ann onto the sofa, then sat on the coffee table with legs spread and said, “Watch me come for you.”

Ann watched with dazed eyes as The Kid masturbated, her fingers a blur as she rubbed her clit. But before she could come, Ann sprang back to life, blurting, “No! Let me do it.” Knocking The Kid’s hand away, Andromeda buried her face between her young lover’s legs.

Ann had immersed herself so deeply in The Kid’s story that she could almost make herself believe she was licking the slit of a little girl. Then The Kid’s hands on the back of Ann’s head brought her back to who she was really pleasuring.

The Kid arched her back, stretched her long legs out and cried, “Yeah, Andromeda. Lick it all up. Lick my pussy,” moaning in ecstasy as she climaxed.

As her rapture began to subside, Ann renewed her efforts, and The Kid soon came again.

Spent, they lay on the floor together holding each other. After awhile, The Kid stirred. “You really want to do the deed with a little girl, huh?”

“I do, Kid,” Andromeda answered with a sigh. “Seems as if I’ve always felt that way. Ever since I knew I liked women, anyhow.”

“And you never did get the chance?”

Andromeda paused before answering, “I almost did once, when I took my tour of Europe. Don’t think I ever told you about that, Kid.”

The Kid listened closely as Ann began her story. “It was in Italy. I speak Italian fluently, though I’d also love to be able to speak French like you, Kid. Anyway, it was in a Tuscan villa I was staying at. There were two sisters there, too. Sixteen and ten years old. The older sister was enamored of me. I was very fond of her, as well.

“It was the custom to take a riposo in the afternoon.” She glanced at The Kid, noting her puzzled expression. “That’s what they call a siesta in Italy, Kid. During that part of the day, the whole town would come to a standstill. Anyhow, one day the ten-year-old came into my room while I was resting and begged me to follow her back to the room she shared with her big sister.

“I wasn’t sure what she wanted, but she asked so sweetly that I agreed. She led me by the hand to their room. Inside, the older sister was lying nude on the bed. She held her arms out to me, saying, ‘Come, be with us… we love you’.

“I was dumbfounded, Kid. Stood there like a fool. Then while I stood there staring, the younger sister stripped naked, then led me by the hand over to the bed.

“I can’t adequately describe their beauty to you, I can only try. Both of them were raven-haired, olive-skinned beauties. Large brown eyes the color of chocolate, and faces like angels. The ancient Greeks and the Renaissance artists must have used them for models somehow, hundreds of years before they were born.

“I compared their bodies. One just beginning to ripen into womanhood. The other, still a child in all ways but one — she was sexually aware. I watched them make love to each other, and then they both made love to me. As I licked the older girl, I knew I wanted very much to make love to the ten-year-old as well. But before I could, our time ran out. We heard the others rising from their naps, and I was afraid of being caught, so I quickly got up and dressed. The girls didn’t seem concerned at all. Like it was some sort of lark to them.

“The next day we continued the tour, and I never saw the sisters again. My one chance to love a little girl, and I missed it. My only regret of the tour. Or of my life.”

The Kid asked, “Would you, if you got another chance?”

“Yes.” Ann whispered. “Oh, yes, I surely would.”

They laid together for a long while, holding each other, enjoying a moment of perfect bliss. Finally, the two lovers mustered up enough energy to get up, then filled the round metal tub in the kitchen with water from the hand pump. The day would be a hot one, and the cool water they’d drawn was quite refreshing.

It was a lovely way to start the day. Bathing together, washing and rinsing each other’s bare bodies, sometimes masturbating one another. On this day they finished their toilet instead, donned fresh clothes, and headed out of Ann’s house into the morning sunshine.

Ann wore a white blouse and black skirt that went just below her ankles, with black boots laced high. The Kid wore black men’s trousers, a black cotton shirt, her green corduroy vest, boots and new Stetson hat. The outfit made her pair of pearl handled colts stand out in their black leather gun belt.

They walked arm in arm on the boardwalk, where Ann said, “My, how fine that new hat looks on you. It makes me want to see you wearing just the hat and nothing else.”

“Maybe later,” The Kid replied with a smile.

Their first stop was the Highland Cafe. The Kid had coffee, two donuts, and scrambled eggs. Andromeda had a poached egg, toast and tea, and paid for breakfast as promised.

Next they went to the bank, where The Kid made her mark on the receipt to collect her Ranger pay — an outlined drawing of a raven.

That task accomplished, Ann and The Kid made their way to the livery stable. A large black man somewhere in his thirties had just finished shoveling out the stalls and was filling the last of them with fresh straw. The horses were out back in the corral.

“Howdy, Nate,” The Kid said with a nod. “I come to pay what I owe you, and then some.”

Nate Lincoln finished forking straw into the last stall and, pausing to hang the pitchfork by its handle from a ten-penny nail that jutted from the wall, said, “Mornin’, Kid, Miss Purdy. Well, then, c’mon into the office, and we’ll get you squared away.” He paused to mop sweat off his brow with the sleeve of his shirt.

They followed Nate to a little sleeping room that also served as his office. There was a grizzled old white man stretched out and dozing on an improvised pallet made of hay. As Nate passed the old-timer, he aimed a light kick against the bottom of his worn boot and said, “Git a move on now, Mac, and bring them hosses in outen the sun.”

Mac slowly rose up off the hay on the floor, then reached into the pocket of the coat that hung on his lanky frame. Pulling a pint bottle out, he studied on the last of the amber liquor inside, then slipped it back in his pocket and shambled out back to begin bringing the horses back to their stalls, one by one.

Seating himself at the desk, Nate opened a drawer, taking out his faded blue receipt book. “It’s a dirty shame, what happened to Bob and Roy. They’s both gettin’ buried tomorrow. You and Sheriff Gus any closer to catchin’ the killers?”

The Kid said, “Yep, real close, Nate. I can’t say no more about it for now, though.” The Kid laid a twenty dollar bill on the desk, saying, “I reckon this oughta take care of past, present and a little bit of the future.”

“‘Deed it does, Kid,” Nate replied with a nod. Slipping the bill into the strongbox, he opened the blue book and slowly made out a receipt for The Kid, his brow furrowing as he worked. Laying his pencil to one side, he reached for a rubber stamp and applied it to the paper with a satisfying thump. He handed the receipt to The Kid, now stamped PAID in red ink.

“There you go,” Nate said. “What you paid, that’ll cover what you owed an’ then the next three weeks after, I reckon.” The Kid in turn handed the receipt to Ann, who glanced at it, then slipped it into the pocket of her skirt while Nate noted the payment in his ledger.

Closing the leather-bound book, he rose and glanced through the window. “I see Mac’s got your horses back in. You ridin’ out today? I can get ‘em saddled or harnessed up.”

“No, thank you, Nate,” Ann said, “We just came to visit them. I’ve not seen The Kid’s new horse yet.”

“Oh, you’ll like her,” Nate said with a grin. “That sure is one fine animal you got there, Kid.”

“Thanks, Nate,” The Kid said, a hint of melancholy in her voice.

Leaving the office, The Kid and Ann made their way to Pegasus’ stall. Button’s was next to it.

Button raised her head up and down excitedly as The Kid approached. She hugged the horse’s neck and head, then gestured toward Andromeda.

“That there is Ann,” The Kid said to the mare. “I reckon you and Pegasus introduced yourselves already.”

Pausing to greet her own horse, Andromeda fed Pegasus an apple, then went to the next stall, gazing at the mare in frank admiration. “Nice to meet you, Button,” she cooed. “What a lovely creature you are.” She gently patted Button’s nose, stroked the horse’s muscular neck, then produced a second apple from her pocket, which Button eagerly took from Ann’s hand.

Button nodded, giving a soft whinny to let The Kid know that she approved of this other human.

The Kid said to her horse, “I said you’d like Ann… didn’t I, girl?”

After a short visit with the horses, the two women walked back out into the sunny street after giving a brief farewell to Nate Lincoln.

“Now what, Kid?” Ann asked.

“To the telegraph office, so I can see if I got any replies to a couple wires I sent out yesterday.”

The office was a small shack with a slightly bigger shack attached to the back of it. In the front was a large window with Knuckle Ridge Telegraph Office printed on it. Joshua Hartley, the telegraph operator, lived in the shack behind the office.

Ann and The Kid entered. Inside was a counter, with pencils and paper on it for composing messages. Behind the counter was a desk, next to a table that held several glass tanks with chemicals and metal in them that served as batteries. The telegraph key rested near the edge of the table with a chair, a pad of paper and pencils close by.

Seeing that no one was around, The Kid rang the bell on the counter. She liked the sound it made, and hit it several more times with the palm of her hand.

A husky, smooth-shaven man in his twenties came strolling in from out back. He wore a white shirt with garters on the sleeves, black vest and pants, a tie, starched collar, and a visor on his head. A pair of spectacles rested on his nose. “Hello, ladies,” he said, giving the two women a small bow.

“Howdy, Josh. I come to see if you got any wires for me yet,” The Kid said.

He nodded. “Sure ‘nough. In fact, I got two of ‘em for you… though we still need to collect for the ones you sent yesterday.”

“What do I owe ya?” The Kid asked.

“Two dollars and two bits.”

The Kid counted out three dollars, laid the crumpled bills on the counter and said, “Keep the change.”

“Much obliged.” Moving over to the left side of the office, Josh peered into a small cubicle, reached inside and withdrew two small envelopes. He glanced at these, then handed them to The Kid. “The top one’s your reply from the federal judge in Austin. The second one’s from Ranger Captain Deek Richards in Austin. Thanks, Kid. Nice seeing you, Miss Purdy.” Opening a drawer, Josh slipped the money inside.

Seating themselves in the outside chairs in front of the office, The Kid handed the telegrams to Ann. “Can you read these to me?”

Andromeda opened the envelope of the first one, withdrew the message and unfolded it, pursing her lips as she studied the words. “Request for warrant granted. Stop. Will have on next stage. Stop. Yours, Judge Grissom.” Ann gave The Kid a questioning look. “Guess I oughtn’t to ask who that warrant is for.”

“Nope,” The Kid replied with a shake of the head, but smiling. “Ranger business. Read me the other one?”

Ann made a face. “I swear, you Rangers… not one iota of respect for a woman’s natural curiosity.” Opening the other telegram, she read, “Will have flyers on next stage. Stop. I expect a report from you. Stop. Captain Deek Richards.” She glanced up at The Kid. “More of the same?”

“Maybe… maybe not,” The Kid said with a grin. She plucked the telegrams from Ann’s hands, folded them, then slipped them into her vest. “Let’s go.” Entering the street, they crossed over to the post office.

As they entered, a short gray-haired, bone-thin woman wearing spectacles, aged somewhere between fifty to ninety years looked up and said, “Mornin’, Ann, Kid. I’m sure I know why you’re here.”

The Kid touched the brim of her Stetson. “Howdy there, Edna May. That package from yesterday we talked about… you still got it here?”

“Yes, I still got it here. Should of been on the stage this morning, Kid. The mail is a sacred trust, y’know. But I held it for you, just like I said I would.” She fixed The Kid with a determined look. “You got the legal work to keep that package from going out? If you don’t, it’ll be on the afternoon stage, y’know. The mail is a sacred trust, not to be trifled with. Why, if I didn’t–”

“I got the legal work comin’ on that afternoon stage.” The Kid protested.

“Fair enough, fair enough. I’ll hold the package that long then, Kid. I only did that much as a personal favor to you, mind. If that there warrant isn’t on the afternoon stage, that package goes out and that’s all there is to it, young lady. Don’t think you can stall me any longer than that!” Edna May was getting worked up now.

The Kid handed Edna May the telegram from Judge Grissom. Edna May read it several times, then said, “All right, Kid. I’ll hold it till this afternoon. But only that long. You have the legal paper then, or it goes out. You know why, don’t you?”

The three women all said in unison, “The mail is a sacred trust.”

“That’s right, that’s right,” Edna May sternly added as the other two women grinned at her. “Anything else, ladies?” she asked, unable to conceal her own amusement.

“Got any mail for me?” Ann asked.

Edna May poked through the slots on the wall, then handed four envelopes to Ann. “Here y’are.”

“Thank you, Edna May.” Andromeda said, stuffing the envelopes in her skirt pocket.

As they exited, Edna May called out, “You be here this afternoon with that legal paper, Kid. The mail’s a sacred trust, and I don’t mean to violate it for anyone!”

They walked back to Ann’s house, then pitched in to wash clothes. That accomplished, they hung them up to dry on the line in the yard, then mounted the steps to the back porch, seating themselves side by side on the wooden bench.

While they watched the clothes gently stirring in the warm breeze, The Kid turned to Andromeda. “What’s a seance?”

Giving The Kid a surprised look, Ann said, “It’s when a group of people get together and try to summon the spirits of the deceased. What made you ask that?”

“Mrs. Ruggles invited us both out there Thursday night for one.”

“She’s having a seance? How odd. What would she even know about conducting one?”

“Well, this spiritualist gal is stayin’ with her. I reckon she’d be doin’ the seance work. Mrs. Ruggles says she invited the woman there just for that reason. Lady Jane Wyeth-Boton, that’s her name.”

Ann’s mouth hung open in astonishment.

“What?” The Kid asked.

“I met Lady Jane years ago, when I took my grand tour of Europe. She was near eighty then. I can’t believe that she’d be able to make the trip over here… and why on earth would she bother with a backwater town like Knuckle Ridge?”

Now it was The Kid’s turn to look surprised. “Shucks, Ann. This woman I met ain’t a day over forty. Maybe thirty or thirty-five, I reckon. Is there more than one with that name? Or maybe the one you met has a daughter?”

Ann shook her head, puzzled. “No, Kid. There’s only one Lady Jane Wyeth-Boton, and I never heard tell of her having children. She was a short, squat woman with snow-white hair.”

