I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 75

  • Posted on February 23, 2017 at 2:02 pm

Another Solution to Clare

By Cheryl Taggert 

If you need help keeping up with the characters, you may go here.

The next morning, I awoke feeling as though a double-trailer semi had run over my life, backed up, and run over it again just to be sure it was completely ruined. I was worthless for anything but moping, which I did in abundance. I must have picked up my phone a dozen times to call Lisa, but put it down again for fear I might fuck things up if I called.

I cried myself out until I didn’t have any tears left, just complete sadness. I had a paper due that Monday, but I didn’t work on it at all except to go over what I’d written so far, print it, and put it in my bag. I knew it wouldn’t be good, and expected a failing grade on it. It turned out I was right.

I had just picked up my phone again to call the girl I loved more than my life when my phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, so I didn’t answer. It was a good thing I didn’t. A minute later, my message alert beeped. I hesitated, but curiosity got the better of me, so I pressed a button to listen.

It was Clare.

“Hey, just wanted to make sure you knew who won our war in the end, bitch! Go ahead and tell the world about my sister and me. I’ll just say you set me up to retaliate for my outing you and your mom, which I still might do anyway. I hope you fucking kill yourself.”

I was furious! I wanted to kill her, not myself. I actually wondered what I might do if she were standing in front of me at that moment. Tears of rage ran down my cheeks. I almost hurled my phone against the wall, but I realized that it was the only number Lisa had in case she wanted to call me.

I wasn’t exactly thinking straight, to say the least.

What I didn’t know was that I had started screaming “YOU BITCH! YOU BITCH!” over and over and wouldn’t stop. Yeah, I actually was screaming without realizing it. It’s a wonder I didn’t end up in the mental ward of a hospital.

Cindy heard me and rushed into my room.

“What is it, honey?” she asked. She took both my shoulders and shook them a little to get my attention.

When I noticed she was there, I burst into sobs and collapsed into her arms.

“Shhh,” she said, trying her best to soothe my pain. “It’s going to be okay. Shhh.” She held me until I regained coherent speech.

“It’ll never be okay,” I said. “I love Lisa so much. It’d actually be different if she broke up with me. At least then,” I took a breath. “At least then one of us would want this.”

“I know, baby,” Cindy said. She was naked, and I couldn’t help noticing the scars down her back. They were from whippings she received while in Colombia. My hands wandered to the blemishes and caressed them.

“What set you off so?” she asked.

“Here, listen to the bitch’s voice mail for yourself,” I said and handed her my phone as if she knew the pass code to open it.

“Sweetie, you’ll have to open your phone.”

“I changed it just yesterday morning. Four letters. I bet you can guess what they are,” I said.

She punched in L-i-s-a and my phone opened. She pressed the voicemail button and listened. Her eyes grew huge while she heard the ugliness Clare had sent me.

“Oh, my God,” she breathed. Then she looked at me, suspiciously. “You aren’t thinking of, well, granting her wish, are you?”

Looking back, I guess it was a natural question to ask. I must have looked and acted deranged. But at the time, it hurt me that she asked.

“Of course not! Why would I want to give that bitch any satisfaction? I want to kill her, not me!”

Cindy shushed me again and held me, saying, “Don’t talk that way. She’ll get what’s coming to her eventually, believe me.”

I finally grew quiet and lay back on my bed, where I’d been all day except to go to the bathroom, and even that took effort.

“We were so perfect together,” I said. “I’ve never been so in-tune with another person in my life.”

“I know, baby,” Cindy said. “All I can say is the pain eventually goes away.”

“Maybe by the time I’m seventy,” I said.

“This could still all work out, you know. Give it time.”

She got up and actually tucked me in, giving me a kiss before leaving my room, saying, “Don’t give up hope yet. This whole thing is less than a day old. A solution may appear.”

She closed my door and I lay there, praying she was right.

My phone rang again, and I nearly ignored it, thinking it was Clare again, hoping I would pick up this time, but I decided to look and see who it was and saw it was Lisa.

She was calling me.

Panicked that I might be too late to stop her call from going to voicemail, I pressed the answer button, and said, “Is this really you?”

She was crying too, and I heard a tearful “Yes,” followed by soft sobs.

“I still love you, you know,” I said.

“I know. I love you, too.”

“Not as much as I love you,” I said, remembering how we’d said those words to each other just yesterday, when the sun could still shine.

She paused, and I could hear her give a small gasp as she remembered them too. “Oh, yes. As much, or more.” It was the second time we had said these words in this way, and we both knew that if we were ever able to continue our relationship, that we would say it like this more often than not.

We managed to get control of ourselves so we could actually have a conversation instead of just sobbing to each other.

