The Long Weekend, Part One

Flopping on her bed, thirteen-year-old Deidra Williams smiled up at the ceiling, shaking her head in amazement. This three day weekend had been amazing and surreal, by far the craziest thing she has ever experienced. Hell, it’ll probably be the craziest thing she’ll ever experience.

Her smile widening, she thought, Unless I get invited to another party the Society throws. After all, I’m a full member, now.

Glancing at her bedroom door, Deidra pulled the simple gold chain out of her shirt, looking at the flawless onyx ring with its gold lettering. Turning it so she could see the inscription inside the band, Deidra read it out loud, “Society of Lesbos.”

The ring was proof of her membership and that she has been properly initiated into the Society. Deidra’s heart started racing, and a pleasant heat spread between her thighs as she thought about her initiation, about all the things that had been done to her and the things she had done in return. Closing her eyes, she let her mind drift back over the events of the last three days…

… The answer is still no, Sweetie.”

“Jesus, Mom,” Deidra said, rolling her eyes, “I don’t see why it’s a big deal- I stay home by myself all the time.”

Her mother sighed, turning away from her over-stuffed suitcase, said, “I know you do, Deidra, but that is just for a few hours until I get off work or a day at most, in an emergency. This is a three-day weekend.”

“So you don’t trust me, then?” Deidra asked, hoping to shame her mother into letting her stay home alone. She really didn’t expect it to work, but she had to try, anyway.

“Of course I don’t trust you,” her mother said, smiling playfully at her, “I was your age once, remember?”

“Yeah but that was a long time ago,” Deidra said, laughing, “kids are way more mature these days.”

Her mother gave her a dirty look, said, “It wasn’t that long ago, young lady.”

“If you say so,” Deidra said, laughing as she ducked the shoe her mother threw at her.

Looking down at her bag, her mother said, “I’m going to need that shoe back.”

Deidra fetched the shoe, handing it to her mother. Turning the pump this way and that, the woman tried to find a spot in the already too full luggage for the shoe. Finally managing to stuff it somewhere, closing the lid on the suitcase. Or, at least, tried to.

“Sit on this so I can work the zipper,” her mother said.

Laughing, Deidra sat on the suitcase so her mother could close the bag, said, “You said you’d be gone three days, right? Not a month?”

Her mother shook her head and sighed, “My boss is having a nervous breakdown, which means I have to be prepared for anything.”

“Still, did you mean to take all of your clothes?” Deidra asked, looking at her mother’s largely empty closet.

Laughing, her mother said, “Okay, so maybe I’m freaking out a little, too, which is why I really need you to not fight me on this. Having you stay with your Aunt Debbie has nothing to do with trusting you. To be honest, Sweetie, I just don’t have the energy to worry about you and deal with the company shit storm at the same time.”

“Okay,” Deidra said, then laughed, “but Aunt Debbie?”

Shaking her head and sighing, “Yeah, I know. Believe me- She wasn’t my first choice. If I had another option…”

“All my friends are out of town,” Deidra said, remembering the phone call marathon to find a place to stay for the weekend. It had ended in utter failure. Sighing, Deidra said, “Which is where we should be.”

Pausing in her packing, her mother turned to Deidra, said, “I know. I’m sorry, Sweetie. I’ll make it up to you when I get back. I promise.”

“Can I get a belly button ring?” Deidra asked, smiling sweetly.

“Sure,” her mother said, laughing, “when you are eighteen.”

“Worth a try,” Deidra said, smiling at her.

“Alright, I think I’ve packed everything I’ll need,” her mother said, looking around, “Yeah, that should do it.”

“I should hope so,” Deidra said, laughing.

“Oh, you’re a comedian,” her mother said, but she was smiling, “now, get out of here. I need to change, and you need to pack.”

“Alright,” Deidra said, heading to her room.

Grabbing her school backpack, she started packing. Her unmentionables went into the bottom, then three pairs of shorts and three t-shirts. Thinking about the crazy weather of late, she grabbed a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt, just in case. She started to zip up, then hesitated. Shrugging, she went to her closet and pulled out the summer dress she had bought for this weekend when she thought she was going to the lake rather than staying with her aunt.

Deidra stripped out of her pajamas, stepping in front of the mirror. Puberty was finally taking hold of her, rounding out all the straight lines on her body and giving her a hint of feminine curviness. Far from a supermodel, she thought she was easy enough to look at. She had her mom’s long legs; a flat stomach; a perky backside that looked good in jeans; and small, high breasts. She still had a ways to go, but she could sort of see the woman she’d become.

Her aunt and her mother were twins, nearly identical save for their hair color. Her mother was blond and her aunt a brunette, her hair almost black. If one of them ever dyed their hair, they’d be indistinguishable. Deidra had seen a picture of them when they were her age, and she could be a third sister, a triplet. There was no denying Deidra was her mother’s daughter, but she favored her aunt more.

Deidra was a brunette like her aunt, had the same glossy black hair and startling green eyes. Startling but beautiful with her dark complexion. She thought they were her best feature, was usually the first thing people noticed about her.