“Hmm. This one’s about your height, with blonde hair and a nice figure.” A cloud crossed The Kid’s face and she stood up, saying, “I got to send me another telegram, Ann. It’s almost time for the afternoon stage anyway, I reckon.”

The Kid kissed Ann goodbye, then hastened back to the telegraph office.

Josh was busy on the telegraph key, and The Kid was forced to wait until he was finished. Finally, he looked up. “How can I help you now, Kid?”

“I need you to send another wire for me, Josh.”

“Sure, Kid. Who and where to?”

“To Mort Farnum, care of the Pinkerton Detectives, in New York City, New York.”

Josh raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. “And what do you want it to say?”

After The Kid relayed her message, Josh counted the words he’d written out and said, “That’ll be six dollars and fifty cents.”

“Six-fifty! Why that’s robbery, that is!” The Kid glared over the counter. “Hell’s bells, I could train me a bird to fly that message out there.”

Josh shrugged. “You got a lot of words here, Kid. It would cost less if you cut some of them out.”

“Damn it… I need every word I give you, Josh.” With a heavy sigh, The Kid laid seven dollars on the counter and said, “Keep the change. Will you let me know the minute you get an answer?”

“Sure will, but it may take a while. New York’s not like sending a wire to Austin, y’know.”

“Fair ‘nough. So long, Josh.”

Exiting the telegraph office, The Kid sat down outside and rolled a smoke, listening to the clickety-clack sound coming from inside as Josh worked the key, sending her message across the miles. She smoked the cigarette down to a stub, then rolled another. As she finished the second one, the stagecoach arrived, and she quickly got up and strolled over to the office where it pulled in.

“Howdy, boys,” The Kid said to the two stage men, one of them old and the other young. “Sure am sorry about what happened to Roy and Bob.”

“Thanks, Kid. And thanks for all you done for Bob,” the older man said.

The younger man nodded his head in agreement, then climbed up on top to unload the baggage while the older man helped the passengers out.

The one who unloaded the luggage climbed down, took the mail bag out of the stage boot and handed it to Jack, who’d just emerged from the office.

The Kid placed a hand on his shoulder. “Mind if I tote this bag over to the post office for you? I’m expectin’ a couple things, and I need to get to ‘em soon.”

“Of course, Kid. I trust you,” Jack answered, passing the heavy canvas sack to her.

“You sure can, Jack. The mail’s a sacred trust, y’know.”

Jack rolled his eyes heavenward. “I see you’ve been passin’ the time with Edna May. I swear, one day she’s gonna turn that post office into a damn church.” Taking out his pocket watch, he peered at it, frowning. “Got to get back to my desk. Still dealin’ with the paperwork from that robbery.” He sighed. “See you later, Kid.”

“Later, Jack.” Hoisting the mailbag onto her shoulder, The Kid set off.

A couple minutes later, The Kid brought the mail into the post office. “Howdy, Edna May. I got the mail here for you, fresh off the stage.”

“That legal paper on it, Kid?”

“Well, that’s why I brought it right over — so you could check it, Edna May.”

“Yes, yes,” Edna May muttered as she thumbed through the keys on her chain. Finding the one she wanted, she unlocked the mail bag, loosened its leather straps and emptied the contents out on a table.

“Hmm. Here’s a package for you, Kid,” Edna May said as she handed The Kid a large bundle wrapped in brown paper and string.

“How ‘bout that legal paper?”

“Patience is a virtue, child,” Edna May muttered as she glanced through the many envelopes, then began to sort them. “Help me look.”

“Well, now…” The Kid started to say — then fell silent, embarrassed.

Edna May looked up, feeling a little embarrassed herself. “Sorry, Kid. I forgot.”

“Ann keeps offerin’ to teach me,” The Kid said, staring at the floor. “Figure it’s prob’ly too late now.”

“You’re never too old to learn, Kid,” Edna May said, then suddenly snatched an envelope from the pile. “Ah! Here it is.” Opening the letter, she carefully read the contents. Nodding, she handed over the letter and the package, then reached underneath the counter to get another, larger package. “All right, Kid. You can take this over to the Sheriff now.” She produced another document. “Just make your mark on this, Kid. It shows that we did this by the book.”

The Kid drew a small raven on the bottom of the paper, then Edna May wrote something next to it. “There, all legal now. Got to do it this way. Know why?”

“The mail’s a sacred trust,” The Kid recited, along with Edna May.

Edna May lightly swatted The Kid’s arm. “All right, child. You got what you wanted, now get out of my hair.  There’s real work to be done here.”

Bending to give Edna May a kiss on the cheek, The Kid hastened away, saying, “Much obliged,” over her shoulder.

“Be off with you!” the older woman cried, but with a smile.

Moments later, The Kid walked into the Sheriff’s office to find Gus Masters at his desk, writing something. Pausing to take a draw from his pipe, he looked up. “Hello, Kid. What’s that you got there?”

“If you can spare me a minute, Gus, I believe I got the murderer for you. Dependin’ on what’s in this here package, anyhow.” Placing both bundles on the desk, she gave him the legal paper.

Gus read the document, then looked up at The Kid. “I got all the time you need. Sit down, and let’s talk.” Stuffing a generous pinch of tobacco into his pipe, he sat back and listened as The Kid began to explain what she believed had happened.

This way to Chapter Four!


This is Love, Part One

  • Posted on September 9, 2020 at 2:39 pm

By Jan Vincent

I found out very early on, sometime around when I was twelve, that I liked girls far more than boys. Girls were always so alluring, so nice and sweet and smooth. As I am a brunette myself, fair-headed, blue-eyed girls with long, athletic legs were and are my ultimate object of desire. That doesn’t mean I hate men or boys or anything like that. It’s just my sexual libido, and my personal interest revolves around women, with a few very rare exceptions.

I’ve thought long and hard why I am who I am. I dislike labels like “gay,” and “lesbian,” because I hate to be pigeonholed, but I have to use those labels so that people know what I want and, more importantly, what I don’t want from life. I don’t go to “women’s bars” or openly gay meetings or parades. If people do not know me well, they usually think I’m straight as an arrow, because most of my friends are basically hetero. The way I dress doesn’t give away what gender I like to share my bed with. I’ve been called a “lipstick lesbian” even though I rarely put makeup on except for professionally, when I have to, or socially, when I feel like it.

I have a really nice family. I have two wonderful parents, the best you could ask for. They’ve always been there for me, in particular when I needed them most. They are strict and religious, but also generous and sweet toward my sister Lisa and me.

Lisa is and has always been my best friend. She is two years my senior. When we were kids, we fought like most siblings. My mother told me that we used to scratch and bite each other when we were really young, but we eventually grew out of it without much pressure from the adults surrounding us. During our teen years, we really began to bond. It was not an overnight event. It just happened, little by little, in a crescendo of mutual understanding, respect and even admiration.

Lisa is one of the most beautiful girls I know. I don’t just mean in the physical sense. I mean she can be excruciatingly drop-dead gorgeous, sweet and intelligent and aware of other people’s needs. She inherited our parents’ urge to help others when they needed it. Her personality makes everybody smile, including me, and that’s why she was popular as a babysitter during her late teens.

I lost count of the guys who were in love with Lisa in middle and high school, but because our parents were so strict she was not allowed to date. That doesn’t mean that my sister wouldn’t kiss a boy or two, but going out at night with one was out of the question.

I’ve been asked if I was ever jealous of my sister’s popularity. In a way I was, because I craved attention too, but I looked up to her too much to focus on any negative feelings I may have nurtured during that period of our lives. I guess, inadvertently, our parents’ strictness made our bond stronger. We covered for each other on a fairly regular basis.

Lisa once saved my life when we were visiting relatives. We were playing tag near the pool and when one of my cousins tried to tag me I flinched to the side, slipped and fell into the shallow water, hitting my head against the bottom of the pool. I blacked out and would have drowned if it weren’t for Lisa, who immediately jumped into the water and pulled me out, I was told. Fortunately Aunt Missy was a nurse, and told my sister to lay me flat on the ground and keep me from moving. I could have a spinal injury, my aunt said, and any movement could make things far worse. I was rushed into the hospital where she worked and was diagnosed with a mild concussion. I was told I’d been lucky. I could have become paralyzed for the rest of my life, but thanks to Lisa, I was fine in no time.

It was during my recovery that I began to realize how much Lisa meant to me. I could see how worried she was. She felt guilty because playing tag near the pool had been her idea. She stayed with me, calling the nurses whenever I needed something, holding my hand. I guess I fell in love with her a little bit during that time.

From that moment on, Lisa and I were truly inseparable. We did everything together, including hanging out with her friends. She said she didn’t want to lose sight of me ever again, and how horrible it had been when. she thought I had broken my neck and was dead. She had nightmares about it, Lisa said. Sometimes she would come to my room at night just to check if I was breathing, and that made me love her even more.

When she turned eighteen and moved out of the house to attend an out-of-state college, I missed her terribly. My beloved sister was one thousand miles away, having the time of her life, and I couldn’t be with her. We called each other often, but that wasn’t nearly enough.

Looking back at this part of my life, I can see clearly all the signs of infatuation, but at that time I didn’t see it that way. The only thing I knew was that Lisa was my sister and I loved her to death, no matter what, and in my mind, it was normal for a girl my age to feel that way for her own sister, wasn’t it?

I only started questioning my feelings for Lisa a couple of years ago. It was summer break; the weather was warm and sunny, and we were sunbathing on the balcony of her college apartment. I had seen Lisa so many times in her bikini, but that day, for some unknown reason, I noticed the way her nipples strained against the soft cups of her sexy blacktop. It looked as though she was aroused, and my suspicions grew stronger as I noticed the way her hand caressed her left thigh.

That was when I really noticed how desirable my big sister had become. Her shapely body had filled out, especially in the chest and hips. She had a perm and her straight hair was now a luscious bundle of wavy, raven strands full of adorable ringlets that went past her shoulders and down to her midriff. I gasped, and totally against my will, felt my pussy growing damp.

I sat up on the lounger, my cheeks burning with shame. I felt so terribly guilty about my body’s reaction to Lisa’s beauty. Fortunately, my sister had dozed off and hadn’t noticed what had just happened to me. In that moment, my life changed.


I hadn’t planned to attend the same college as my sister, but a financial setback forced me to do so. After thirty years with the same company, my father was fired because he wasn’t as productive as he used to be, or so his boss claimed. He did get severance pay, but it wasn’t enough to keep paying the mortgage and cover tuition for the college I’d chosen.

To save money, Lisa suggested that I enroll at her college instead. Not only would the tuition fees be lower, but it would also give us the chance to room together. She said she would love to have me at her place rather than room with a total stranger, having done so during her freshman and sophomore years. My parents couldn’t be happier with Lisa’s suggestion.

So Lisa and I moved into a comfy off-campus two-bedroom apartment with a spacious, relatively private, sun-kissed balcony. Even though my classes wouldn’t start for a couple of weeks, Lisa convinced Mom and Dad to let me leave home early, because good apartments near the university weren’t easy to come by.

When our parents left after dropping me off, I could see the sense of relief in Lisa’s greenish eyes. She grinned at me and then sighed, which made her bangs flutter like a curtain in the wind. “Wow, I’m glad you’re here with me. We’re gonna have so much fun together.”

“You think?” I said, beaming like a fool.

“Oh, definitely,” she said, looking around at the half-open moving boxes with the U-Haul logo on them.

“And what about your boyfriend?”

She straightened herself up and looked at me with a half-amused, half-surprised look. “What boyfriend?”

“I thought Mom was right. That I was an excuse to get back to your boyfriend as soon as possible.”

Lisa smiled at me wickedly. “I don’t have a boyfriend, sis. At least not anymore.”

“What happened?”

“I caught him cheating on me.”

“Really? No way.”

“Yes, little sister. Men do cheat, y’know.”

“He must be crazy.”

“Why?” she asked, glancing at me for a moment while holding a few items she had taken out of a box, including a heavy-looking stone with the shape of a fish a friend had painted for her.


Because?” She stopped looking for a place for her fish, her attention totally fixed on me.

“Because I can’t understand why anyone would do such a thing to you. You’re so… amazing!”

Lisa laughed, tipping her head up. “You’re sweet, baby sis, but I guess he became a little discouraged when I told him straight out I was not going to have sex with him.”

Lisa had finally decided to put down the stonefish on a windowsill when I said, “So you never…”

She turned to me and grinned, putting her hands on her hips. “Nope. I’ve never had sex with a man if that’s what you’re asking.”

“So, you—”

“Yes, baby sis, technically I’m still a virgin, but not really.”

“What do you mean, not really? You’re either are or you’re not. You can’t be both.”

“I’m not gonna tell you any more. You may blab it all out to your friends and Mom will know about it.”

“I swear I won’t tell.”

“No, Annie, let it be.”


Despite my pleading, she refused to explain those words. I pestered Lisa to tell me her secret but to no avail.


Movies about college life are complete lies. In spite of the fact that I had a few days without classes, I was already feeling a little bit overwhelmed by the amount of work in front of me. My sister was a true blessing, explaining to me how to be a successful freshman both academically and socially.

One night, after a long, trying day, she invited me to go hang with some girls she knew.

“C’mon, let’s go out tonight. A couple of friends of mine just arrived. Wanna meet them?”

“No, not really. I feel a little bit tired. And—”


“To tell you the truth I want to relax, take a long bath, and then watch a movie at home. But you can go. I don’t mind.”

“Maybe you don’t, but I’m a little worried about you.”

“I’m fine. You said I would be, or did you lie to me like all the others?”

Lisa chuckled. “I don’t know what others you’re talking about, but I wasn’t lying to you. Think I’ll call my friends to say hello and stay home too.”

