A brief summary (well, it USED to be brief…) of what has transpired thus far. (To get a additional breakdown of the earlier chapters, please see Pages From a Diary Chapter Links )
Eleven-year-old Mallory is a bright but lonely girl with strict fundamentalist Christian parents whose marriage is going through a rough patch. One day, Mal gets acquainted with a girl named Julie, who lives with her father Jason and his girlfriend Lisa. Soon, the girls become fast friends, and before very long, more than friends. Mallory has a difficult time reconciling her emerging sexuality with her faith, but soon finds her desire for Julie and her interest in sex getting the upper hand, especially once she learns to masturbate.
Meanwhile, her parents’ relationship is really starting to founder. By then, Mallory and Julie are beginning to experiment sexually, but don’t really know what they’re doing. Julie’s dad’s girlfriend Lisa finds out about their curiosity and offers advice, then the girls persuade her to undress and join them in bed. Mal and Julie have full-on sex for the first time, then Lisa gets involved.
Soon thereafter, Mallory and Julie are confronted by a fifteen-year-old girl from their school named Megan, who tells them she recognizes their feelings for each other, admits to being gay herself, and invites them to drop by her place a few days later. Megan only wants to hang out and chat, but Mallory casually takes charge of the situation, and soon the three of them are naked and having sex. In the weeks to come, they will get together again every now and then for more of the same.
Mallory’s mother Sharon is spending more and more nights away from the home, supposedly staying with her own mother. So she isn’t there when Mal’s father Dan collapses and nearly dies from alcohol poisoning. Only Mallory’s quick thinking and immediate response saves his life. Once Dan is taken to the hospital, Mal learns that her mom isn’t really at Grandma’s house, but out with another man.
Not long after her father is released from the hospital, Mallory is taken out on a shopping trip by her mother. During the lengthy drive, Sharon explains her side of the story, treating her daughter more like an adult than she ever has before. Mal finds herself feeling sympathetic… but then she’s startled to catch herself having sexual thoughts about her mother, which leave her feeling flustered and confused. Those thoughts won’t go away, either.
Sharon soon gets a job at a senior center, and is making plans to go back to school. Needless to say, Mal’s father is most unhappy with this development. On the other hand, Mallory is quite pleased for her mom, and takes the opportunity to get in her lap and give her playful, but subtly flirtatious kisses. More then ever, she suspects that her mother is secretly gay.
Mal is gradually becoming more popular at school. One result is that she and Julie are invited to a sleepover with Emma and Cindy, a couple of Julie’s friends. Once the parents are asleep, the girls get into a discussion concerning masturbation, which leads to everyone getting naked and engaging in mutual touching. Emma and Cindy love it, and the four of them get together for more fun a couple of weeks later.
Mallory finds a new student project: playing keyboards in a rock band of high school students supervised by Jason, who has also been teaching his daughter Julie how to do mixing work. Mal is much younger than the other members, but her skills soon win the others over. One of the band members is a sweet hippie girl named Jamie, and Mal is immediately attracted to her.
An ugly scene occurs at the home of Mal’s grandmother, where her mother Sharon is staying until she finds her own place. When Sharon makes a disparaging comment about lesbians, Mal loses her temper in a big way. In her anger, she comes out there and then, venting until her mother breaks down and cries. Mal quickly becomes remorseful, but the damage is done.
A couple of unhappy developments occur. First, Mallory’s parents make it official: they are to divorce. Mal is utterly disgusted with them both. Second, two of Julie’s cousins have vanished without explanation, eleven-year-old twin girls named Anna and Nettie. A search is underway, but without success thus far. Mallory has never met these girls, but she prays as best she can for their safe return.
A few days later, the twins are found and their kidnapper arrested, but not before he murdered Anna. Nettie is still alive, but devastated, and the girls’ parents go completely to pieces, turning on each other in their grief. Obviously, they are unable to take care of Nettie, so after a family discussion in which Mal is asked to participate, Jason, Lisa and Julie decide to bring Nettie into their home for the time being. Mal vows to do everything she can to help Jason’s niece to recover from her emotional trauma.
Mal and Julie pay Jamie a visit. The girls admit to being lovers, then tempt Jamie into masturbating with them. This quickly leads to much more.
Mallory gets to meet Nettie soon after that, when Jason brings her home. Sure enough, she is in bad shape: unable or unwilling to do or say much, often screaming herself awake from nightmares.
Mal’s band is making serious progress, which gets her and Julie a sleepover at Jamie’s place. Needless to say, music isn’t the only item on the agenda that night.