Her aunt liked to joke about wanting a maternity test to see if Deidra was really hers, they looked so much alike.

Turning from the mirror, Deidra thought, At least, I take after Mom when it comes to personality. Aunt Debbie is… Odd.

As she slipped into her summer dress, she tried to put her finger on just what it was about the woman that was so odd, but she couldn’t. There was just something… odd about her. This wasn’t the first time she came up empty on just what it could be.

“Should be an interesting weekend,” Deidra said, as she stepped in front of the mirror, again.

Her summer dress was white, sleeveless and fell to mid-thigh. A simple black belt broke up the garment, adding a contrasting color. The contrast was why she loved the dress so much. On her dark complexion, it seemed to glow. Deidra thought she looked quite lovely in it.

Sighing, Deidra took the dress off. Her mother already felt horrible about having to change their plans. Seeing Deidra in the dress would have made her feel worse. Deidra knew her mother stretched herself thin sometimes just to make sure she spent time with her. Her mother’s work could be described as chaotic at best, but she never missed a dance competition. Deidra loved her for that, would have forgiven her in a heartbeat if she ever did miss one.

She probably didn’t tell her enough, but Deidra thought she had lucked out in the mom department, which was why she hung the dress back up in her closet and slipped into some shorts and a tank top, instead. She didn’t want her mother to feel any more guilty than she already did.

Deidra shoved her laptop into her backpack, then zipped up the main compartment. Sitting on her bed, she stepped into her tennis shoes. The last thing she needed to do was pack her toiletries, so she headed to the bathroom. She grabbed everything she’d need, stuffing it in the front compartment of her backpack.

Coming out of the bathroom, she saw her mother now dressed in a black pantsuit and heels, trying to muscle three bags down the hallway. Deidra laughed as she shrugged into her backpack and took one of the bags from her mother.

“Thanks, Sweetie,” her mother said, with an appreciative smile.

“What are you going to do when I’m not there to help you?” Deidra asked, amused by the mental image of her mother trying to hump the luggage through the airport.

“I don’t know,” her mother said, laughing and shaking her head, “I’ll figure something out. You ready?”

“All set,” Deidra said, wriggling her shoulders so her mother could see the backpack.

A look of pure envy crossed her mother’s face as she looked at the half full bookbag on Deidra’s back and it was so comical that Deidra had to laugh. Shaking her head, again, her mother started laughing, too.

They managed to navigate the stairs without taking a header down them- no easy feat with the heavy bags. The luggage went in the car, her mother locked up the house, then they were on the road to Aunt Debbie’s.

If Aunt Debbie and her mother didn’t look so much alike, Deidra would have a hard time believing they were related, let alone twins. They were different as night and day. Deidra’s mother was career-driven, hardworking. Reliable. Sane. By all accounts, a productive member of society. Aunt Debbie… Well, she was more of a free spirit, hasn’t had a real job since her twentieth birthday. Deidra’s mother was far from uptight, but Aunt Debbie made her look like a nun by comparison.

The fact that Aunt Debbie made more money than her mother was a subject Deidra had learned never to bring up.

As they pulled into Aunt Debbie’s driveway, Deidra remembered just how much more. Aunt Debbie had a three story home on five acres just outside the city. The house had a price tag of more than a million dollars.

This place never ceased to baffle Deidra. It seemed so out of sorts with the image she had of her aunt. She always pictured Aunt Debbie in a walk-up studio apartment, not a mansion.

Glancing at her mom, Deidra saw the set of her jaw and tried not to smile. Her mother made the same face every time she saw this house- a mix of disbelief, grudging respect, and a little envy. Her sister’s fortune dumbfounded her, which is what inspired the look. Her mother believed that hard work was the key to success. Aunt Debbie’s wealth just sort of… happened.

Deidra didn’t know how it happened, mostly because her mother didn’t even know how her sister had made her money.

They got out of the car and walked up to the front door. When her mother rang the doorbell, the door was opened by Aunt Debbie in a short silk robe.

“Jesus, Debbie,” her mother said, indignantly, “it’s two in the afternoon. Why aren’t you dressed?”

“What are you two doing here?” Debbie asked, then smiled at Deidra, “not that I’m not happy to see my sis and my favorite niece.”

“You are joking, right?” Deidra’s mother said, in disbelief, “Deidra is staying with you, remember?”

Debbie’s eyes widened, and she said, “That’s next weekend.”

“No,” Deidra’s mother said, through clench teeth, “it’s this weekend.”

“That can’t be right,” Debbie said, turned from the door and left them standing on the porch.

Deidra looked at her mother, raised her eyebrows. She had to laugh when her mother just shook her head and sighed in exasperation. She motioned Deidra inside, closing the door behind them.

Aunt Debbie was coming toward them, engrossed in something on her cell phone. She glanced up at the last second, seemed surprised to find them inside the house.

“What’s with the phone?” Her mother asked.

“Just reading… your text… and… Shit,” Debbie said, her shoulder falling.

“Really?” Her mother said, anger creeping into her voice.

“I misread your text,” Aunt Debbie said, putting her hand to her mouth, “um, this weekend isn’t good for me.”

