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Site News: The Latest

  • Posted on November 15, 2019 at 11:08 am

By JetBoy

Dear readers, I bring tidings of our humble but always striving website… and this time around, those tidings are glad indeed, more so than the last time we did this.

First off, we have a couple of new team members. Allow me to introduce the latest recruits to Team Juicy Secrets.

We took applications for a new editor, and got a very enthusiastic, very impressive response from some of you — more than I expected! In the end, though, one petitioner for the position stood out, and the nametag goes to him. He’s got a fine way with words, and some excellent ideas for the site. Please welcome Corrigan as our new Site Editor.

(A fervent “thanks a million” to those who applied for this post. Your willingness to help will long abide with us.)

In the process of seeking editing help, we filled a position I wasn’t even looking to fill, though in retrospect, it makes perfect sense. A tip of the hat to my current writing partner Sapphmore, who will be joining us as a Site Archivist. He may be the only person in the universe who has more lesbian stories in his personal possession than I do, a collection that he vows to plumb to its depths for our reading delight.

We have two other news items, both concerning the Juicy Secrets site itself, both positive.

First, Amanda and I put together two master lists, one for every story and one for every author who appears at JS. These lists can be found at the tab at the top of the page that reads “every story from a to z.” This is where to go if there’s nothing new and you’re looking for something, anything to get off to. Before, all of our content was divided up between six separate pages, with some authors appearing on more than one. This new page makes it easier to find what you’re looking for… or discover some savory treat you didn’t know was there. Do check it out.

Secondly, our Site Friend and beloved author No One set up something for us that we’re totally jazzed about: a rating system for all our stories. At the end of each story or chapter, you will see a line of five hearts, accompanied by the words Did you like this? If you care to provide an answer to that particular question, you now have the means to do so, simply by clicking on the appropriate heart. (Hint: when using our ratings system, we especially love getting clicks on the right-hand side.) Yes, you no longer have to leave a comment to make your opinion known, though we do still encourage and welcome reading your thoughts in greater detail.

And that’s the news from our funky little corner of the internet. Thanks for reading, thanks for caring, thanks for being part of our world. Would that, for a moment at least, my arms were long enough to hug you all.

Your comrade in things erotic, JetBoy

Site Doings

  • Posted on October 25, 2019 at 2:45 pm

By JetBoy

First, thanks to you for being part of the Juicy Secrets universe. This little kingdom of ours is a true labor of love (generously flavored with lust), and it gives us more pleasure that you can imagine to bring a touch of erotic spice to your lives.

So. Today I come bearing news of the site, both good and bad.

The good news first: Juicy Secrets has been blessed of late with a big batch of great new stories that we plan to roll out in the months to come. Beloved authors No One and Purple Les have each submitted lengthy, multi-chapter gems that you have yet to see, Misty Meadow’s latest has several more chapters to run, and “Ripples,” the saga from Sapphmore and yours truly, shows no sign of ending anytime soon. Also, Sunnybunny has emerged from a two-year hiatus to pick up the thread of her story “A Young Desert Rose,” and our own site operator Amanda Lynn is working on the next installment of “Unaccompanied Minor.”

It’s a landslide of sizzling hot lesbian fiction, come to fill our happy website… and that, dear friends, is where the less fortunate news comes in.

To put it bluntly, we are experiencing an acute shortage of, er, personpower at the moment. These days, the entirety of Juicy Secrets is being run and maintained by a staff of exactly two: Amanda Lynn, who valiantly posts and formats the stories, and keeps the site in fighting trim… and me, JetBoy, who edits incoming stories and seeks out archival material, then hands it to Amanda to post.

My fellow site founders Cheryl Taggert and Naughty Mommy have moved on to other things, though Naughty Mommy is still a member of the Juicy Secrets community, leaving the occasional comment now and then. She hopes to write for us again someday, but has no plans beyond that. Please join me in fervently thanking these two incredible women for their massive contributions to this site, and let’s wish them and their loved ones every happiness imaginable.

As for my fellow editor and story seeker PoppaBear, he has fallen out of sight; the last communication we received from him was weeks ago, and he has yet to respond to our increasingly concerned emails. Let us all fervently wish and hope that he is okay.

What does this mean for Juicy Secrets? Essentially, this: I want to devote our time and energy to the new stories that we have in our possession. So as of now, we’ll be putting the site archive on hold, including the Author Unknown stories from my collection. Oh, I may stumble upon a vintage story every now and again to post, but for the most part, we will focus our attention on new material exclusively. (The one exception is FaeLissa’s “Help Me, Sister,” an archive story that still has a couple of chapters to go.)