The next day, while practicing her keyboard part on a Black Sabbath cover, Mal puts the album on, only to get a positive response from Nettie, who asks to hear more. It’s the first time she’s shown interest in anything since her twin’s sister’s death. Mal, Julie, Lisa and Jason are is thrilled. Could their tormented guest be on the mend?
In the days that follow, Nettie seems to be emerging from her torpor. In addition to her burgeoning interest in heavy metal, she becomes absorbed by Jason’s medical textbooks.
At band rehearsal, Mal’s and her fellow group members toy with a concept: focus on Eighties pop. At the same rehearsal, they also make plans to perform live, and even manage to work up a cool original song. The entire band is thrilled.
Mallory has a frank discussion with her mother Sharon about sexuality and desire. She admits to listening to her mom masturbate through the wall, then gets Sharon to confess that she has overheard Mallory touching herself as well… and it arouses her. Somehow, Mal persuades Sharon to stay in her room instead, then mother and daughter masturbate together.
And now we rejoin our story, which is currently in progress. Do enjoy!
by Rachael Yukey
March 1st, 2007
I just got home from rehearsal, and Mom is dozing on the couch. I think I’ll just leave her there; it’s late. We’re the last student band to rehearse on Thursday nights, so we’ve kind of taken to running overtime. Especially now that we’re planning to play some real gigs (and even have some booked!), we need to learn A LOT of music.
We want to write more too, but we’re putting that on hold until we have enough songs to make a full show. Club bands typically do either four forty-five minute sets or three one-hour sets, for which you need forty songs or so. We won’t be playing clubs, but Roger says that county fairs and stuff like that will expect the same thing, so we’re going to learn forty-five.
So far we’ve got four small-town summer festivals booked. We’ll be playing in Battle Lake, Henning, Vining, and right here in Dickson. We’re going to get SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS for the Battle Lake show! Roger says that’s peanuts, but it sure sounds like a lot to me! The other towns are going to pay us $400-$500. I don’t care if it’s peanuts… I’m actually going to get paid to play music!
I really need to back up here. I’m gushing out what’s on my mind right this minute, when I should be putting everything that’s happened since the last time I wrote in some kind of order. There’s a lot to tell!
When my alarm went off Tuesday morning I was still snuggled up with Mom. It seemed to take her a minute to realize where she was, and once she did, she got out of bed in a hurry and went straight for the bathroom. She took a shower, which wasn’t so great from my point of view… I had to pee!
I don’t normally get up quite that early. Mom usually makes me breakfast, and we have a few minutes together before she has to leave for school. But I was already awake, so I got myself out of bed and made my way to the kitchen, where I put some coffee on for Mom and made scrambled eggs with toast.
Finally she emerged from the bathroom, and I ran in to take care of my business. Mom was dressed when I came out, and wanted to go back in and do her hair. It felt like she was trying to get away from me, so I insisted she eat first while the food was still warm.
We mostly ate in awkward silence. Starting conversations is NOT something I’m very good at, and Mom was looking everywhere but in my direction. I knew what the problem was, of course, and sensed that letting her think too much about it would be a disaster.
The second she finished eating, Mom got up, carried her plate to the sink, and made a beeline for the bathroom. I followed her in, having decided that the only way to tackle this problem was head-on.
“Hey… Mom?” I said.
“What is it, sweetie?” she replied, attacking her hair with a brush.
“Are you upset about what happened last night? Please don’t be.”
“Let’s not talk about it,” she said, the words coming out in a jumbled rush. She was practically ripping her hair out.
“Why not?” I said. “It was beautiful and special, and I’m glad it happened. Come on, Mom. Is being together when we touch ourselves so much worse than listening to each other do it through the walls?”
Mom set the hairbrush down, rested both hands on the countertop, and lowered her head. “It was wrong,” she said. “The Word says it’s wrong. It’s probably even illegal. I was wrong to let it happen. I was weak.”
I put my hand over hers. “It didn’t feel wrong. Not to me, anyway.”
“Not to me, either,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “And that’s the problem. I was weak, and I let myself get carried away. The worst part is that it’s something I wanted.”
I wrapped my arms around her waist. “It’s okay, Mom,” I said, “Really, it is. We’re not bad people. I don’t see how anything that feels good and doesn’t hurt anybody could be wrong. Especially if it brings us closer.”
Mom twisted around in my arms until we were face-to-face, and hugged me back. “I wish I could believe that.”
“I believe it. Think it over before you let yourself be upset all day long, Mom. Okay?”
She nodded. “Okay. Okay, Mallory.” There was still a hint of worry in Mom’s voice, but she seemed a bit less fragile than she had a few minutes before. “Now… I really do have to get ready for school.”