“I have to be at the airport in forty-five minutes!” Her mother said, her face turning red, “I don’t have any other options.”

“You don’t understand-” Debbie said.

“Oh, I understand just fine,” Deidra’s mother said, through clenched teeth, “I just don’t have time to care about your plans. Just this once, I need you to be a responsible adult and watch your niece.”

Turning to Deidra, Debbie said, “Deidra, Sweetie, you know I’d love to have you stay… it’s just-”

“Deidra, baby,” her mother said in as even of a voice as she could muster, “why don’t you take your bag up to the guest room while I talk to your aunt for a second.”

Deidra did as her mother said, even though a part of her wanted to see the argument. She set her bag on the bed in the guest room, then sat beside it. Drumming her fingers on her thighs, she wondered how long this was going to take.

No more than twenty minutes, if Mom is going to make her flight, Deidra thought.

It was a lot less than twenty minutes. Her mother stepped into the room, her anger barely in check. She took a deep breath, managed a smile for Deidra.

“Your aunt is going to find somewhere for you to stay this weekend. I don’t know what the hell is going on. I can’t get a straight answer from her. Apparently, you can’t stay here this weekend, for some reason,” her mother said, running her hand through her hair, “I’m going to have to call my boss, see if I can catch a later flight…”

“Do you think he’ll be okay with that?” Deidra asked.

Snorting, her mother said, “No. He keeps blowing up my phone, asking when I’m getting in.”

“It’s okay, Mom,” Deidra said, standing up and putting her hand on her mother’s shoulder, “catch your flight and save the company from imminent disaster.”

“I don’t like leaving without having this figure out,” her mother said, meeting Deidra’s eyes.

“I’ll be fine,” Deidra said, smiling at her, “it’s not like Aunt Debbie will just kick me to the curb.”

“Wouldn’t put it past her,” her mother muttered, then blushed when Deidra laughed, “sorry. That was unfair, but the woman just makes me crazy.”

“Family…” Deidra said, jokingly shaking her head, “am I right?”

Her mother laughed. Sobering up, she asked, “Are you sure about this? Me leaving?”

Nodding, Deidra said, “Go. Just promise me one thing.”

“What’s that, Sweetie?”

“When you save the day, again…Make him make you a full partner. He’s got to know he can’t do it without you,” Deidra said, meeting her mother’s eyes.

Smiling, her mother hugged her, asked, “Think he’ll go for it?”

“If he has a lick of sense,” Deidra said.

“Alright,” her mother said, taking a deep breath, “I’ll do it.”

“Then go…Before you miss your flight,” Deidra said.

“Love you, Sweetie,” her mother said, an affectionate smile tugging at her lips.

“Love you, too,” Deidra said.

“Walk me out,” her mother said.

Deidra followed her mother downstairs, looking around for her aunt. She frowned when she didn’t see the woman anywhere. As she opened the door for her mother, Deidra figured she must be somewhere, making arrangements to get rid of her.

“Alright, Sweetie,” her mother said, turning to face Deidra, “I’ll call you later to see what the plan is.”

“Okay,” Deidra said, nodding.

Suddenly her mother was hugging her and Deidra rolled her eyes as she hugged the woman back. Her mother looked a little sheepish when she pulled back, said, “Sorry about that. Had to be done.”

“Did you get it out of your system?” Deidra asked, grinning.

“No,” her mother said, hugging her again. She whispered in Deidra’s ear, “You know you are more important than this job, right? I’ll be on the first plane back, if you need me.”

A little choked up, Deidra said, “Mom!”

“Right,” her mother said, letting go, “Sorry.”

“I’ll be fine,” Deidra said, smiling at the woman, “now go. You need to book it if you are catching your flight.”

Her mother nodded, said, “I’m going. Tell your aunt I said goodbye, since she couldn’t be bothered to see me off.”

Laughing, Deidra said, “I will.”

Deidra watched as her mother hurried to her car, got in and closed the door. With her overstuffed luggage, she was going to have to hustle to make her flight. Again, the mental image of her mother trying to manhandle her bags through the airport made her smile. She kind of wished she could be there to watch.

As her mother backed out of the driveway, she waved to Deidra. Waving back, Deidra watched until she disappeared down the street before heading back inside to find her aunt.

Not finding her in the living room, Deidra tried the kitchen. She didn’t find her aunt, but she did spot a teapot steeping on the stove. Grinning, she lifted the ceramic lid and breathed in the scent of peppermint tea. Her aunt made the best tea and Deidra couldn’t pass up a cup, now. She opened the cabinet, grabbing one of her aunt’s over-sized coffee mugs, and poured herself some.

Taking a sip, Deidra sighed happily. It was delicious, as usual. She frowned when she caught a hint of something other than peppermint tea on her tongue, an unexpected flavor on the back end of the sweet tea and peppermint taste. It had an almost medicinal quality and lingered on her tongue even when the tea was gone. Taking another sip, she started laughing.

“Aunt Debbie spiked her tea,” Deidra said, grinning as she took a big gulp of the tea. She has never had alcohol, but she figured that had to be what she tasted now.

