About Us

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Naughty Mommy
Cheryl Taggert (1982-2021) RIP

Site Manager:

Amanda Lynn



Associate Editors:

Jacqueline Jillinghoff

Site Associates:

No One

Thank you for visiting Juicy Secrets. What we’ve labored to create here is a high-quality online library of steamy, sensuous, and arousing erotic fiction that explores the edgier side of lesbian love. Our site was founded by three writers with similar tastes in things sexual – Naughty Mommy, JetBoy, and Cheryl Taggert – who came together in pursuit of a humble dream. Juicy Secrets is that dream come to life, and we are pleased as punch with the results.

The three of us originally became acquainted through the Lesbian Lolita site, a crucial resource for offbeat Sapphic fiction for over a decade. We posted our own stories there, exchanged opinions and thoughts on the comments threads, and became quite familiar with each other’s work. Unfortunately, various issues rendered Lesbian Lolita less than ideal for our wicked purposes.

At that point, we put our heads together and came up with the idea of starting a new erotic site. Juicy Secrets began in May 2015 as a selection of our own stories, but we decided from the first to encourage other authors to submit their works as well. In fact, we even succeeded in coaxing a few writers out of retirement! Now we are regularly offered first dibs on new stories, getting our mitts on some amazing stuff in the process.

Later, when Lesbian Lolita was in peril of being shut down for good, we elected to save the best of that site’s material and the Juicy Secrets Archive was born. Since then, we have expanded the Story Archives to include works from other sites, including lost treasures of lesbian fiction from the long-gone Sisters in Love.

In the years that have passed since we kicked things off, Juicy Secrets has ripened beyond our wildest dreams. Take a stroll around the grounds and see for yourself. Here you will find hundreds of sexy, edgy tributes to Sappho, waiting to be sampled and savored.

We receive no cash, sponsor support or Moscow bullion for running this site. However, we do consider ourselves paid for all the hard work we do (and work there most definitely is, friends!) when you take the time to leave comments for stories you feel strongly about, whether pro or con. Especially pro. That said, before you comment, please check out our very reasonable guidelines for doing so.

We wish to make it very clear that the stories we post here are fantasies only and should be read with that in mind. As with horror movies, gangsta rap, and crime thrillers, some ideas work far better as entertainment than real-life experiences.

In particular, we very much do NOT approve of having literal sexual relations with underage girls, so don’t try it, okay? Children should be playing in the sun, watching cartoons and daydreaming, not participating in illicit activities with grownups.

To that end, any comments left at Juicy Secrets that describe real-life sexual activities with kids will be promptly flushed… as will those actively advocating for pedophilia. There are other websites for that kind of thing, and interested parties are welcome to them.

Finally, our purpose here is entertainment, folks. We want to arouse, tease, stimulate and occasionally amuse our readers, helping them achieve an orgasm or two along the way.

Now, go read a couple of stories! (Er… you might want to get a towel first. You know, to sit on.)

Please Note: All stories published on this site are Copyright © 2015-2024 by the original author. All rights reserved.

For those who wish to submit a story for consideration, click here.

133 Comments on About Us

  1. Cheryl says:

    To our valued readers:

    We are happy to report that today, April 13, 2017, not quite two years since we first went “live” here at Juicy Secrets, we have added the 1,000th post to our dashboard, which is the area where all published and yet-to-be-published stories and other postings reside. Of these, 975 are stories, chapters of stories, blog articles, and anonymous “postings” that have been posted here. The remaining 25 are stories and chapters of stories, etc., that we have yet to make public, several of which are stories you haven’t even seen the first part of yet. Exciting, isn’t it?!

    I put this here because I don’t know where else to post it, except on the home page, and I didn’t want to clutter that up with this.

    So give us a shout out for our 1,000th! The remaining 25, which will certainly be replaced as we continue accepting stories from other authors as well as post our own work, will be appearing in the “coming” weeks.


    Thank you for being a part of this!

    Cheryl, JetBoy (Danny), and Naughty Mommy

  2. Jenny says:


    I love your stories. I can relate to them so much… literally. I would love to chat with one of you ladies about these things. Email me. thanks

  3. Admin says:

    In case you’re wondering, folks, why there was no new material posted yesterday, it’s because we’re having some technical issues — or, more precisely, kinky-blogging, the service that hosts Juicy Secrets, is having problems. We hope they’ll get them sorted out very soon.

