The Vanishing of Lesbian Lolita

  • Posted on December 7, 2022 at 2:40 pm

by JetBoy

The recent disappearance of our elder sibling site Lesbian Lolita has shaken up Juicy Secrets in a big way, and has led to fragments of uncertain news and rumors flying about like angry bees. Amanda and I have been blitzed with questions galore on the subject… and frankly, neither of us knows for absolute certain what went down, which makes it difficult to reply to those inquiries. So it seemed like a good idea to provide a blog entry for the denizens of JS to share what they know, along with apologies for our ignorance on the matter.

What I’ve heard is that host site Sapphic Shares, after who knows how many threats, got the axe from their host, and Lesbian Lolita got dragged down along with them. That’s the extent of my knowledge; there could be much more to tell. Those of you who can fill out the finer details of this story, please feel free to share.

While we’re at it, anyone who knows what happened to the massive erotic fiction resource ASSTR is also encouraged to respond. I recently managed to find the site at a different web address from my linked one (, but the content has been reduced to virtually nil, and damn near every site connected with them seems to have vanished.

The whole affair is a major annoyance, not least because of the lack of tangible detail. I’ve scoured Google for some kind of information, but came up empty-handed. If this occurrence involved anything other than porn, the story would receive at least a smidgen of media coverage, but as of now there’s only a chorus of crickets.

Thanks in advance for your input, beloved readers.


108 Comments on The Vanishing of Lesbian Lolita

  1. Craig says:

    If your looking for stories I can supply some

  2. Michel Huard says:

    Would I be correct in assuming that the site is fine for good!

  3. kinkychic says:

    Allow me to explain.

    One Amy Mendoza (who posts here on JS), along with other unknown persons (although I have a shrewd idea who at least one other is), made it her task in life to bring down Sapphic Shares.

    There is little point in going into detail about how she engineered it. The fact remains, she did!

    Contrary to what some here seem to believe, there was nothing illegal on SS, nor has there been for quite some time. I and my sister made sure of that.

    At the end of the day, the site host accepted her complaints without due consideration and closed the site down. This is the third time she has done this.

    Fur is not a well man, he has enough problems of his own without wanting all the work of yet again rebuilding a site. He’s had enough and given up.

    • terri says:

      such a shame i loved the site but of course health is the most important thing

    • FionaC says:

      You don’t want to go into detail about how she engineered it because you haven’t a clue what those details are.

      There was LOTS illegal in SS, otherwise the host would not have shut it down. They are in fact a difficult ISP to deal with as they are notoriously tolerant of material like this.

      ‘Without due consideration’: nope, nope, nope, and nope. Believe me, they considered it very carefully and there was lots of back and forth communication before they came to their decision. Do try to avoid making brazen statements that are blatantly untrue just to make yourself look good.

      So, if Fur doesn’t want to do it, why don’t you? Set up a new site and post all of that completely legal content on it. Let’s see how well that goes.

      • kinkychic says:

        I have no interest whatsoever in making ‘myself look good’.

        I still do not consider there was anything illegal on SS—whatever you say.

        I have neither the inclination nor the time to want to run a site.

        I find it strange how the trolls crawl out of the woodwork to make comments here, the sort of place they supposedly despise.

        • FionaC says:

          Of course you do, you always want to paint yourself as blameless.

          Hun, it’s not down to what you ‘consider’ illegal. It’s down to what the law DEFINES as illegal. See if you can grasp that concept.

          But you spent many, many, many hours working as a staff member on SS. Plenty of inclination and time there, yes?

          • Johanna says:

            Perhaps you could reference what type of content on SS the law would describe as illegal?

          • kinkychic says:

            Yet another (or is it?) who appears to say much but actually has little to say.

            You do not know me and clearly do not know what drives me.

            There’s no need to be patronising, I am quite able to understand what the law defines or otherwise.

            I actually did not spend that much time on SS. You constantly confuse me with my sister.

      • DaughterLover says:

        “There was LOTS illegal in SS…”

        Illegal in what country? Also, specify the laws that were broken. Religious laws (regardless of faith) are not legally binding, and therefore irrelevant. If you cannot state the civil statutes that were violated in each country, then we have to realize that your complaints are self-hatred for visiting and reading stories of a type which you hate so much. I hope you are able to resolve your self-loathing without further injury to yourself.

        • FionaC says:

          Hello there!

          Well, just to clarify, we are talking here mostly about the images that were openly being shared on Sapphic Shares. These were illegal under pretty much any jurisdiction. For the US, you can look up the DOST code, which gives a pretty clear definition. All of the images being shared at the late lamented SS violated those established legal guidelines.

          For stories, the US is pretty much unique in considering this stuff legal. As regards your specific question, for example in the UK the Obscene Publications Acts would define everything published on JS as illegal.

