Words Fail…

  • Posted on March 15, 2018 at 7:09 am

By Naughty Mommy

Some big changes are coming very soon for me personally, and for Juicy Secrets as well, although much of that will take place behind the scenes.

For various reasons that I can’t go into and don’t want to discuss here, my family and I are being forced to relocate, to leave the country where we’ve been living. This is all happening rather quickly and it is causing considerable hardship. We don’t yet know exactly what our circumstances might be after we arrive somewhere else, where we will live or how much money we’ll have to support ourselves. It also means I’ll have limited Internet access for an undetermined length of time and so will be unable to continue with my present duties as site admin.

For the sake of my family, and especially my daughter, I’m trying very hard to keep an upbeat attitude about all this, to see it as a fresh beginning, a new chapter in our lives. That’s not always easy, of course, but we can hope that in the long run this will end up being a positive change for us.

Juicy Secrets will be in good hands. My beloved site partners, Cheryl Taggert and JetBoy, will still be in charge. There will be some other changes too, which you’ll learn about in a separate announcement. But I’m confident that the site will continue to run well and will provide our readers with stimulating material for their reading pleasure far into the future.

I have every intention of continuing to work on my own stories. First I want to wrap up “Teaching the Girls” and also “Two Moms.” Each of those tales has only a few more chapters to go, and I’ve already outlined what will take place in them. After that, I have several other items in mind. It’s just a matter of finding the available time, and getting my head in a good place to write this steamy kind of stuff. Unfortunately, I can’t say how soon that might be. I think you all know how much I love creating erotica, but it seems that sometimes life throws obstacles in our way, keeping us from doing the things we most enjoy.

For now, I want more than anything to convey my deep gratitude to JetBoy and Cheryl for all they’ve done — for accepting the challenge to launch and maintain this site along with me, for writing some of the finest erotic fiction that exists anywhere, and for being the truest friends anyone could ever have. And to my readers — you have no idea how much your enthusiastic feedback and your ongoing support through the years has meant to me. Words fail to express the great love in my heart that I feel for all of you.

Hugs and kisses forever!


No comments on Words Fail…

  1. Cybare says:

    Good Luck Safe travels and godspeed

  2. kim says:

    Sue and I are so sorry to hear of the upheaval going on for you. We hope all turns out well for you.

    huge hugs and all our love. Kim and Sue

    • Nancy Bright says:

      Going to miss you very much. Hope all goes well in your relocating and you are back up and writing here again real soon. Best wishes

  3. Rich says:

    So sorry to hear that but it sounds like something our beloved leader is behind or whatever else you want to call the idiot???

  4. Charles Rosenberg says:

    Naughty Mommy, I don’t comment often but your health, wellbeing and family come first. Once you’re settled in your new setting (wherever it may be), you can resume writing. Until then, I have full confidence that Cheryl and Jet Boy can keep us entertained.

  5. robt66 says:

    So sorry about your circumstance NM. Good luck and I hope better things are ahead for you and your family.

  6. Jack says:

    This is awful news! I trust that you and your family, wherever you end up, will be safe, loved and cared for! Even though I have no idea who you are in “real life” you are like family! Looking forward to hearing that you’re all safe and sound soon! (And yes, I am certainly looking forward to the finish of those 2 most excellent and hot tales! But family first!)

  7. kacey says:

    Take care, NM. Be safe, be strong, know that we love you and want you back ASAP, as safe as possible. Your loving readership. 🙂 <3

  8. revelnit says:

    Yes good luck. Concentrate on getting yourself established in your new environs. May you be safe wherever you are.

  9. Myka says:

    We are deeply sorry to hear of this upheaval in your life and wish you and your family ‘Good luck’. You will be sorely missed and we hope all will ‘come good’ for you all soon.
    Myka and Sophie.

  10. towedarray says:

    do you need help? thank you for the fun you given us

  11. Jennifer says:

    Your redheaded admirer Jennifer sends you and your family best of luck and only the best! *hugsandkisses*

  12. Euphorsyne,Thalia & Aglia says:

    Dear Naughty Mommy,
    So sorry to hear of the strife and harsh circumstances you’re facing, but as many here have said..family first.
    Hope you all will be safe & sound and find a peaceful resolution to your troubles.
    Thank You for writing all the brilliant stories you have given us!
    Here’s wishing you & yours all the best of luck & happiness…
    Please, don’t stop enlightening the world with your imaginative & delicious erotica!

    Until that time we hear from again


  13. Thanks to all for your wonderfully kind and supportive comments. It means so much!

  14. MrStrut says:

    NM I am so sorry to hear of your situation and hope only good things are in your future. You are a strong woman and I have a good feeling you will make it through this obstacle in your live. I wish you the best for you and your daughter and know you will be back. You have a lot of friends here we are all behind you.

  15. Sara says:

    Take care mommy, everything will work out fine,
    things always happen for a reason…
    love sara

  16. angie says:

    I don’t write often although I know I should to show my love and appreciation for the beautiful stories here. I write now with a heavy heart and deep worries. I hope all turns out well for you and family and know you will be sorely missed until your return.

  17. Tim says:

    I have just read this Naughty Mommy and am so sorry to hear of the hardships you seem to be facing.

    You will be a big miss to all of us, but as others have said, it is more important to look after yourself and your family, and I wish you every possible piece of luck and good fortune that may come your way.

    Selfishly, I hope you come back on here soon – I have only recently returned to this great site and rediscovered my love of written erotica such as yours.

    Whatever happens, I wish you every possible happiness and success in the future and send you my love and appreciation until hopefully we all see you here again.

  18. Aliciamom says:

    I hope everything works out for you. You are my favorite author. No one affects me like you do. Love you!

  19. Joe says:

    Naughty Mommy,

    You have brought such vivid fantasies myself. I am sorry to hear of your upheaval. I wish you and your family all the best with your next stage in your lives. We will miss you, but know that when you are able you will return.

    Good luck.

  20. Chris says:

    Love, and prayers for you and your family. Hope you can get back to your stupendous writing.

  21. towedarray says:

    wish you the best

  22. Cheryl says:

    Naughty Mommy,

    I’ve said my personal response to this in emails, but I just wanted to make one thing public: We all hope this problem does not last long and ends up being exactly what you hope–a new beginning.

    And may I add an enormous THANK YOU for your work here over these past three years. (I believe it was March when we first came together with the idea of starting our own website, which became public the following May.) Your guidance will be missed.



  23. ajhoy says:

    Wish you well in your tribulations. May you find peace and a new home soon.

  24. No One says:

    Sad news. Sounds like a rough situation. I hope that things work out for you, and that your life will be back to normal as soon as possible.

  25. TLez says:

    Naughty Mommy, Cheryl and Jetboy:

    I’m terribly sorry to hear of the trials and tribulations facing you three…may love and faith get you through these tough times…and with your able assistants (Amanda and PoppaBear) may Juicy Secrets become even stronger…we are a community and we must all come together in a show of love for our wonderful friends…though not particularly religious, I will pray for all three of you…with all my love and lots of kitty kisses,

    TLez (Terri)

  26. annao says:

    any updates about the situation

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