  4. Makis says:

    I have sent the same email after a comment. Not knowing where to place it, i repeat it here.

    ONLY an addition: If you are not into my personal preferences, as i wrote them below, can you please lead me where to find it? Thanks!

    Now the original message

    I am an adult fan of lez incest stories. BIG fun! Especially for stories about mom-daughter incest relationships, mother being a MILF 40-45 y.o. and her daughter 20-25 y.o. (yes i am an exception, i know, i do not like teen girls, i am into mature women).
    Now… if these stories have some hot trib (grinding pussies together) and some trash talk (aggressive, competitive, rough trib) i am in heaven.

    Any chances to find something like that here? or to write a story that way?

    Take care

  5. Kayci says:

    Hi. I feel a little silly emailing you, but I love almost everything you write. I’m 19, a single lesbian, and I so want to write like you. You are an amazing writer and I can’t count the number of times I’ve gum reading them. Have you always been a good writer, or did you get help? Do you have any advice for me? I want to be able to make other women masturbate to the stories I want to write I hope to hear from you soon. Love, Kayci

    • Hi Kayci,

      The above was not an email, obviously, but a comment. Is that what you intended? Also, it’s not clear which of our authors you are addressing. We’re a bit confused by this…

  6. Myka says:

    Loving the site … What happens if I subscribe?

    • When you subscribe, you receive an email once a day, providing links to the latest stories or chapters added to the site. It’s good way to stay up to date and not miss anything.

  7. Linn says:

    Dear all story contributers,
    I’m a bi woman in my mid thirties but finding myself more and more moving away from my male desires towards the lesbian purity of love. Just want to leave a comment on how happy I am finding this site, and wonderful time i have reading your work – simply love it. It also feeds my thought of exploring my own writing skills, as this also give me great pleasure.
    Love Linn

  8. David says:

    I believe I remember this right, but I want to wish Juicy Secrets a very Happy Birthday, may the 4th be with you forever! If I am wrong I hope someone will tell me! I love your site and look forward to all the new stories to cumm!

    • Amanda Lynn says:

      You are correct. JS turned 5 today. 🙂

      • David says:

        Thanks for confirming Amanda!

        • Euphorsyne, Thalia & Aglaia says:

          Hey!…how could we all (almost) forget that?!

          Thanks David and the ever amazing Amanda Lynn for reminding us.

          we are so grateful for JS in our lives, bringing us the best in erotic lesbian specific literature in the whole freaking world!
          ( pardon my exuberance )

          Cheers for Juicy Secrets!


  9. Seema says:

    I love the site and stories I am 39 years old Bi housewife. I am native of India but settle in USA
    I want to write stories about few incidents I met. Would any one like to guide me how can join the site
    and be Member of Juicy secrets .

    • Amanda Lynn says:

      Seema, I already answered this question for you in your previous post. Please follow the instruction at the “Submit a Story” tab.

  10. Diana D says:

    Is Naughty Mommy still writing for the site? I can’t seem to find any of her works after mid-2019. I absolutely love her work, I hope she isn’t on a permanent hiatus

    • Naughty Mommy says:

      Hello, Diana, and thanks for asking about me! ❤

      The answer is that I am not actively writing for this site (or anywhere else, for that matter) at the present time. I had a big change in my living arrangements a couple of years ago and I now have less free time available to write, as well as, frankly, less interest in doing so. That doesn’t mean I won’t start up again at some point, but I really can’t say how soon that will be or even if it will happen at all. In the meantime, though, I’ve left a pretty big catalog of works that I hope will keep you satisfied. Plus, of course, there are a lot of other great authors here for you to enjoy. 😀

      • Euphrosyne, Thalia & Aglaia says:

        Dear Naughty Mommy,

        Like the Greek goddesses, Hebe, Persephone and Penelope, we wait with fevered brows for you to find your Muse and to pick up your quill once again to nurture us and feed our starving imaginations like Hebe, with the ambrosia and nectar that is your awesome style of writing, and as in the classic tale: The Odyssey, Penelope waited twenty years for Odysseus, to return from the Trojan War, so shall we all wait…

        I mean, how else are we going to read such great epics as Serendipity, my favorite. Just live life, Naughty Mommy, those creative juices will slowly bubble up to the surface again as they’re pertinacious and like the urge for sex, always on the mind. 🙂




      • tom says:

        Yes, definitely miss your writing. Can’t say I’ve read them all, yet, but your library of work is amazing. Reading your stories to me was like watching a movie. They are that descriptive and detailed and there is never a rush to end. I would love to see you come back but I also know life is ever evolving and fluid. I don’t know if you provided the pictures that were part of some of your stories but they were always so sexy. Thanks so much for all you contributed to this site.