          • Joe Dornish says:

            Although you are technically correct about the UK considering this material illegal, in practice it is tolerated. The obscene publications act almost entirely concentrates on visual images, not literature and is far from clear on the matter. There were several key test cases in history which served to prove that prosecutions of supposedly obscene literature are all but impossible to get through the courts. This is something I double checked before publishing my story here on JS, I would not be writing here if I thought there was any chance of prosecution in the UK. Although I’d not like to test my theory I’m confident that the written word as it appears here on JS would not be prosecuted under UK law.

            I’ve had this debate here on JS before where I commented in more detail with quotes and references. I don’t have the time to find that detail now but I am happy to do so when I have more time.

          • Joe Dornish says:


            I found this, from my previous comment…

            “When it comes to obscenity, the law that has to be taken into account (in England and Wales) is the Obscene Publications Act 1959. When prosecuted under this Act in 1960, Lady Chatterley’s Lover was found not guilty, and subsequent guilty verdicts on Last Exit to Brooklyn and Inside Linda Lovelace were overturned on appeal in 1966 and 1976 respectively. Given the extreme difficulty of achieving a successful prosecution of the written word under the act, the prosecuting authorities have for many years fought shy of bringing such a case. Since the Linda Lovelace case in 1976, after which the Metropolitan police were reported as saying that if this was not obscene “nothing was”, it has come to be assumed that the written word to all intents and purposes falls outside the scope of the act .”

            The CPS website backs this up when talking about what they will not prosecute. Nowhere on the CPS page for obscene publications does it specifically relate to fictional written works. For all intents and purposes the act does not cover fictional written works.

          • kinkychic says:

            It’s always hard to debate with anyone who just continues to spout utter nonsense.

            She is now trying to tell us that perfectly acceptable pictures of people like Emily Feld in a bathing costume are illegal.

            Emily has earned a small fortune from her modeling website since she was fourteen. Her Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc posts are all perfectly legal. They were featured (And many similar) heavily on SS.

            It remains my belief that the host gave in after non-stop badgering and being directed to pics that staff had subsequently deleted.

            I repeat… no pics of any kind were ever posted in the Admiral section. That was purely where staff discussed site matters – who needed banning or warning, the rules, troublemakers, etc.

          • FionaC says:


            Thanks for your polite and considered response. Quite refreshing when compared to the personal insults and bluster elsewhere in this thread.

            The Obscene Publications Acts does cover visual material, but mostly that would now be covered under the Protection of Children Act 1978 and the Criminal Justice Act 1988. As the OPAs date from the 1950s and 60s they actually concern themselves mainly with written material. They have been used successfully though to prosecute people for the material they’ve written in online chats, for example. The OPAs explicitly refer to “any description of article containing or embodying matter to be read or looked at or both”.

            You are correct that there were some high-profile failed prosecutions, but this is because the Acts allow for a ‘Public Interest Defence’. Essentially this protects genuine literary works; if a sex scene or whatever is considered integral to the story and supports the overall narrative arc, then it is protected. This is why the bleating on here about creeping censorship has no merit. Genuine works of art are adequately protected under the existing laws.

            With the best will in the world, and despite kinkychic’s slightly hilarious campaign to improve literary standards in child porn, I don’t think anything on JS would qualify.

            You are correct that LE has higher priorities than written material at the moment, but as you acknowledge, you are in fact breaking UK law by publishing your material on here. It’s up to you to assess the risk, but bear in mind that risk is a function of the likelihood of something happening and the potential consequences if it does. While it may be unlikely (at the moment) that you’ll be prosecuted, if you are then the consequences could be potentially cataclysmic.

          • r0ba66 says:

            im not looking for images just really enjoy the stories

      • Tree says:

        I was on SS towards the middle and when I was there, there was nothing illegal at all.

      • C says:

        I was a member there and SS didn’t allow any nudity or porn of any kind that included anyone under the age of 18. So if something illegal was going on it was unrelated to CP. I was there for many years and KinkyChic and her sister were very strict. Anyone posting stuff that could be seen as CP was treated like a hostile enemy trying to get the board shut down. Believe me there were no opportunities to host material like that anywhere on that web site.

        Typically what happens with sites like this is that there is nothing illegal going on until someone decides they want it shut down and go about violating the ISP rules themselves by creating an account and making inappropriate posts. Then they point the finger. But everyone knows what really happened.

        • kinkychic says:

          I was beginning to despair, would no one stand up for what we tried to do? Were we totally alone, was it such a waste of time?

          I haven’t the faintest idea who C might be, but I thank you for acknowledging what we tried to do.

          A touch of truth at last, aside from what we say.

          It’s difficult to accept that when one has fought so hard, month after month that the voice of one vicious person can bring everything down.

          It’s a strange world when an outspoken misinterpreter can win against the truth.

  4. Anonymous says:

    If I may make a suggestion, make a backup of before its gone too. It’s just a matter of time before that is also wiped off the internet.

