…But Friends Come Through

  • Posted on March 16, 2018 at 10:26 am

By JetBoy

By now, you’ve probably read the post from Naughty Mommy, concerning her current living situation. If you haven’t, please do so now.

It’s been a rough few months for those of us who run Juicy Secrets, dear readers.

First, our beloved Cheryl, who fought cancer years ago, found out that it had returned. (See her post on the matter here.) Fortunately, she has responded well to treatment and is recovering. Despite it all, she remains determined to continue writing stories for Juicy Secrets, but is understandably far less able to do other work for the site. I’m sure that you all join us in fervently hoping for her speedy and complete recovery.

Now our equally beloved Naughty Mommy, who does more than anyone to keep Juicy Secrets up and running, is being forced by circumstances beyond her control to leave her home country, to flee to parts as yet unknown with her family. I’m not at liberty to go into details — suffice to say that this is a very serious situation, and may take her away from the site for months. Again, I know that you wish her the very best of luck in resettling and a swift return to us.

And finally I, your humble scribe JetBoy, was recently laid off from my job.  Admittedly, this isn’t even within shouting distance of the tribulations my site partners are enduring… but it’s a serious setback nonetheless, one that is already proving to be a considerable drain on my time — not to mention my family’s bank account!

That’s a bad batch of unpleasant circumstances, all combining to leave the three founders of this noble site with less ability and fewer resources to keep it fresh and vital. What to do?

Really, there was only one possible choice available to us: recruit outside assistance to lend a helping hand. After brief discussion, we quickly settled on two site regulars, well known to us, both having expressed interest in helping out. They were contacted, and both graciously agreed.

Therefore, without further ado, I’d like to introduce you to the two newest members of Team Juicy Secrets. Drum roll, please…

First, we have author AMANDA LYNN, who has signed on to handle the levers and gears of the site, to keep the machine that is Juicy Secrets in fighting trim. There’s a lot more to running our day-to-day affairs than you think, trust me on that — but Amanda Lynn clearly has the know-how and energy for the task. You’ve read and loved her delicious sex stories… now she will use her talents in a new and wonderful way to ensure that Juicy Secrets stays juicy. (Hopefully, she’ll also be able to turn out more of those delicious stories!)

Next on deck, we have site loyalist POPPABEAR, who will be in charge of the story archives, as well as doing editing work on new stories. The archives are a crucial part of what we do here, preserving gems of erotic lesbian fiction for your hungry eyes. PoppaBear will trawl the Internet for these, tidy them up (should tidying be required), and hand them to Amanda Lynn to post. He’s already done editing work for us on Purple Les’ “My Family, Friends, and Sex,” and Tater Tot’s “Amber II,” and has proven himself an able man for the job.

Please, everyone… join us in welcoming PoppaBear and Amanda Lynn to our team — and do add a note of thanks as well! These two beautiful people are giving up their time (and, perhaps, their very sanity) to ensure that our site will continue without a hitch, and for that Cheryl, Naughty Mommy, and I owe them both a debt of eternal gratitude. (Is it too soon to short-list these guys for a Nobel Prize?)

Thank you, Amanda Lynn. Thank you, PoppaBear. May the road always rise to your feet.


No comments on …But Friends Come Through

  1. Bob says:

    My thoughts and prayers for all of you. Take everything one day at a time.

  2. robt66 says:

    A big hearty thanks to Poppabear and Amanda Lyn. Having read both your comments and stories I feel I know you both. Thanks again and may better luck shine for the 3 site founders in the future.

  3. Myka says:

    Our best wishes for the future to you all …

    Myka & Sophie

  4. kacey says:

    Good luck, folks, in all future endeavours. Two very good admin additions, JB. Wishing Cheryl and NM speedy returns, and we know JS is in good hands 🙂 Do keep up the great work. Kc 😉

  5. Joe says:

    Thank you Poppabear and Amanda Lynn for coming to the assistance of our beloved trio of Juicy Secrets.

    I look forward to continue to visit and enjoy Juicy Secrets.

    If there is any way I could help feel free to contact me and I will see what I can do.

    Good luck and best wishes to JetBoy, Cheryl and Naughty Mommy.

  6. Jozef says:

    My best to all of you. you bring pleasure to many…

  7. Tim says:

    Having only recently rediscovered this wonderful site, I’m distressed to hear of the troubles of Naughty Mommy, Cheryl, and of course you too, JetBoy.
    However, it’s lovely to hear you’ve been able to recruit the help and wisdom of Amanda and Poppabear – I’ve read some of Amanda’s great writing and seen plenty of Poppabear’s comments.