She finished her mug, then poured herself some more tea before resuming her search for her aunt. Even if her aunt ditched her this weekend, at least something positive will come of it- she’d have a story to tell when she went back to school. She could brag about getting drunk at her Aunt Debbie’s, be the first of her friends to drink alcohol. She didn’t think there was enough booze in the tea to actually get her drunk, but her friends didn’t need to know that. By the time she finished embellishing the story, she would be falling down drunk.

Sipping her tea, she headed upstairs, having not found her aunt in any of the downstairs rooms. She knocked on the door to the master bedroom, called, “Aunt Debbie?”

“In here,” her aunt said.

When Deidra opened the door, she saw her aunt pacing back and forth, chewing on her lip as she worried over something on the Ipad she was carrying. Deidra snorted in surprise when she noticed that her aunt’s nervous pacing had worked the knot on her robe loose and it hung mostly open. The wardrobe malfunction had gone unnoticed by her aunt, and Deidra got an inadvertent eyeful, saw more of her aunt than she ever wanted to.

“Jesus, Aunt Debbie,” Deidra said, putting her hand up and averting her eyes, “fix your robe!”

“The human body is nothing to be ashamed of,” Debbie said, making no move to fix the robe.

Laughing, Deidra said, “You should be ashamed. What… did you get a little happy with the razor?”

“There is nothing prettier than a smooth kitty,” Debbie said, finally looking up from her Ipad and smiling at her niece.

The smile slipped when she saw the steaming mug in Deidra’s hand. Her hand came up and covered her mouth in surprise. After a second, the woman asked with a quaver in her voice, “Um, Deidra, Sweetie… Is that… Are you… What’s in the mug, Deidra?”

Grinning and taking a sip, Deidra said, “Some of your special tea.”

With a nervous little laugh, her aunt said, “Shit! Shit! Your mom is going to kill me!”

Deidra laughed, said, “I’m not going to tell Mom you spiked your tea.”

“Spiked my tea?” Debbie parroted, then started laughing as she took the mug out of Deidra’s hand, “only if that was the case.”

Frowning, Deidra asked, “Why? What’s in the tea?”

Her aunt looked at her for a long moment, trying to decide whether or not to tell her what’s in the tea. That hesitation made Deidra’s mouth dry and her heart race. Finally, her aunt asked, “Do you know what ecstasy is?”

“Why?” Deidra asked, her eyes widening in surprise, “is that what’s in the tea?”

“Sweetie, how much have you had? It’s okay… You aren’t in trouble, so you can tell me. Just a little out of this mug, right?” Her aunt asked, holding Deidra’s gaze.

“Um… I might have had a mugful, downstairs,” Deidra said.

“Oh God,” her aunt Debbie said, laughing and putting her hand to her mouth. Straightening up some she, put her hand on Deidra’s shoulder, said, “It’s going to be okay, Sweetie. You are… Well, you are in for an interesting afternoon.”

“Interesting?” Deidra repeated, looking at her aunt anxiously, “What does interesting mean?”

“Just relax,” Debbie said, steering Deidra to the bed, sitting down beside her, “I’ll be right here the whole time. You are going to be fine.”

“I thought you were trying to get rid of me,” Deidra said.

“Um… Sorry about that,” her aunt said, sheepishly, “but plans have changed. You are stuck with me your first time rolling on E.”

Frowning, Deidra had to ask, “Why did you put ecstasy in the tea, Aunt Debbie?”

Her aunt took a deep breath, which she let out in a nervous laugh, said, “That… is a long story. Let’s just say I had some plans for this weekend I need to cancel… Somehow.”

With that, she picked up her Ipad again, chewing on her lip as she looked at the screen. Whatever she was hoping to see, she must not have because she said a couple of bad words under her breath and tossed the Ipad aside. Seeing Deidra looking at her questioningly, she said, “They aren’t responding to my emails.”

“And that’s bad?” Deidra asked.

“It’s the only way I have to get in touch with them,” her aunt said, glancing over her shoulder at her alarm clock, “shit! Alright… Plan B. Go grab your bag while I get dressed. We are getting out of here.”

“Um, okay,” Deidra said, wondering what this was all about, “where are we going?”

“Doesn’t matter,” her aunt said, getting up and slipping out of her robe, “we just need to be gone before they start showing up.”

Looking away from her aunt’s lack of modesty, Deidra asked, “Who shows up?”

“There’s no time to explain, right now,” her aunt said, going to her closet, “go grab your bag. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Deidra left her aunt to get dressed, walked down the hallway to the guest room. She shrugged into her backpack, then sat on the bed. With the aftertaste of what she had mistaken as alcohol still on her tongue, she wondered what she had gotten herself into.

She has never been high before, had figured she’d be in high school or even college before doing drugs would be a consideration. Even then, ecstasy wouldn’t have been her first choice. It seemed like something she’d have to work up to and that she had skipped a few links in the chain of pharmacology.