    The war on people expressing themselves is real. It was put into high gear while the whole world was distracted by the pandemic, and is now coming into full swing.

  5. Bryan says:

    Wow this turned into mud slinging really fast

  6. Moldwarp says:

    Interesting reading the comments below, lots of background and history by the looks of it but not for me to comment on. In respect of the question about (as was) I noticed it had disappeared and I lost access to a whole body of work from a particular author that I had been following and corresponding with over a period of a few years. Thought that was gone altogether.
    Then, by chance, I came across the site and hey presto found all her work plus some new uploads. I have since done some trawling through this site and whilst the content in some areas is dire there are in my view some good ones amongst these. Beware that the content is not the high quality well polished, well written and throughly outstanding content that we are fortunate enough to have on JS – so long may you continue.
    I know that I fail somewhat in my duty to comment on each story but I do login for almost all of the posts and I am working my way through the rest of the stories one author at a time, so well done to everyone who is making this possible.

  7. Jack says:

    JetBoy, have you encountered issues with this site at all along similar lines? Clearly, there are trolls here who are openly claiming responsibility (on this post and under one in the Reader’s Forum) for working to get SS shut down. That, along with going down once again seems to suggest a concerted effort. That, in turn, prompts my question. Hopefully not, as losing JS would be a great loss indeed. But nonetheless…

    • JetBoy says:

      Haven’t encountered any issues that are maliciously intended, just a few technical glitches. There may well be a target painted on our backs… but I don’t see what I can do to satisfy folks who hate us, short of shut everything down. And I’m not willing to throw in that towel anytime soon.

      • Jack says:

        Excellent! This is a beautiful community and I know we all (well, ok, almost all of us) applaud and support your (plural) herculean efforts to maintain it!

  8. Cassandra says:

    There are archives of asstr available for download that are updated up until 2018, which is when you could o longer register as a new author. Search for it in the Literotica subreddit.

  9. Capt. Red Randish says:

    According to the US law system, the stories written here and on other sites are not viewed as illegal, YET. (Let the GOP get a hold of the US forever [as will happen if they ever get the white house again] and anything not aligning with their überConservative religious views will be completely illegal, despite their own hypocrises.).

    It sickens me that people have the gall to troll others here for the illegality of the sites in question which means they themselves are hypocrites.

    I am saddened to see SS and LL gone as well as ASSTR but having health issues of my own AND no knowledge how to even start a site to help archive old content and provide a stable place for new.

    I will keep hoping that someone or someone’s come to the rescue!!

  10. PinkPrincess says:

    I have an archive of a snapshot of all the stories on asstr if you’d like a copy for reference?

  11. anon says:

    Web archive has some (maybe all?) of ASSTR. Think it’s from 2007, though.

  12. Aidanmoore24 says:

    Just a heads up, I got a 503 error a little earlier today

  13. Anna says:

    It’s a shame it no longer exists. I along with others enjoyed some of the many stories published. I just feel sorry for the authors who have spent a long time time writing and submitting their stories only for them never to be seen. 😪😪

  14. kinkychic says:

    Regardless of what the arseholes have to say, I tried my best. I wanted the site legal. We tried to get those who continually posted unacceptable material
    l off the site, it was quite continuous work. My sister worked hard.

    We wanted the site to continue for purely lesbian reasons. These nasty people have tried to make us pedophiles, they are so wrong.

    • FionaC says:

      I repeat, if you wanted the site legal, you could have done that very quickly.

      And I am pretty much ROFL at your ‘purely lesbian’ line. Plenty of dicks on show at Captain. Presuambly you campaigned against that? Oh, and of course the bestiality that SS used to host?

      • kinkychic says:

        Exactly. Google, Byng, YouTube, etc.

        It’s not illegal nor is it pedophilic! End of!

        Some young models have a selection of pics that are in the public domain, while others are available to subscription members only.

      • kinkychic says:

        You claim to know everything that went on at SS, therefore you must know that I posted many times that the male content was not wanted by many members. That’s why there was a category of membership that specifically excluded those male sections.

        And it was I and my sister that campaigned successfully to get the bestiality removed.

    • Bumble says:

      How is posting pictures of 14 year olds in bathing suits not pedophilic?

      • Cassandrablue says:

        Go to Google on your PC, type in the search words “young girl” and see what comes up. By your logic, Google must be a pedophilic search engine.

      • jet says:

        so all parents that take pics of their daughter in a bathing suit are pedos now?

      • jet says:

        OMG!!So now any parent that takes a picture of their child swimming or at a beach is a pedo, you have to love people that come to a website that is full of stories on underage sex and takes the high horse ” i am as pure as the freshly fallen snow” attitude.
        My daughter as do most other youngsters loves running around naked or just in undies at home, i have taken pictures of her and sent them out to relatives/close friends not thinking twice about it so i guess now i and my partner are pedos ! Time to bring in the secret army and have us all arrested

  15. dave says:

    I have seen some posts about ASSTR that said there is an issue with the server and it may or may not get fixed. Not sure how accurate this is as I am not technically adept regarding computer issues. I do know there have been periods in the past where the site went down for several months before it returned.