I knew this was the best I was going to get, so I gave her one final squeeze, then went to get ready myself.
It got really warm that day; the temperatures were in the forties by the time school let out. If it wasn’t for the snowstorm last night, I’d be tempted to think spring was coming early! But I’m getting ahead of myself again, aren’t I? Stop it, Mallory-girl!
A bunch of us were milling around outside right after school. Mom was going to be staying late in the computer lab again, I’d been invited to dinner at Julie’s house, and we decided to hoof it instead of taking the bus. Of course, we brought Nettie along, and the three of us were standing in a loose sort of circle with Emma and Cindy when a couple of boys from our class walked past.
“Hi, Emma,” Floyd Peterson called out, tipping her a wink. “You’re looking pretty fine today. What’re you doing, mixing up with Crying Girl?” He thrust his chin at Nettie, snickering.
Nettie shuffled her feet, her face flushing bright red.
“Leave me alone, you creep,” Emma snarled.
Julie gave a glare that could peel paint. “And leave Nettie alone!”
Floyd stopped, his buddy Tom coming to a halt beside him. Tom looked uneasy.
“Who’s gonna make me, huh?” Floyd sneered. “It’s all she does all day, just sits around and cries. You should find someone more cheerful to hang around with… like me, maybe.”
“Shut up, you asshole!” Julie screamed. By then, tears were running down Nettie’s cheeks, and her hands were shaking.
“Make me,” Floyd repeated smugly.
“If she doesn’t, I might, you grungy little shit,” came a voice from behind me. A smile came to my lips as I recognized the voice of Megan Frost. “You might show a little compassion, fuckwad,” she went on. “You know as well as anyone else what she’s been through.”
“Oh, whine and moan,” he said, waving his hand dismissively. He turned back to Nettie. “What’s the matter, Crying Girl, can’t handle life? People die, it’s just what happens. Get over it.”
My blood was boiling. I took two steps toward him, fists balled at my sides, until we were only inches apart. “Shut. The fuck. UP!” I snapped. “Or I’ll kick you so hard your balls come flying out of your mouth.”
I honestly don’t know what I was thinking, the guy’s like twice my size. It’s not like I had a plan; I just wanted to make him stop picking on Nettie.
Floyd threw his head back, cackling with laughter. “Sure,” he choked out. “You and Julie’s lame-ass cousin are going to come over here and teach me a…”
With a banshee howl, Julie sprang forward, fists flying, almost knocking me over as she brushed past. Floyd stumbled backwards, throwing his hands up to protect his face. He almost went down, caught himself, then flailed around, trying to get hold of Julie’s wrists. All this happened in the space of maybe a second. I realized that given another second, Floyd was going to get hold of her, then use his superior strength to… I didn’t want to think about it.
I threw myself forward, slamming into Floyd from the side, my arms encircling his waist as I tried to take him down. Then Cindy and Emma were in there, pummeling him from the other side and behind, and I could see Megan moving in.
“No, Megan!” I yelled. “You’re older, you’ll get in trouble!”
Floyd stumbled and fell backwards into a snowbank, almost landing on Emma. She twisted out of the way just in time. I went down with him, scrambling to use all of my weight to pin down one of his arms. Julie and Cindy collapsed onto him, and in another second Emma was in there with us. Floyd kicked and thrashed, but didn’t manage to land any hard blows.
We were just really starting to get him under control when an authoritative male voice bellowed, “All right, that’s enough! Everybody off the ground and away from each other, right now!”
Everyone froze for a moment. I’m not sure who moved first, but suddenly we were all scrambling to our feet and moving apart. I realized I was all covered with snow, but I didn’t care. Principal Williams was standing there in a long overcoat with his arms folded, frowning severely.
“Now, what exactly is going on here?” he demanded.
“I didn’t do nothin’, Mr. Williams,” Floyd blurted. “They just jumped me, all of them! They…”
“You lying BASTARD!” Julie shrieked. She lunged at him, and I grabbed her by the back of the coat just in time.
“He… he was making fun of Nettie, Mr. Williams,” I stammered, fighting to get my breath back. “He was being mean, and making her cry. He…”
“I was not!” Floyd yelled, balling his fists. “They’re the liars, Mr. Williams, I swear…”
“I saw the whole thing, Mr. Williams,” said Megan, stepping in. “Mallory’s telling the truth. He kept calling Nettie ‘crying girl’ and was making fun of her for mourning her sister.”
Mr. Williams turned to look at Tom, who was shuffling his feet around and looking at the ground. “Is that true?”
“Um, well, Mr Williams, he didn’t really mean it, he was just…”
“Shut up, you stupid dipshit!” Floyd yelled.