“So what happened after I left?” I asked.

“My mom came in to talk to me, but I wouldn’t say anything to her. I insisted she send my dad.”

“Did he come talk to you?”

“Mostly, he listened and kept saying he was sorry.”

“Of all the girls on campus, he fucked her!” I said, angry once again.

“He told me she threw herself at him after showing up to class three days straight not wearing any panties,” Lisa said, and I thought I was going to faint.

That had been exactly what she had forced me to do when I was in seventh grade.

“You’re shitting me!” I said.

“Nope. Three days straight and no panties.”

I had not mentioned what Clare had made me do in school to Lisa on the way back to her place yesterday, so I told her about it.

“That fucking bitch!” she said.

“So your dad admitted it to you?”

“Of course. I mean, what else would he do? He begged me not to tell Mom, and I promised I wouldn’t. I don’t need my parents to divorce on top of everything else. Now, he’s worried about Clare making their little fuck-fest public. He’s already upset you know.”

“Tell him he needs to worry. She has the goods on him now, and I can tell you from experience she won’t soon forget she has the upper hand,” I said.

“Do you really think she would ruin your life like that? That she’d tell the world about you and your mom?”

“For a nickel,” I said. “I’ve never met anyone as hateful as she is.”

“What’s wrong with her?!” Lisa asked. “It’s not as if she doesn’t have a lot of good things in her life. And it’s not like she thinks incest is dirty. You told me she does it with her sister.”

Jenna was still friends with Clare’s sister, Carmen, and I knew it was still true.

“What are we going to do, Lisa?”

“I don’t know, but I do know I don’t want to break up with you. I had thought of telling my mom about my dad’s classic fuck up and seeing if we could diffuse the situation like that. I mean, if nobody cares, then Clare won’t have any ammunition.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to see your parents divorce either. I don’t know your dad that well, really, except that he thinks with his dick, but I really like your mom. Also, couldn’t your dad lose his job?”

“I guess he could, but maybe there’s a way that he wouldn’t.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m going to think about it.”

“Maybe we could, you know, frame Clare for something really bad. Get her kicked out of UCLA or something?” I said.

“Like what? I doubt they’d get her for sleeping with a professor. Lots of girls do that. They just don’t threaten to cry rape when they do.”

“Maybe we could frame her for cheating. You know, like plagiarizing a paper or something,” I said.

“How would we do that?” Lisa asked, genuinely interested but not sure how to go about framing her.

“I bet I could ask Cindy or my Mom. They might have an idea how to go about it.”

“Do you think they’d help with that? I mean, it’s pretty underhanded.”

“Usually, no, they wouldn’t. But with Clare, maybe so,” I said, the idea starting to bloom in my mind. “After all, we blackmailed her once before. Maybe we could just bypass the blackmail and nail her?”

When Mom got home from her shoot for that day, I spoke to her about my idea, hoping for some suggestions.

“Honey, as much as I’d like to do something to make her life more difficult, I don’t think we should fake anything to do that,” Mom said. “If she does something and we can catch her at it, then that’s fine, but I won’t be a part of framing someone for something they didn’t do.”

Of course she was right, but that didn’t change how I felt.

“But we have to think of something! It’s wrong for Clare to fake a rape just to make Lisa and me be apart!”

“Two wrongs don’t make a right,” she said.

Sometimes I hate it when my mother’s right.

I’d just have to catch her doing something and nail her for it.

The following day I showed up for classes, but my heart wasn’t in it. I’d managed to finally get all the tears out over what was happening with Lisa and me. I was still devastated, but I was no longer crying at the thought of it.

The day was going along well enough until I saw Clare holding court with her entourage. That’s what I called it, anyway. It was mostly a group of girls who allowed Clare to be the dictator of their little clique.

I decided not to kill her, but I was determined to speak to her. She saw me staring at her, and she gave me this nasty little smirk. I so wanted to punch her in the face so hard that my fist would come out the back of her head. I felt certain there were plenty of people who would applaud me for doing that.

Something occurred to me and I strolled up to her group and said, “I heard you were raped, Clare.”

If her gaze could have killed, I would have died on the spot.

At first I thought she would deny it, but she ended up admitting it, at least sort of.

“Well, it wasn’t exactly rape. He just told me if I didn’t fuck him, he’d flunk me.”

“Really? Because the way I heard it, you showed up to class with no panties on for three straight days and flashed him with your skanky venereal diseased pussy,” I said.

“I don’t have a venereal disease,” she said.

“Fine. Then you admit you were flashing him.”

“I didn’t flash him at all. He used his position to get me in bed.”