And so she did. I took the long bath I’d yearned for while she cooked dinner. I was relaxing with my eyes closed, enjoying this liquid cocoon made of warm water when she entered the bathroom. Because Lisa is a little bit of a romantic fool, she’d lit up scented candles and put them on the edges of the tub.

“So is that nice, or is that nice?” she asked, looking down at me with a grin, holding a glass of tequila. Although at the time she was only twenty, Lisa had friends who supplied her with all the booze she wanted.

Very nice,” I concurred with a nod. I glanced at her for a moment, then closed my eyes again.

“Hmm, I’m very tempted to join you in there.”

I opened my eyes and without really thinking I said, “Why don’t you?”

“Hmm, it’d be too crowded.”

“I’ll make room for you.” I pulled my legs up and held them to my body. “See? There’s plenty of room.”

“Are you serious?” She downed the rest of her drink with a quick movement of her head and then looked at me with a doubtful expression.

“Yeah, why not? C’mon, hop in. You’ve worked your butt off, now it’s your turn to relax.”

“Dinner’s ready. It’ll get cold if we take too long.”

“We won’t. C’mon.”

After some hesitation, Lisa smiled and giggled. It sounded as if the alcohol was already having an effect on her. “I won’t stay long, okay?” She put her empty glass down on the washbowl and began to tug off her baby pink summer dress. As she raised it past her head, I was surprised to see Lisa wasn’t wearing a bra, only matching pink panties thinly hemmed with lace.

I’d seen Lisa naked many times, but never had I seen her undressing to share a bath with me. The balcony episode was still fresh in my mind, and I started questioning my reasons for inviting Lisa in. Did I want to seduce her? Or just impress her? Why would I want to share a bath with her otherwise? Because we could? Because Mom and Dad were miles away and this was my twisted way of commemorating my newly gained freedom from parent surveillance?

Anyway, the idea of me seducing another girl didn’t even begin to make sense. Even though I kind of knew I liked girls more than boys, on a conscious level I’d never been interested in a specific girl before. After all, lesbianism was a mortal sin, I was told. And Lisa was my own sister to boot. If lesbianism were a sin, then incest would be far worse, right?

Without really noticing what I was doing, when Lisa hopped in the tub, my eyes fell on her mons, now devoid of the pink panties.

“What are you looking at?” she said, her hands on her hips, staring at me with a veiled smile.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“Never seen a shaved pussy before?” Lisa asked in a teasing tone of voice I was so familiar with.

“Lisa, don’t be so—”

“Vulgar?” she completed. “You sound like Mom. You’re not her, so don’t.”

I got a little bit annoyed by her comparison. I didn’t find it fair and was about to say so when I felt Lisa’s legs touch the sides of my ribcage. “Sorry, there isn’t much space in here,” she said, giggling.

“That’s okay,” I said. “I don’t mind. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have invited you in.”

Silence fell between us, as she closed her eyes and rested her head against the soft edge of the tub. This allowed me to stare at her breasts—in particular, at her nipples, poking out of the water as though she was aroused. And it didn’t help that she had her legs open, both hands cupping her vulva beneath the water.

Out of the blue I decided to tease her and said, “Are you playing with yourself?”

Lisa opened her eyes—surprised at first, removing her hands from her crotch. She soon regained her composure, sitting up in the tub. “No, I wasn’t,” she said, widening her tentative smile into a grin. “Do you want me to?”

“No, of course n-not!” I was shocked at her suggestion. I pressed my own folded legs against my body. Despite my quick denial, I felt my labia open up just a little, that familiar throb returning.

I remembered the time my mother told me not to touch myself between my legs, as it was not proper or ladylike. I wasn’t even conscious of what I was doing when she swatted my hands away from my pleated skirt-covered crotch. I told Mom I wasn’t doing anything, but she didn’t believe me.

“Keep your hands next to you, not there,” Mom had said.

Lisa moved in the tub, one of her legs sliding against my side, making me snap out of childhood memories. I stared at her, returning her quizzical gaze. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you,” she finally said. “I didn’t mean to. You know I was kidding, right?”

“I know, I just­…” I told her about Mom’s reaction to my unladylike position on the sofa.

“Oh, Annie, don’t worry. You know how Mom is. It’s the way she was brought up. Don’t pay attention when she goes on like that. I sure don’t.”

“You don’t?”

“No, not really. I do play with myself, you know. In fact, if I were alone in this tub, I’d probably do it right now.”

“But since when do you—”

“Since always.” My eyes widened, and she giggled. “Hey, I shocked you twice in a row! Sorry about that.”

“No, I’m not shocked.” It was true, I wasn’t. I was only a little bit breathless and surprised. I was learning a few things about my older sister I didn’t know. “Since always? What do you mean, since always?”

“Don’t worry so much about it. It’s just natural. I just do what my body wants and needs. It’s a great way to fall asleep.”

“But weren’t you worried that Mom—”

“No, I stopped paying attention to Mom’s worries and hang-ups about sex a long time ago. You should, too.”

Lisa and I lingered in that tub for a few minutes longer, talking about our shared childhood and the way our parents, especially Mom, had repressed our sexuality. The fact that Lisa had managed to set herself free from that conditioning was an amazing thing to me.

When we finally got out of the tub, I felt a strange mix of confusion, relief and disappointment. I could understand why I was confused and relieved, but I wasn’t sure why I was so disappointed. Or maybe I did know, but lied to myself about it.


A few days later, Lisa and I were invited to a welcome party for freshmen like me. I was nervous, but calmed down a little when my sister told me she knew a few people who would be there and she’d introduce me to them.

“What should I wear?” I asked Lisa, checking myself out in the closet mirror in her bedroom. “Jeans or a dress?”

“A dress, definitely,” she answered, trying on a short black dress that set off her pale skin, framed by that pitch-black hair. “The party will be next to the Student Union Hall, and because I belong to the USG, I have to dress up. So you should too.”

“USG? What’s that?”

“Undergraduate Student Government: It’s a guild of students for undergrads.”

“I didn’t know that. Since when?”

“Since last year. I won the election for Vice President. Now hurry up. You still don’t know lots of things about me. Live and learn.”

When I was about finished dressing, and as busy and fussy as I was, Lisa and I bumped against each other at the bathroom doorway. I took a step back and said. “Oops! Sorry.”

“No big deal,” she said, smiling at me.

For a few seconds, I could only stare at her. She looked… so absolutely perfect. The eyeliner around her eyes made their greenness stand out even more than usual. Her lips were covered with a patina of light pinkish gloss. And her black dress suited her to perfection, making her body look longer and slimmer.

For that short moment of awe and surprise, Lisa didn’t seem to be my sister anymore. She looked like an adorable stranger, a breathtaking woman, a vision of a fallen angel dressed to kill.

“What?” she asked. “Hello? Are you okay?”

I snapped out of my trance and said, “Sure, sorry. I’m not used to seeing you like this.”

“Is it too much, you think?”

“No, no, you look gorgeous.”

“You sure?” she said, cocking her head to the side, her smile turning slowly into a grin.

“Sure I’m sure,” I said, my nervousness increasing. I tugged at my dress, pulling it down a little.

“Okay. Thanks, Annie. You look pretty hot, too. So… are you ready?”

“No, I still need to comb my hair.”

“I’ll do it for you. Please, calm down and stop fussing with your dress. You’re gonna ruin it.”

Without a word of protest from me, I let Lisa guide me into the bathroom. Patiently, she began to untangle my hair with a brush. With a few strokes, her hands produced a miracle. She turned my disheveled head into something presentable.

“Wow, you’ve become so beautiful, little sis. We’re going to have so much fun, you and me. I can guarantee you that.”

I smiled into the mirror. Seeing Lisa so close to me, I was unable to stop a sudden, overwhelming surge of love for her. I turned and kissed my big sister on the cheek.

Lisa smiled at me, kissed me back, and we hugged. I whispered into her ear, “Lisa, I’m so happy to be here with you.”

“Me too,” she replied, her arms pulling me closer to her.

“I love you,” I said.

Lisa took a step back and looked at me. “I know, baby sis. I know you do. But c’mon now, let’s go. I want to party, party all night!”


When Lisa and I arrived at the party tent near the Student Union Hall, I saw many heads turn toward us. The fact that we came in holding hands—Lisa’s idea—was getting us more attention than I liked. I kept myself from pulling away, though.

A guy came out of the crowd and gave Lisa a hug. “So, how are you, girl?” he asked. “I haven’t seen you in ages.” And since Lisa was still holding my hand, he added, “And who’s this? Your new girlfriend?”

“Yeah, she is,” she said, grinning and sending me a glance that meant I should be quiet. I couldn’t help but gape stupidly at her.

“And does she have a name?” he said, eyeing me from head to toe.

“It’s Annie, she’s a freshman.”

The guy snickered. “Oh, you like them young.”

“Yeah,” she replied, nodding and squeezing my hand tighter, as if to assure me that it was all a big joke. “The younger the better, but up to a point.” Then she looked at me and said, “Come on, babe. Let me introduce you to other people I know.”

I followed her lead, blinking my eyes, confused and almost breathless. I didn’t understand what she was up to, and it distressed me.

When the guy no longer could hear us, I pulled her close and gave her a quizzical look. “Lisa, what on earth are you—”

“Just play along, sis,” she said. “Let them think you’re my new girlfriend.”

“Your girlfriend? But—” I wasn’t able to continue, though, before Lisa was enveloped by another pair of arms. This time it was a young woman, an attractive blonde wearing a tight red dress and a beaded evening shawl. The same questions were asked about my identity, and my sister told the same lie.

“She’s absolutely stunning,” the woman-in-red said. “And you look so much alike. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were sisters.”

Hearing this, I removed my hand from Lisa’s, already beginning to panic a little. I wouldn’t have been so nervous if the circumstances had been different. I figured Lisa was probably pulling a practical joke on her friends, but somehow it didn’t feel that way to me. If I hadn’t secretly felt desire for my sister on two separate occasions, I would gladly play along like she’d asked. However, knowing that my conscience wasn’t clear on the matter, Lisa’s little prank hit too close to home.

As I began to move away, Lisa hurried after me and said, “I’m sorry, Annie. It’s a joke, just a stupid joke.”

“What is—listen, are you hazing me?” I said, turning to her, holding my shallow breath.

“No, I was hazing them.”

“Lisa, I—I don’t like this joke. Please stop saying we’re girlfriends.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I just thought—”


“It was a crazy idea I had when we took that bath together. I’m—” Lisa wasn’t able to finish her sentence. Once again, we were surrounded by Lisa’s friends. They hugged me too, saying, “Wow, Lisa knows how to choose her girlfriends. You look fantastic.” And that whirlwind of people took us to a low-lit corner where guys and girls leaned and sat on multicolored beanbags.

Despite the dim light, I could see that Lisa and I were the center of attention. I felt terribly uncomfortable and turned crimson every time I noticed the intent stare of curious faces. I wished to God that evening would end as soon as possible. To make matters worse, some of Lisa’s friends took her away from me, leaving me all alone and vulnerable.

Luckily, some drunk girl started doing a lewd dance, so everyone started paying attention to her instead. I slipped into a quiet corner and tried to be invisible. Finally, though, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to find my sister.

I looked for Lisa in the tent, but couldn’t find her. Eventually, I asked a bunch of loud partiers if they had seen Lisa and one of the guys said, “Yeah, she went to the bathroom.”

“And where is it?” I shouted over the booming music.

“In the Union building. Second door to the right.”

After asking twice where the main entrance of the building was, I managed to find the bathrooms. As I entered the girls’ room, I heard someone laughing out loud, obviously intoxicated.

“Hey, Lisa,” said a girl leaning on one of the sinks. “Your girlfriend’s here.” She gave me the once-over and smiled, blowing the smoke of her joint upwards. “Hey, checking if your squeeze is cheating on ya?”

“My girlfriend?” I heard Lisa say. I saw her come out of one of the stalls and then turn toward me. “Annie, how did you find me?”

I told her how, frowning, somewhat angry with her because she’d put me in such an awkward, humiliating position. I was being laughed at for no good reason.

After an embarrassing moment of silence, Lisa eventually said, “Annie, let me introduce you to my friends.” Pointing to the smoking girl, she added, “This is Kylie. And the girl in the stall is Mandy.”

Seeing Kylie’s smirk and the condescending way she looked at me, I became angry. On impulse, I decided to get into my role as Lisa’s lover. She’s pushed me too far, and I was going to get even.

I said, “And what were you doing with Mandy in the stall? I can’t trust you, can I? Why are you doing this to me? You tell me how much you need me, and now you cheat on me with her?”

Lisa took a step back, surprised at my outburst. “What…”

“If you don’t want me in your life anymore, just say it, but don’t you dare to deny you were cheating on me with her.” I emphasized the last two words, pointing at the girl in the stall.

“But Annie, it’s not what you think. We were—I was….”

I spun around, stalked out of the bathroom, and marched out of the building, grinning and proud of myself. The joke was supposed to be on me, was it? Well, I’d just turned the tables. I strode faster across the Student Union lawn.

“Annie, wait.” It was Lisa and she was running toward me. “Wait. Where are you going?”

“I’m going home.”

“So soon?” she said, panting and puffing as she stood in front of me. Her hair had gotten loose from the artsy bun I’d helped her with when we were getting ready.

“Yeah,” I said.

“What happened in there? What was the big idea?”

“You wanted me to be your girlfriend, so I reacted like one.”

“Annie, don’t go. Not just yet. I’m sorry if—”

“That’s fine. You have your fun. I… I’m just too tired right now. I want to go home.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Okay,” she said, then hugged me and kissed my cheek. “Be safe. And call me when you arrive home. I have to stay; otherwise, I’d go with you.”