This means that you will no longer be seeing posts every other day, a schedule that we’ve been working our tails off to maintain. Apologies, but the effort of simultaneously working on new material and trawling about for older stories is doing my head in.

The new schedule is simple enough: when we have something ready, we’ll post it.

That said, there is still plenty of Great Stuff here to peruse. I seriously doubt that there are many of you who have read every single story at this site, right? If you drop by and there’s no new post, don’t make a face and go elsewhere… explore!  There are hundreds of stories here, some of them long enough to provide you with solitary pleasure for weeks. If you only check out the new stuff, you’re missing out in a big way.

Anyhow, Amanda and I want to make it clear that we have no intention of shutting this site down… we just have to slow the pace a bit before our tickers give out. Once we get caught up with all these awesome new stories, I hope to resume our old posting schedule.

Okay, that’s the latest from us. Thanks in advance for your patience while we weather this out, and for reading this. We love you all.

Yrs, JetBoy

P.S. Thanks ever so much to all you lovely folks who volunteered to assist us! I had no idea how many of you were willing to offer your time and energy to Juicy Secrets. We’ve got enough offers for now, so there’s no need to apply unless you’re downright desperate to work for us.

To those of you who have already applied, please be patient while I work through your emails. My decision will be announced, I hope, by 11/10 or thereabouts.


Your Thoughts, Please!

  • Posted on June 1, 2019 at 3:12 pm

by JetBoy

(This is a slightly-rewritten version of a blog post I did several years ago… but as it’s still very much relevant today, I’m electing to run it again. It’s not at all erotic, but very heartfelt, and it only runs for a few paragraphs, so please indulge us and read the thing.)

Image result for young girl masturbating

I’d like to bring up a subject that is very near and dear to us folks who run Juicy Secrets: your comments and feedback, and how crucially important it is to us — and this site.

First, a few words about what goes into making Juicy Secrets what it is.

Without even asking, I can speak for all of us in saying that the running of this site is a genuine labor of love. Read our first-year anniversary blog post to get an inkling of the satisfaction and outright joy we’ve derived from planning Juicy Secrets, bringing it to life and watching it grow.

But when you click onto our link and navigate around the site, exploring its nooks and crannies, what you’re seeing is the result of work. A lot of work. Adding new posts and stories (which often includes considerable reformatting from the original source), hunting for thrilling images to accompany them, making necessary changes to the site pages to present and catalogue these posts, editing and proofreading work for our guest authors, penning notes and comments for each other’s writing, composing critiques, both positive and critical, for submitted stories (even the ones that don’t make the cut), trawling through the internet’s vast repository of lesbian fiction for stories to add to our archive, etc.

Not to mention writing our own stories, which requires a heaping helping of time in itself.

Needless to say, we don’t make a cent doing this. Actually, it’s not even possible to make a living by offering the kind of fiction that we do. I’d estimate that ninety-eight percent of our content consists of stories that no publisher (actual or virtual) would touch with a ten-foot pole — and the lion’s share of them wouldn’t be accepted by any of the big erotica sites, either.

Which brings us to the million-dollar question: why do we do this? Well, there’s the pride we feel at having created Juicy Secrets, and the security of having a safe space for our work. But there’s also the enormous pleasure of having that work noticed and acknowledged, particularly in the words of praise and the thoughtful comments that some of you are kind enough to leave after you read.

It’s hard to describe just how good it feels, that giddy surge of delight that we experience when a reader compliments our writing. It’s a friendly pat on the back, an assuring smile, a hug of encouragement that tells us our work has value — and all the time, effort and yes, occasional frustration that went into it was worthwhile. The warm regard of an audience is a better high than any drug, no question.

On the other hand, it’s a major downer to pay a visit to a recently posted story, one that you put your heart and soul into, and find no more than a single comment, or nothing at all. I’ve known authors of erotic stories — good erotic stories — who’ve simply abandoned their craft in defeat, convinced that barely anyone gives a damn about their work.

Don’t misunderstand, dear readers — your Boy Author is not throwing a woe-unto-us pity party here. My cohorts and I derive a great deal of satisfaction from doing what we do. But your comments add so much to that satisfaction that I’m willing to put aside my pride — indeed, even my dignity! — to plead with you good people: spare a thought for us when you especially enjoy reading a Juicy Secrets story, and leave a comment.