“I see,” said Mr. Williams. “Tom, Megan, why don’t you get on your buses before they take off. The rest of you, in my office. Now.”
“I don’t believe it.” Floyd’s mother was standing in the principal’s office, her face red. “My boy wouldn’t…”
“There were several witnesses, Ms. Peterson,” said Mr. Williams. “Including his own friend, Tom. And you know very well that Floyd has served detention for bullying before.”
Ms. Peterson’s eyes narrowed, and she turned to glare at her son. Julie, Cindy, Emma, and I were standing against the back wall of the principal’s office, waiting our turn. Jason Hanson was there, as was Cindy’s mom. Thankfully, Lisa had come to the school and spirited Nettie home.
“Were you picking on that girl?” Ms. Peterson demanded in a severe tone.
Floyd looked down at his feet, scuffing the floor sullenly with his toe. “They’re all out to get me, Mom. They planned this. I’m going to beat the shit out of Tom next time I see him.”
“You watch your language, young man!” She turned back to the principal. “Maybe he did do something, but it doesn’t justify this… this assault by these girls. I trust you’ll see that they’re punished accordingly.”
“The girls will be dealt with, Ms. Peterson,” Mr. Williams said. “Meanwhile, Floyd will serve in-school detention this week, and receive a zero for any missed assignments during that time. Our bullying policy is…”
“But he’s already failing math!”
Julie snickered, and I couldn’t help but snort as well. Cindy and Emma also looked amused. Principal Williams flashed us a warning glance. “Girls,” he said, then turned his attention back to Ms. Peterson. “In that case, Ms. Peterson, I suggest you take whatever measures are necessary to ensure that your son’s abusive behavior ceases. This is not his first offense, and I assure you that the disciplinary action will only escalate from here. That’s all I have for you. Floyd, please report to detention in the library tomorrow morning.”
“Fine,” Ms. Peterson snapped, grabbing Floyd by the sleeve of his coat and practically dragging him out of the room.
Principal Williams sat down. “Okay, girls,” he said. “I’m not going to say I don’t understand. But violence as a solution to problems isn’t something we can tolerate here, any more than we can tolerate bullying. What did you expect to accomplish?”
Julie looked him straight in the eye. “Seems to me it worked pretty good,” she said. “If we complained to a teacher, they’d just tell him to stop it. Now he has detention.”
Principal Williams stared at her for a long moment, then let out a guffaw. “Fair point,” he admitted. “Still, it’s not something I can just let slide. This is a first offense for all of you, so… how does a one-page essay on alternatives to violence sound?”
“That sounds fair,” said Julie.
“Sure,” said Emma. Cindy and I both nodded.
“Mr. Hanson, Ms. Moen,” said the principal, “I trust you’ll be taking steps to see that the incident doesn’t recur? I’ll be asking the same question of Emma and Mallory’s parents, as soon as they can be reached.”
“Of course,” said Ms. Moen.
Jason shrugged. “For my part,” he said, “I think I’m going to treat my daughter to an ice cream at Stevie’s. Even better… ice cream for everyone who stood up for Nettie out there. What do you say, ladies?”
Jason had to go home for his wallet in order to take us all to Stevie’s Sweeties, so the four of us decided to walk downtown and meet him there. It’s only a few blocks. Megan was waiting for us outside of the school.
“I saw that little dickweed leave with his Mom,” she said. “She was practically dragging him by the hair! How bad did you guys make out?”
“We have to write essays on being peaceful,” Emma said cheerfully.
Megan laughed. “Good old Williams. He doesn’t really want to punish you, but he has to put on a show. Where are you four off to?”
“Jason’s going to meet us at Stevie’s and buy us ice cream,” I said.
“Nice!” said Megan. “I’ll walk down there with you. And by the way… that was badass. Julie’s cousin has a posse.”
A thought struck me as we made our way up the street. “The pussy posse,” I said, and we all dissolved into gales of laughter.
Jason bought us all big ice cream sundaes with anything we wanted on them, and insisted on treating Megan as well after hearing about the role she’d played. He left us in the sweet shop, eating ice cream on stools at the long counter, and went home to get ready for his Tuesday evening class.
By the time Julie and I got to her place, Jason had already left. He doesn’t eat at home on his school nights. Lisa met us at the door and swept us into a hug. “I heard you were very brave,” she said.
Nettie appeared a few minutes later, and gave both of us brief hugs. “Thanks for sticking up for me,” she murmured, then disappeared back into her room. Julie’s right… she’s not looking good. I think she’s losing weight.