  11. Steve says:

    WOW, I just stumbled on this site, and it was like hitting the lottery! I love erotic stories, especially lesbian and lesbian incest stories, as well as a few other kinks. I am super excited at finding a whole menu of hot lesbian erotica, and will be spending a lot of time here, getting aroused, letting my imagination run wild, over and over again! It is so nice to know there are so many, like me, who enjoy the same thing! Thank you for creating this site. I’m looking forward to getting acquainted with all the authors on this site, as well as all the fans who share my passion for erotica!

  12. Sapphmore says:

    Does anyone know what’s going on with ASSTR? I have links to several story sites under asstr.org and none of them now work.

    • JetBoy says:

      It’s not unheard of for ASSTR to go out of commission for a few days every now and again. At this point, they’ve been down for nearly a week. They’ve always made it back before, so I wouldn’t suggest that you panic just yet.

      Funny thing: when our old provider gave us the boot a couple of years ago, we toyed with the notion of hooking up with ASSTR for the new Juicy Secrets, but finally decided to pay for our own little kingdom at a rate of about forty bucks a year. Good thing we went with that option, eh?

    • No One says:

      There is a recent backup of ASSTR up at https://www.asstr.xyz

      That should allow you to access all but the very latest files that were on ASSTR. It’s set up by a third party, and is not the new official address.

      The ASSTR server itself still seems to be up, the issue is with the domain name linking to it. Allegedly, it’s being worked on. If you absolutely need to access the real server, you can add an entry manually in your hosts file by following the instructions in the first few posts on this page: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.sex.stories.d/c/OCZJAPuJTGQ

  13. Gabriel says:

    Although fictitious would love to come across girls this erotic, WE ALL have a dark kinky side.

  14. Unclejohn38 says:

    Recently I have had some problems with the stories. I am using Safari as my web browser and each and every time I try to download a story my computer freezes and I am forced to go to “system preferences” and “force quit”
    safari. Whilst this unlocks my computer it also means it logs me out of “juicy Secrets”. In other words at the moment I am completely unable to download any of your stories. Does anyone have any ideas that can help me.

    • Amanda Lynn says:

      I’m not sure what you mean, John. Stories are not downloadable nor is there a way for readers to “Log in.”

    • Sapphmore says:

      To retain offline, all you need do is copy the text and paste into the text app of your choice, i.e. MS Word, Notepad, or as I do, Wordpad, (which though basic and lacking in editing functions, is good for low file size) and then save the file. As unofficial archivist and sometime story detective, I do this for every story to save offline in case recovery is needed.

  15. Craw2519 says:

    hello to Jetboy, Amanda Lynn & Jacqueline, love your site and all the great stories you have posted here. All the new authors are writing some great stories.
    I was at the newer Lesbian Lolita site run by Miss W and found BlueJean had posted some stories there along with one he has here – The Beekeepers Daughters and was wondering if he was willing to post those stories here. I think the readers would enjoy them. Maybe someone could make inquires to BlueJean to find out.
    Keep up the great work you do here.

    • BlueJean says:

      Thanks for the interest.

      I’ve made some revisions to Selkie Days and that story will appear here at some point. I’m also in the process of tinkering with Little Girl Panties but currently there are no plans to migrate that one over here. Leslita will get an improved version, though.

  16. Powertenor says:

    Lesbian Lolita and ASSTR have been offline for quite a while. Does anyone know why and if there is anyone working on getting them back? I am jonesing for my fix and I am wondering about it. Thanks, George.

  17. kim says:

    not down but stories/comments only get reviewed or added about once a month it seems

    • Jacqueline Jillinghoff says:

      New stories are posted every five says — so I’ve been told. It only seems like a month.