It’s not just the praise that sustains us, mind you… we also appreciate criticism, when you feel it’s warranted, and it’s always helpful when you let us know about mistakes you catch in our work. We’re always striving to do our work a little better, and your careful scrutiny makes that possible.

It should be added here that, much as we crave your praise, it’s even more important that you leave comments for our guest authors. Doing so will increase the likelihood that they’ll continue to write — a winning situation for both Juicy Secrets and its readers!

One final point: we are not — emphatically not — asking anyone to offer praise for our work if we haven’t earned it. As the great comedian Flip Wilson once said, “If you didn’t intend to applaud, don’t applaud. Keep your damn hands to yourself!” On the other hand, if the story moved your soul, got you feeling warm and tingly all over, or spurred you into a “happy ending” of your own… why not take sixty seconds out of your life to tell us so? Thirty seconds, even. Hell, you can type “Great story!” in less than ten. And it honestly does mean the world to us.

Thanks for indulging my shameless pandering, and for being a part of this site’s extended family. (You must be, if you’ve read this far.) May the road always rise with you.

Love always, JetBoy


Another Year With Juicy Secrets

  • Posted on May 9, 2019 at 2:00 pm

By JetBoy

The hands of the clock spin in a crazy blur, the pages cascade like autumn leaves from the calendar and — voila! — a year has passed. Which, in this case, means it’s once again time to say Happy Birthday, Juicy Secrets!

This site is so much a part of my world that it seems impossible to believe we started the thing a mere four years ago. Since then, it’s grown into a big, beautiful thing that I’ll take pride in until I die.

That said, this last year has certainly been a tumultuous one for us.

First, we were unceremoniously shut down by our original hosts at Kinky Blogging, who got threatened by their provider for carrying sites with sexual material involving minors. Thankfully, we managed to locate a new host, a Ukrainian company named Netengi, and soldiered on.

Then we had to bid a most reluctant goodbye to Cheryl Taggert, one of the three founders of Juicy Secrets, who has taken on a new career as a legitimately published author. She is still missed enormously, but lives on in the beautiful stories of hers that you’ll find here. We’ll always love you, Cheryl.

Next, our new host Netengi abruptly pulled the plug on us, two months after we signed up with them. Upon asking why, we were informed that they did not accept erotic content. We reminded them that their own list of rules said nothing to that effect, and they drew up a new list of rules. Didn’t get any of our money back from them, either — and we’d paid for an entire year up front.

We were out of commission for weeks, but did manage to keep in touch with some of our readers through the single page that remained of the original Juicy Secrets, all the while casting about desperately for a new host. We finally found one, they were okay with us, and here we are.

One piece of good news was the partial return of Naughty Mommy, another of the three founders of Juicy Secrets. Due to extremely difficult personal circumstances, she was forced to take a lengthy break from the site. Now she is back — though only as a writer, picking up the thread on “Teaching the Girls,” one of the stories she’d been working on right before her hiatus. Her administrative duties have been assumed by our wondrous Amanda Lynn, who essentially runs the site — along with your humble servant JetBoy (the third and final founder of Juicy Secrets), and PoppaBear, who does invaluable editing work for us.

So there you have it — our little corner of the internet is still going strong, we’re still getting great new stories, and we’ve got a lovely bunch of readers who make all the work worth doing. Thanks for sticking around.

Love always, JetBoy


Writing Again

  • Posted on January 3, 2019 at 2:30 pm

By Naughty Mommy

It’s good to be back with you, my lovely JS readers. ❤

As you may be aware, during the last year or so my family and I encountered some very difficult challenges we needed to overcome. We actually had to leave the country we were living in, but most of that trouble seems to be behind us now. Things have gradually settled down and I feel able to spend at least some of my time writing again. I’ve got my juices flowing, you might say.

The first of my unfinished stories that brought revitalized inspiration was “Two Moms.” I came up with a few new situations and ideas for the main characters (all four of whom I really like), and as soon as I began putting those thoughts into words, everything took off. I’ve now completed that story and have turned my attention to another one. I’ll tell you more about that in a while, perhaps, after I’ve made satisfactory progress.

The origin of “Two Moms” is kind of interesting.