Dinner was a rack of lamb, mashed potatoes, and creamed broccoli. Nettie finished less than half her plate, and Lisa hadn’t given her all that much to start with. After dinner she promptly vanished into her room again, and the three of us went upstairs to Lisa’s room where Nettie wouldn’t be able to hear us talking.
“Julie said she got worse again,” I said. “I didn’t realize how bad it was, though.”
“Jason’s been talking to the social services people and the therapist,” said Lisa. “He wanted to know if we’re doing anything wrong, or could be doing more, or if maybe she’d even be better off somewhere that she’s being watched over by professionals. They say no. We’re doing everything right, or at least as close as you’re going to get. We just have to give it time, give her love, and hope for the best.”
“How are you doing?” I asked. “With the baby and all?”
“Oh, it seems fine so far,” said Lisa. “I’ve had an upset stomach, but that seems to be passing now. I still have most of my energy. The worst thing is this ooky white discharge I get in my panties sometimes… nobody told me that was going to happen! But look.”
She lifted her blouse, exposing her bare belly. “I’m starting to show, just a little. See?” She ran a hand over her stomach, and I could see she was right: there was just a little bit of a bulge there.
“Neat!” I said. “Can I feel?” Lisa smiled and guided my hand to her belly. I ran my palm across the barely perceptible curvature.
“Wow,” I said. “There’s an actual baby in there.”
“That’s just so damn cool,” Julie enthused.
“Wanna hear something else that’s cool?” I said.
“Like what?” said Julie.
“Well, remember you said my mom could be an exception to our agreement if I can get her into bed?”
Lisa’s mouth fell open. “You’re sleeping with your mother? How did you manage that?”
I giggled. “Well, I haven’t yet, not really,” I said. “But we masturbated together in my bed last night. It’s a start. I think she wants to do more, but she’s scared. I have to go slow.”
“NICE!” said Julie.
“Something else,” I said. “I’m working on setting up a hangout with us, Megan and Jamie. Who knows what could happen?”
“Oh, I can think of a few things,” said Julie, her voice dreamy. She lay back on the bed and sighed.
“Sounds like you’re thinking of them now,” I teased.
“It’s not my fault you know all the right ways to make me wet,” she shot back.
“Are you? Wet, that is?”
Julie just smiled. I brushed my hand across her thigh, unbuttoned her jeans, and slipped inside. She was wet, all right, so I went straight to work. Moments later her hand was in my pants, returning the favor. Lisa shifted position on the bed, sitting up against the headboard and hiking her skirt above her waist. She slid her panties down and off, giving us a beautiful view of her lovely, glistening cunt. I could see a little sticky-looking white stuff around the edges. That must have been the discharge she was talking about, but it didn’t gross me out. She began rubbing her clit in slow circles.
We just lay there like that, Julie and me rubbing each other’s clits, our eyes fixed on Lisa’s finger as it teased her pussy closer to pleasure. When I realized I was getting close, I told Julie to slow down.
A minute or so later, Lisa’s fingers left her clit behind and eased into her sopping hole, working slowly in and out. “Tell us when you’re close, Julie,” she said.
It was only maybe thirty seconds later that Julie wailed: “Now!” Her fingers began grinding furiously on my clit; Lisa started rubbing hers with the hand she wasn’t using to fuck herself. Moments later, all three of us went off, crying out and bucking empty air.
As her breathing steadied, Julie fixed her eyes on Lisa, frowning slightly.
Lisa noticed. “Something wrong, sweetie?”
“I don’t know,” said Julie. “I’m not even sure how to ask this, but I’ve got to get it off my chest. I was just thinking… when you’re with us, do you feel like maybe you’re cheating on Dad? Or is it different because you’re not doing it with a guy?”
Lisa met Julie’s gaze. “It is different because of that,” she said. “Your dad knows I’m bi, and says he doesn’t care what I do with females. I even tell him stories about women I hook up with, because it turns him on. Even some of the ones who are younger.”
“Whoa,” said Julie, going pale. “He knows that we…”
“God, no! But I got it on with Tina Pinkot from your school just last month… she’s sixteen. He knows about that. Your dad is pretty open-minded. He thinks the legal age of consent is arbitrary and silly. That’s his words. Now, obviously I haven’t told him about this, but he doesn’t expect me to tell him every time, and neither of you has a penis, so no… I don’t think of it as cheating. ”
Julie’s frown smoothed into a smile. “Good enough for me.” Then her eyes widened. “Tina Pinkot? Isn’t she, like, one of the main cheerleaders?”
“That she is, sweetie,” Lisa purred. “That she is.”