    • BlueJean says:

      Leslita generally does an update every two weeks. It was three weeks this time, but that was down to the admin being sick. Comments have to be approved, so they tend to appear on the next update too. Sometimes there’ll only be a couple of new stories in an update, but if no one’s submitting stuff, there’s nothing to post, I suppose. They’ve also been having technical issues recently, but I’m able to post stuff again, so it could be fixed.

  18. jimmy says:

    Hello Leslita Admins,

    I just found this site by accident and I want to say it’s absolutely amazing. So many great stories that go beyond smut and the erotic and delving into the relationships of the characters! Thank you for running this amazing site and keeping it protected.

    I wonder if you also so of similar sites with straight “lolita” content? I hope it’s not a faux pas to ask and that you can point me in the direction where I can find such content. Thanks a bunch! Please keep up the good work!

  19. mrdave says:

    What happed to the lesbian lolita site?

    • Eloquent delinquent says:

      Lesbian Lolita was linked with another site called Sapphic Shares. A person complained to the platform hosting these sites about their content, and the host removed them both. This has happened before – due to the same person – but this time it doesn’t appear that the site admins are interested in trying to rebuild the sites elsewhere.

      • terri says:

        i read on the site a few weeks ago a comment about updates not being done on a regular basis and was the website staying up, the reply from the person operating the website was basically “staying up for now but not sure how long”
        she has had health issues , sad if it is gone for good but of course health comes first

  20. marci says:

    id like to know to what has happened to it

  21. terri says:

    Amanda, any chance the stories from lesbian lolita could be moved to JS?

    • Jeff says:

      OMG Terri – I also loved these stories from LL – if they could be moved here that would be great.

    • JetBoy says:

      Many of them already have, in the Story Archives section. (See the tabs above) We’ve chosen much of what we think are the best stories the site has to offer… of course, we’ve surely missed a few, too. Let us know if there are any you’d like to see (Sapphmore probably has a copy somewhere, if I know him), and we’ll consider it. Our standards are pretty strict, though.

      • Getsu says:

        Two authors I like to come back to are Eloquent Delinquent And Hotbox. I know some of the former’s stuff is here, but not the latter’s. If y’all wanna get that delicious content moved over, that’d be quite a good start.

    • kinkychic says:

      Many of the stories on LS were not very well written, there was very little editorial control and more-or-less, any old rubbish got posted. Certainly well below the standard required here.

      I was the stories moderator at SS. There were stories that I rejected for publication due to being so badly written. Those same stories would then appear on LS.

      Plus the fact that a considerable number would not have complied with JS rules.

      • Joe Dornish says:

        Kinkychic has a good point, the quality of most stories on Lesbian Lolita was generally very poor.

        Trawling through the rubbish to find the gems took so much effort that it put me off using the site. I’m sure there were good stories on there but I rarely, if ever, found any. Of course, I’m comparing it to JS which is probably unfair as the quality here is superb.

        Having said that, I’m still sad it’s gone, despite the issues with quality, it gave many readers a lot of pleasure and an outlet for authors to publish their content. I cant abide censorship.

      • Captain Midnight says:

        Kinkychic, we don’t know each other

        That said, the story series you have posted here show the reading audiences compelling, human stories which are very interesting in their portrayals of women in their times some 200-300 years back. I so enjoy reading erotica and learning facts at the same time.

        I don’t give out my name and address on here, but I occasionally will have private conversations. If you want to discuss erotica with me, please write something here and I will contact you.

  22. kinkychic says:

    I am quite cross that the thread re SS/LL was closed to further replies at exactly the point that FionaC posted utter lies.


    One of the pics I reported to Dreamhost (and no, I didn’t post it, and yes, it had been ‘liked’ by Fur and most of the admins) depicted a girl about 8 or 9 years of age. She was wearing a tape over her nipples and very small sheer panties. Her legs were spread wide and her genitalia was clearly visible. An adult male hand appeared in this image, holding a bottle of baby oil which was being poured over the girl’s torso.

    If this is typical of what appears in your family photo album, you must have a very unconventional family.

    • kinkychic says:

      On further reflection. I’m not just cross, I’m bloody furious.

      This person posts blatant lies. I am denied the opportunity to respond. So, I will here!

      I and sis deleted everything suspect as soon as we were aware of its existence. Unless he/she is referring to years ago. I know of no such picture in any relatively recent times and believe me, I would.

      Regardless of what this idiot continues to say, we tried our hardest to keep the site going… and legally.