I have a habit, you see, of writing up little snippets of new stories whenever they occur to me. This might be a few paragraphs of dialogue, a page of narrative, or simply a description of an idea, the basic concept. It doesn’t happen all that often, but over a number of years I’ve accumulated a large backlog of possible ideas for stories.

In fact, I currently have around 40 (!) potential story concepts waiting to be developed. Some of these are fairly long, more than a few pages, but the majority are quite short. Chances are I’ll never do anything at all with most of them since I just don’t have the time — and besides some are simply not good enough, not worth the effort. But there could be a nugget or two in there that someday finds its way to the surface and becomes a new entry for Juicy Secrets. Who knows?

Anyway, that’s what happened here, with “Two Moms.” I actually had two separate pieces I had begun long ago, one about a girl who moves with her mother to a new city and makes a new friend at school, a flirtatious young girl, plus a different piece about a girl whose mother is addicted to masturbation. It occurred to me at some point that I might merge those two stories and when I tried doing that, the rest became easy. It worked really well.

There’s one additional thing I’ll mention to show how my writing process works. After I’d made what felt like a good start, with the first five or six pages of that combined tale underway, I suddenly decided I also should show Nora, the mother of our narrator, Lia, and let readers see things from Nora’s perspective. This wasn’t my plan at the beginning and it led to a somewhat unorthodox style with sections of both first-person and third-person narrative back to back in the same story, but I’m quite pleased with the result.

I never would have attempted something as ambitious as that, however, if it hadn’t already been demonstrated how beautifully it can work by Cheryl Taggert in her masterpiece, I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star. I miss our partner very much, but even in her absence she continues to be a guide, a teacher, and an inspiration for me.


Juicy Secrets Returns!

  • Posted on October 23, 2018 at 9:49 pm

by JetBoy

What a roller coaster ride of heartbreak, anger, frustration and nerves it’s been for us, beloved readers… but at last we emerge, battered but unbowed, to welcome you to our new home. Hopefully, unlike our previous residence, this one is built to last.

So what happened? As you may recall, we were suddenly booted from our original host, Kinky Blogging, when their own provider threatened them over any and all sites like ours. We cast about looking for a new host (getting into some lively debates over who to choose), finally settling on some Ukranian company called Netengi. We paid the fee, got signed up and were up and running once more.

Two months later, the site was taken down — this time, minus an explanation. Amanda sent them a WTF?! letter and was informed that they did not accept erotic content, even though their own goddamn rules say no such thing. Their response was to draw up a new set of rules. Thanks for nothing, guys.

At that point, we were torn between A) fighting even harder to get Juicy Secrets established once more, and B) simply giving up. Can’t speak for my partners, but your Boy Reporter found himself swinging from one extreme to the other, depending on his mood.

In the end, we elected to roll the dice yet again with a third host — who shall remain unnamed, but to whom we are most grateful, at least thus far. This time, we were completely open with our potential landlords about the site, letting them know what we did and how we liked to do it. They assured us that since our content is completely legal, they would be pleased to host us. Hence, Juicy Secrets Mark III.

There’s one regrettable change we elected to make, in the interest of our future survival: we have removed all the Anonymous posts, the ones that mostly feature images (legal, but lewd) of underage girls. Apologies, but our hypothesis is that these visuals have a lot more to do with getting us shut down than our fiction — and honestly, the fiction is the real reason for the existence of Juicy Secrets. The Anonymous posts were really more for amusement than anything, and they’re not crucial enough to risk losing the site over.

Now for some well-earned words of thanks. First and foremost, a colossal debt of gratitude is owed to our current site administrator Amanda Lynn. I’m not just blowing smoke when I say that Juicy Secrets would be as dead as a dinosaur’s dick without her valiant efforts to get the lights back on. She’s the reason that you’re reading this right now. Enough said.

Thanks as well to author No One, for being a true friend to the site when we needed one.

Finally, to our readers, many thanks for not giving up on Juicy Secrets. We plan to get right back to what we do best — namely, sharing our special kind of lesbian erotica with you on a regular basis. Now grab yourself a fistful of Kleenex, put a towel down where you’re sitting and go read a story!

Devotedly yours, Danny (JetBoy)


Adieu from Cheryl Taggert

  • Posted on September 18, 2018 at 9:33 am

I first must apologize for being out of contact to my friends and online family here at JS. I’ve been working on my second novel, which must be finished by the end of September. Yes, in the mainstream publishing world, there are firm deadlines. My first novel is due out sometime in early 2019. They expect it to be a moderate success at least. No, I cannot tell anyone at JS about it. That would make finding out my real identity too easy, and I am still very protective of that.