By the time Mom picked me up from Julie’s house, it was almost bedtime. When she came to tuck me in, I reached out to take her hand. “Have you had time to think, Mom?”
Removing her hand from mine, she sat on the edge of the bed. “A little,” she said. “But not enough. I don’t feel as bad about it as I did this morning, but I’m not sure it would be a good idea for us to do it again. We’ll talk more about it another day.”
I wanted to smile, but kept it to myself. Talking about it another day was all the opening I needed. I’m pretty sure she knew it, too, but was trying to tell herself whatever it took to help deal with the confusion she felt.
I sat up, pulled Mom close, and planted a kiss right on her lips, letting it linger for a moment before pulling away. She didn’t resist.
“Night, Mom,” I said.
“G… goodnight, sweetheart.”
My plan was to listen through the wall when Mom went to bed, hoping to hear her masturbate… but I must have been a lot sleepier than I thought, because I barely remember her leaving the room.
Yesterday (Wednesday) was AL, with piano lessons after. Mom was still doing homework when I went to bed. I kissed her on the mouth again, and once more she didn’t pull away.
We were under a winter weather advisory that night, and woke up this morning to eight inches of fresh snow. Sometimes I wonder why my great-great grandparents came here in the first place. You read about people in other parts of the country starting gardens in early March, and we just got eight inches of snow.
Because of that, we got a day off from school. We haven’t really had any snow days this year; just days when school started late, even though it’s been really cold. Mom’s classes were canceled, too. But they’ve got this new setup where the teacher can give them assignments online, so she still had stuff to do.
She spent the morning working on her laptop, while I did some work on my term paper for English class and played my keyboard. Looking out the window a little after nine, I could see the city workers with their snowplows, working hard at clearing off the streets.
After lunch Mom stretched out on the couch, a magazine in her hand. I joined her, laying on her with my head resting on her tits. She put down the magazine and wrapped both arms around me.
We lay quietly for awhile, but I had to force myself to remain still. I was super aware of my mother… her warmth, the rise and fall of her chest, her breast against my cheek. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and I thought I could feel her stiffened nipple through the thin t-shirt she wore. That had me wondering if she was as aroused as I was, which only made me that much hotter.
I couldn’t restrain myself for one more minute. Raising my head, I looked into Mom’s eyes. She stared back at me, not moving, not blinking. Moving slowly as I was able, I shifted position until my left leg slipped between hers. Straining a little to reach, I kissed Mom on the chin. She remained motionless, eyes fixed on mine. I slid upwards a little until I was able to plant a gentle kiss on her lips. Now my crotch was pressing her hip, my thigh resting firmly against her mound. Even through our clothes, I’d swear I could feel the heat.
I let my kiss linger for a few seconds, and when I pulled away it was sideways, my lips lightly brushing her cheek.
Mom shivered. “What are you doing, Mallory?” she whispered.
“I’m loving you, Mom. I’m loving you the way you want me to.”
I kissed my mother again, giving her lower lip a tiny nibble. When she gasped in surprise, I pushed my thigh even further between Mom’s legs, resting it against her pussy.
She shivered again. “Mallory… I don’t know about this…”
“If you want me to stop, I will,” I murmured into her ear. I relaxed my leg, then pressed in again. Mom drew in a sharp breath, pushing back against my thigh. The movement created a delicious friction against my own pussy, and a wave of pleasure engulfed me. “But you have to tell me to, Mom. If you say you don’t want this, I’ll never try it again.”
“It… it feels really good,” she said, her voice unsteady, “but maybe we shouldn’t be…”
My need was urgent now, rumbling inside me like a thunderstorm. I thrust my pelvis against her hip, the pleasure tearing a shuddering gasp from my throat. Mom pushed upwards against my thigh, and the hitch of her breath was music to my ears. I moved again, so crazed with excitement that I wanted to scream.
It was really happening… my mother and I were fucking! Okay, we were still in our clothes, and on the couch instead of in bed, but any way you looked at it, this was lesbian sex. With Mom! Right then, I felt like Queen of the Entire World.
“Oh… oh, Mallory,” Mom whimpered, slipping her hand around the back of my head and pulling my face tightly against hers.
I was totally in the moment, frantically grinding my pussy into Mom. I could feel beads of sweat popping out on my forehead, and my panties were soaked. Mom was frantically humping my thigh, no longer even trying to hold back, panting, “Oh God, oh God, oh God…”
Seconds later I cried out, thrusting against Mom as my orgasm kicked in. It subsided quickly, though, and I kept right on grinding as my mother began to pick up her own pace, moaning loudly. Our cheeks were still pressed together, sticky with sweat and warm with love. I began working my thigh back and forth, rubbing Mom’s pussy hard as I could. I was mostly trying to please her, but the friction we generated suddenly and unexpectedly had me howling in the grip of a second orgasm, with Mom’s body going rigid a moment later. She let out a long low wail, went rigid, then collapsed.