      Deny me the opportunity to respond to false accusations, then I will stay away in the future. Stories and all!

      • FionaC says:

        I have a screenshot of the image in question.

        The SS forum page it is posted on is dated October 5th 2022.

        This image was ‘liked’ by Fur, Iproject33, and OldBob. (Actually, Fur ‘loved’ it, not just liked).

        Your move.

        • kinkychic says:

          But not by us or the rest of the staff – myself, my sister or Joan, etc.

          But I agree, enough. It gets us nowhere.

          ps. You would not be aware but Fur was drugged up to the eyeballs at this time. For medical reasons, not anything untoward.

          Fiona does not comment on how quickly any such pic was deleted.

          I will say no more.

          • FionaC says:

            So not ‘blatant lies’ or a ‘false accusation’, then.

            An apology would be nice.

            But I agree, that’s probably enough for now.

  23. Amanda Lynn says:


    The purpose of the notice was to inform our readers of what JS knew with regard to the disappearance of SS and LL.

    It was NOT an invitation to point fingers, lay blame, or sling shit back and forth.

    If you two have a beef with each another, then fine. Take it outside!

    • kinkychic says:

      Sorry if I simply state the facts.

      If you want to allow those that are bringing our sites down without being challenged, then fine. You don’t need me here.

  24. jetcollect says:

    With the disappearance of various sites – ONE option would be to send fairly large HTML or WORD (or some well used system) of a chunk of JS authors to selected users / backup units.

    Tactically these really should be WITHOUT PICTURES [but perhaps with adapted identifiers which could be called back quite easily]. Perhaps pictures could be stored very separately.
    I am sure others have similar suggestions. I currently have a pretty complete JetBoy collection. Others will have similar and perhaps could be encouraged to completeness.

  25. Burns says:

    re: your moniker, jet boy…..are you a dolls fan?…

    • JetBoy says:

      Indeed I am. To those who don’t know, Burns is referring to the New York Dolls, whose two albums (1973’s self-titled LP, and 1974’s In Too Much Too Soon), are twin masterpieces of rock’n’roll… and a massive influence on punk. Buy them both. “Jet Boy,” is the final track on the first album.

  26. JessieFlames says:

    As someone who actively wrote for “SIL” I can say that without a doubt, I would have completely lost my sanity if it was not for certain authors here. So I want to say a BIG Thankyou to you all for keeping me sane, and for reigniting my writing attempts. Ripples is My current reading! “WoW” does not do this justice. Jessie

    • Sapphmore says:

      Thank you most kindly Jessie. Jetboy and I have had fun writing it and I’ve been blown away by the lovely comments along the way. When the first chapter was posted in September 2018, I was shocked it was deemed good enough to publish alongside such esteemed authors, and never thought in a million years, well at least four and a half, that I’d essentially write a book. But, all good things must come to an end, and we’re nearing that point now. I feel like I know the Matthews and Thomas clans personally as they’ve been part of my life for so long. As with all things, one story ends and another starts, and I have over a hundred synopses waiting to come to life, the first of which is already nearing completion, thankfully not an epic like Ripples. Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed our tale so far, and we have a few more surprises still to come.

      • Jessica Flames says:

        Wow! Hi there, and yes, i know that feeling all to well, My last story took about two years (86 chapters a relationship and a greyhound later) and I still get pangs to add things that readers suggested lol. While I will be kinda sad to see that story end, I am looking forwards to the surprises.. Keep up the great work! Who knows maybe its time to think about scribbling my stuff onto a page and see if its worthy. Jessie

  27. 13 ZivertoV says:

    Hello. I would like to contact one of the creators of the site, for personal communication. I tried to contact Naughty Mommy, but for some reason she didn’t answer. A big request, to answer at least something, at least that no one will communicate with me. Thank you in advance, good luck in your work, and I look forward to new chapters and stories.

    • kim says:

      good luck most that leave contact info here and asked to be contacted don’t even have the manners to respond

  28. 13 ZivertoV says:

    Hello kim. I’m sorry, I didn’t really understand (perhaps translation difficulties) to whom are the complaints? If to me, then I wanted, first, to make sure that the specific people I need will communicate with me before putting their contacts on public display.

  29. David says:

    Happy Birthday Juicy Secrets, May the 4th be with you! I hope you have many more! I left this in Staying in Touch also.

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