Even those I got to know well online were never told my real name. Only Naughty Mommy and JetBoy know my real first name. (No, it’s not Cheryl.) They don’t know my real last name, however. I once told someone I got to know what she thought was my real last name, but I was lying there, too. It turns out that was a good thing. She eventually tried to get me in trouble with “the authorities,” mostly because she’s mental.

Anyway, I thought I would finally come here to say my final farewell. I will be visiting the site, and I’ve been given permanent admin access because of my situation as an original founder. (Thanks, y’all!)

Anyway, here is my good-bye. It’s difficult even now months after I made the decision.

To Naughty Mommy: Thank you so much for being there for me when I needed it most. I went through some bad moments, and despite your own problems, you were always there for me. That’s really something, especially considering we’ve never met in person before. Thank you for being part of a team of what was two for asking me to join in on this endeavor. Being a part of this has been a joy. I see it is still having some possible problems, but hopefully that will all work out fine in the long run.

To Danny/JetBoy: You’ve been like the big brother I never had. I will miss you greatly. You have given me a shoulder to cry on more times than I can count. You’ve listened to me in emails as I complained about this and that, mostly inconsequential things, and you never once told me I was wrong to feel the way I did. Mostly, you never once made any stupid remarks about how I was being too emotional, which shamefully is a hallmark of some men in this world. I love you and am so happy to have known you. Thank you for joining Naughty Mommy in contacting me and asking if I wanted to be a part of this. It has been a labor of love, but I must move on now. I am saddened and thrilled at the same time.

To PoppaBear: I’ve known you longer than anyone else since deciding to write my first erotica piece when I was only nineteen. I remember that you commented to me in an email years ago, telling me how good a writer I am. You inspired me to do more, and I don’t know that I would have ever attempted to write a novel, erotica or mainstream, without your encouragement. Thank you. You’ve been wonderful. I am saddened by the personal news I only discovered today. I know all will be well with you and your family, but please know that my thoughts are with you.

To Amanda Lynn: We only had a chance to work together for a short time, but you impressed me, not only with your technical knowledge of things that totally escape me and my very right brained personality, but also your demeanor online and your writing, which is to say the least, HOT! Thank you for stepping in when you did and handling this difficult job with expertise and a style that speaks well of you. I will miss you!

And finally, to my readers: I saved you for last because you are the most important. I will always remember the encouragement you gave me as I did my best to improve my writing to entertain you, not to mention turn you on to excess! Thank you to everyone who stuck with my tome I Was the Daughter of a Porn Star. I hope you felt the long book was worth the read. It was during the writing of this book that I realized I could write a mainstream novel. Now, I have indeed done that, and found an agent who likewise found a publisher for my book. I have also managed to get several short stories published in literary journals as well, improving my writer’s resume. My stories will remain here at Juicy Secrets, and I hope you enjoy them. I know two were never finished, but perhaps one of my colleagues will decide to tackle them and finish them one day.

So while I will be a visitor here on occasion and might even put together a blog about writing to post here once in a while, I must say adieu for now. Lisa is happy for me, and we will still read the material here at what I still consider to be the best erotica site on the Internet.

It’s been a great three-plus years!

All my love,



What’s up with Juicy Secrets, you ask…?

  • Posted on September 14, 2018 at 9:43 am

by JetBoy

Dear Friends of Juicy Secrets,

It’s been a trying time and then some for our humble site, but we are still doing our best to keep Juicy Secrets alive. We thought it a good time to bring you up to date on recent developments.

As you surely know by now, we were shut down by our hosts at Kinky Blogging who, evidently, have far less freedom to be as kinky as before. They wrote to inform us that they were no longer permitting content that features erotica/sexual content about minors. Seems that they were threatened by their provider, and therefore reluctantly obliged to turf us out. So it goes.

After a frenzied search (and some agonized deliberation between us), we settled on a new host, who shall remain unnamed. It’s not been an entirely smooth process — the new site has gone dark twice since then, and we’re still unsure if it was caused by technical glitches, human error or (gulp!)  sabotage.

At any rate, Juicy Secrets is up again, hopefully for good — but please, if you do try to visit us in future and are unable to do so, don’t give up on us. If we end up shuttering the site permanently, there will be an official announcement to that effect. We’re still working hard to keep the stories (and our readers!) coming.