  16. 123 says:

    There is a project called ASSLR with the goal of becoming a replacement for It is still in early development phase, but one can already request author access through e-mail to the maintainer: (empty main page “ASSLR Coming Soon”) (discussion forum)

    More discussion about the status of and the started ASSLR project here: ( newsgroup created in 1992, accessed through Google Groups. “Discussion about stories, repost requests, general talk and argument.”

    Maybe could become a new home for Lesbian Lolita.

  17. John says:

    From what I can gather it’s a simple dns issue. Sapphic Shares used to be .club, but when their host changed everything to .art they did not login to the website in order to update everything. The people behind Sapphic Shares needs to update their website in order to obtain the new .art & bring the websites back. They have failed to do so, and have not noticed that their 2 websites (leslita & sapphic shares) is down because of this updated dns issue.

  18. kinkychic says:

    Sorry John, but that’s total nonsense – all of it.

    Firstly, their host did not change them from .club to .art. They got kicked by the host and had to find another. (Three times).

    I can assure you that the people behind SS knew exactly what they were doing and the site was fully updated.

  19. DJ says:

    Since we’re chatting about sites disappearing, I was curious if anyone knows what happened to author, Ebo. I still enjoy going to his page occasionally and re-reading his stories. The last update was July 2021. I think I remember a comment on one of the stories, that he was getting busy with real life. Just curious, & hope they’re doing well. And if they ever get the urge to continue a story, I’d love to read it!

    • No One says:

      Unfortunately, Ebo seems to have vanished and hasn’t been replying to anyone in over a year. Hopefully he’s okay and will return one day.

  20. Swampthing99 says:

    Hi everyone. First, it sounds like FionaC probably believes there are nanobots in her vaccines and Majory Taylor Green should be nominated as empress of a new Christian government. Add all of the cliches, not the: brightest crayon in the box, tool in the shed, etc. I’m going to stop there because haters gonna hate and I don’t want to be mistaken as one.

    Second, and most concerning, Kristensboard has gone offline as well. I can link to the site but when I try to enter it I get a 503, the server is busy error on all devices. I was a fan of Leslita and it went down with SS. Now I am a member of KB and it went down. I’m starting to think it might be me. 🙂

    • John says:

      Kristen Board was an off-shoot of ASSTR. When ASSTR went down it also went down. Along with every other website that ASSTR hosted.

      • Swampthing99 says:

        Thank you for your input, John. However, it was the ”Kristen Archives that were part of ASSTR, NOT ‘Kristensboard’. KB is only related to the Archives through name and minor association. KB is a story forum and not just an archive. Authors and readers can interact with one another. It also does include a page that ‘links’ to a copy of the archives, so those stories have not been lost unless KB is also gone forever. There is a pic/vid thread but it is heavily moderated. They have a strict rule for UA erotica which does npt allow stories of UA below 14.

    • Darklighter44 says:

      Hello Swampthing99.

      I was able to log into KristenBoard site today with no issues what’s so ever.

      Maybe you need to delete your cache files from your browsers. Hope you have better luck in the future.

    • Darklighter44 says:

      I was able to log into KristenBoard today with now issues.

      Hope you have luck in the future.

  21. Ronin says:

    As someone who was a regular poster of 18+ only content on SS from the time the site went live, this is what I observed:

    1.) Each forum had rules clearly marked at the top and all users were expected to follow them in order to remain in good standing with the admins.
    2.) There seemed to be no interest by the majority of the members to post graphic content that would fall under what is the general understanding of ‘illicit/obscene/illegal’ by most 1st-world governments.
    As I was not an admin myself, I cannot speak to the sorts of illicit/obscene/illegal submissions that they had to process as part of their roles, but I believe it’s fair to assume that there was a small degree of members who tried posting said content for one of two reasons – A.) It was content they wanted to share and believed they could get away with, or B.) It was posted by the same people who had the underlying motive of getting the site reported and shut down, as to fit their own prejudicial agendas.
    3.) All the content I posted was from well-known, public sites such as TheChive, Empornium, Babelocker, etc. Those sites are well-established as having incredibly strong zero tolerance policies against illicit underage content of any sort. In my time on SS, there seemed to be a general understanding that as long as the potential for any genuinely illegal content could make its way into the forums, the admins would take necessary action to eliminate it ASAP.
    4.) For all her pontificating, FionaC has not provided any actual examples of the illegal content found on the site. Her claim that ‘most of the images being openly shared on SS were illegal.’
    This is factually incorrect because there was far more content being shared in the 18+ threads than there was in the 18- threads.
    Simply saying ‘it’s all illegal’ doesn’t fly without specific examples to back up your argument. Were this a court of law, the burden of proof would be on her to provide that information. Without it, she has no argument other than conjecture, hearsay and speculation, and no court in the civilized world (least not one run by a Republican judge) would accept that.
    Also, from a legal standpoint, underage girls who are dressed to various degrees (underwear, bathing suits, etc.) and are not engaged in sexual acts is neither pornography, nor illegal under US/UK or any other law. If that were the case, then any parent who photographed their daughter in a bathing suit or pajamas and posted it on Facebook or Instagram would be considered trafficking in child pornography.