There wasn’t any weirdness this time. We lay in each other’s arms on the couch, all sweaty and tangled up. Finally I lifted my head and kissed her slightly parted lips, my own mouth open. I didn’t go for tongue or anything like that, just let the kiss linger for a moment. Then Mom took the initiative for the first time, capturing my bottom lip between hers. We teased each other like that for a little while, then parted.
Finally Mom gently tapped my shoulder. “I need to use the bathroom, sweetie.” I let her up, and she made her way toward the hall. But before leaving the room, she turned to me and said, “Thank you, Mallory,” with a shy smile that made me feel warm all over.
We spent the afternoon playing board games, more relaxed together than we’d been in a long time. Nothing was said about what we’d just done… but somehow, it didn’t seem like we needed to talk about it, which I took as a good sign.
Jamie called me around four. “The streets are pretty much cleared,” she said. “I’m calling around and seeing who still wants to practice tonight. You game?”
To be honest, right at that moment, I kind of felt like staying home with Mom. That’s a new thing for me! On the other hand… we’ve got gigs. We need to practice.
Mom encouraged me to go. “It’s okay. Spend some time with your friends, sweetie. I’ve got some more reading I need to do, anyway.”
Before I left, we came together in a hug. We held each other for a long time, gently swaying from side to side. “Love you, Mallory,” she whispered.
God, I REALLY wanted to slide my hands down and touch her butt, but lost my nerve. “Love you too, Mom,” I said, then we broke apart. I shrugged into my overcoat, grabbed a muffler and pair of gloves, and set off.
We had an unexpected bonus: Jason was there. The roads in town were as good as they ever get in the winter, but the highways were still slippery, so his class for the evening had been canceled. It was the first time he’d heard our new song, “The Devil’s Own,” and Roger hadn’t been wrong about his reaction.
“You guys are writing great stuff,” he said. “And I love how it’s such a collaborative effort. You could record this music.”
By this time he knew all about our plans for summer gigging, and listened to us play through some of the new 80s repertoire we were learning. He had a few suggestions for how we could tighten things up, but in general Jason was delighted with the progress we’d made without him.
We had a short meeting after rehearsal, this time with Jason sitting in. Roger told us he was working on a couple more festival shows, and that he had an even more intriguing proposition. “I can get us the Douglas County Fair,” he said. “The promoter is really pumped about our whole 80s concept, and is willing to take a chance on an unknown. This one pays real money, too… we’ll get $2000.”
A cacophony of voices went up. Two thousand dollars!
Roger raised his hands for quiet. “For that kind of fee we can rent a large PA and light system, and do it right,” he said. “I’m still working out what we’re going to do for sound at the festival shows. They’re outdoors, so you need something with some juice. PA rental isn’t really too bad so long as you don’t also need a sound tech to run it, but it’s still an awful lot when you’re only pulling in four or five hundred. I’ll figure something out.”
Jason broke in. “What if I told you I can take care of that issue?”
“Dude,” said Ralph, “you’ve already done so much…”
“Stuff it,” Jason said with a grin. “My daughter’s a part of this, so I can bend my neck a little. When’s the first show?”
“We’ll be in Dent on June 23rd,” said Roger.
“Say no more,” said Jason. “I’ll solve this problem for you. In the meantime, you should really think about presentation, and costumes.”
“Costumes we’re already talking about,” said Roger. “Each of us is going to get a look and stick to it. As for presentation… I was just getting to that. Ralph has a totally wacky idea.”
“Any of you girls ever seen Back to the Future?” said Ralph. Jamie had, but Katie and I hadn’t.
“Tell you what,” said Roger. “Can you all make it to a band party at my house Saturday afternoon? My folks have a kick-ass home theater setup. We’ll make popcorn and watch the movie. THEN I’ll have Ralph tell you what he has in mind.”
All of which brings me back around to where I started. I just got home, Mom’s asleep on the couch, and there she stays till morning. She doesn’t have an alarm in the living room, so I’ll have to make sure she gets up in time for school tomorrow. Beddie-bye time for Mallory.
On to Chapter Twenty-Seven!
Love it. Getting mom on the team. Nicely written. Even though it is fiction, I find myself being really worried about Nettie. I guess good writing just pulls you in.
Mallory has come such a long way since her parents were together, I love this story though I’m worried about Nettie. That was really hot that Mallory managed to make her mum orgasm and with no recriminations afterwards. Superbly written series, long may it continue.