Oh man, Deidra said, her hands worrying at the straps of her backpack, I don’t even know what taking ecstasy is like. I know pot makes you giggle and gives you the munchies, but ecstasy

The name seemed to suggest a… sexual component. Deidra frowned as she thought about her aunt’s lack of clothing under robe and she made a face when she wondered if Aunt Debbie and her ‘friends’ weren’t planning something… kinky. Was that why she had spiked her tea with something called ecstasy.

Aunt Debbie breezed into the room, saving Deidra from where her thoughts were heading. She had changed into a summer dress and sandals, had her purse on her shoulder. Deidra looked at her, surprised to see her so soon. Even without the hassle of needing to undress, her aunt had gotten dressed way too fast. Deidra wondered if she even bothered with underwear.

I hope she did, Deidra said, smiling, because that dress is way too short to be going commando.

“Come on,” her aunt said, glancing at the alarm clock on the end table next to the bed, “we’ve got twenty minutes to get out of here.”

“Alright,” Deidra said, still wondering about the urgency. Why was Aunt Debbie so determined to get her out of the house before her guests arrived? Was she embarrassed or was there something more behind it?

Maybe she’ll finally talk to me in the car, Deidra said, standing up and following her aunt down the hallway.

They made it about halfway to the stairs when they heard someone calling out downstairs, “Hello? Debbie? Are you here, Love? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten your own party.”

Aunt Debbie froze like a deer in the headlights and Deidra saw panic in her eyes when the woman looked at her. Her aunt hissed, “Shit!”

“What?” Deidra whispered.

“She’s early,” Debbie said, ushering Deidra back the way they had come.

“Who’s early?” Deidra asked.

“I don’t have time to explain,” the woman said, looking harried, “Do you trust me, Sweetie?”

“Um… Yeah,” Deidra said, but couldn’t help thinking, sort of.

“Then, believe me, you don’t want the people I have coming over to know you are here,” she said, meeting and holding Deidra’s eyes.

Seeing her aunt was serious, Deidra’s heart started racing. Who were these people her aunt was entertaining and why was it so important that Deidra not be seen by them? With no answers coming, she could only nod and say, “Okay.”

Thinking fast, her aunt said, “Um… Give me ten minutes, then sneak downstairs and out to the pool house. Wait for me there. I’ll come get you as soon as I get a chance and I’ll sneak you out of here.”

“Ten minutes, then sneak out to the pool house, got it,” Deidra said.

“I’m sorry about this,” her aunt said, with an embarrassed smile, “all of it.”

With that, her aunt was gone, disappearing into the hallway. Deidra was left to ponder her apology, and she wondered just what her aunt was apologizing for. Her aunt’s cryptic warning about being seen by her ‘guests’ got the imagination juices flowing. Deidra’s mind conjured up some crazy scenarios for the warning as she waited for six hundred seconds to tick away on the clock. The majority of them made her blush.

“Aunt Debbie is a freak,” Deidra said, out loud. She was pretty sure it was the truth.

When ten minutes had passed, she crossed the room to the door. Pressing her ear to the wood, she listened intently, not hearing anything. She opened the door just a sliver, revealing a narrow slice of the hallway. It looked deserted, so she opened the door all the way. Poking her head out, she looked both ways down the hallway and saw it was indeed deserted. On padded feet, she crept down the hallway, walking as quietly as a ghost.

She made it to the stairs, but making it this far undetected didn’t do anything to settle her nerves. If anything, it only made her more anxious. Her aunt had freaked her out a little bit with her warning. She winced every time her foot fell on a creaky stair, and she’d come to a dead stop and listen. A cat in a room full of rocking chairs couldn’t have been as jumpy.

When she made it to the bottom, she cut her eyes toward the kitchen. She sighed when she saw it was empty. There was a door in the rear of the kitchen that led out onto the pool deck and ultimately to the pool house. Aunt Debbie had succeeded in clearing her a path out of the house.

A noise from the direction of the living room caught her attention, and she looked that way. An involuntary gasp of surprise escaped her, and she stared wide-eyed in disbelief at what she saw. Blinking, she was sure her eyes were playing tricks on her, that she really wasn’t seeing what she thought she was seeing. Blinking didn’t help, and she had to reluctantly accept her senses.

Aunt Debbie had her back against the wall near the front door, One of the straps of her summer dress had been pulled down her arm, and her breast was out. The bottom of the dress was gathered around her waist, held up by one of her hands. Her other hand was on the back of the woman’s head knelt before her, her fingers tightening in her hair. Deidra didn’t know who the woman was, but she had her hands on Aunt Debbie’s hips and her face buried in Aunt Debbie’s crotch.

She was only thirteen, but she still knew what was happening and, at least, some of her theory about what her aunt had had planned for the weekend was confirmed.

Deidra noticed her aunt had seen her. Their eyes met, and Deidra didn’t know if the woman’s cheeks were red with embarrassment or just flushed with excitement, but she knew her own cheeks why her own face hot. She looked away in a hurry.