    My major criticism of what Fur and the other admins who ran SS did was they did not make a Zero Tolerance policy against illicit/illegal content clear up front both when you accessed the site, and in each of the forums. That is not to suggest they didn’t try to adhere to and enforce the rules to the best of their ability, but in such instances, had they made it more concrete and the potential punishment as harsh as possible, I suspect there’d be a chance the site would still be running.

    As for FionaC and Amy Mendoza, clearly they are crusaders on what they believe is a righteous mission and they are incapable of seeing sites like SS as anything more than what would be found on the Dark Web. Their puritanical motivations ended up taking SS down and they see it as a victory against a community that was predominantly adhering to the rules laid down by Fur and the other admins.

    • kinkychic says:

      I agree with all you say until the second last paragraph – re criticism of Fur and Admin.

      Perhaps you hadn’t recently read the rules, a mistake many older members made. They, therefore, failed to see how much they had been rewritten; by me as it happens. It was clearly stated that there was a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy.

    • FionaC says:

      Content in a forum is not necessarily legal because there were rules. Kinkychic has admitted elsewhere what the actual purpose of the rank structure on SS was.

      As someone else has pointed out, an image being available on a public site doesn’t mean it’s legal. Especially if that site is on a .ru domain. And many sites are getting the message; gone, Vipergirls has removed all of its ‘NN Models’ material. Most of the ‘toon’ sites have removed, and no longer allow, posting of underage photorealistic material.

      Oh, I can provide you with evidence, no problem. Your details aren’t on the ‘Staying in Touch’ page, so post them here and I can fill you in. I provided plenty to Dreamhost. And, once again, despite what you and kinkychic like to infer, this was not posted deliberately to be reported. These were all illegal images that had been posted by members and ‘liked’ by almost all of the ‘staff’ on SS, which blows a hole in kinkychic’s “we were trying so hard to make it legal” line.

      OK, so the stuff about non-nude content. Yes, I’m afraid that this material is most certainly illegal if shared in a sexual context. Ostensibly innocent images being shared on a site like SS which was explicitly positioned as an erotic/pornographic site is ‘Sexualisation by Context’. There is no plausible explanation for those images being on SS other than sexual gratification of the site’s users.

      There was a case of a guy in the UK prosecuted for having thousands upon thousands of pictures of preteen girls in their school uniforms, for example. You don’t get to decide if that’s illegal, the jury at your trial does.

      I love your concern for those poor parents and their innocent images. How do you think they might feel if they discovered that their pictures had been stolen from Facebook and posted on an 18- forum on SS?

      I agree with your zero tolerance comment. Standard practice on other sites is to sign up with a verifiable email (SS would accept fake emails). Anyone posting unacceptable content is banned and reported to LE. And yes, SS would still be running if they’d simply made the whole site 18+ for everyone, which they could have done in a few seconds.

  22. kinkychic says:

    I would have guessed by now that most of you realise the futility of arguing with these fanatics.

    They lie. They distort the truth. They make ludicrous claims. They brand innocuous pics as child porn.

    In short, they are pathetic liars.

    Yet, they managed to bring SS down. Such a sad world we live in.

    I’m not sure why we even give these people (or maybe, just this one person) space to air their malicious rubbish.

    A person, who is clever with words, yet seldom says anything of substance. Everything is innuendo. Never a proven fact. So many false claims that quite obviously we cannot disprove.

    Just lately though, she has made mistakes by claiming every single pic on SS Captain Models was CP. Clearly, they were not. We did not allow anything illegal. (See another post re Emily Feld – look her up – nothing illegal about that lovely young lady).

    In short. And I’ve said it before. Why argue with these idiots (or is it just one idiot?)? You simply invite yet more comments posed in a way that are hard to answer because we are dealing with a person that has a way with words.

    • BlueJean says:

      I assumed AmyM and FionaC were the same person. The language they use in their posts strongly suggests they are. Perhaps she’s trying to give the impression there are more of them, which is rather sad.

      One thing that intrigues me is Amy/Fiona’s own picture sharing activities on SS. Presumably she would have had to keep posting pics herself to access those tiered threads she was talking about? It seems awfully hypocritical of her if she was posting photos that may have been sexually gratifying to users on those forums, especially after berating folks on JS for doing the same thing (the child models thread).