“Why?” I said. “Everyone knows you’d fuck a snake if it promised not to bite.”

“You need to watch it, bitch,” she said. “Why don’t you go home and let your mom lick your pussy?”

I had noticed her girls were following our conversation like a tennis match, and one of them gasped at this statement. I glanced at the girl who had gasped and realized I knew her from somewhere, but I couldn’t place where in the heat of this exchange with Clare.

“You do know this professor you say you never flashed has pictures of you doing just that, don’t you?” I said. It was a total bluff, but I wanted to make her at least wonder if it might be true. “So your little claim of being forced won’t fly. What? You think professors are so ready to jump your bones they aren’t thinking clearly and would take a chance like that since it so obviously looked like a set-up? They’re not as stupid as you are, Clare.”

“You’re so full of shit, Cheryl,” she said, but I could tell my remark had hit a nerve. That’s when my idea hit me.

I could hardly wait to talk to Mom about it. I felt certain she would go for it.

That night, I sat down with Mom and told her my idea. It wasn’t blackmail, and it wouldn’t ruin Clare’s life, but it would prevent her from being able to say she was forced to have sex by Dr. Brown.

“That might work,” Mom said. I knew she’d be okay with it because while it was a little underhanded, it wouldn’t be telling a lie. It was totally accurate.

Another thing happened to bolster my confidence. As I lay in bed that night, I remembered who the girl was that had gasped at Clare’s comment. She was the granddaughter of my favorite makeup artist and hair stylist, Chandra Jackson. I couldn’t remember the girl’s name, but I recalled meeting her at a party my mother took me to that was honoring the “Behind the Scenes” people who worked for the production company. She had seemed like a sweet girl then, and I wondered what she was doing as part of Clare’s little “worship me” club.

This made me wonder if I could manage to get a spy from the group to help me. We had talked briefly at the party, and I thought she was beautiful. She was straight, however, so we hadn’t hooked up or anything. I decided I would be visiting the set after classes tomorrow.

I picked up my phone and called Deanna to tell her I wouldn’t need a ride the next day because I would be going to the set after classes, but this time she wouldn’t let me leave her out.

I agreed to let her join me, and we hung up.

Then I called Lisa.

“Are you ready for this?” I asked.

“What?” she asked.

“I think I have a way to get your dad out of trouble and save our relationship as well,” I said.

She was instantly excited. “Really?!”

After I’d told her what my plan was, she said, “How could we have missed that idea? It’s so simple!”

“Do you think your dad will go along with it?” I asked. That would be crucial. If he wouldn’t help, we were dead in the water.

“I’m sure of it. He’s so pissed at Clare, he would love to find a way to make her life less of a breeze, if not downright painful.”

“Well, talk to him about it before classes tomorrow, and let me know. I’ll be going to my mom’s work after classes and talk to Chandra whether or not your dad will do this. I need someone ‘on the inside’ regardless.”

We both sounded happy for the first time since Clare had phoned Lisa two nights ago. And it was also the first time I’d felt horny since then.

“So,” I said, suggestion dripping from my voice. “Have you done anything since the other night?”

“Done anything?” she asked.

“Yeah, you know. Done anything.”

“Oh,” she said. “You mean, like, sexually?”

“Well, give the lady a prize! Yes, sexually,” I said.

“No,” she said. “I haven’t felt like it. Been, well, devastated, you know?”

“Yeah, I know all too well. But, are you… devastated now?”

She giggled. “I can sure as hell tell you’re not.”

“Am I that obvious?” I said, joining her in her laughter, which felt so good it was nearly as good as an orgasm.

“Girl, you’re always obvious when it comes to sex. It’s like the first time I saw you. It took maybe two seconds to realize you wanted to fuck me silly.”

“That long?” I joked, and we both laughed.

“Okay,” she said after we regained what composure we could. “What if I’m not… devastated?”

“Well, it’s too late to meet somewhere.”

“True,” she said.

“Have you ever done phone sex?”

Lisa giggled. It was the world’s most delightful music. “Maybe once or twice.”

I was intrigued. “Really? Who with?”

“You don’t want to know who. You want to know what we did,” she said, accurately guessing my motive.

“Okay,” I said. “What did you do?”

“Silly, we masturbated together.”

“Certainly there was more to it than that,” I said.

“Well, yes. We talked about what we were doing to ourselves and what we’d like to do to each other.”

“Give me an example.”

“An example?” she said.

“Yeah. Like what are you doing now?”

“Besides grinning at my sister?”

“She’s in there with you?”

“Yeah. She’s watching me try to take off my PJ’s.”

“Then that’s what you’re doing? Getting naked?”


“I’m already naked,” I said.