The woman on her knees seemed thoroughly distracted with what she was doing to Deidra’s aunt, so Deidra ran for the door, trading speed for stealth. She twisted the knob, and she burst outside. Closing the door as quietly as she could, Deidra put her hand to her mouth, trying to get the mental image of her aunt’s hips moving against the stranger’s mouth out of her mind. Shaking her head, she ran to the pool house. Safely inside, she leaned against the door and tried to catch her breath. She was a lot more winded than she should have been by the short dash to the pool house, her lungs restricted by panic.

“Holy shit,” Deidra laughed, her mind still trying to process what she had just seen, “I can’t believe that really happened.”

It had, though. There was a woman going down on Aunt Debbie in the living room. That’s what the kids at school were calling it. Going down or the slightly more vulgar, eating her pussy. The woman on her knees had been eating Aunt Debbie’s pussy and, judging by the sounds her aunt was making, she was more than okay with it.

“Aunt Debbie is a lesbian,” Deidra said, her eyes wide in surprise. She would never have guessed. Then again, she had never put much thought into her aunt’s sex life. Short of her aunt wearing a shirt that said ‘I’m a lesbian’, she probably wouldn’t have noticed.

Safe for the moment, Deidra shrugged out of her backpack, setting it on the floor next to the door. Looking around, Deidra thought ‘pool house’ was a misnomer. There was no pool equipment or anything even pool related. Her aunt had set it up like a mini apartment, complete with a kitchenette, bathroom and a bedroom nook. A guest house would be a better name, Deidra thought.

Sitting on the bed, she ran her hands over the satin sheets. The material whispered as her fingers caressed it. They were so silky smooth and cool to the touch that Deidra couldn’t stop touching them. She blinked in surprise when she realized she was petting the bed.

In the mad dash to escape the house, she had forgotten about the ecstasy she had consumed. Now, she began to notice how strange she was starting to feel. Everything felt… more. More clear, more sensitive, more in-tune. And hot. She was so hot, hotter than even the stuffy pool house warranted.

“This is so-” Deidra said, intending to say weird, but her words had a weird echo to them. Tilting her head to one side, she held her breath and listened intently, but the echo didn’t repeat. Frowning she said, “Weird.”

Only it sounded like weird-eird to her, and she held her breath again.

“We-i-rd,” She said, drawing the word out. She blinked when the word seemed to vibrate in her ears, like she could feel the word and not just hear it. She hesitated to say anything else, the phenomenon a little… Weird. She didn’t have a better word for it.

“I’m so stoned,” Deidra said, laughing. She was still absent-mindedly stroking the sheets. They were so silky smooth and cool to the touch, she couldn’t stop.

“I love these sheets,” Deidra said, looking down at her hand gliding over the sheets.

Deidra wished her aunt was here so she could ask her if this was normal. Or, at least, normal when on ecstasy. She wasn’t in the habit of petting her sheets when she wasn’t stoned.

“That’s because I have shitty sheets,” she said, out loud. Laughing, she said, “Stupid cotton.”

Time got a little fuzzy, and she wasn’t sure how long she sat like that, running her hand back and forth across the satin. She had zoned out, lost in her sense of touch. Her nerve endings were so alive, and they were talking to her brain on a level she had never experienced before. She was feeling… everything. She could feel her clothes on her body, right down to the cotton panties molded to her backside. As soft as the cotton was, it didn’t compare to the silky sheets.

How much better would it be if I had on silky panties, Deidra thought, the idea fascinating her even though she has never worn silk panties. Still, she sighed with longing.

Tugging at her clothes uncomfortably, Deidra looked at the door, then at the clock on the wall. Frowning, she thought her aunt was taking a long time. Then again, it wasn’t like Aunt Debbie could just push her guest from between her thighs and come running. She didn’t know how long she’d be out here before Aunt Debbie could slip away.

Deidra made a face, thinking about what her aunt was up to inside. It was weird to think about her aunt having sex. She knew adults did it all the time but when it was her relative…

Sex, in general, was kind of a mystery to her. She knew where everything went and knew about the birds and the bees. It was the ‘why’ she had a problem with. Other than for procreation, sex was kind of gross. It must feel pretty amazing, was all she could figure.

Then again, she could feel ‘pretty amazing’ all by herself. She had figured that out when she was eleven. Well, technically when she was five in the bathtub, but it was another six years before she really discovered the joys of masturbation. That first orgasm had been an eye-opener for her and, after that, she was hooked. How could she not be- the frenzy of motion, that breathless pause right before her body exploded with pleasure, that light as a feather feeling that always followed.

Just thinking about all the orgasms her hand had given her awoke a pleasant heat between her thighs. Chewing on her lip, she tried to think of something else, but it was too late. Her nipples stiffened, and she moaned as they rubbed against the inside of her bra. The ecstasy in her system heightened her senses, especially touch. She tried not to move because that lovely little friction was making her horny. The problem was, even sitting still, she couldn’t avoid the silky caress of the sheets against her bare legs, the cool kiss of a breeze on her feverish skin. The more she tried not to become aroused, the more her body responded.

Now is not the time for this, Deidra thought, but her body wasn’t listening to her. It whispered back to her, We are so sensitive. It wouldn’t take long and feel soo good.