“I know. Have fun. See you tomorrow.” And with that, I removed myself from her embrace and walked away. On the way home, I realized that I’d just had the most surreal evening of my life.


The next day was Saturday. Lisa and I were supposed to clean the apartment and do the laundry. I felt really tired and almost couldn’t get out of bed. With heavy eyelids and walking like a zombie, I managed to shamble into the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my hair and made my way into the kitchen. To my surprise, Lisa was already dressed and fixing breakfast.

“Wow,” I said. “I didn’t know you were an early riser.”

“Well, I’m not… but today, for some reason, I wanted to wake up early and surprise you.”

“Are you trying to make amends for last night?”

Lisa stared at me with a contrite look. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make you feel bad. I just thought it was a cute joke, you know.”

I sat at the table while she served an extremely delicious-looking breakfast. The French toast smelled divine. “Nice of you to prepare breakfast for your little sister, or should I say, ‘girlfriend’?”

“I’m sorry,” said Lisa, reaching out for my hand across the table. She looked a little sad and nervous. Her hand was cold and trembled somewhat. “I didn’t know that would freak you out so much. It was a joke gone wrong. Can you forgive me?”

“Did you tell them the truth, or do your friends still think we’re a couple?”

Lisa looked down at her food and said, “Well, uh, not really.”

“What do you mean, not really? You either told them or you didn’t.”

“Well, I couldn’t.”

I searched for her eyes, but her long hair kept her face hidden from me. “Lisa, what’s going on? I don’t understand. I thought you had a boyfriend. I don’t get this, this story of you having a girlfriend. Why would they think you’d have a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend? And why me? Why would you choose me to take part in this cock-and-bull story? You know, Mom and Dad wouldn’t like this at all.”

Sudden panic appeared in her eyes. “You—you’re not going to tell them, are you?”

“Of course not. Calm down. I’ve never ratted you out. I’m not going to start now.”

“Well, you did once.”


“About Johnny.”

“That doesn’t count. I was—”

“Jealous, I know,” said Lisa, facing me, biting her lips.

“Jealous? No, I wasn’t jealous. I was worried about you. You were sneaking out in the middle of the night to be with him. He could’ve hurt you, you know. And he was a drug dealer, for God’s sake!”

“That’s what people said, but I’ve never seen him selling dope.”

“Of course not. He was trying to impress you. What would you expect?”

There was a moment of silence between us. We ate breakfast, our eyes avoiding each other. The truth was there to be caught and swept in, but we both had reasons to lie.

“Annie,” she finally said, staring at me. “I’ve been meaning to tell you something, but you’ve got to promise me you won’t tell anyone at home.”


“I—I like girls. It’s been that way since… since always. I know I’ve had my share of boyfriends, but I knew deep in my heart that—”

“You’re gay?” I said, completing and turning her sentence into a question.

“Yes, I can’t deny that. At least not to you.”

I was flabbergasted. “But—but that’s not possible.”

“Why not?” She frowned at me, becoming defensive.

There was a long pause before I could say: “Because I like girls too. Since always.”

On to Part Two!


Knuckle Ridge, Chapter 2

  • Posted on September 4, 2020 at 2:22 pm

by Purple Les

The Tequila Kid and Andromeda Purdy talked late into the night. Eventually, the soft light of dawn began to creep through the bedroom window.

The Kid lay naked on her back on the rumpled bedclothes. Lying on her side facing The Kid and also nude, Andromeda peered at the gold ring her lover wore around the neck on a thin gold chain, reading the inscription on the inside of the ring aloud. “‘My Love Always’.”

Andromeda fell silent. The Kid had told her the whole story of her time in Oak Creek, what had happened to Buttercup and all that went with it. The murders carried out by Ramses Kingsley. Her near-death at the hands of the same man. The dying little girl named Arabella, who she’d rescued from the desert wasteland. How The Kid and Arabella had first made love. How the child had been reunited with her Aunt Clementine and cousins Mimi and Susie, who welcomed Arabella into their home… and their bed. The lustful pleasures that The Kid had shared with the entire family.

The story had been frequently interrupted by questions from Andromeda… and by tears, hugs and several bouts of lovemaking.

“I hope you didn’t break this little Arabella’s heart too badly, Kid.” Andromeda said as she fondled the ring between her fingers, observing its gleam in the light of morning.

“I hope not,” The Kid said softly. “Reckon I broke my own heart when I said goodbye to her. Fact is, she left an achin’ inside me that don’t seem to heal.”

Nestling against her lover, Ann cuddled The Kid till they drifted off. The two of them dozed for a few hours in the crisp morning air, soon to be burned off by the relentless sun.

The Kid woke first. As Ann slumbered on, her mind turned to the stagecoach robbery, trying to work out how the job had been done — marshaling the facts of the case, seeking a pattern to it all that made sense.

Just like that, the missing piece fell into place, and The Kid had her answer.

Now anxious to get moving, she leaned over and kissed Ann awake. “Mornin’,” The Kid said softly as she watched Ann hesitantly open her eyes.

Ann rubbed sleep from her sparkling eyes as she yawned out, “Morning, Kid.”

“You rest up, Ann. I gotta get myself cleaned up some and meet Gus Masters for breakfast.” The Kid sat up, stretching her long wiry limbs out in all directions.

“No, don’t,” Ann protested sleepily. “I want you all to myself today.”

The Kid shook her head, “I want that, too. But fact is, I gotta get on this murder. Roy’s dead, and maybe Bob is too, by now. I can’t let that stand. No dirty dog is gonna kill good men that way and get away with it… ‘specially in the town where my sweetheart lives.”

“I’m your sweetheart?” Ann asked in a teasing voice, already knowing the answer.

The Kid rumpled Ann’s hair, then got out of bed.

“I love the sight of you naked,” Ann sighed as she gazed at her nineteen-year-old lover’s lithe body, now on full display. The lean muscular frame. The small pert breasts with taut pink nipples. The firm belly and the sparse patch of rust-red pubes. The narrow hips and the long, muscular legs.

“Oh, no, You’re the one who looks the best with nothin’ on,” The Kid said as she pulled the covers off, baring the body of her lover — almost ten years her senior and amazingly beautiful.

“Please, Kid… I’m positively burning for you. Can’t you make me come just once? A quick one to take the edge off, that’s all I need. Pretty please?” Andromeda cupped the underside of her breasts with both hands and presented them to The Kid, who licked her lips as she watched Ann’s nipples harden.

Dang it, Ann. I promise I’ll be back in a little while… then we’ll have us all kinds of time to talk about that Sappho gal, the one on the Isle of Lesbo that you keep tellin’ me about.” The Kid was doing her best to be strong and get moving, but too late — she got caught up in the sight of Andromeda spreading her legs wide apart to reveal her juicy treasure.

The Kid sighed heavily, but there was amusement in her eyes. “I thought for sure that I made you come enough times last night.” With a wry smile, she threw up her hands. “Okay, a real fast one.”

As The Kid reached for her, Ann suddenly thought of Roy, the murdered man, and the magic of the moment vanished. She’d known Roy for years. He was rough as a cob, but a reliable fellow whose word was bond. And he’s got a wife and children, Ann remembered. My God, what must they be going through? 

Ann suddenly pulled the sheet back up over herself. “No… you’re right, Kid. I’m being selfish. You have a crime to solve and you best get to it.”

Grinning, The Kid shook her head. “You are the livin’ end, Andromeda Henrietta Purdy. Don’t you have me like a spider on a string, pullin’ me any which way you want, whenever you want.”

Ann gave her lover a stern look. “Go now, Kid, before I pull the string back the other way again.”

The Kid gathered up some of her things, then threw a pillow at Ann as she padded from the bedroom.

Ann called after her, “Hurry, my avenging angel. Come back to me soon!”

She lay back down in the bed, her mind a jumble of thoughts — about the stagecoach holdup, but also about all the women and young girls The Kid had been with in Oak Creek. She began to toy with her clit, remembering The Kid’s story about the first time she’d made love to ten-year-old Arabella.

But her thoughts returned to the shooting of Bob and Roy… and making a face, she withdrew that straying hand from between her thighs. Ann got up and put a robe on, coming down the stairs to find The Kid strapping on her gun belt. She wrapped both arms around the younger woman without a word, and they kissed.

As The Kid started out the door, Ann blurted, “Please stay safe.”

“Don’t you worry none about me,” The Kid answered with a smile as she left.


Freshly washed and wearing a clean shirt, The Kid went looking for Sheriff Gus Masters. She found him standing in front of the Highland House, a modest adobe building that boasted Honest Home Cookin on the sign out front.

“Mornin’,” Sheriff Masters nodded his head in greeting.

“Mornin’, Gus.” The Kid replied as they stepped inside.

The morning rush was over, and they sat at a table out of the way of those who were still eating.

“Bob still around?” The Kid asked.

“He made it through the night. Doc says Bob lost a lot of blood, but the way you patched his chest up was enough to keep him going. He ain’t out of the woods yet, though.”

Gus put something on the table, saying, “Look at this. It’s what Jed pulled outta Bob’s chest.”

The Kid picked up the battered .32 slug, looking at it closely before putting it in her vest pocket, as Gus added, “Jed found the same caliber bullet in Roy’s head.”

“What’ll ye have?” said Eiljah, the grizzled old white-haired waiter, dressed in dark pants, stained white shirt and a black vest. He set down two empty cups and saucers, then filled the cups with steaming black coffee.

Remembering that she hadn’t been to the bank yet and only had small change in her pocket, The Kid said, “Uh, I reckon coffee is fine.”

“My treat,” Gus said, grinning at The Kid. He knew she couldn’t have picked up her pay yet, and was probably broke as usual. “Whatever you like.” He turned to the waiter, “I’ll have ham and two eggs over easy, Eli. How ‘bout you, Kid?”

In fact, The Kid had eaten nothing since a small breakfast early the day before, and felt absolutely ravenous now. Looking up at Elijah, she said, “I’ll have me a steak, rare, with a few scrambled eggs on top.”

The waiter was about to turn and shuffle off when The Kid added, “Oh, and some of them fried-up potatoes on the side. You know, with the onions in ‘em. And baked beans with bacon.”

Gus and the waiter stared at The Kid. Finally Eli said, “Reckon that’ll hold ye, then?”

“You can just leave the coffee pot here on the table for us. Oh, and a pan of biscuits with gravy,” The Kid said, and the waiter walked off muttering to himself.

Later, Gus Masters sat cleaning his teeth with a toothpick as he watched The Kid gnaw on her steak bone. She’d gulped down the rest of her food already. Setting the bone down in one of her empty dishes and pouring herself more coffee, she put her feet up on a vacant chair at the table and took a sip.

“Well… I give it a lot of thought, Gus.”

Sheriff Masters knew it was well worth the price of feeding The Kid to hear what she had to say about the crime. She’d never learned to read or write, but her powers of observation were considerable.

“The big question here,” The Kid continued, “is just how many men it was that robbed the coach. ‘Cause we’re gettin’ some differences of opinion here.”

Gus nodded. “I’m mighty anxious to hear what the passengers have got to say on that point.”

“Well, the servant girl told me she saw two riders, but from the tracks I saw, there weren’t but one horse. Thing is, though, there had to be two outlaws, the way it was done,” The Kid said.

Gus Masters gave The Kid a quizzical look, “Well, it’s got to be one or the other, Kid. I reckon it’s maybe time for us to start talkin’ with them out-of-towners, wouldn’t you say?”

The Kid finished her coffee and said, “I reckon so,” setting her empty cup down.

Making their way over to the Ridge Hotel, they found Lady Jane Wyeth-Boton and Count Cousiourac in the hotel’s plush dining room, finishing their breakfast. The woman narrowed her eyes as Gus and The Kid approached, clearly annoyed at the prospect of encountering The Kid again.

Count Cousiourac rose from his seat, and Gus removed his hat. The Kid stood looking at them all, thumbs hooked in her belt. She decided to make the introductions.

“Folks, this here is Sheriff Gus Masters,” The Kid said. Turning to the sheriff, she added, “Gus, this here is Lady Jane Wide-Bottom and Count Cocksucker.”

Lady Jane gave The Kid a look that would freeze the sun. “That’s Lady Jane Wyeth-Boton, and Count Cousiourac,” she hissed.

“Ain’t that what I said?” The Kid put in innocently with the soft angelic smile of a child as she looked into Lady Jane’s angry green eyes. Sheriff Masters was irked by The Kid’s foolishness, but managed to keep his expression neutral.

The Count didn’t seem to notice that anything was out of sorts. He shook hands with the sheriff and murmured, “Please join us, sir. You take coffee, yes?”

Gus pulled up a chair and sat down. “No, but thank you,” he answered.

“Sheriff, I believe you want to ask us questions regarding the terrible events of yesterday.” Looking The Kid up and down, Lady Jane sniffed in disdain. “Does this,” she hesitated for a moment, then finished with, “this person need to be here for that?”

Gazing evenly at Lady Jane, Gus said, “The Tequila Kid’s a special agent for the Texas Rangers. I’ve asked for her assistance on this case.”

Picking up a chair from a neighboring table, The Kid set it near Lady Jane Wyeth-Boton, facing in the wrong direction. The Kid then straddled the seat, leaning forward against the backrest.

“It was most terrible, how the bandits killed that man,” Count Cousiourac said in his thick French accent.

“So were there two outlaws?” Gus asked.

The Count nodded. “Two men, yes.”

“I thought there was just one,” Lady Jane put in.

“Hm. Well, we’re still tryin’ to work that out,” said the sheriff.