    So I wish you three the best of luck with continuing the site and it’s many lovely stories, and wish Cheryl, Naughty Mommy, and you JetBoy all the best for your future. I sincerely hope you all overcome the hardships life has placed before you!!!

    With love and best wishes for the future……..

  8. I’m so grateful to these wonderful people, Amanda Lynn and PoppaBear, for stepping forward to help just when we need it most. This site is like a baby to me, part of the family, and I would grieve to see it go away. But now it seems Juicy Secrets will continue thriving far into the future. Hurray!

  9. Cheryl says:


    I honestly doubt JetBoy and I could keep this going, since we are both very “non-techie.” We would run into problems trying to do something to the site and email NM, and she would have it fixed in a few minutes. We are so happy they have accepted our offers to help out. 🙂

    And THANK YOU to all the readers who have, and will, express their good wishes to us! They are greatly appreciated!


    Cheryl 🙂

  10. Amanda Lynn says:

    I can’t tell you what a thrill and honor it was to be asked by the founding members to fill in for Naughty Mommy. So, thank you for that, though I wish the circumstances had been better.

    I can not replace NM, but I will certainly do my best to keep Juicy Secrets the well-oiled machine our readers have come to expect.

    Naughty Mommy, you have my promise that I will treat your “baby” as if it were my own. She’ll be here waiting for you upon your speedy return.

    Much love,

    Amanda Lynn

  11. kim says:

    You are all so great. I hope things get better for everyone.

  12. Jennifer says:

    With fat crocodile tears on my cheeks i can only say two things: Very wisely chosen helping hands, both Amanda Lynn and PoppaBear are dearly appreciated from my side of the bill. And second is: THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR BEING THERE WHEN HELP IS NEEDED, BOTH OF YOU!!!

  13. Cromom says:

    Just to let you know guys. I am positive there is hundred more of us “sleepers”, who visit this wonderful site often but never comment or communicate with others. I am one of them, and now when i realized what is going on, i am determined to be proactive and share my thoughts and give you compliments which you all deserve in many ways. I am so thankful i found this site couple years ago. I can’t even remember how but it does not matter. What is important, it is here, for all of us who share this passion and keep it for ourselves as biggest treasure.
    I am positive things will work out the way they should be or the way it is written somewhere in universe. As long as we all agree to enjoy and contribute in any way for this site, it will be alive many many years ahead.
    Greetings from Europe..

  14. asearchingheart says:

    I am deeply sadden to hear such trials bombard the founders of this website. It is difficult to be inundated with difficulties and set backs. I am no tech guru nor have I ever posted a masterful adventure in erotica. I wish I could be of help somehow during this difficult time but I don’t possess the skills you need. Wait, on second thought… I know everyone operates with a great deal of anonymity around here including myself. It is something I am quite accustom to in my professional life as well. In my professional world I do a great deal of listening. I realize that as a result of the challenges you are facing internet access may be quite limited. I also understand you would not likely be inclined to share with a complete stranger. However, if you should ever desire a listening ear I would be happy to help. I know this may seem a little odd but I don’t have any skills that could be of service to you so I offer what I have, which happens to be one of the things I do best. Just want help how I can I suppose. Anyway, my best regards as a fan and connoisseur. Grateful you were able to find the help you desired. Amanda and POPPA you are true gems. My two cents

  15. No One says:

    Sorry to hear about all this trouble, but it’s good to see people rising up to help and carry the torch forward, so to speak. I’m sure Amanda Lynn and PoppaBear will do a fine job… Or at least, they better. We have our eyes on you. 😉

  16. JetBoy says:

    A brief update: I was offered and accepted a job today, so my wife and I can calm our jangled nerves, secure in the knowledge that we can keep a roof over our heads and a crust of bread on the table.

    Thanks to all of you for the kind wishes… now please, take those benevolent thoughts and send them in the direction of Cheryl and Naughty Mommy — they need them far more than I ever did.

  17. MrStrut says:

    Sorry to hear about your recent problems, but also happy to hear you have found a job. Hopefully Cheryl and NM can come through with their trials and tribulations and return in full force. Welcome Amanda and PoppaBear to the fold. I am sure you both will do well.

  18. babykeiko says:

    Naughty Mommy: may the good gods of literature carve a positive path for you. Cheryl: may those same gods chart a healing path for you. JetBoy: what can I say… you’re everything. And Amanda and PoppaBear, whom I have communicated with both, are wonderfully and wisely chosen additions to the operating team behind our beloved site. I may be an occasional visitor and an even more occasional writer… but that does not mean I very very much admire all the work you all do, and I am forever grateful for the erotic refuge where I let my fingers do the talking… and dancing… and playing…


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