She knew that was probably true and the drugs in her system were making it hard to resist. The ecstasy made her hyper-aware, yet seemed to lower her common sense- her inhibitions- so that even though she knew it was a bad idea, she still wanted to. She didn’t realize she had stopped petting the sheets until she felt her hand cupping her breast. As that lovely sensation spread through her young body, the voice of reason was drowned out by the singing of her nerve endings.

Chewing on her lip, Deidra knew that as soon as she gave into the desire, that’s when her aunt would finally show up. She was so horny now, she almost didn’t care.

“I just need to calm down,” Deidra said, removing the hand from her breast and returning it to the sheets. She hoped the silky material would distract her, but it backfired. As the satin whispered under her fingertips, she found herself wondering how it would feel against her breasts. Between her thighs. The thought of its caress against her skin made her shiver, and she knew the last leg of her resistance was about to be kicked out from underneath her.

Crossing her legs, Deidra rubbed her thighs together. She did this in class sometimes, especially if she was wearing tights under her skirt. The lovely pressure and friction on her girlhood was her secret pleasure, one her classmates was oblivious to. She wondered if the other girls had discovered this trick, but figured they must not have or there wouldn’t be an idle crossed leg in the building.

In class, she never let it get to the breathing heavy and moaning stage, but she had always thought it would come to that if she didn’t stop. Now, she hoped it would be enough to quash the fire building in her and that she wouldn’t need a more… hands-on approach.

Deidra realized just how excited she was as the first moan slipped past her parted lips. Her leg swung faster, and her fingers dug into the sheets as pleasure coursed through her young body.

“God, why does this feel so good?” Deidra asked, out loud. Was it the ecstasy? If so, she was beginning to understand the name choice for the drug.

As good as it felt, she couldn’t completely focus on the sensation of her thighs rubbing against her girlhood because she was distracted by the silky caress of the sheets against her thighs and under her hands. It kept reminding her about that naughty little fantasy, the one that had toppled her over the edge of reason. The thought of the satin sheets on her naked body was like a seed in her ecstasy laden mind, one that was rapidly growing and flowering into an obsession.

Looking longingly at the shimmering black sheets, she said, “I shouldn’t.”

Those two little words told her just how much trouble she was in. She knew herself well enough to know that ‘I shouldn’t’ actually meant, ‘I shouldn’t kid myself that I’m not doing this’. Chewing on her lip, she glanced at the clock, then the door. When she found herself wondering if it had a lock, she knew she was done in.

On wobbly legs, she went to the door. Her heart started racing when she saw the push button lock on the knob. Taking a deep breath, she made one more attempt at talking herself out of doing this, but failed miserably. She pressed the button, locking the door.

She was unbuttoning her shorts, pausing at the foot of the bed to shimmy them and her panties off her hips. Gravity did the rest as she slipped out of her tank top, then her bra. How fast she was undressing spoke volumes about her state of mind. A jittery excitement overcame her as she crawled onto the bed. As she stretched out on her back and pulled the sheet across her naked body, she shivered deliciously. Cocooned in the silky satin, her concerns receded. This felt too good to be wrong.

As she moved, the sheets felt like feather light caresses on her bare skin. She writhed slowly, loving the sensation. She slid her hands up her satin covered body, cupping her breasts. The silky material against her straining nipples made her groan and her back arch off the bed.

One hand slipped free of her breast, moving down the cool satin and between her thighs. The very intimate caress of the silky material against her inner thighs and her girlhood made her shiver. Chewing on her lower lip, she moaned thickly, and it was much louder than she anticipated. She had known this was going to feel good, but not like this. Cutting her eyes to the door, she put her hand over her mouth to muffle her little cries of pleasure as her fingers continued to tease her bud through the sheets. She chewed on her knuckle, trying to keep quiet, but it didn’t work. She knew she needed to be quiet, but she just couldn’t.

Rolling onto her stomach, Deidra buried her face in one of the pillows. With her ass up in the air, she gathered the sheets between her thighs. Her fingers never stopped making these maddening little circles, and she moaned into the pillow. It helped, but she thought if she got any more excited, even the pillow wouldn’t be able to muffle her cries of enjoyment.

Her hips rolled against her hand, eagerly. Her body craved more of the lovely sensations her massaging fingers were sending through her. Turning her head to one side, Deidra moaned, “God… I love… these sheets.”

Her eyes went to the other pillow and something she did from time to time popped into her head. The idea was too good to resist. Getting to her knees, she pulled the second pillow between her legs. Lowering her weight onto it, she shivered as the cool material molded to her young body. The satin whispered to her as she began to rub against the pillow, its voice low and seductive. Putting her weight on her arms, she really ground against it, moaning as the lovely friction sent pleasure coursing through her.

Sitting up straighter, Deidra pulled the sheets up around her as she continued to roll her hips against the satin covered pillow. She ran her hands over her body, not able to stop. The silky material felt so good against her skin, amazing.

So amazing, she knew she had been right that it couldn’t last long. It was all too much for her young body to take and she felt the first stirrings of an orgasm deep inside. Her hips moved faster and faster as the tension gathered in her thighs and stomach. It built and built toward that moment she loved. It was that moment right before the explosion of pleasure came, that calm before the storm where everything seemed to stop- her heart, her breath, even time itself. The French called it the La Petite Mort- the little death. She called it the Pause.