The Kid looked back and forth thinking to herself, The Count looks like a dandy, but he seems man enough. Clean-shaven with that black curly hair, he looks like the type to fetch both men or women to him. I guess Lady Ice Queen wears her fancy duds everywhere she goes, even at breakfast. She sure looks nice in ‘em, though. I like the way that dress shows off her cleavage, and she’s got pretty blonde hair and a good figure. She looks young, but judging by her hands, I reckon she’s thirty-five or so. Hard to know what she’d be like in bed, though. I bet her snatch is either wide as a canyon, or tight as a miser with a penny. Hell, I’d take a tumble with her if she weren’t such a cold-ass bitch.

“What did you see, exactly?” Gus asked the Count.

“Ah, Sheriff Masters,” the Count began, “It all happened so quickly. The coach came to a stop. I heard a man order the stage men to throw the box down. There were gunshots, and then the stagecoach took off at great speed.”

Count Cousiourac took a silver cigarette case out of his coat and, flicking it open, offered it to the sheriff, who shook his head. The Count took one out, closed the case, tapped the cigarette against it and lit it with a match that was on the table.

After taking a long draw, he smiled and shook his head, “To be honest, Sheriff Masters, I saw not much of anything. I thought someone said there were two bandits. I do not know for certain.”

Gus nodded, then looked over and said, “And you, Lady Wyeth-Boton?”

Lady Wyeth-Boton looked thoughtful for a moment, then said, “I must say that I agree with the Count. I can’t say if there were one or two men, I really didn’t see anything either. It all happened so quickly.”

“Any idea how many shots you heard?” The Kid asked.

“Two, I think,” the Count said.

“Yes, two, I believe,” Lady Wyeth-Boton agreed.

Gus thought for a moment, then gave Lady Jane and the Count a slightly awkward smile. “So… pardon me for askin’, but what brings a couple of well-to-do folks such as yourselves to our little town?”

“Perhaps I can answer that, Sheriff Masters,” came a voice from the middle of the dining room, just a few feet from their table.

They saw a short, silver-haired woman in her sixties, who wore an ornate dress done in an older fashion. She looked down her aquiline nose at them as the sheriff, the Count and The Kid all stood.

“Howdy there, Mrs Ruggles,” The Kid said, tipping the brim of her hat.

“Good morning, all,” Mrs Ruggles said, then offered her hand to Count Cousiourac, who bent to lightly press his lips against the woman’s fingers for a moment. She seemed pleased.

“And you must be Lady Jane Wyeth-Boton,” Mrs Ruggles gushed. Lady Jane gave a brief nod in reply, but did not speak.

“Take you a seat, ma’am,” The Kid said, offering her chair to Mrs Ruggles. As the woman seated herself, Masters and the Count sat down as well.

“You see, Sheriff Masters,” Mrs Ruggles began, beaming like a child showing off a new Christmas present, “Lady Wyeth-Boton is a world renowned spiritualist and medium from Great Britain. I found she was visiting our country, and simply had to invite her here.”

“I see,” Gus said, though his expression indicated otherwise.

Mrs Ruggles continued, “Learning that Count Cousiourac was traveling with her was the icing on the cake. Naturally, I extended my invitation to include him. I will personally vouch for them both, Sheriff Masters.” She turned to the two visitors. “Lady Wyeth-Boton, I insist that you and the Count stay with me while you are here.”

“Why, thank you,” Lady Jane said, clearly pleased.

“It will be our honor to lodge with you, Mrs Ruggles,” the Count said with a slight bow.

Gus Masters said, “Well, I reckon I’ll ride out there if I have any more questions.”

“I got a couple more questions right now,” The Kid said.

Mrs Ruggles glared at The Kid. “Must you, Tequila? Can’t it wait?”

“It’ll just take a minute, Mrs Ruggles.”

“Very well, my child, go ahead,” the woman replied, but not without a heavy sigh.

“‘Preciate it, ma’am.” The Kid turned back to Lady Jane and the Count. “So, if I understand this right, you two never saw no robbers then? No one made you get out of the coach? They didn’t take your money or jewels or nothin’?”

Count Cousiourac looked at Lady Wyeth-Boton. Lady Jane spoke up, “Why, yes, I had forgotten. It must have been the shock of it all. They did take all our money, and yes, my jewels. How silly of me. I’ve no idea how we’ll pay our expenses till I can wire our bank in New York.”

“Yes, of course,” Count Cousiourac added, “Now I recall most clearly. One man opened the coach door and robbed us at gunpoint. I think that is why we believed there were two of them.”

“You see his face?”

The Count shook his head. “Just his eyes. He wore a, what is it called — a bandana, yes, over his nose and mouth. Anything else…” He shrugged. “I cannot recall more.”

“Did you hear them two shots before or after you got robbed?” The Kid asked.

“I can’t recall for certain,” Lady Jane replied. The Count just shook his head.

“You needn’t worry about your lack of funds,” Mrs Ruggles said. “I will take care of your bills until your wire arrives from New York.”

“You are too kind,” murmured Lady Jane.

“Mrs Ruggles,” The Kid said, “These folks have a heap of luggage and a servant girl. I’d be right happy to bring all that out to your place if you like.”

“Why, thank you, Tequila,” Mrs Ruggles replied, genuinely pleased. “That will make things much easier.” She turned to her guests. “Count, Lady Wyeth-Boton — after your things are packed, you will ride out with me to my home. The Tequila Kid will bring your baggage and servant with her later.”

With that, Mrs Ruggles stood and made her way to the lobby desk to pay the hotel bill. Lady Jane rose and swept away from the table, pointedly ignoring Sheriff Masters and The Kid. That left the Count, who, as he made to leave, paused to give a slight bow first.

The Kid turned to the Sheriff, “I smell bullshit here, Gus. The stories these folks are tellin’ don’t make no kinda sense.”

As Mrs Ruggles rejoined them, The Kid quickly said, “Ma’am, there’s been a little change of plans. The Count and her Ladyship want to take care of some business here in town. So I’ll bring ‘em both out to you later with the luggage and servant girl.”

“That’s splendid, Tequila. That will give me time to prepare a proper luncheon. Please try to have them at my house by one o’clock. Thank you again, dear girl,” Mrs Ruggles said, patting The Kid’s hand as she left. Moments later, her buggy was heard to depart.

Before long, the Count and Lady Jane came down the stairs. She asked Gus, “Where is Mrs Ruggles?”

Sheriff Masters said, “Mrs Ruggles offers her apologies to you both. Somethin’ urgent came up, and she had to leave. No need to worry, though — The Tequila Kid here will take you and your baggage out to the Ruggles residence.”

“That’s right, folks,” The Kid added. “Soon as I get me a wagon from the livery stable, I’ll have your things loaded up and ready to go. ‘Scuse me now.” She made to leave, then paused to ask The Count, “You carry a gun, mister?”

“Yes,” the Count answered. “I was told I would need one for protection.”

“Could I see it?” the sheriff put in, “If you got it on you, that is.”

Reaching under his coat, the Count withdrew the gun from a shoulder holster and handed it to Sheriff Masters. Gus studied the weapon, a .32 caliber Smith and Wesson single-action short barrel five-shot revolver. He sniffed at the barrel, then handed it back to the Count. The Kid and the sheriff exchanged a brief look.

“Strange,” the Count mused. “I never even thought of it while we were robbed.”

“Just as well,” Gus said, “They wouldn’t of given you a chance to reach for it.”

“I bought one the same for Lady Wyeth-Boton,” the Count replied. “I have shown her to use it, but she keeps it packed away. So what good does it do, this gun?” He shook his head.

Leaving the hotel, The Kid waited nearby for the sheriff to appear. When Gus joined her, he said, “Let’s go see Molly Hardy. I’ll talk to the servant girl later.”

As The Kid and Masters headed for the boarding house, they spied Molly, emerging from the post office, carrying her valise. “Good morning, Sheriff Masters, Miss Kid,” she said.

Sheriff Masters and The Kid both tipped the brims of their hats and said, “Mornin’, Miss Hardy.”

“How is the stagecoach driver?” Molly asked.

“He’s hangin’ on,” Gus Masters told her, then said, “Actually, ma’am, we were lookin’ to have a word with you. Won’t keep you long, we just need to ask a few questions.”

“I’d be happy to help in any way I can,” Molly replied.

The sheriff nodded. “Why don’t we go to my office? It’s just over there.”

Masters’ office was a small one, with just two cells in the back. There was a desk that was really more of a table with a drawer, stacked with paperwork, a wooden swivel chair placed behind it. A small wood-burning stove squatted in one corner, a coffee pot sitting on top. Off to the side stood a few chairs, and another, smaller table with a checkerboard on it. There was a cot against a corner, and a rack of rifles and shotguns over the desk. The room was lit by a few oil lamps fixed to the brick walls and another one on the desk. A map of Texas hung to the left of the cot, and a few wanted posters were tacked to a corkboard on the opposite wall. Along the wall also stood a heavy safe. On top, a doily was spread out with coffee mugs resting upside down on it.

Gus offered a chair at the table to Molly Hardy, who sat down and folded her hands. The Kid and the sheriff seated themselves as well.

“Would you care for some coffee, Miss Hardy?” Gus asked. “It is Miss, right?”

“Yes, Sheriff Masters, it is Miss… and no, thank you to the coffee.”

“Can I ask what brings you to Knuckle Ridge?”

“I’ve come to meet my brother. As it turns out, I fear that I have missed him. So I will be taking the Saturday morning train to Austin. From there, I will head to Denver to meet him.”

“You look like you’re fixin’ to leave now. You always tote your luggage along?” The Kid asked amiably.

“No, of course not. I have very few items of clothing with me, so I was heading for the laundry,” Molly replied with a pleasant smile.

“What can you tell us about yesterday’s robbery, Miss Hardy?” Masters queried, intrigued by the way the two women looked at each other.

“Not very much, I’m afraid. I was trying to play a word game with the little girl to pass some time, but Lady Wyeth-Boton soon put a stop to that. It wasn’t long after that the coach came to a sudden stop. We heard voices.”

Molly pulled a handkerchief from her sleeve and dabbed at her eyes, which had suddenly gone moist. “I heard them tell the stagemen, ‘Hand down the box’. I saw one of the stage men on the ground after that for a moment, when he moved past a window. Then I — I heard two shots. Suddenly a masked man opened the stage door, He held a gun, and demanded our money and jewels.

“Thankfully, most of the money I possessed was hidden away on my person. They only got a few dollars from me. The way the man was talking, I fear if they hadn’t been in such a hurry, they would have…” Molly shuddered, then went on, “…they would have searched us most thoroughly, if you get my meaning.”

“I’m afraid I do, Miss Hardy,” Gus said. “You’re sure there was two men, then?”

“Yes, very sure,” Molly answered. “Then another shot was fired, and the stage sped off. It was clear that we were riding out of control, and were sure to be badly hurt or killed.” Raising her pale face, Molly said, “The rest you know, Sheriff Masters. Miss Kid here saved our lives and brought us into town.”

The sheriff gave a thoughtful nod. “Well, I guess that’s about it then, Miss Hardy. You got any questions, Kid?”

“No, I reckon not. What’s your brother’s name, Miss Hardy?”

Pausing a moment, Molly replied, “Jess. Jess Hardy. He’s about your height, Miss Kid, and resembles me.”

“Well, then, I reckon I’d recall a handsome man like that,” The Kid said watching a light pink come to Molly’s cheeks at the compliment. “You seen anyone like that around, Gus?”

“No, I don’t believe so, Kid.” Gus stood up. “Thanks for your help, Miss Hardy. If I can be of any assistance to you while you’re in town, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

Molly Hardy rose. “If you’d be so kind as to keep me informed about how the stageman is doing, it would be of some comfort.”

“Yes, of course,” Gus said.

“You don’t carry a gun… do you, Miss Hardy?” The Kid asked.

Molly looked startled, then said, “No. I — I wouldn’t even know how to use one.”

The Kid stood. “It was good of you to look after Bob on the ride to town yesterday, Miss Hardy.”

“Not at all. Any Christian would do the same.”

As Gus opened and held the door, Molly smiled briefly at The Kid and said, “Good morning.”

They watched her walk away, then The Kid sighed. “Reckon I better get a wagon and head those folks out to Mrs Ruggles’ place. I’ll have a talk with the girl, ‘less you want to speak with her yourself, Gus.”

Masters shook his head. “You might get more out of a child than me, Kid. We’ll talk when you get back.”

Exchanging handshakes, Gus and The Kid parted ways. The sheriff returned to his office, and The Kid made a stop at the post office and then the telegraph office before making her way to the livery stable.


The ride out to Mrs Ruggles’ place was uneventful. Gracie rode in back with the luggage, while the adults sat on the wagon bench with The Kid. A few times, the Count and Lady Jane spoke in French to each other. The Kid, who spoke the language fluently, having learned it from Big Bertha during her time at the trading post, was amused by the comments they made about her. Naturally, The Kid didn’t let on that she understood. She also noticed that while Lady Wyeth-Boton spoke proper French, the Count’s French was off somehow. It was somewhat like how Cajuns spoke it, but not quite. For that matter, the way he spoke English was unlike any Frenchman that The Kid had ever known. More to this fella than meets the eye, she thought.

Being only two miles from town, The Kid had the wagon, her passengers and cargo at Mrs Ruggles’ large estate by a quarter of one.

Mrs Ruggles greeted her guests with genuine enthusiasm. She escorted the Count and Lady indoors, after giving her servants instructions to unload and take in the baggage. Before she left, the widow paused to tell The Kid, “Tequila, If Madge finds out that you were here and I didn’t send you straight to the kitchen to tell her hello, she’ll leave lumps in the mashed potatoes just to spite me. So you take this child inside and go pay her a visit. She’ll fix you both something special.”

“Thanks, ma’am,” The Kid replied. “But I reckon I still got too much trail dust on me to go walkin’ on your fine rugs. I’ll just mosey round to the back door, if it’s all the same.”