      • John says:

        Pretty sure both AmyM, and FionaC got their accounts hacked over a year ago by QAnon conspiracy theorists. The real people that used to be behind those accounts no longer use them. As for KinkyChic… She also talks the exact same as FionaC, but is on the other side of the argument. Which makes me believe that she’s just another one of the hackers. Plus KinkyChic also has both claimed that she’s an admin of SapphicShares, and that she’s only friends with the admins of SapphicShares. Meanwhile KinkyChic has no actual affiliation with SapphicShares, and (like FionaC) is spreading false information.

        • kinkychic says:

          Oh dear John. Where do you get these ideas from?

          I and my sister were both initially Moderators on SS and then promoted to full Admin. I have known Fur very well for about five years.

          There are quite a number of JS contributors who are friends of ours from SS. One of whom is a well-known writer both for here, LS and SS. He very often was invited to pass critical comment on our stories before we published them.

          What ‘false information’ exactly am I spreading?

          It’s your own ideas on why SS/LS went down that are incorrect.

          My email address used to be on here in the contacts section. I removed it after receiving too many cranky messages. It also gave AmyM my address, so I now get stupid emails from her.

        • BlueJean says:

          Reading through the posts on this site generally give a good sense as to what’s true and what isn’t, John.

          I think it’s pretty much accepted that SS got shut down because someone reported them to the host – that’s been confirmed by people on both sides of the argument. If it was a DNS error, there wouldn’t be much reason to hide that fact, would there? Wouldn’t make much sense.

          KinkyChic mentioned on Juicy Secrets that she was an admin at Sapphic Shares long before it went down, so there’s no reason to dispute that either. And she and her sister have been posting stories here for awhile, so the theory that she’s a hacker doesn’t hold much water.

          Here’s what I think happened: Our very own Witchunter General, Amy/Fiona, imbeds herself in SS over a number of months/years, posting titillating photos of children to access those higher tiered threads (what other kinds of pics would she be sharing?). Every time a dodgy photo slipped through the net (approving pics/comments before they get posted seems like it might have been a better solution) she alerts the host, possibly threatens them with legal action if they don’t dump SS, which eventually they do.

          There were conversations on Juicy Secrets from quite a while back talking about the pictures on Sapphic Shares and how it would come back to bite them on the bum eventually. The stories are more or less untouchable, so it’ll be the pictures that get you. I do worry about the more risqué pictures on JS – legal, no doubt, but there’s always the question of whether they could be used as leverage to persuade a host to dump Juicy Secrets, given the context in which they’re posted.

          No offense to the admins at Sapphic Shares, but after getting shut down twice before, did no one ever think, “Hmm… you know what? Maybe we should just stick to the fiction.”? I never bothered with SS – unlike Amy/Fiona I have no interest in trading pictures of kids – but losing Leslita kind of pissed me off. I liked that site, spent a lot of time updating stories on there just before it got nuked. If the admins there see this, please let us know if you’re ok, and if you have any plans to relaunch LL.

          Anyway, I’ll leave it at that – don’t want to get bogged down in another dirge of a debate.

          • kinkychic says:

            Basically all sound comment. Only the conception of what was posted on SS is incorrect.

            99% of the material on SS was 18+ lesbian. The under-18 had been cut down to two relatively small sections. No nudity or implied sexuality was allowed in these sections. ie if it couldn’t go in a family photo album, then it can’t go here.

          • FionaC says:

            Hi Bluejean,

            Interesting that you acknowledge that SS shared ‘titillating photos of children’. It certainly did; glad you agree with me. However, it was perfectly possible to reach Captain on SS without posting anything illegal (a little social engineering didn’t hurt though).

            You’re right to be concerned about the pics on JS and you do seem to have grasped the concept of ‘sexualisation by context’ (which is a thing, legally).

            Even the ‘innocent’ pictures that accompany stories would qualify, quite apart from the likely reaction of the subjects and creators of the pictures (who are, of course, the copyright holders) to these pictures being stolen and exploited on here to illustrate child pornography.

            Like you, I wonder at the sheer bloody-minded persistence of Fur and his ‘staff’ in attempting to keep the site up when the writing was clearly on the wall. As mentioned elsewhere, they could have made the site completely legal in about ten seconds by limiting all users to 18+ content. But CP is why SS was created, and of course the reason for its rank structure, so Fur just couldn’t let it go. Without the CP, there was no reason for SS to exist.

          • FionaC says:


            One of the pics I reported to Dreamhost (and no, I didn’t post it, and yes, it had been ‘liked’ by Fur and most of the admins) depicted a girl about 8 or 9 years of age. She was wearing a tape over her nipples and very small sheer panties. Her legs were spread wide and her genitalia was clearly visible. An adult male hand appeared in this image, holding a bottle of baby oil which was being poured over the girl’s torso.

            If this is typical of what appears in your family photo album, you must have a very unconventional family.