Then she was there, everything seeming to pause for a heartbeat or two, giving her just enough time to anticipate the rush of pleasure as it came crashing through her. She cried out as she climaxed, her whole body shaking. The orgasm had its way with her, leaving her trembling and gasping for air.

“Holy shit,” Deidra said, laughing as she brushed her hair from her forehead. She couldn’t remember ever coming so hard before.

Gingerly, she pulled the pillow from between her thighs, her hips jerking as the material brushed against her now very sensitive bud. She cringed when she saw the big wet spot on the pillow, hoped she hadn’t ruined her aunt’s fancy pillow case. Flipping the pillow over, she put it back, wet side down.

Thinking about her aunt, why she was hiding in the pool house came back to her. Blushing, Deidra looked down at her sweaty, naked body, then at the door to the pool house. She had been so wrapped up in her own pleasure, she had forgotten… Well, everything. She had completely lost herself in the moment. Her face even hotter, she hoped Aunt Debbie hadn’t come to get her while she was away from her senses.

Deidra could see her aunt- finally able to sneak away- reaching for the doorknob, only to stop when she heard moaning coming from the pool house. The woman would press her ear to the door, and her eyes would get wide when she recognized her niece’s voice.

“Oh God,” Deidra said, throwing the sheets off her and rolling off the bed. Her knees almost gave out on her, still a little weak from her orgasm. It had done a real number on her. Still, she managed to stay upright and walked to the door on rubbery legs. The door had a fisheye peephole, and she took a second to offer a little prayer up that she wouldn’t see her aunt standing on the other side when she put her eye to it. Taking a deep breath and holding it, she looked, then let her breath out in a sigh of relief. She didn’t see Aunt Debbie.

She turned away from the door and was about to get dressed, when she thought she heard voices. She held her breath, listened. Sure enough, she heard someone talking out on the pool deck. Her heart racing, Diedra went to the window next to the door. With her hand on the curtain, Deidra listened to the voices thought, Neither of them sound like Aunt Debbie.

Continue to Part Two

What Did You Think?

10 Responses to The Long Weekend, Part One

  1. ebo says:

    This was actually just the first half of part one. It was getting kind of long to read in one sitting, so I cut it in half. Many erotic shenanigans to come for Deidra in the next part and the ones after it.

  2. Alice Gee says:

    Another new story, really? That said I know that I am going to thoroughly enjoy this series. What a great opening and Aunt Debbie sounds like she is going to be fun.

    • ebo says:

      I usually start a new story when I get stuck on the older ones, or it’s just too good of an idea to wait. In this case, it is the latter. I was in the mood to write something more raunchy and less romantic- not that romantic is off the table for the story- than the chapters I’ve been putting out lately. With the ideas I have for the story, it should be kinky fun.

  3. Fur says:

    I’m going to keep reading to see where it goes but so far I’m not impressed. The plot lacks, there is no real build up for an actual story line and you already pointed out the girl is lesbian herself and then just drop it. I can understand needing to run with this story Ebo but it’s not your usual quality at all so far.
    P.S. people can be in a multiple person relationship and be in love with just one person. The key is to be open and honest at all times with the partner and it works very well in other stories I’ve been reading.

  4. Lex Cortland says:

    Well, this is a new approach! More of this, please. And more of Henna Tattoo, as long as I’m wishing.
    Can’t wait to see what happens next!

  5. sophairy says:

    Hi Ebo,
    I usually do not write comments but for this story I could not resist.
    I just wanted to say I like nearly all of your stories but this one in particular. It is different, not a story where all the characters are deeply in love and everything is oh so fine, and this is what makes it so special. I think, and this is just my opinion and no demand or something like that, that this story has the potential to be more, something bigger, darker – maybe with some BDSM influence or so.
    I am very curious how it will go on and I am looking forward to it.

  6. Andrew Mason says:

    This story reminds me of how I first discovered your work on Leslita, and how I gave up on reading other authors in this genre after that.
    Keep it up.

  7. Denham says:

    It will be interesting to see where this story goes!
    Are you working on any other brand new stories Ebo and if so could you give me a hint as to what they will be about? I always like the older woman seducing innocent young girl stories best but I enjoy reading most of your stuff.

  8. ebo says:

    Sorry it’s taken so long to post your comments and reply. Kinky-blogging has had issues the last couple days and I couldn’t log in to my account.
    Fur, sorry to hear this story isn’t your cup of tea. Hopefully the second part will hit the mark for you.
    Lex, I promise you a new chapter of Henna in the near future.
    Sophairy, I appreciate your comments and I’m glad you are enjoying the story so far.
    Andrew, comments like that are going to make my hat not fit right.;)
    Denham, I think you should keep reading this story, considering your tastes. I think you’ll enjoy it.

  9. Lex Cortland says:

    I’ve been re-reading this lately. Are we ever going to find out how Aunt Debbie made all her money?

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