“Suit yourself,” Mrs Ruggles replied. “I’m much obliged to you for fetching my guests here, Tequila.” With a nod, she turned and mounted the steps to her front door, following two of her servants who were struggling with Count Cousiourac’s trunk. “Careful with that!” she snapped.

“Follow me, Gracie,” The Kid said, then led them around to the rear of the mansion to a large oaken door, Rapping on it a couple of times, she entered, leading the little girl into an enormous kitchen.

As they entered, a large black woman with a long steel carving knife in her grasp looked up from a cutting board, a frown of concentration on her face that turned into a wide grin when she spied The Kid.

“Kid!” she cried. Putting her knife down, she hurried over. “My, but it’s good to clap eyes on you again!” Seizing The Kid’s hand between both of hers, she gave it a mighty squeeze. “How long you been in town?”

“I just blew in yesterday,” The Kid replied. “Madge, this is my friend Gracie. She’s here with Mrs Ruggles’ guest, Lady Wyeth-Boton.” She turned to the child. “Gracie, this is Madge Johnson, the best cook I know anywheres.”

“Oh, pshaw,” Madge snorted, waving a dismissive hand, but clearly pleased. “Take you a seat, an’ I’ll fix you both lunch. Sit, sit!”

“No lunch for me, thanks kindly,” The Kid said, as she and Gracie seated themselves at a large walnut table. “I had me a big ol’ breakfast at the Highland House. Didn’t know then that I’d be comin’ here.”

Madge scowled. “Reckon I’ll forgive you this time for eatin’ that slop they serve, but you best come by again real soon, Kid, an’ let me feed you right.”

“I’ll for sure take you up on that, Madge,” The Kid replied. “I wouldn’t say no to somethin’ cold to drink, if you got it.”

Gracie watched as the stout colored woman fixed lunch for her, chatting with The Kid all the while. Mindful of her status as a mere servant, the child was too timid to speak at first. But Madge’s jolly nature soon won her over, and before long, she felt at ease enough to join in the conversation.

Soon, Madge set a plate in front of the child, and The Kid stared as Gracie proceeded to wolf down the contents.

Sure you won’t eat somethin’, Kid?” Madge asked. “I got some mighty fine ham here — just came outen the smokehouse yesterday.”

“Thanks but no, Madge. I will have more of that there lemonade, though.”

Madge put another fat drumstick on Gracie’s plate, saying, “You eat this up, child, put some meat on your bones. You looks half starved!”

“Thank you so much, ma’am. This is truly delicious,” Gracie said, then shoveled a forkful of fried okra into her mouth.

“My, my — don’t this little thing talk pretty!” Madge said, grinning hugely. “I could listen to her all day long.”

“She’s all the way over from England,” The Kid informed the cook. “The other side of the world.”

“Well, I do declare!” a very impressed Madge replied.

After a thick wedge of apple pie, Gracie accepted The Kid’s invitation to join her on a walk outdoors. They came to a pond, set within a grove of live oak trees.

“What a huge place,” Gracie said admiringly as they sat down on the grass under a weeping willow by the pond. The mansion was barely visible.

“Care to go for a swim, Gracie?” The Kid asked.

“Oh… no, thank you, Miss Kid. My lady would have a fit if she were to find out. Besides, I have no bathing costume with me.”

“Shucks, that won’t stop us none,” The Kid said with a grin. “We’d just swim in the altogether.”

Gracie blushed, saying, “How shocking!” and meaning it.

The Kid guffawed. “Why, Gracie, lots of the young folks in town come out here to swim naked. Mrs Ruggles don’t mind none. I hear tell she watches through a telescope in her room.”

“My lady said that you were a scandalous woman,” Gracie murmured, her cheeks slightly flushed. “I’m starting to think that she was right.” The thought of swimming in the nude with her new friend gave Gracie some very pleasant thoughts, and she wondered if The Kid was serious or joking.

“Yeah? What’s she sayin‘ about me?” The Kid asked. “I won’t be mad or tell on you, cross my heart.”

“Ooooh… I shouldn’t, honestly.”

“Aw, go on.”

Gracie pondered for a moment, then said, “She thinks it’s absolutely obscene, the way you dress like a man. She says those denim trousers you wear leave nothing to the imagination.”

“Well, no one’s makin’ her look,” The Kid said. Taking her hat off, she lay with both hands under her head, chuckling to herself.

Gracie went on, “My lady thinks that…” She paused, suddenly biting her lower lip.

The Kid looked over, “Come on, tell me.” she urged Gracie.

Nervously moistening her lips, the girl finally spoke. “She thinks that you are the type that would enjoy tipping the velvet with another woman.” After a pause, Gracie shyly added, “You are very pretty. I… I would tip the velvet with you anytime, Kid.”

Before The Kid could ask what she meant by that, Gracie hastily changed the subject, “Those marks on your chin… are you some sort of aboriginal?”

The Kid said, “I lived with the Indians for a spell, if that’s what you mean. These tattoos were what they call a rite of passage. I got some on my arms too.”

“May I see them?” Gracie asked.

The Kid sat up and took her green corduroy vest off, then she unbuttoned her shirt. The Kid wore nothing underneath except the ring on its chain. She pushed the shirt off her shoulders and down her arms to her elbows.

“See, Gracie? I got a tattoo ring round each of my upper arms.”

Gracie barely saw the tattoos, enthralled as she was by The Kid’s breasts. The girl was certain that she could see the young woman’s nipples harden in the cool afternoon air.

The Kid pulled her shirt back in place but didn’t button it up. Her eyes never leaving Gracie’s, she laid back down, saying, “Now what’s this here ‘tippin’ the velvet’, you’re speakin’ of? Never heard tell of it myself.”

Out of breath, her face flushed a bright pink, the girl blurted, “I’ll show you!” Quickly kneeling next to where the surprised young woman lay, Gracie bent to claim The Kid’s mouth in a kiss.

The Kid was quick to recover, though. When Gracie’s tongue darted between her parted lips, The Kid sucked it into her mouth — then brought her own tongue into play, matching the young servant girl’s passion. Gracie climbed on top of The Kid as their kiss deepened.

Placing both hands on Gracie’s upper back, The Kid allowed one of them to slide down the girl’s body until it was cupping her bottom through the dress she wore. Gracie sighed blissfully into their kiss, then began to rub herself against The Kid’s body, grinding progressively faster as their tongues flickered in and out of each other’s mouths.

Suddenly Gracie gasped and sat upright, straddling The Kid, her breath coming in quick, hard gasps as she came. She nearly swooned, but managed not to. Once the girl had recovered, she reached down with a sly grin and unfastened The Kid’s shirt, reaching inside to fondle her small firm breasts, lightly pinching the stiff nipples.

The Kid was sorely tempted to put her duty aside just long enough to strip naked and take this young girl right there by the side of the pond, but managed to restrain herself. She’s sure a pretty thing, yes indeed… but this just ain’t the time or place. 

Finally, she spoke. “What else can you tell me about that holdup yesterday, Gracie?”

The girl’s face went deathly pale. Slowly rising to her feet, she turned and looked away. With a sigh, The Kid stood up, buttoned her shirt and tucked it in, then put her vest and hat back on.

They walked slowly back towards the house, The Kid resting a hand on Gracie’s shoulder as they walked. Gracie wrapped a thin arm around The Kid’s waist.

“I’m sorry,” Gracie finally said in a small voice. “I can’t talk about it. Please don’t make me.”

“I won’t,” was all The Kid said in reply. They were silent for the rest of the way back. As they came to the house they instinctively moved apart from each other.

The Kid brought Gracie back to the kitchen, then found the Count, Lady Jane and Mrs Ruggles in the drawing room having brandy. Giving a quick curtsy, Gracie hastened out of the room and up the stairs.

Watching as she disappeared, The Kid told herself. There’s more to this than her just gettin’ shook up by the holdup yesterday. Somethin’ else has that girl terrified.

The Kid was about to take her leave when Mrs Ruggles said, “Oh, Tequila… we will be having a seance here Thursday night. I insist that you and Miss Purdy attend.”

“All right, ma’am. Thank you. Good evenin’, folks,” The Kid said, then departed.


Back in town, Sheriff Masters caught up with The Kid as she brought the wagon and horses back to the livery stable.

“Kid, come with me quick over to Doc Johnson’s. He says Bob is come to, and he’ll give us a couple minutes to talk with him.”

Alice Johnson greeted them at the door, then took them back to Jed Johnson’s examining room, where he sat with Bob.

Taking his hat off, Gus said, “Hello, Bob, it’s Gus Masters. The Kid’s here with me. Can you tell us anything about what happened out there?”

The Kid took Bob’s large right hand between hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. Even knowing how badly hurt the man had been, The Kid was shocked by how frail Bob was now. He’s barely hangin’ on, she realized.

Drawing closer, Doc Johnson placed the disc of his stethoscope on Bob’s chest, frowning as he listened to Bob’s heart. Turning to Gus and The Kid, he shook his head, mouth set in a grim line.

Bob’s lips began to move. Quickly kneeling next to the bed, Gus bent in to listen, his ear about an inch from the dying man’s mouth. Then Bob exhaled… but didn’t draw another breath.

Doc Johnson listened to Bob’s chest once more, then pulled the sheet up to cover the man’s head. “Damn it all,” he muttered.

Carefully laying Bob’s arm down by his side, The Kid looked up at Gus. “What was it he said?”

Gus wore a befuddled expression. “He said, ‘That woman’. Nothin’ else. ‘That woman.’ Who in hell could he have been talkin’ about?” Sighing heavily, he patted the doctor’s shoulder. “You done the best you could, Jed. Shot up like he was, I’m surprised he made it this long.” Reaching his hat, he said. “My regards to the missus. We’ll see ourselves out.”

Doc Johnson shook the sheriff’s hand, then The Kid’s. “G’night, Gus… Kid. Hope you catch the no-account sons of bitches that did this.” With a nod, he turned back to his work.

As The Kid walked with Gus over to the stage office, she remarked, “Somethin’ I noticed… Bob had a big scrape on his knuckles. I reckon he got a good punch in during the robbery, scraped it on a tooth. Looks like we oughta be lookin’ for a feller with a fat lip, or a couple teeth knocked out.”

At the stage office, after breaking the bad news to Jack and inquiring into the next of kin and funeral arrangements, Gus asked, “What was in that strongbox, Jack?”

Jack grimaced, his already red face turning redder still. “Gold certificates. A half-million dollars worth.”

“God damn,” Sheriff Masters said. “That’s a pretty serious loss.”

“That’s right. We’re responsible for every wretched penny, too. Gus, any help this office can give, you just let me know.”

“Much obliged,” Masters replied.

As they stepped outside Gus said, “I reckon we’d better start looking in the saloons again.” He shook his head. “Seems like a fool’s errand, lookin’ for a man with a messed up mouth… but be damned if I can think of anything else to try.”

The Kid shrugged. “I’ll take the north side of town, Gus. You take the south, and I’ll meet you later at the Broken Horn.”

With that, the Sheriff and the Texas Ranger set off in opposite directions, searching for a man who’d taken a hard punch in the face.


It was well into the night when The Kid sauntered into the Broken Horn Saloon. Gus Masters was nursing a beer at the bar, both elbows resting against the hard wooden top and a foot on the brass railing.

The Kid came and stood next to him with her back to the bar, one foot on the railing with her knee sticking out. “I gotta admit, you run a right peaceable town here, Gus. I couldn’t find nary a black eye, broke nose or for sure no busted mouths. I asked around, too. No one at the saloons, or the livery stable saw anyone like that.”

“No one at the stage office saw anyone, neither,” Gus said. “Y’think maybe Bob could have scraped his knuckles some other way?”

“Sure, he could have. As I recollect the scene of the crime, though, I feel pretty sure he got that punch in.”

Gus was gazing into the mirror behind the bar, observing the reflection of a table where five men sat playing poker.

“Y’watchin’ that card game there, Gus?” The Kid asked.

“Sure am, Kid,” Gus answered. “That man in the fancy suit? He’s a cheat.”

“He’s ‘bout to break them hayseeds. too. Sure angers me to see it happen,” The Kid said, her voice soft.

Frowning, Gus said with a sigh, “Reckon I’d best put a stop to it.”

The Kid placed a hand on the sheriff’s shoulder. “How ‘bout you let me do it, Gus? I need to let off a little steam, if you don’t mind none.”

Gus broke into a wide grin. “All right, Kid, go ahead. I’ll enjoy watchin’ you handle that slicker.”

The four farmers at the table, all young men, had been steadily losing money for over an hour to the man in the black suit. He wore a string tie, had a full beard and looked to be somewhere in his thirties. His black hat was pushed back, exposing dark, greasy hair.

The Kid watched for a moment, finally taking a step toward the table. As she drew closer, the farmers threw their cards down in disgust as the bearded man laughed. “Too bad, boys.”

As the gambler extended his left arm to rake in the pot, a flash of metal from the blade of a Bowie knife came down like lightning into the sleeve of his suit — missing the arm, but pinning the man’s coat to the table.

The man looked up, his dark eyes flashing in anger, then widening in surprise to see the face of a young woman with tattoos on her chin who was glaring at him.

“Can’t say that I care none for card cheats,” The Kid said to him, thumbs hooked in her belt. Looking up at the four young farmers, she said, “You boys get your money back from this man… he got it usin’ dishonest means. Next time, don’t gamble with strangers.”

“You calling me a cheat? Why, you dirty half breed she-whelp, I’ll kill you!” the gambler spat out.

The farm boys snatched up their money from the gambler’s winnings, then hastily stepped away — as did everyone else in the vicinity of the card table, leaving a wide berth between the gambler and The Kid. Gus now had his back to the bar, watching and ready. The saloon was dead silent.