Now it falls to me to share a recent development that saddens us enormously: Cheryl Taggert, one of the founders of Juicy Secrets, has elected to leave us. She is embarking on a career as a published author, and is obliged to devote much more of her time to writing the kind of fiction that doesn’t have to find its home in these dark corners of the internet. We love Cheryl and her stories very much, and will miss her more than mere words can convey. Please join us in wishing her the best of fortune in this new chapter of her life.

Next, you may have noticed a shortage in new stories at Juicy Secrets, as opposed to older material earmarked for the archive. Frankly, it’s because the site isn’t running at full strength at the moment, and not just due to Cheryl’s departure. Naughty Mommy is still working to put her day-to-day life back together after having to flee her home country, and PoppaBear has been coping with some very serious family issues. Your good thoughts for them both are encouraged in a big way.

On the other hand, a vigorous round of applause should be bestowed upon our Site Manager, Amanda Lynn, who has been doing an amazing job of helping hold down the fort until we have our mojo working once more. Her labors here are worthy of Hercules, and she does it all out of love for this site.

We’ve got a couple of continuing stories still in progress, but have far less time to edit them, and our own writing projects are mostly on hold at the moment. I’ll be trying to keep a steady flow of archival and Author Unknown stories to give you a reason to visit Juicy Secrets regularly, but we may sometimes have to go an extra day or two without anything new appearing. Don’t hold it against us, dear readers.

Finally, we’d like to thank you for keeping in touch with Juicy Secrets, as well as the encouragement you’ve shown us during our time of tribulation. We’ve put years of work into making this site the best library of edgy lesbian fiction available, and have no plans to stop anytime soon. Hope you intend to stay on the journey with us.

Erotically yours, JetBoy


Giving Credit Where It’s Due

  • Posted on August 16, 2018 at 8:50 am

By Naughty Mommy

For the founders of Juicy Secrets, 2018 has been a troublesome year so far.

First, Cheryl Taggert began the year dealing with a recurrence of her cancer. We’re happy to report, however, that her treatment went well (though painfully difficult to endure) and she’s in remission again. Next, JetBoy was laid off from his job and had to search diligently for another, which he eventually found. Then I came up against the need to move my family from one country to another in Europe due to a highly unpleasant political climate. We’re still in the middle of that process. It’s going as fine as can be hoped, but is quite the upset. And then to top it all off, last month our original site host, kinky-blogging, informed us that after more than three years our content was no longer acceptable there. The site immediately went dark and we had to scramble to find another home.

Fortunately for us, some wonderful people came forward to help out during these various crises. Amanda Lynn stepped in and took over my daily chores in managing the site so I could focus on the huge challenge of relocating a household to a different nation. PoppaBear has done amazing work in editing stories for us, both new submissions and archived entries, giving JetBoy some much needed assistance in that regard. And there is one other volunteer who wishes to remain anonymous but without whom this transfer to a new site home would have been far more onerous.

It may be hard for readers to understand how much activity goes on “behind the scenes” here at Juicy Secrets. It takes many hours of effort every day to keep a website like this one going and to keep the content fresh. That’s not even counting the individual work put in by numerous talented authors in crafting their stories for you and for us.

So, in recognition of the excellent jobs being done by Amanda Lynn and PoppaBear, we’re giving them both official titles which are now posted on our About Us page. Please join in offering these two a hearty vote of thanks for their tireless labors in making Juicy Secrets what it is.


Sorry. A Word Is Required from the Comment Police.

  • Posted on July 3, 2018 at 2:14 pm

By: Cheryl Taggert

There have been a few comments lately that need to be addressed, not specifically, but in general. PLEASE read our Terms of Use, especially #7, and keep your comments geared toward the story and NOT what you wish you could do in real life to a young girl. As mentioned in the Terms of Use, we reserve the right to delete or not post any comments we find are beyond the boundaries of good taste, even when discussing our mutual fantasy. If you want to link up with someone on the website to discuss your fantasies in gory detail, be our guest. Do not, however, make short comments that cross our boundaries of keeping it non-specific in nature. We try to make our stories about having all parties giving consent to what happens. Crude comments ignore that aspect.

That’s all that needs to be said here. I was offended by some of the comments and deleted the cruder ones. Any more from the same people, and all of your comments will be deleted. More of these comments may end up being deleted, depending on the overall consensus of the admins, especially the remaining site owners.