“I know. You live naked, you lucky thing you,” she said.

“Has she ever watched you having phone sex before?”

“Maybe once or twice. Unless she was the one I was having phone sex with,” Lisa said.

“You’ve had phone sex with Rachel before?”

“Yeah. The first time she was only thirteen and I was fifteen.”

“You don’t mind her watching you do this?” I asked, wanting to make sure. I didn’t want Lisa to be uncomfortable about it.

“Are you kidding? She’ll end up masturbating with me, giving me an added bonus.”

“Are you naked yet?” I asked.

“Yeah. Rachel helped me with the sweats and panties.”

“You were wearing sweats to bed? How sexy,” I teased.

“I was feeling frumpy and totally not turned on until five minutes ago.”

“So you’re turned on now, then?”

“Well, I’m pinching my left nipple, if that means anything.”

“I’m pinching my right,” I said, and I was.

“Rachel’s getting naked too. Is that okay with you?” Lisa asked.

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Just checking.”

“Tell me when she’s naked,” I said.

A few seconds passed and Lisa said, “She’s naked.”

“Can you risk putting me on speaker?” I asked.

“Sure. My parents zonked over an hour ago.”

I heard some rustling and Lisa said, “Okay, you’re on speaker.”

“I want you to kiss each other and play with each other’s boobs,” I said.

“Sounds like it will be better for us. You don’t have anyone there with you?” Lisa asked.

“Jenna’s with friends. I could get the twins over here, but they’re asleep.”

“What about your mom?”

“Too tired. She had a shoot today.”

“Can’t wait to see it,” Lisa said. “So I guess you’re on your own, huh?”

“Yeah, but it’s okay,” I said. “Hearing the two of you make love will get me off.”

“So what do you want us to do?” Lisa asked.

“Just make love and let me listen in.”

“We can do that,” Rachel said, and I heard lips kissing softly, small smacking sounds that may have been more pronounced for my enjoyment.

“Are you using tongues?” I asked.

“Of course,” Lisa said.

More kisses. Then Lisa said, “Suck my tit.” Then, “Oh, yes.”

She was spicing it up with talking for my benefit, I could tell.

After a while, Rachel said, “I want to eat your pussy.”

“Who’s stopping you?” Lisa asked.

In less than a minute, I could hear my lover moaning as her sister licked her pussy. Lisa must have held the phone down near her cunt because I could hear the wet sounds of Rachel’s tongue and mouth as she worked to bring her big sister to a climax while I listened.

Then I heard Lisa say, “Sixty-nine,” and soon I could hear both sisters as they licked each other’s pussy.

I concentrated on trying to come as they were coming. I could tell they were close, which was a good thing because I was too.

Then I could hear the muffled squeals and moans from Lisa and Rachel as they came, and I pushed myself over the top while fantasizing about being there to witness this soon.

We continued with this for at least thirty minutes before we stopped, lying back with a contented sigh, I heard them moving and catching their breath.

When all three of us had regained our composure, I said, “I probably should hang up and try to get some sleep. I’ve not slept well the past couple of nights.”

“I wonder why,” Lisa said. “Oh, maybe it’s the same reason I’ve not slept.”

“Probably is,” I said.

We told each other how much we loved the other and hung up.

Turning to my side, I snuggled down into my covers. I could smell the scent of myself and knew that anyone who came into the room would be able to smell my aromas and know what I’d been doing, but of course I didn’t care. Jenna was due in any minute, and the twins were asleep, although if they woke and realized what had just been happening, they would be jealous and probably end up in their own sixty-nine, mouths to bald pussies.

I drifted off knowing this situation that had caused so much heartache would indeed be okay. It was a valuable lesson for me to learn, that given time, every problem had a solution. All I needed to do was think about it until the solution presented itself.

This solution had been so simple it had taken two days to think of it, and without my encounter with Clare that day, I wasn’t sure I would have thought of it yet, or even at all.

I drifted off to sleep, wondering if we would be able to solve this dilemma in time for Lisa to stay the weekend with me.

And I was sure that the Brown household would be improved as well, with Lisa’s dad no longer worrying about being charged with raping a student.

Continue on to Chapter 76


No comments on I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star, Chapter 75

  1. Drod says:

    I’m waiting with baited breath to read the next installment of your sexy saga of incestuous lesbianism, Cheryl. 😉

  2. sue says:

    yeah another great chapter, a real story, and loved the phone sex with Lisa and her sister getting it on for Cheryl to listen to.

  3. Cheryl says:

    Thank you, Drod and sue! The next chapter should post around March 1.

  4. Tim says:

    The tension rises……Just like the temperature during that phone call…..

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