Here should be a GIF with that little kid screaming YES!!! 😉
What a wonderful chapter, I’m so glad to read about Mal & Mom’s progress and I have to agree with folks above that Nettie is getting me worried. Your prose is really good when your story and characters are making readers that invested. Thank you!
A gig in Dent? I’ve been to Dent (many years ago) and this made me lol – it’s barely a town! Fun usage of real places, even if not terribly plausible as a show site!
Outstanding writing (as usual) – thanks!
Dent has a summer festival every year; it’s called “Dent Days”. All of the little towns in that neck of the woods do, and people from all the other little towns (and some of the larger communities like Fergus Falls) to attend. If you really wanna see something you should check out Vining’s Watermelon Days; a town of 70-odd inhabitants is absolutely jam-packed with cars and people. Dickson is a fictional town, but it’s set on a real region of Minnesota.
Wow! That’s neat! I really haven’t been to Dent in a _very_ long time, so I admit to surprise. We’d always go into the big town – y’know, Perham, lol. It’s really a neat area and your story triggers a lot of nostalgia along with everything else.
Can’t wait to see what happens next with all of your great characters – thanks so much!
So you’d have been up at the northern end of Ottertail County. Ottertail is a large county even by rural MN standards, and covers a great deal of territory. Perham is a city of around 3500 people; Dent around 175. It’s about a fifteen minute drive from one to the other. The county seat is Fergus Falls, a city of around 15,000, and it’s a solid hour drive from there to Perham.
All the towns mentioned in Pages are real, except for Dickson. This is in contrast to Strange Brew, which occurs further north in a completely fictional county with fictional towns.
Yup! Ottertail is a neat place. More lakes than any other county in the US, with more than 1000! I’ve been enjoying all of the references to places! 🙂
I literally wanted to kick that little punk’s ass for hurting Nettie. That is a tribute to the author’s ability to bring the characters to life and get the readers invested in them. And then the author brings the world to life with little details about the towns and their festivals / fairs, and how the band is preparing for their gigs.And all that on top of the incredibly erotic taboo storyline involving Mallory and her mom which is being handled very tastefully. The author’s vision is fully realized. Impressive stuff. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Loved it. The sex was extra hot. I wasn’t sure about Mal and her mom at first but I really like how it’s written. And part with Julie and Mal with Lisa. Good Lord🥵. This story wonderfully continues to feel like a novel that happens to include great sex scenes. Also I really really want to go to those gigs! These characters are so real that I want to ask them what they think about things. Like the best characters do, they feel like friends. Also seeing the pussy posse stand up for Nettie together was great. I wonder who died in Floyd’s world. I’m very curious about the Back to the Future angle on the band’s presentation. I can’t wait for more.
really great episode, loving the slow build up.
Rachel, you write such great stories and I am loving this one. When one chapter ends, I can’t wait to see what the next chapter brings. Hope there a great many more to come.
The sex between Mallory and her mom is so tender and loving that it works really well, and is quite believable, too. Well done! I hope Nettie is going to be okay. Thank you for another great chapter.
A very full chapter with a lot happening. Each diary entry, or piece of this chapter was good in and of it self, and all put together was a great mix. For us the true highlight, sex wise anyway was of course Mal and her Mom. We always used to tell each other way back when that dry humping, hugging and kissing and caressing and feeling each other up, with all our clothes on, never reaching underneath, till we creamed our jeans wasn’t really sex. Yeah right.
Man, sure doesn’t seem like Sharon’s going to be holding back much longer. I think the dam is about to breach LOL.
Ladies and gentlemen, the response is truly overwhelming. I’m honored beyond measure that people are so invested in the characters; I take the concern voice by several readers over Nettie’s plight as a tremendous compliment. Of course, people also seem to be enjoying the action between Mallory and her mother. I’m glad to see that, too!
In other news, I’m getting back into stride proofing the Strange Brew sequel. I sent the fourth chapter to Jetboy a couple of days ago, and hope to do the same with chapter five tomorrow. I’m definitely behind schedule on it, but it’s in progress.
Strange Brew sequel?! Now that is superb news! Certainly can’t wait for that.
Another great chapter, really driving forward Mal as she grows & sex hot hot hot.
Rachel, like the other readers, I love this story and I love the characters you have created. Just to be clear, I am on this sites to satisfy my prurient desires, but I find myself disregarding my sexual urges because I’m so wrapped up in the story. Fantastic work. I can’t wait to see where things go from here. I’m really hoping Nellie is able to join in to help take her mind of if her loss. Thanks