      • John says:

        That said once they went offline redirected to but the dreamhost webpage that is shown says that the website is not found.

      • John says: here’s the reason why a “site not found” occurs. It’s because the IP of the website’s DNS server is not configured.

      • Getsu says:

        An anti, doing the same shit as the people she’s shaming and probably worse, just like on Twitter? *Go on.* 🤣

    • FionaC says:

      Firstly kinkychic, yes I absolutely have to apologise for saying everything on SS was illegal. I was referring specifically to the Captain Models forum, not the 18+ stuff.

      Once again, to have an ‘argument’ or ‘debate’, you have to present your side, and you consistently fail to. See the posts from Joe Dornish? Coherently putting forward his side. Maybe try that?

      Please give one example of where I have: lied, distorted the truth, made a ludicrous claim, or branded innocuous pics as child porn.

  23. No One says:

    This thread is going as well as expected…

    • JetBoy says:

      Yeah, I wasn’t intending for this to be a battle royale, but in retrospect, that seems inevitable.

      Folks, I know feelings are frayed here… but let’s try our best to keep things a little MORE reasoned and a little LESS irascible.

      • Chop2004 says:

        Here Here

      • Darklighter44 says:

        Unfortunately JetBoy I don’t think that will happen, but I do Send my good wishes that things can calm down.

        • No One says:

          Yeah seriously, why re-open this? It’s two people arguing endlessly and pointlessly, and then some other morons (who don’t even contribute to the site normally) dropping by to say dumb shit about a situation they know nothing about.

  24. Joe Dornish says:

    There are those who comment on JS because they disagree with the subject matter of our stories. We will never change their views so engaging with them is pointless. In fact, it’s worse than pointless, it causes discord and distracts from the reason we are here, to read and write the stories we love so much.
    My vote (if I had one) would be to close the comments and move on with the clear intent not engaging with those whose opinions are so entrenched as to be unmovable.

  25. hutchbunny says:

    Just so y’all know, there are archived versions of including the collections such as kristen’s archive and leslita available here:*/

    I know that it’s not the same to have a dead site with no new stories, but nothing has been lost, at least not yet. I’m sure the same is true for any other recently-closed down sites.

    • Keiko says:

      Hi there. I am not very technically adept apparently. I clicked this link and it took me to. Calendar page, not an archive of the old website. Help?

  26. kinkychic says:

    Agree, no further comment.

  27. C says:

    I just want to point out that SapphicShares is a platform, not a publisher nor a media company. Child pornography is clearly against the rules of the platform. Therefore if child pornography is posted by a member, the member is in violation of the law not the platform itself. This the same protection that sites like Facebook enjoy, which unlike SapphicShares is riddled with actual child porn. In fact SapphicShares actually takes much quicker action than sites like Facebook.

    FionaC is just here to spread lies about SapphicShares to pollute the record about what really transpired. There was no illegal activity allowed on the platform and swift action was always taken when inappropriate images were posted.

    Also I want to point out that UK law does not apply to SapphicShares as it has never operated under UK jurisdiction.

  28. lee says:

    No interest in face book no idea how it works but are you serious? How the hell do they get away with it i thought everything had to be checked, i heard on the car radio about 5 years ago 1 case but i thought it was just the one

  29. Getsu says:

    Does anyone know if Louisa May is still active? They had a lot more stuff on the old Leslita than what I see here. Wondering if there’s any chance of all that content finding its way here–not to mention Eloquent Delinquent and Hotbox’s.

    • JetBoy says:

      Louisa May is still active. She and I are working on one of her stories… though because of our busy schedules and my craving for perfection, the work goes much slower than we’d like. If we get it finished, your minds will be blown into orbit — it’s that good.

      I do want to post more of Louisa May’s older work here — another project for my gigantic pile. We only posted a few in the past because the lion’s share of her stories were never really completed. But so what — they’re damn good anyhow, and ought to be shared.

      Same for Eloquent Delinquent. I really want the most recent works he’s made public at Leslita, but am waiting for more chapters. I love E.D.’s writing, but he too has a habit of occasionally leaving stories unfinished (we have a couple of those here), and I’m hoping that doesn’t happen this time.

      As for Hotbox… I’m not sure what stories that author has written, and can’t go to Leslita to see. Guess I’ll have to rely on my mate Sapphmore to fill me in, as he so often does.

      • Getsu says:

        Fffffuckle, if I could remember their titles off the top of my head… There was one I went back to a few times, even. Actually two–a specific chapter each. …Oh! I think one of them was called Marianne. And then I *think* the other was…The Interview. It was about a pair of policewomen that get sucked into a pedo ring whose leader they bust.