“I am callin’ you a cheat. You was crimpin’ the corners of them cards.” The Kid said in a soft voice that everyone heard clearly.

His left arm still pinned to the table, the bearded man quickly drew his gun with the other hand. But by the time the pistol was two-thirds out of its holster, he suddenly froze. The Kid’s gun had come into her right hand faster than the blink of an eye, and now the barrel of her Colt .45 peacemaker was cocked and pointed at the gambler’s face.

“Shucks, now,” The Kid said, “Let’s keep this fair, why don’t we. You keep your gun right there where it is, almost outta the holster.” She put the hammer back down on her gun, spun it backwards on her trigger finger and holstered it in one fluid motion. “Now you got a choice, cheater. Push that gun back in its holster and leave town… or try to get it out the rest of the way and die.”

The bearded man’s forehead was now peppered with beads of sweat. Staring at the young woman, it suddenly struck him that he was face to face with The Tequila Kid.

Moving slowly, he eased his pistol back into the holster, then just as slowly laid his right hand on the table. The Kid pulled her knife free of the table and his sleeve. With the razor sharp edge of the blade, she sliced open his coat sleeve to reveal a gadget that could shoot a card into his hand. It held an ace of spades.

Casually making his way over to the table, Gus said, “You come here by stage or horseback?”

“Stage,” the gambler sullenly said.

“Next one leaves at six in the morning… you best be on it. Now get the hell out, and don’t let me find you playing cards nowhere ‘tween now and then,” Gus Masters said. As he spoke, The Kid detached the device from the gambler’s arm and put it inside her vest.

The gambler got up slowly. “What’s your name, anyhow?” Gus asked.

“Kelsey. Speed Kelsey,” the gambler growled as he started for the door, his ears red with fury. After a few steps, he paused, then abruptly spun around, reaching for his gun.

But by then, The Kid was no longer in the same spot she’d been an instant ago.

When Kelsey stopped on his way to the door, The Kid had tensed, certain that the man was about to make a move. As he began to turn, she took three fast steps toward him and, before Kelsey could draw, seized the man’s right hand and shoved the gun back down into his holster, drawing her own piece with the other hand. Raising it high, she brought the barrel of the gun down hard on the gambler’s skull, just behind his left ear.

Speed Kelsey dropped to the floor, out cold, still gripping the butt of his pistol.

The only sound heard in the bar was the sheriff’s boots as Gus advanced toward the door to examine The Kid’s handiwork. Bending down, he gave an approving nod, then glanced about for Jigs, his deputy, spying him at a nearby table. In a loud voice, Masters said, “Jigs, go fetch Rick, and the two of you take this damn fool over to the jail and lock him up for the night.”

The deputy, a rangy older man, quickly downed his drink and left the bar, looking none too pleased about it. Everyone in the bar began to talk excitedly as they moved back to their chairs.

Gus wore an annoyed expression. “Hell’s bells… guess I’ll have to put him on the stage myself.” Turning to The Kid, he said, “Let me buy you a drink. That was a fine show you put on.”

Before The Kid could reply, Freddie came running into the saloon and up to the sheriff. The lad was pale and out of breath. “Sheriff Masters — there’s a dead man lyin’ out there in the alley. Looks like he’s been shot!” he gasped. In the din of the crowd, no one but Gus and The Kid heard the boy.

Putting a finger to his lips, Gus murmured, “Shhhh, not too loud. Why don’t you take us to him, Freddie?” Thankfully, they made it out of the Broken Horn without much notice.

The Kid and Sheriff Masters followed Freddie down the street and into an alley behind the haberdashery. The Kid flicked a match to life, and there lay a man with a chest wound who was indeed very dead. His mouth was open, the eyes empty.

Gus and The Kid looked at each other as the match went out. The dead man had a split lip and a missing upper front tooth. Striking another match, The Kid saw that the man’s gun was in his holster. She plucked it out, quickly identifying the weapon as a Colt 44.

“Wanna bet he’s carryin’ a .32 slug in his chest?” The Kid asked Gus.

Gus shook his head saying, “Nope, I ain’t taking that bet. Here, help me carry him over to the Doc’s so we know for sure. Looks like it happened a few hours ago.”

“Reckon you’re right, Gus. I didn’t hear no shot, how ‘bout you?”

“No, can’t say as I did… but with that unholy row comin’ from the saloons, it could’ve gone unnoticed.”

The Kid took the dead man’s legs and Gus the top half, then they carried him over to Doc Johnson’s house, Freddie tagging along.

They set the body down on the porch, then Gus knocked on the door, asking Freddie, “Did you see somethin’, son? Or anybody?”

The boy shook his head. “No, Sheriff, I was comin’ from the newspaper office, on my way home to the library. I took a shortcut through the alley and just about tripped over him.”

“Best get you home now, Freddie… long as you’re okay, that is,” The Kid said.

“Oh, there’s nothin’ wrong with me. Got a story for the paper about this fella?” Freddie asked hopefully.

“Not tonight,” Sheriff Masters said, giving the lad’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze. “You head on, now.”

‘G’night, Sheriff. G’night, Kid,” Freddie said, then set off into the night.

“If that don’t beat all,” Gus said, watching the boy vanish into the darkness. “Most younguns, they’d be scared out of their wits, findin’ a dead man the way he did. That one, he’s pumpin’ me for details for the town paper!”

“Yep, I’d say that boy’s got a real future ahead of him,” The Kid said.

A light came on inside, and Alice Johnson opened the door. She was wearing a heavy plaid robe and her hair was in braids. “Dear me!” she exclaimed in dismay at the sight of the corpse. “Another one? Well, you’d best bring him in.”

“Where’s Jed?” asked Gus as they put the man on the medical room table.

“He’s out to the Fenwick place. Liz Fenwick went into labor tonight. Two weeks early, too.” Her expression was somber as she gazed at the dead man. “Bringing a new life into the world, just as this one departed. Well, God rest his soul, whoever he is.”

“Dang,” The Kid said, “What in tarnation happened here nine months ago that’s got everyone givin’ birth now?”

“Founder’s Day celebration,” Gus answered with a wry smile. “Mrs. Johnson, can you tell Doc to take the bullet out when he gets back and save it for me? I need it for evidence.”

“No need to wait for Jed,” Alice said, “This man isn’t alive to feel it, so I’ll remove it for you right now.”

Assembling a few instruments, then washing her hands, Alice picked up a scalpel and made a neat slice in the man’s chest wound. She poked around in the incision with another instrument, then took a forceps and reached inside, soon emerging with the bullet. “There you are.” She dropped the battered slug into an enamel tray with a clink, then poured a measure of alcohol in with it.

Gazing down into the tray, The Kid plucked the slug out of the alcohol, now tinted with swirls of pink. “Yep, sure ‘nough… it’s a .32, Gus.” The Kid fished around her vest pocket and pulled out the other slug. She held them up together, looking closely, then put them both in her vest.

Sheriff Masters was going through the man’s pockets. He frowned. “Already picked clean. So we don’t even know who this man is.” He reached for his hat. “I reckon Jed is gonna take a look at this body himself before he cuts it loose, but I’ll let the undertaker know it’s here. Much obliged for your help, Mrs. Johnson.”

“You’re welcome.” Alice said, seeing them to the door. “Good night, Gus… Kid.”

As they stepped into the street, Sheriff Masters said, “Looks like there was two holdup men after all… and we just laid hands on one of ‘em.”

“Yep… and his partner gave him a bullet in the chest, ‘stead of his cut of that half million.”

Gus frowned. “I still can’t figure out why the folks on the coach can’t agree on how many men there was, though.” He gave The Kid a penetrating stare. “All right, Kid… I can see that you’ve got some ideas buzzin’ round in your head. Care to share ‘em with me?”

“Not just yet, Gus,” The Kid replied. “There’s a piece of the puzzle that don’t fit yet. Let me sleep on it. See you tomorrow.”

“G’night, then,” said the sheriff, and the two parted, The Kid making her way to Andromeda Purdy’s place.

Letting herself in, The Kid found Ann sound asleep with her head on the kitchen table. She’d clearly been working; there were papers spread about, some under her face. Touching her lover’s shoulder, The Kid whispered, “C’mon, sweetheart… let’s get you to bed.”

She guided the dazed woman into the bedroom, helped Anne undress and tucked her in with a kiss. “I love you, Kid,” Andromeda mumbled, then fell sound asleep.

The Kid walked back downstairs and into the kitchen, then seated herself on the sofa with a bottle of tequila and a glass. She rolled a cigarette and put it in her mouth unlit, then poured a drink, setting it on the coffee table, eyeing it while she pulled off her boots and socks and slipped out of her vest. Lighting her smoke, she sat back, thinking. She had a few definite ideas about what had really happened, and most of them troubled her.

The Kid downed her drink, then a few more as she weighed the bits of evidence she possessed about the stagecoach robbery, trying to make them add up. No matter which way she figured it, she didn’t like the results.

The Kid refilled her glass, then compared the two slugs once more. Finally putting these aside, she took up the device she’d taken off Speed Kelsey, studying how it worked. The Kid took the braids out of her hair and scratched at her scalp for a moment. Her thoughts had scattered like songbirds stalked by a hawk. She rolled and lit up another smoke, poured and drained one more drink, then tried to get up — but found herself too worn out to move.

“Aw, shit,” she muttered. Reaching for a woolen throw that Ann had knitted, The Kid dragged it over her body and stretched out, holding tightly to the sofa trying to stop it from spinning around. She laughed out loud at nothing at all, then drifted off to sleep.

On to Chapter Three!


Sheltering, Chapter 6

  • Posted on September 1, 2020 at 2:35 pm

by Shy Mom

I miss swimming and spinning, in that order. Our nearby YMCA, where I’ve exercised for years, has been closed, due to the pandemic. While my dear little girls have been keeping my tummy, ass, and cunt tight with a doubling (at least) of daily orgasms, I find myself missing the diverse community one finds at the Y.

If you were to observe my regular visits, you might find it surprising that I feel any connection with people there. An introvert by nature, I keep mostly to myself in public, including in spin classes and at the pool.

To be sure, I come out of that shell for my third-grade girls, who expect and deserve affection and vivacity from their teacher and look on me as a surrogate mother. For their sake, I can also put on a show for their parents—though I certainly never anticipated the kind that Genette enticed me into perform during our extremely lewd Zoom session.

Within the bounds of our Catholic school dress code, I enjoy modeling provocative styles and fashions for my little ladies. There is no rule, for example, against form-fitting blouses and pencil skirts. Nor is there one against thongs, g-strings, or going completely bare below to keep my backside smooth, especially when I lean over a desk to assist a student with her lesson.

At the Y, I could indulge in this seemingly contradictory urge to keep to myself and expose my body. Perhaps my predilection for exhibitionism is rooted in vanity, and I admit to taking pride in my figure after three decades and two daughters. But I believe my motives are simpler and purer.

I abhor selfishness, and keeping something beautiful to oneself, like caging a butterfly, seems a crime against nature. Bringing a smidgen of joy to those who find beauty in my body makes our corner of the world happier for all concerned, if only for a brief while. I don’t think I’m alone in my views, as I’ve shared smiles with other lovely women—and sometimes little girls—with whom I’ve exchanged looks of mutual admiration.

There are three things I enjoyed about spin class, none of which was spinning itself, which is grueling. First, I liked the results. A firm ass and taut legs are features a woman my age can no longer take for granted. Second, I liked the instructor, Carly. True, she inflicted escalating degrees of pain as our sessions progressed, and did so with an inhuman level of good cheer. I couldn’t hold a grudge against her, however, as she put in as much effort as she demanded from us. Moreover, she was stunning. As Carly rode her cycle, her ass flexed in a mesmerizing tempo, and her shapely boobs bounced in time.

She was among the women with whom I exchanged appreciative glances at the Y, which leads to my third reason for enjoying spin class: the opportunity to put myself on display. I always arrived early to take a bicycle in the front row. My favorite bikes were just to the right or left of Carly, where I got a prime view down her sports bra and, from the wall mirror behind her, a fine reflection of her ass. Spinning from the front row also allowed me to show off my own curves and crevices—revealed more than hidden by the skintight workout wear I favored—to those ladies who always seemed to pick spots behind me when they worked out.

Swimming has always been a favored form of exercise for me. The sense of weightlessness and freedom as the cool watercourses past while caressing every inch of my body… it’s a pleasure unmatched by anything else that burns calories and tones muscles—except fucking, of course. What especially enhances the joy of swimming is the opportunity to expose myself.

The Y, of course, was a family establishment, and the dress code for the pool area expressly forbade “thong bikinis.” I happily complied with the letter of the rule, which made no mention of one-piece swimsuits. Accordingly, I bought an attractive one-piece with a thong-cut in every available hue—white, aqua, violet, and my favorite, watermelon. Though a small would have suited, I got mine in extra-small for the curve-hugging, crevice-invading fit.

What makes these swimsuits especially racy is their fabric, which turns sheer when it gets wet. From experience, as I shall relate, I can attest that the thin material does not distinguish between chlorinated water and a juicy cunt.

In all my years at the Y, I never heard a single complaint against my swimwear. Instead, I frequently felt eyes on me as I climbed in and out of the lap pool. I was happy to linger for anyone who wanted a glimpse, especially female patrons. They ranged from seniors getting daily exercise, to mothers keeping in shape, to high schoolers improving lap times. Their interest in me seemed to vary, from intrigue or admiration to envy or lust.

Perhaps my greatest fans were the teenage lifeguards, all of whom were girls. One of them, a lithesome sixteen-year-old named Gwen, had actually been a third-grader in my class. Back then, the blonde still had quite a bit of baby fat, but puberty and swimming had transformed her into someone whom I might have recognized in my own mirror during my high school days. When I did the backstroke past the lifeguard perch, I occasionally caught Gwen hastily crossing her legs. Sometimes I wondered if she might be willing to moonlight as a babysitter.


Reminiscing on my displays at the Y inspired me one evening to suggest a fashion show as our family activity. Like most little girls, mine loved dressing up, so they jumped at the proposal. I had plenty of swimwear and lingerie to go around, most of it so skimpy that the size wouldn’t matter.

I’d done this kind of thing before, back in college. Every year, my sorority put on a hugely popular fashion show as a fundraiser for a local women’s shelter, but the ones we held for ourselves, in the sworn privacy of our sorority house, were the most memorable. They were also the wildest.

At those events, we modeled sexy party dresses, daring swimsuits, and racy lingerie. Because we all pitched in to help each other look our best, the shows were a feast for the eyes. Often, girls would pair up to walk down the runway, teasing each other and their audience with kissing, groping, and sometimes more as the alcohol flowed and the catcalling swelled.

As a new pledge, it surprised me at first that my sorority sisters seemed to have dirtier minds and mouths than most men, but I soon became as naughty as they were. I supposed my libido was fanned from living among so many sweet and desirable girls, whom I grew to love as family.

One evening, Alyssa and I were on the runway when we gave our sorority even more to see. Of course, there were no secrets within our tight-knit community, so it was common knowledge that the two of us were an item. The hooting and hollering predictably rose when we strutted down our improvised catwalk, two blondes in scanty bras and g-strings. At the end of the runway, we locked lips in a sizzling kiss and rubbed tits, then flossed each other’s asses with the g-strings. For the coup de grace, we fingered one another and, as cheers erupted, fed one another our honey. On the way out, our bare bottoms got plenty of affectionate slaps, then we practically raced back to our room and fucked like cats in heat.

Now, as I collected an armful of titillating swimwear and lingerie, I was anticipating how far my little girls and I would take our mother-daughter fashion show.


Ashley and Olivia sat side by side on the plush velvet sofa in our living room. They wore matching white terry robes—gifts from Genette, the same style Bella had worn during our parent-teacher Zoom. In return, I’d given the Flambeau family three lacy green thongs, imagining how the color would complement their auburn hair. That was when we shed our clothes and came together in a two-family lesbian sex party that lasted for hours. Maybe I’ll share that story with the world one day.

In our adjacent kitchen, which served as the staging area, I got ready for my part of the show. Our plan called for me to model three outfits before turning over the floor to the girls, and to keep our choices a secret, to heighten the anticipation. For my first round, I chose my one-piece swimsuit in white.

Slipping into character, I strutted into the living room like a model, placing one leg in front of the other, hips swaying. My daughters’ eyes lit up as I paraded back and forth. Pausing in front of the girls, I stopped to present my thong-cut backside, then cupped and shook it for them.

OIivia and Ashley squealed in delight. I blew kisses over my shoulder, which they blew back, their puckered lips both girlish and sexy in the hot pink lip gloss I’d selected for them.

Because my daughters didn’t go with me to the Y, they had no idea that my swimsuit turned sheer when damp, and the prospect of exposing myself that way aroused me no end. Extending a finger to each of their luscious mouths, I instructed, “Get them nice and wet for me.”

A tingle ran through me as the girls coated my fingers with their warm saliva. They sighed when I withdrew, stared when I coated my nipples through the swimsuit, and gasped when they saw the effect that had.

“I didn’t know they made those!” exclaimed Ashley.

“I want one!” Olivia announced.

I laughed. “Well, if you’re good—or maybe bad—I’ll let you borrow mine when you’re big enough.” I could imagine a teenage Olivia turning heads in it, especially mine.

Then, like a late-night commercial, I added, “But wait! There’s more…”

The girls watched as I pulled up the high-waisted front panel. It stretched snugly against my vulva, bringing the folds of my moist sex into vivid relief.

I ran a finger up my slit, then wafted it under my daughters’ noses. Olivia opened her mouth expectantly, like a little bird, and Ashley lunged for that finger like she was trying to bite it. I drew my hand back just in time, and licked it myself. The girls made faces and protested, but it was all good fun.

Taking one last sexy stroll through the living , I bowed and exited.

Next, I put on a black “slingkini.” If you’ve never encountered one, it consists of a small patch just big enough to conceal my shaved cunt. From that tiny bit of material, one string runs up my ass crack and over my spine, then divides into two and wraps around my body, leading to a pair of even tinier patches that cover my nipples (but nothing else) before plunging down to hold up the pubic patch from the front. I should add that nearly every move I make causes the immodest patch down below to wriggle a bit into my cleft.

On a dare, I once modeled this swimsuit for my sorority sisters, but had never mustered the courage to flaunt it in public, even with my exhibitionist streak. I was pleased that my body still showed to good advantage in the slingkini, which made me feel sexier than going completely nude.

Taking a breath, I entered the living room. My daughters were spellbound at the sight. I prowled in front of them, feeling as wicked as I looked. Stopping in front of the sofa, I paused to stroke my nipples through the gauze-thin fabric, making them even stiffer than they already were. The girls squealed and applauded in approval.

I turned around and spread my legs. Then, I bent over slowly, sliding my hands down my limbs as I thrust my ass up. I couldn’t see the girls’ faces, but heard their inhaled breaths as the rear string bisected my bottom.

The suddenly familiar position triggered a flashback to my college days: Alyssa behind me, on the floor of my sorority bedroom, her face buried in my upturned ass, devouring my cunt with such hunger that I was sure she’d eat right through me.

Burning with that memory, I bowed and made my second exit.

In the kitchen, I furiously pawed myself to a quick orgasm, then downed a swig of ice water. After recovering my breath, I stripped off the slingkini and reentered the living room for my big finish.

The girls gawked at me quizzically, for I wore nothing but a smile. As they took in my nakedness, however, their looks of confusion turned into stares of longing.

I was pleased that my body produced the desired effect, but I was far from done. I had one more surprise, a lewd little secret to reveal. Standing before my daughters, I raised an eyebrow to get their attention. I had it, of course, one hundred percent.

Lowering myself into a squat, I reached down with one hand to spread my lips wide, exposing the maw of my cunt. My daughters gaped. With the other hand, I reached into my vagina and delicately pulled out a pink string that gradually grew into a thong. The fabric was dripping wet.

I’d never witnessed such wonder on my girls’ faces. It was like Christmas morning, and after all their unwrapping, I conjured one more present out of thin air. Except this present came from my cunt.

“See girls? I did have something to show after all.”

Ashley found her voice first. “How …”

“It was there the whole time. Soaking in my juices.”

“Wow …” Olivia breathed. Her lips were still parted, so I offered her the thong, bringing it closer to my little girl’s face.

My impulse surprised me as much as it did Olivia. Her eyes bulged almost out of their sockets. But she got over that right away, opening her mouth even wider so that I could feed her my soaked undies. When the taste of my pussy hit her, she started sucking greedily at the wet material.

Ashley looked on with longing.

“Olivia, dear,” I said gently. “Share that with your sister?”

My sweet girl nodded, and began to take the thong out of her mouth. I had a different idea, though. Enfolding Ashley and Olivia in my arms, I brought them together for a kiss.

Their lips touched tenderly at first, but soon their kissing became open-mouthed and urgent as they shared my flavor between them. I could not envision a better way of ending my part of the show, unless I joined my children in a three-way kiss. So I did.

After the g-string had been sucked clean, we drifted apart, exchanging lustful glances. I was ravenous for sex, and sensed the same hunger in my girls. But before we gave in to our mutual desire, I reminded them that we still had their half of our fashion show to enjoy. With their thoughts turned, they bounded out of the room excitedly.

I sat naked, waiting for the girls to reappear, the blanket I’d thoughtfully draped over the sofa earlier damp with my anticipation.

After much shuffling and giggling in the kitchen, my daughters bounced back in … still in the same terry cloth robes they had been wearing when they left the room.

It was my turn to look quizzical. But, like my final outfit, theirs proved to be more than meets the eye.

The girls danced in front of me, attempting to sway their hips in a seductive way. However, their inability to move in unison and outbursts of tittering tickled my funny bone more than my cunt. Still, I took delight in their joy, knowing they would appease my lust before very long.

So they did. At a signal from Ashley, the girls slowly lifted their robes, which fell about mid-thigh. As the juncture of their thighs were revealed, I caught glimpses of white little-girl panties—the same kind Olivia wore on the night that lit our incestuous relationship.

No surprise, their panties were visibly wet. My desire to slip those adorable underpants down and taste my little girls now seemed as natural as basking in their sweet scent when we hugged. Once again, I was amazed by how radically our lives had changed in these months of quarantine.

“Mommy loves our panties,” Olivia remarked, more to her sister than me. “It made her wet when she saw mine.”

“Indeed it did,” I admitted.

“Are you wet now, Momma?” asked Ashley.

In answer, I spread my cunt for them to see.

“She is!” Olivia exclaimed.

“You too,” I laughed, glancing from one crotch to the other.

Their act wasn’t over. Turning around, their robes still lifted, the sisters shook their booties, again more in silliness than seduction. Ashley grasped the waistband of Olivia’s panties and tugged them up until they were nestled in her crack like a thong, then presented her rump to a giggling Olivia, who returned the favor. Their exposed cheeks taunted me, cried out to be spanked. Not hard, mind you—just enough to tease.

Going down on her knees, Ashley smooched her little sister’s left buttock, the lipstick she wore leaving a glossy pink kiss mark. When she got to her feet, Olivia once again imitated her big sister, enthusiastically branding Ashley on the right cheek. Then they turned away from me and pushed their hips together—putting their lip prints on their bottoms side by side, as if they were kissing.

The girls spun around and bowed. I clapped and cheered as they skipped out of the room.

A couple of minutes later, the winsome pair paraded back into the room, still in their robes. They got into position in front of me, Ashley directly behind Olivia. At a signal from Ashley, the girls swayed in opposite directions and waved their arms, an imitation of dances we’d seen in Bollywood films. I had to applaud.

Next, Ashley wrapped arms around Olivia from behind, groping her flat chest. I’ve enjoyed being on the giving and receiving end of this particular move, but hadn’t imagined how arousing it would be when performed by little girls.

“Like how that feels, Olivia?” I asked, my voice thick with arousal.

“Yes, Mommy,” she replied, wriggling against her sister.

Then, like parting curtains, Ashley unfurled the front of Olivia’s robe. Above, she was topless, and below, wearing only a micro-bottom in highlighter yellow that barely cupped her pouty lips. My breath caught at the tantalizing sight.

The girls switched places and again went into their dance. At the end, without as much ceremony, Olivia pulled open Ashley’s robe. My ten-year-old wore the matching top of the micro-bikini, the tiny triangles barely covering her preadolescent bumps. But it was what I saw below that riveted me.

Ashley wore nothing but honey-blonde wisps of hair. Barely more than peach fuzz, they garnished her pussy as perfectly as chocolate shavings on a Michelin-starred dessert. I wanted to gobble her up.

Instead, gazing at my daughter’s cunt, I masturbated even harder.

Taking Olivia’s little hands in hers, Ashley covered her sex. She smiled mischievously as I pouted in disappointment.

The girls took their bows, tittering as they ran out.

From the kitchen, Ashley called, “Get out your phone, Mommy!” It was already beside me on the sofa, but I put it between my legs for easier access before resuming my self-stimulation.

Minutes later, the girls flitted in like fairies, holding hands, their willowy bodies draped in translucent negligees. On me, the lingerie barely covered my ass, but on the girls, the fabric floated ethereally above their knees.

I was reminded of one of my favorite paintings, Botticelli’s Primavera, which I once had the pleasure of viewing in Florence. The vision before me improved on Botticelli’s masterpiece in two key respects: my graces were much younger and more beautiful.

Another departure from Botticelli’s painting was Ashley’s iPhone, which she held as my daughters danced into position before me, giving me a view in profile. Olivia stood in front, legs spread, and Ashley sat on her heels close behind, her face nearly touching Olivia’s bottom. She placed the phone on the floor between her little sister’s legs.

Ashley then made a FaceTime call, which I accepted, my heart aflutter. I was greeted with a perfect upskirt view of my eight-year-old’s pussy.

“God,” I murmured, gazing at the smooth slit on the screen, just inches from my own mature cunt.

“Spread your butt, Olivia,” Ashley instructed. Olivia obeyed, prying her cheeks apart. Without further warning, Ashley began to lick her little sister’s rosebud. Olivia gasped in awe at this loving invasion, then began to tremble.

Fuck. The sight of my younger daughter being rimmed by her older sister was more than I could take. I pumped my cunt furiously with two fingers as I thrust a pinky into my asshole and thumbed my clit. Moments later, I came hard—and surprised myself as well as Olivia by gushing all over the front of her negligee.

My view of that pretty pink slit on the screen was now partly obscured by splatters of cunt juice and pee. I picked up the phone and began to lick it clean.

As I did so, it occurred to me that I was also licking my little girl on the screen. Turning the phone for Olivia to see, I tongued the image of her cunt.

“Oh, Mommy!” Olivia cried. Thrusting both hands between her thighs, she started petting her pussy through the negligee, staring at me with lust-glazed eyes. Ashley held her little sister’s buttocks apart, still licking between them.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” Olivia gasped, as an orgasm shook her small frame.

In my wildest, wickedest dreams, I’d never conjured anything close to the lurid scene taking place before me. It was utterly lewd—yet somehow lovely, too. With a finger in each of my holes, I came again, less wet this time but every bit as satisfying.

Spent, Olivia fell into my arms, and Ashley followed. I hugged both girls warmly, our mingled juices and sweat making the embrace a damp one.

What a fashion show! Even as I luxuriated in our closeness, I eagerly anticipated the after-show party to come.

On to Chapter Seven!