        And yeah, I believe what you’ve got in the oven’ll be good, Louisa knows how to paint a damn spicy picture, I know well. S’actually rather impressive to know she’s still doing stuff–she was actually how I got into this kinda reading. First discovered her stuff a LONG time ago. Hooked me young, y’might say. 😅

        Glad to know Delinquent’s on your radar too, his content absolutely should be here. That last one he put on Leslita–The Littlest Seahorse, I think it was? Mm-mm-girl. 😝

      • Sapphmore says:

        I’ll send you the four I have shortly me old tucker

        • Sapphmore says:

          Hey JB, I also have ED’s The Littlest Seahorse if you’d like it. Just let me know in response to the email I just sent with the four Hotbox stories.

          • JetBoy says:

            I’ve got “The Littlest Seahorse” and “That Unmentionable Tug,” both of which I love. ED knows that I’m eagerly awaiting further chapters. Please feel free to encourage him.

            Hotbox, if you’re out there, I’m very much interested in posting at least a couple of your stories, too. Let us hear from you, if that sounds like a worthwhile scenario.

          • Getsu says:

            You got ’em, sweet. Yeah, I think four is the sum total of what they had on New Leslita. If you can get those put up here, however you have to do that, that’ll be honey-peaches. 😊

    • JZK says:

      I’d love to find “The Investigation” by Hotbox!

  30. Allie says:


    This is Aliie, who used to run leslita with my sister Jenny ( I don’t go by lil’ fucker anymore).
    It’s been years since I posted here, but I have something to say about this.

    After things got fucked up at ASSTR, Fur let Jenny make a mirror of leslita on his site, and in return I ported the Sapphic Shares forum to XenForo and redesigned it. Being an administrator I had access to the whole site, and there were Many levels of access that were hidden until you were invited to that level, and they got more explicit as they went.

    After the accident that killed my mom and damaged Jenny’s brain, I stopped updating leslita. A few weeks later, after telling Fur about the accident, he deleted my account at Sapphic shares and changed the password on leslita, which locked me out. Then a few months later he turned it into the fucking mess that you’ve probably seen for the past few year..

    I have both the source code for the original site and the stories, up until that time. If Juicy Secrets wants them I will send the entire site. which they can either put up as it originally was or can integrate into the current format.

    For those who remember Jenny. She is doing way better than the last time I posted. He is able to speak again, walk again and has a girlfriend who love her and take care of her.

    I’m in College now. I’ve been able let go of the pain of that time, and let myself have fun, I’m not in a committed relationship at this time but I have several girls I fuck around with on a regular basis. I don’t really want to get involved with leslita again or this site but, I do read the stories here from time to time when i have no one to play with.

    • Captain Midnight says:

      Allie, I don’t know you, but thank you so much for the information! Bless you for letting us know what happened with Leslita. I had felt it scraped the bottom of the barrel in terms of content in past years, and now I understand why. You had shown dedication to quality in many ways.

      There is evidently a tribute to you in Nayghty Mommy’s long novel The Joy of Looking. I had been extremely puzzled about the weird nickname given to Allie in Chapters 99-102.

      Bless you much more for taking care of your sister. She must attribute a lot of her progress to your love and patience.

      Whatever your plans are, hope you know I am glad to hear from you and wish you well. My own feeling is that JS is as good as you hoped LL would be, and that I thank you for setting such high standards.

      • Allie says:

        That was a birthday present from Naughty Mommy. First she published it as The Joy of Lake Tahoe then incorporated it into The Joy of Looking.

        She actually captured me pretty accurately in that story.

        • Captain Midnight says:

          Allie, do you have any stories available? I admit to not having read anything you wrote before these messages. Are you a writer yourself?

    • reader says:

      I would not describe the latest version of Leslita a “fucking mess”. The administrator quickly removed and did not allow spreading of conspiracy theories. Lately the time between updates increased though and that caused contributions in the form of stories and comments to slow down significantly.

  31. Marcus says:

    Allie, thanks so much for the update. Is there a way you can share all the stories in one file sharing link like Rapidgator or 1fichier for all of us to download them at once?
    Thanks again

  32. ItDoesn'tMatterWhoWeAre says:

    Anyone who makes a moral issue out of what other people read, look at, listen to, or play deserves contempt. As we can see here, they make the world a worse place to live in. The same goes for legal trolls.

  33. GK1954 says:

    Firstly I would like to say its very sad that a site devoted to fantasy has caused such upset.
    I don’t know who Fionac is, anti porn campaigner, a do gooder or whatever, but the choice is yours whether you read fiction or not, but don’t stop others reading it.
    Why should others tell us what we can read and what we can’t, there are so many problems in this world and people escape into fiction for release, please don’t stop that, finally I liked LL and very much enjoy juicy secrets, I thank all authors and the admin team for making this site fantastic, May it continue

  34. Keith says:

    I too am missing the stories from LL, I did follow a lot of them, especially those that had multiple parts like the Littlest Seahorse etc.

    I never knew there were photos on the site and I’m glad I didn’t, I was only interested in the stories, but it is a shame they have now gone, such a pity.

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